Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Database Burung Kicau Berbasis Android


The hobby of maintain bird is famous in each level of Indonesian society. This situation is supported by the more frequent songbirds contest. . It has inspired people to get and to maintain birds that can chirp beautifully. This phenomenon has an impact on people who are not fans of chirping birds who wants to maintain and to search information about it, but all of the information is limited. The purpose of this research is to make it easier looking for information about chirping birds, through android application which is globally and can be accessed at any time. The Chirping Birds Database Application Based on Android was developed using the waterfall method and was built using PHP and mysql as its database management system. The method for data collection is documentation by searching in the internet and books, while to test the application is used black box method. Black box method is used to fix error and shortage of application, so it can be better. The results of this study are android applications that can be accessed online and accommodate information about chirping birds. Testing applications for prospective users is done by filling out the questionnaire and calculated using a Likert scale, the average results obtained are 85.12%. Based on the results of testing applications made it can be concluded that the application meets the purpose of making the application and is appropriate in meeting the needs of users

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