92 research outputs found


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    Sektor haji merupakan kesempatan tahunan yang telah menjadi bisnis yang menguntungkan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, membuktikan aset keuangan yang besar bagi perekonomian kerajaan kaya minyak (keuntungan bagi kerajaan Arab Saudi). Jutaan umat Islam dari semua lapisan masyarakat telah berkumpul di Arab Saudi untuk melakukan ibadah haji yang dikenal sebagai haji (kepuasan konsumen dalam melaksanakan ibadah haji). Sehingga, untuk menjamin keamanan, kenyamanan dan keberhasilan pelaksanaan tersebut diperlukan suatu manajemen yang baik agar kejadian-kejadian layaknya peristiwa mina 2015 dapat diminimalisir


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    Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common public health concern among women worldwide, with adverse effects on their quality of life (QoL). This study aims to explore the prevalence of UI among Omani women aged 18-49 years old, and to explore the impact of UI on women\u27s daily prayers, physical activities, social life, mental health, and general QoL. The study is of quantitative comparative design, and the researcher used the World Health Organization’s (WHOs) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), as a conceptual framework. The researcher randomly chose four-hundred and one participants from ten primary health care centres in Muscat. The researcher assessed their UI status and impact on different domains of their life using UDI-6 and IIQ-7 respectively, which are validated self-reported questionnaires. From the results, the researcher highlighted the high prevalence (85%) of UI among young Omani women. Additionally, UI did have a statistically significant impact on Omani women’s ability to perform their daily prayers, physical activities, social life, mental health, as well as, their general QoL. The use of ICF framework allows policymakers and public health officials to see the big picture of UI as public health concern in Oman. It forms the basis for implementing cost-effective health education programs at the Primary Health Care (PHC) institutions in Oman, for the goal of improving women’s health and community health

    The cost of manufacturing adsorption chillers

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    OSS business licensing still encounters obstacles, including computer systems between ministries and institutions that are not well connected and very few districts/cities that have a Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR) as the basis for granting location permits. Entrepreneurs have also complained that the OSS system is difficult to access. Chairman of the Central Java Association of Indonesian Entrepreneurs (Apindo) Frans Kongi stated that there are still a number of problems with the OSS system, for example, entrepreneurs cannot access it, even though all requirements have been met.In addition, the existence of PP No. 5 of 2021 tends to violate laws (UU), especially Law No. 25 of 2007 concerning Investment (Investment Law). This was reinforced by the Chairman of Commission VI of the House of Representatives, Teguh Juwarno, who signaled a violation of the law in the establishment of the OSS Institution. The OSS Institution has emerged to take over the authority of BKPM, while the Investment Law states that investment licensing is the domain of BKPM. Another member of Commission VI of the House of Representatives, Zulfan Lindan, asked that the implementation of the OSS system be revoked because it is considered to hamper the investment process in Indonesia and there is uncertainty over the management of the OSS. All licenses should be returned to BKPM


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    Akad pada dasarnya pertemuan antara para pihak, yang di mana salah satu pihak mengajukan penawaran (ijab) dan pihak lain memberikan jawaban persetujuan atas tanggapan dari penawaran tersebut (kabul), dalam bentuk pernyataan kehendak masing-masing pihak yang tidak berhubungan satu sama lain. Tujuannya menimbulkan akibat hukum pada objek yang diakadkan oleh kedua belah pihak. Salah satu pengimplementasian akad dalam dunia perbankan syariah adanya bentuk kerjasama dengan menggunakan akad mudharabah atau yang sering dikenal dengan istilah sistem bagi hasil. Mengingat, akad menimbulkan akibat hukum bagi kedua belah pihak, maka para pihak harus cermat di dalam memahami isi akad. Sehingga, kedepannya tidak menimbulkan persoalan yang dapat merugikan salah satu pihak. Dengan demikian, sangatlah penting untuk diketahui bagaimana penerapan akad mudharabah dalam praktik perbankan syariah agar persoalan-persoalan yang timbul di antara kedua belah pihak dapat diminimalisir dan tidak ada yang dirugikan

    Constraints of non-oil-related SMEs’ access to bank funding: credit discouragement incidents in oil-based economy

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    Oil continues to be the primary engine for Oman’s economic growth and sustainability. The growth of revenue from oil has had a positive impact on economic development and social welfare since its discovery in the 1960s. However, the oil market is vulnerable to global price volatility and from depletion, both of which would have an adverse impact on economy growth. The current sharp reduction of the global market price for oil has forced Oman’s policymakers to seek to increase the contribution of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to its gross domestic product. Banks are the main source of finance for SMEs in Oman to expand. But because of the risks associated with the opacity of SMEs, banks seem reluctant to lend these firms, with the share of lending comprising only 3% of the total bank loan portfolio. Previous studies of the financial constraints encountered by SMEs have largely focused on the supply-side, hence little is known about this issue from the demand-side perspective. The aim of this study is to examine the role of demand constraints on access to bank finance. Specifically, the study investigates the influences of firm-level strategy, banking relationships, and the characteristics of the primary owners of firms and firm-level characters on entrepreneurs’ decisions over borrowing - are firms discouraged from borrowing? Using primary data from a research survey, the study estimates the maximum likelihood of firms’ ability to access finance from banks. The findings reveal that compared to applicant firms, discouraged firms that thought their application would be rejected are those that hold a long relationship for more than 6 years with their main bank, Omani-fronted businesses, and those operate in service and trade activities. The empirical analyses confirms that the discouragement determinants are the opposite of those of firms that have been willing to access banks for credit when required. The results also indicated that banks still rely on collateral and the interest rate to alleviate the problem of lack information even if firms show a good performance in their previous sales growth. This could be attributed to imperfect information, unregulated banking relationships and the impact of the oil economy downturn on banking liquidity. For a policy perspective this research suggests that in order to address information asymmetry within non-oil-related SME sector the Central Bank of Oman should include an SME database within the Banking Credit Statistical Bureau (BCSB) to facilitate information exchange in the market as well as enhancing banking relationships

    Pengaruh Kolkisin pada Stomata Daun Dendrobium

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    This study aims to determine the effect of colchicine on the stomata of dendrobium orchids. This research method is quantitative. This research used 2 factorial RAK where the first factor was the variety treatment consisting of dendrobium venus purple algis (ALG) and dendrobium transient pink frederika (FRD). The second factor, namely the colchicine concentration treatment, consisted of control (0 ppm), 4000 ppm, 5000 ppm and 6000 ppm. The research parameters observed were stomata density, stomata length and width. The results showed that dendrobium orchid varieties FRD and ALG were treated with several concentrations of colchicine with the average parameters of open stomata, stomata density, length and width of somata not significantly different from each treatment or control. Colchicine still does not appear to have an effect on the stomata of the FRD and ALG varieties of dendrobium orchids. Based on observations of the stomata, the average length of the stomata at each concentration is still not classified as diploid because it is <1.25x the length of the control stomata. In conclusion, the observed parameters have no effect or are significantly different.   Keywords: Dendrobium Orchid, Colchicine, Stomat

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Database Burung Kicau Berbasis Android

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    The hobby of maintain bird is famous in each level of Indonesian society. This situation is supported by the more frequent songbirds contest. . It has inspired people to get and to maintain birds that can chirp beautifully. This phenomenon has an impact on people who are not fans of chirping birds who wants to maintain and to search information about it, but all of the information is limited. The purpose of this research is to make it easier looking for information about chirping birds, through android application which is globally and can be accessed at any time. The Chirping Birds Database Application Based on Android was developed using the waterfall method and was built using PHP and mysql as its database management system. The method for data collection is documentation by searching in the internet and books, while to test the application is used black box method. Black box method is used to fix error and shortage of application, so it can be better. The results of this study are android applications that can be accessed online and accommodate information about chirping birds. Testing applications for prospective users is done by filling out the questionnaire and calculated using a Likert scale, the average results obtained are 85.12%. Based on the results of testing applications made it can be concluded that the application meets the purpose of making the application and is appropriate in meeting the needs of users
