92 research outputs found

    Students’ perception of the Service Quality Gaps of Omantel Company using SERVQUAL Model

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    Purpose of the study: The objective of the study is to determine the impact of service quality gaps in the telecommunications industry in Oman, through critically analyzing the differences between the expectations and perceptions in relates to tangibility, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study used the SERVQUAL model to calculate the existing quality of service of the telecommunication company operating in the Sultanate of Oman and to know the differences between expectations and perceptions of the quality of services provided to the customers by Omantel Company. The sampling used in this study was convenient sampling adopted through a questionnaire where the size of the sample was 150 which was randomly selected from the students of different faculties at Sohar University. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program. Findings: The findings of the research study revealed that there exists a negative relationship between the customer perceptions and expectations and the difference in the scores between the two sets of variables is in favor of the expectations of the respondents in relates to Omantel services. The reliability factor had the largest difference between the two sets of variables and the tangibles factor had the smallest difference. Research Implications: The results of this study help Omantel Company to strategically develop service quality in the areas of assurance, empathy, and responsiveness and to understand how consumers view the quality of the service, and to help the organization track and sustain quality service. Originality/value:  The research was performed in the rapidly increasing telecom service industry, which is experiencing dramatic changes over time and is making concentrated efforts to keep up with unparalleled, ground-breaking advances in technology. This research can be extended to other sectors of the market

    Encoding Motion Cues for Pedestrian Path Prediction in Dense Crowd Scenarios

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    Pedestrian path prediction is an emerging topic in the crowd visual analysis domain, notwithstanding its practical importance in many respects. To date, the few contributions in the literature proposed quite straightforward approaches, and only a few of them have taken into account the interaction between pedestrians as a paramount cue in forecasting their potential walking preferences in a given scene. Moreover, the typical trend was to evaluate the proposed algorithms on sparse scenarios. To cope with more realistic cases, in this paper, we present an efficient approach for pedestrian path prediction in densely crowded scenes. The proposed approach initiates by extracting motion features related to the target pedestrian and his/her neighbors. Second, in order to further increase the representativeness of the extracted motion cues, an autoencoder feature learning model is considered, whose outcome finally feeds a Gaussian process regression prediction model to infer the potential future trajectories of the target pedestrians given their walking records in the scene. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework scores plausible results and outperforms traditional methods in the literature

    Therapeutic Properties of Vanadium Complexes

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    Vanadium is a hard, silver-grey transition metal found in at least 60 minerals and fossil fuel deposits. Its oxide and other vanadium salts are toxic to humans, but the toxic effects depend on the vanadium form, dose, exposure duration, and route of intoxication. Vanadium is used by some life forms as an active center in enzymes, such as the vanadium bromoperoxidase of ocean algae and nitrogenases of bacteria. The structure and biochemistry of vanadate resemble those of phosphate, hence vanadate can be regarded as a phosphate competitor in a variety of biochemical enzymes such as kinases and phosphatases. In this review, we describe the biochemical pathways regulated by vanadium compounds and their potential therapeutic benefits for a range of disorders including type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and microbial pathology

    58. Double coronary balloon angioplasty of the aorta in an infant

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    We are reporting the first case of double coronary balloon usage in infants. A 10 weeks old male infant underwent successful surgical repair for severe coarctation of the aorta at the age of 14 days with end to end anastamosis. Later on, developed significant symptomatic recoarctation. During cardiac catheterization, the narrowed segment appeared long. He did not respond to a pliable low pressure balloon dilatation. Because of the weight of the infant (4.0 kg) and to avoid vascular injury we elected to use 2 high pressure coronary balloons through one 4F sheath. The procedure was successful with drop in pressure gradient from 30 mmHg to 3 mmHg, and significant angiographic improvement. Nine months post procedure there was no recoarctation and the infant is stable, asymptomatic and thriving well. Conclusion: high pressure coronary balloons can be used safely and effectively in small infants to avoid the use of larger introducers and hence avoid arterial vascular injury

    Risk factors of post-hemithyroidectomy hypothyroidism

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    Introduction: Hemithyroidectomy is one of the most frequently performed procedures often associated with complications, among which hypothyroidism is the most common. However, the risk factors for post hemithyroidectomy hypothyroidism are still unclear. Objectives: To assess the incidence, risk factors and time taken to develop hypothyroidism after hemithyroidectomy. Methods: A retrospective chart review of patients who underwent hemithyroidectomy between 2004 and 2012 in two different hospitals was performed. Patients were analyzed for age, gender, weight, height, body mass index (BMI), previous medical history and histological findings. The incidence of post hemithyroidectomy hypothyroidism was determined based on the thyroid stimulating hormone levels during the postoperative period. Results: From a total of 213 patients, 83 met our inclusion criteria; 67 (80.7%) were women and 16 (19.3%) were men. Thirty-seven (45%) patients developed biochemical hypothyroidism postoperatively whereas 46 patients remained euthyroid (55%). The time taken to develop hypothyroidism was variable. Twenty-four (61.5%) of 37 patients developed hypothyroidism within the first 3 months postoperatively. There were no significant differences in gender, age, BMI, history of diabetes mellitus, the presence of thyroiditis in histopathological examination and postoperative pathologies between the postoperative hypothyroid and euthyroid groups. Conclusions: Our results showed a high overall incidence of hypothyroidism following hemithyroidectomy (45%). As the majority of the patients in the hypothyroid group (70.3%) developed hypothyroidism within the first 6 months of post surgery, frequent thyroid function testing in the first 6 months, may help in initiating the treatment before the patient becomes symptomatic. We demonstrated that there are no predictive risk factors for post hemithyroidectomy hypothyroidism

    53. Bilateral ductal stenting for nonconfluent pulmonary arteries in a newborn

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    Bilateral PDA dependent pulmonary circulation with right and left pulmonary artery discontinuity is very rare. Limited data available for bilateral PDA stenting. Bilateral PDA stenting in nonconfluent pulmonary arteries is challenging procedure but can be considered as an option in the management of complex conditions like this. 12 days old Preterm (36 weeks gestation) male baby with birth weight of 2.6 kg developed respiratory distress with severe cyanosis and desaturation upto 50%. Baby was intubated and started on Prostaglandin 0.05 mic/kg/mt. His saturation improved to 80%. Echocardiogram showed complex cyanotic heart disease, Situs ambiguous, dextrocardia, complete unbalanced AV septal defect, pulmonary atresia , nonconfluent small branch pulmonary arteries supplied by the bilateral patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) from right aortic arch and all four pulmonary veins form a confluence and drain into superior vena cava(SVC )through vertical vein with no obstruction. Baby was taken up for PDA stenting. descending aortogram showed right aortic arch with vertical tortuous duct to right pulmonary artery (RPA) and another short duct with acute angle from left subclavian artery to left pulmonary artery (LPA ). Both ducti stented with coronary stents. Vertical vein angiogram showed both lungs drain to a confluence and then to SVC via ascending vertical vein with no obstruction. After stenting lung perfusion improved and the baby was stable and maintained 80% saturation on room air. Bilateral PDA dependent pulmonary circulation with right and left pulmonary artery discontinuity is very rare. Our case is unique with Heterotaxy, TAPVC, Dextrocardia and double ducti. Eventhough bilateral ductal stenting is technically challenging it is successful through femoral artery approach
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