74 research outputs found

    Some improved two-stage shrinkage testimators for the mean of normal distribution

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    In this paper, we introduced some two-stage shrinkage testimators (TSST) for the mean µ when a prior estimate µ0 of the mean µ is available from the past, by considering a feasible form of the shrinkage weight function which is used in both of the estimation stages with different quantities. The expressions for the bias, mean squared error, expected sample size and relative efficiency for the both cases when o2 known or unknown, are derived and studied. The discussion regarding the usefulness of these testimators under different situations is provided as conclusions from various numerical tables obtained from simulation results

    Some improved two-stage shrinkage testimators for the mean of normal distribution

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    In this paper, we introduced some two-stage shrinkage testimators (TSST) for the mean μ when a prior estimate μ0 of the mean μ is available from the past, by considering a feasible form of the shrinkage weight function which is used in both of the estimation stages with different quantities. The expressions for the bias, mean squared error, expected sample size and relative efficiency for the both cases when 2 known or unknown, are derived and studied. The discussion regarding the usefulness of these testimators under different situations is provided as conclusions from various numerical tables obtained from simulation results.Peer Reviewe

    Resonant and Nonresonant All-Optical Switching Devices in GaAs/GaAlAs

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    The resonant refractive and absorptive optical nonlinearity of a GaAs/GaAlAs single quantum well waveguide are characterised; hh and Ih excitons are well resolved at room temperature. The unsaturated resonant nonlinear refractive index coefficient n2 was 1.4x10e-8 cm2/W, measured using the external Mach-Zehnder interferometric technique. It has been shown that the recovery time of the resonant nonlinearity is reduced to 125 ps (1/e recovery time), by placing the single quantum well close to the top surface. All-optical switching of an integrated asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer is demonstrated and it was shown experimentally and theoretically that due to the absorption saturation, a complete switching is not possible. The nonresonant nonlinear optical properties of GaAlAs waveguide were characterised at photon energy below half the band gap

    An Accurate Performance Analysis of Hybrid Efficient and Reliable MAC Protocol in VANET under Non-saturated Conditions

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) is a technology supporting two types of applications, safety and service applications with higher and lower priorities respectively. Thereby, Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is designed to provide reliable and efficient data broadcasting based on prioritization. Different from the IEEE 1609.4 (legacy), HER-MAC protocol is a new multi-channel MAC proposed for VANETs, offering remarkable performance with regards to safety applications transmission. This paper focuses on the analysis of packet delivery ratio of the HER-MAC protocol under non-saturated conditions. 1-D and 2-D Markov chains have been developed for safety and non-safety applications respectively, to evaluate mathematically the performance of HER-MAC protocol. The presented work has taken into account the freezing of the backoff timer for both applications and the backoff stages along with short retry limit for non-safety applications in order to meet the IEEE 802.11p specifications. It highlights that taking these elements into consideration are important in modeling the system, to provide an accurate estimation of the channel access, and guarantees that no packet is served indefinitely. More precise results of the system packet delivery ratio have been yield. The probability of successful transmission and collisions were derived and used to compute the packet delivery ratio. The simulation results validate the analytical results of our models and indicate that the performance of our models outperformed the existing models in terms of the packet delivery ratio under different number of vehicles and contention window

    Centralized scheduling, routing tree in WiMAX mesh networks

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    In the last few years, demand for high speed internet access service has increased greatly so the IEEE 802.16 working group on broadband wireless access (BWA) is developing the worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) standard for wireless metropolitan area networks (MANs) which aims to provide broadband wireless last mile access, easy deployment, and high speed data rate for large spanning area. This paper propose an efficient routing and collision free centralized scheduling (CS) algorithms using single channel single transceiver system in WiMAX mesh network, which introduces the cross layer concept between the network layer and media access controller (MAC) layer. The proposed approach has improved the system performance in the aspects of scheduling length, channel utilization ratio (CUR), and the throughput of the system

    Ultrafast All-Optical Switching In Gaalas Directional-Couplers At 1.55 Mu-M Without Multiphoton Absorption

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    We demonstrate ultrafast, high throughput, all-optical switching in optimized, 2-cm-long, half- and full-beat-length nonlinear directional couplers operated at 1.55 mum, below half the band gap of Ga0.82Al0.18As. The long device length allowed the elimination of nonlinear loss and resulted in a switching peak power and energy of 85 W and 65 pJ, respectively

    Review of network routing in IEEE 802.16 WiMAX mesh networks

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    The rapid growth of high-speed multimedia services for mobile, residential and small business customers has created an increasing demand for last mile broadband access. Technologies based on 802.16 which called WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability Microwave Access) promises to deliver high data rates over large distances and deliver multimedia services and are expected to play a major role in high speed broadband delivery. Routing in Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) is challenging because of the unpredictable variations of the wireless environment. Traditional mechanisms have been proved that the routing performance would get deteriorated and ideal metrics must be explored. There are various challenges for the routing in WiMAX mesh such as delay, long transmission scheduling, and increasingly stringent Quality of Service (QoS) support and load balance and fairness limitations. The goal of this paper is to review some routing algorithms proposed by various authors for IEEE 802.16 mesh networks. This paper discusses the problem of routing for providing QoS, for minimizing interference, robustness and fairness in detail

    Constructing routing tree centralized scheduling using multi-channel system in 802.16

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    The IEEE 802.16 standard defines WiMax (worldwide interoperability for microwave access) mesh network, using the base station (BS) as a coordinator for centralized scheduling. This paper proposes a centralized scheduling algorithm by constructing routing tree in WiMax mesh network, which introduces the cross-layer concept between the media access controller (MAC) and the network layers. The interference, hop-count, spatial reuse and quality of services (QoS) guarantee are considered. In our scheme, each node has one transceiver and can be tuned between multiple channels, intending to eliminate the secondary interference. The result of analysis shows this algorithm greatly improves the length of scheduling, channel utilization ratio (CUR) and average transmission scheduling

    Limitation Due To 3-Photon Absorption On The Useful Spectral Range For Nonlinear Optics In Algaas Below Half Band-Gap

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    We report measurements of the spectral dispersion and the magnitude of three-photon absorption in Al0.18Ga0.82As for photon energies between one half and one third the band gap and show that a two-parabolic-band model is valid in this material. These results indicate that there is a limited spectral range below half the band gap in AlGaAs (and presumably all semiconductors) in which the bound electronic optical nonlinearity can be used without significant multiphoton absorption