1,048 research outputs found

    A Multi-User, Single-Authentication Protocol for Smart Grid Architectures

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    open access articleIn a smart grid system, the utility server collects data from various smart grid devices. These data play an important role in the energy distribution and balancing between the energy providers and energy consumers. However, these data are prone to tampering attacks by an attacker, while traversing from the smart grid devices to the utility servers, which may result in energy disruption or imbalance. Thus, an authentication is mandatory to efficiently authenticate the devices and the utility servers and avoid tampering attacks. To this end, a group authentication algorithm is proposed for preserving demand–response security in a smart grid. The proposed mechanism also provides a fine-grained access control feature where the utility server can only access a limited number of smart grid devices. The initial authentication between the utility server and smart grid device in a group involves a single public key operation, while the subsequent authentications with the same device or other devices in the same group do not need a public key operation. This reduces the overall computation and communication overheads and takes less time to successfully establish a secret session key, which is used to exchange sensitive information over an unsecured wireless channel. The resilience of the proposed algorithm is tested against various attacks using formal and informal security analysis

    Secure Communication Architecture for Dynamic Energy Management in Smart Grid

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    open access articleSmart grid takes advantage of communication technologies for efficient energy management and utilization. It entails sacrifice from consumers in terms of reducing load during peak hours by using a dynamic energy pricing model. To enable an active participation of consumers in load management, the concept of home energy gateway (HEG) has recently been proposed in the literature. However, the HEG concept is rather new, and the literature still lacks to address challenges related to data representation, seamless discovery, interoperability, security, and privacy. This paper presents the design of a communication framework that effectively copes with the interoperability and integration challenges between devices from different manufacturers. The proposed communication framework offers seamless auto-discovery and zero- con figuration-based networking between heterogeneous devices at consumer sites. It uses elliptic-curve-based security mechanism for protecting consumers' privacy and providing the best possible shield against different types of cyberattacks. Experiments in real networking environment validated that the proposed communication framework is lightweight, secure, portable with low-bandwidth requirement, and flexible to be adopted for dynamic energy management in smart grid

    Penerapan Etika Komunikasi Islam Dalam Pembinaan Akhlak Anak Pada Keluarga Muslim Di Kecamatan Datuk Bandar Kota Tanjung BAlai

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    Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara masyarakat (orang tua) menerapkan Etika Komunikasi Islam dalam membina akhlak anak khususnya umat Islam di Kecamatan Datuk Bandar Kota Tanjung Balai. Dalam penerapan tersebut penulis ingin mengetahui respon anak setelah menerima penerapan itu, apakah mereka menerima atau tidak dan mungkin ada alternatif lain. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mengambil sumber data terdiri dari data primer yaitu berupa perbuatan dan perkataan orang tua serta data secunder yakni mendapatkan informasi dari pengakuan anak mereka. Kemudian peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan wawancara serta observasi dan menggunakan alat bantu berupa catatan. Dari hasil penelitian ini penulis berpendapat bahwa sebahagian anak mau menerima penerapan Etika Komunikasi Islam dengan baik sesuai dengan ajaran Islam., karena dari kecil orang tua mereka sudah menanamkan agama dengan baik dan orang tua tersebut dapat menjadi contoh tauladan di masyarakat. Disamping itu ada juga yang belum mau menerima karena kurang mendapatkan bimbingan agama dengan baik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pada umumnya orang tua menyampaikan Etika Komunikasi Islam dengan cara yang lemah lembut dan benar, akan tetapi pada penerimaannya diantara anak mereka ada yang menerima dengan senang hati, ada yang harus mendapatkan imbalan terlebih dahulu dan ada juga yang tidak mau menerima sama sekali

    Arabic Diglossia And Arabic As A Foregn Language: The Perception Of Students In World Learning Oman Center

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    The principle objective of this independent inquiry is to address the research question: what are the impacts of Arabic Diglossia, if any, on the experience of learners of Arabic as a foreign language? The study attempts to answer this question through the perception of a sample group of 23 learners studying Arabic as a foreign language in World Learning Oman Center in semester of Spring 2011. Diglossia is defined by linguists as a sociolinguistic phenomenon in which a particular language has two varieties, one of which is considered High and more standard and used in exclusive domains, while the other is considered Low and used for communicative purposes and may differ geographically. Arabic is seen to be one of the strongest examples of world languages that show this phenomenon operating in one written variety, Modern Standard Arabic, that is used all over the Arabic-speaking world, while multiple spoken dialects are used for communication in different Arab countries. This phenomenon is very relevant to learning Arabic as a foreign language. In the World Learning Oman center, the participants are first surveyed online. This is followed by three separate focus groups that involve all the participants partaking in the survey. Further investigation is done through three individual interviews with alumni of World Learning programs currently living in Oman. The inquiry methodology is semi-structured in a way that is focused but leaves room for themes to emerge to capture the perception of the learner. It is concluded that Arabic diglossia is indeed an impactful factor in learning Arabic as a foreign language. It is especially impactful while learning Arabic in a native country. The data proves that students of Arabic in Oman are aware of Arabic diglossia and its impact on their learning. The awareness level varies according to the language level, with awareness level going higher as the student moves up in the language level. Similar correlation is found to be true with confusion with Arabic diglossia; the higher level students coped better with this reality while lower level students tended to be confused about it. Similarly, the level of interaction with the speech community increases as the learner became more confident in handling the diglossic reality. Higher level students were more comfortable with their personal goals and focuses in learning Arabic and start to appropriately use both MSA and the dialect in different settings. Most participants agree on the value of learning both MSA and spoken dialect for the learner

    Structural behavior of composite steel beams strengthened/repaired with carbon fiber reinforced polymer plates

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    Of the approximately 600,000 bridges in the United States, more than 110,000 are either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. Causes of deterioration are attributed to the age of the structure, steady increase in legal load limits, increase in traffic density, deterioration due to environmental attack, and the lack of proper maintenance. A large number of these bridges are constructed out of structural steel. One significant cause of deterioration in these structures is corrosion due to extensive use of de-icing salts in severe winter weather. These bridges either have to be replaced or strengthened to extend their service life. In most cases, strengthening of these structures is more cost effective than replacement. Among the popular strengthening methods used in the past on steel bridges are post-tensioning and the bonding of steel plates to the tension flange of the girders. However, these methods are labor intensive and disturbance to the traffic flow is inevitable. This investigation focused on the behavior of steel composite beams strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) plates attached to their tension side. In the experimental part of this study, a total of ten beams were tested under a four-point bending; six of the beams were in the undamaged state (two control beams and four strengthened), while the remaining four beams were damaged and repaired (one control beam and three repaired). Since this technique depends on the shear strength of the adhesive, extensive instrumentation was utilized to measure shear stresses along the CFRP plate in all load ranges (i.e. elastic and inelastic); this is something that was not emphasized in the previous research available. Another contribution of this work was the study of the effect of damage on the stiffness and strength of the section as well as the effect of repair schemes in restoring both the lost stiffness and strength of the section. The test results showed a significant increase in the strength and the stiffness of the strengthened/repaired beams. To help implement this strengthening technique, a nonlinear analytical procedure was developed to predict the behavior of the section/member in the elastic, inelastic, and ultimate states. A parametric study was also conducted to investigate the effect of some of the important variables on the behavior of the composite section. In addition, damage analyses of a bridge system were completed using grillage analysis to investigate the influence of the damage in the girders on load distribution. Based on the damage analyses results, an analysis/design methodology to determine the required repair or strengthening system was developed

    The parliamentary experience in the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States : a step towards democracy; facts and ambitions

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    Literature on legislatures in developing countries shows two opposing views on their effectiveness and efficiency. In the light of these views, this study chronicles the rise of the GCC States' assemblies, focusing on their role, structure, legitimacy and mechanism, as well as their relevance and contributions to the GCC States' political system. Studying national assemblies is important for understanding the GCC democratic experience, in which the assemblies played a pivotal and positive role.This study leads to the conclusion that despite the fact that the constitutional framework of the GCC States imposes limitations on the functions of the assemblies, they laid the groundwork for institutionalising the legitimacy of the political system of the GCC States, allowing room for various groups to participate in the policy process. Indeed, the GCC parliamentary experience can be appreciated when it is viewed as part of a political system aimed to reduce GCC State's vulnerability and contain external and internal threat. However, viewing the experience in the context of the Islamic teaching and from the perspective of Western democratic principles, the relevance and contribution of the GCC States' legislatures is not only elusive and intangible, but insignificant and undemocratic


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    Adakah Suatu hal yang telah diketahui dan disepakati bersama bahwa agama Islam adalah merupakan agama motivasi, dimaa setiap muslim diwajibkan untuk menuntut ilmu. Kata Tarbiyah yang berarti pendidikan mengajak kita kepada usaha yang keras dan sungguh-sungguh dalam rangka perbaikan mengubah situasi yang lebih baik dan sempurna baik terhadap pribadi maupun masyarakat. Tulisan ini dengan bahan-bahan yang terbatas akan menyoroti secara khusus, beberapa persoalan tentang makna jihad dan problematika dalam kerangka pendidikan Islam. Urgensi pembahasan ini lebih terasa lagi setelah disadari bangkitnya kesadaran beragama kaum muslimin dimana-mana. Yang mana kemudian mendorong mereka melaksanakan perintah agama dengan sebaik-baiknya termasuk didalamnya masalah pelaksanaan jihad dan pendidikan Islam yang menjadi pokok bahasan makalah ini
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