The Impact of the Secular Traditions on the Development of the Turkish Political System


We have tried to led some light on the remarkable extension of the Ottoman model, secularism in Turkey which separates religion and the state, as well as the political party ( Republican regime) exercised firm control on the religious establishment and monopolizing Islamic activities and gathering its symbols within the institution of the bureaucratic state. Hence then we have discussed the Ottomans empire and how it had developed through their roots in Central Asia, the idea that the state will continue to maintain the so-called "Toro" or "Yasa", which is a set of laws placed directly by the Governor. The Sultans implementation of that principle required political power through the power of legislation. Mustafa Kamal, the founder of the independent turkey, was heavily influenced by the French Revolution and the French tradition of the religious institution (laisiti) is a specific type of active paid strongly secular state given the sweeping effect of the French Enlightenment philosophy and revolutionary ideals to the Kemalist "Turkey Fatta ", it is not surprising to note that one Turkish secularism have developed their own profiles are similar to the early stages of the French allisiti. We also gave some points of views towards the theoretical "strategic depth", which translated into a policy of zero problems, transferred from Turkey a country surrounded by enemies to the country surrounded by friends. The intermediary role highlighted the successes of Turkey. Turkey also known as soft power and its example simulations aim to resolve problems through dialogue, not force. Keywords: Ottoman Empire, secularism, political system, Sheikh al-Islam

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