The Trends of Employees of The Higher Council for Youth towards Globalization and Its Impacts on The Social, Economic and Political Life of Youth


This study aims at realizing the trends of employees of the higher Council for youth towards globalization and its impacts on the social, economic and political life of youth. It was applied on (1150) employees, "185" of whom were selected randomly to represent the study sample.The mechanism of such survey was prepared and submitted to a number of arbitrators specialized in this domain, and the its consistency calculated by the repetition method and reached 0.85.The Survey concluded that there is a clear impact of globalization on youth in Jordan, represented in the increase of individualism on the expense of pluralism and in the wide spread unemployment among youth. In addition, the impact of globalization was negative on the adherence of youth to social traditions and customs.The survey also showed that there are no differences in the trends of employees of the higher council for youth toward globalization, that its impacts are attributed to sex and accommodation and that there are no statistically significant differences of attributed to academic qualifications and work experiences.The survey recommended the necessity of finding means and ways to deal with youth in correspondence with the new reality and in a way maintaining social tradition and customs as well as the society and its entity, without affecting the economic, social and political freedom of the individual. Key Words: Globalization, economical, social, political, Council for youth

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