86 research outputs found

    The Role of Attitudes toward Local Product in Green Marketing Strategy: Evidence from Muslim Consumers

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    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has increasingly aroused the awareness of companies towards environmental issues. The company began to make changes in energy utility to reduce environmental impacts, including its marketing pattern. In addition, the issue of the government's campaign to love local products has also influenced consumer purchase intention. For this reason, this study aims to examine the impact of green marketing strategy (GMS) variables, which are green advertising and green brand image, and the attitudes toward local products as the moderating role, on Muslim purchase intention. This study used the partial least square–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method. The data collected from 89 Muslim consumers in Banjarmasin, Indonesia, were processed using SmartPLS. This study uncovered that both GMS variables significantly affected the consumers’ purchase intention. However, this study also found that the attitude toward local products did not moderate the relationship between the two previous variables on purchase intention, but it significantly affected consumers’ purchase intention directly

    Prediksi Jumlah Kunjungan Wisatawan Kabupaten Lombok Barat Menggunakan Algoritma Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)

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    Kabupaten Lombok Barat merupakan salah satu wilayah di Indonesia yang memiliki daya tarik tersendiri bagi wisatawan lokal maupun internasional. Salah satu sektor yang paling terdampak besar terhadap intensitas kunjungan wisata adalah hotel. Untuk meningkatkan diperlukan upaya yang tepat untuk memelihara objek wisata sehingga dapat menjadi daya tarik bagi wisatawan. Dalam upaya pemeliharaan objek wisata, Dinas Pariwisata Lombok Barat perlu melakuakan analisa dan prediksi kedatangan wisatawan lokal maupun internasional, dalam prosesnya analisa dan prediksi, pemerintah kabupaten Lombok Barat melakukan pengumpulan data kunjungan wisatawan dari setiap pintu masuk objek wisata yang dimana pada prosesnya memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama dan membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang cukup tinggi. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dilakukan proses prediksi menggunakan sistem komputasi dengan machine learning agar nantinya waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam analisa dan prediksi menjadi lebih singkat dan kebutuhan akan sumber daya manusia yang tinggi bisa teratasi. Metode yang akan diterapkan dalam prediksi adalah Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), atribut dan nilai yang digunkan dalam model LSTM adalah nilai input layer 1, lalu nilai epochs 100 dan batch size 1, berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini, Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) memiliki performa yang kurang baik dalam memprediksi jumlah kunjungan wisata kabupaten Lombok Barat menggunakan data rentang waktu bulanan dari tahun 2017-2021, hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil uji evaluasi yang dilakukan dengan mencari nilai Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), dimana hasil model prediksi akan dikatakan baik jika memiliki nilai error yang lebih kecil. dimana nilai Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) yang dihasil dalam penelitian ini cukup tinggi yaitu 10479,30

    Analisis Sifat Fisika Tanah Akibat Lintasan dan Bajak Traktor Roda Empat

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    Abstrak. Pengolahan tanah sangat penting dalam pengendalian pemadatan tanah sebagai tindakan yang menentukan kelanjutan usaha tani pada lahan kering. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan sifat fisika dan mekanika tanah akibat penggunaan traktor dengan menggunakan bajak dan tanpa bajak pada uji lintasan traktor serta mengetahui performansi traktor pada pengolahan tanah. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang uji lintasan dan performansi traktor roda empat terhadap analisis sifat fisika dan mekanika tanah pada lahan kering.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan Juni sampai Agustus 2011, dengan menggunakan metode Rancangan Petak Terbagi (RPB) pola faktorial yang terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor yang diteliti adalah dan bajak. Dengan demikian diperoleh 6 kombinasi perlakuan, dan setiap perlakuan dilakukan 3 kali ulangan, sehingga terdapat 18 satuan unit percobaan. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pengaruh lintasan dan bajak secara interaksi berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air tanah dengan nilai tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan tanpa dilintasi dengan bajak (20,33 %), berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap plastisitas dimana nilai tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan 3 kali lintasan  dengan bajak (32,33 %). Faktor bajak berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap permeabilitas, bobot isi, kadar air, porositas dan plastisitas tanah. Faktor lintasan hanya berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap permeabilitas, bobot isi, dan porositas, sedangkan kadar air dan plastisitas tidak berpengaruh nyata.Analysis of Soil Physical to Flash and Plow of Four Wheeled TractorAbstract. Soil tillage is very important in controlling soil compaction as a decisive action of sustainable farming on dry land. Hence, it was needed to do a research in trail and performance of a four-wheeled tractor on physical and mechanical characteristics of dry land soil. The objectives of this experiment were to study the changes of physical and mechanical characteristics of soil due to uses of a tractor with and without a plow on a tractor trail test and to reckon tractor performances on tillage preparation. The study was conducted from June to August 2011, using a Split Plot Design with a factorial pattern, consisting of two factors. Factors studied were(1) trail, consisting of no trail, 1 xtrail, and 3 xtrails (2) plow, consisting of without plow and with plow. Therefore, there were six combinations, and each treatment was repeated 3 times, so that there were 18 experimental units. Results showed that trail and plow exerted a significant interaction on soil water content with the highest value in the combination of no trail with plow (20,33%), exerted a highly significant interaction on plasticity with the highest value found in a combination of 3 trails with plow (32,33%), while exerted no significant interaction on the other variables. Plow exerted highly significant effects on permeability, bulk, water content, porosity and soil plasticity. Trail exerted highly significant effects on permeability, bulk, and porosity, but exerted no significant effect on water content and plasticity


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    Abstract Parikan is a kind of poetry that has up consists of four arrays, each array consisting of four syllables. The first and secon d array is sampiran, while the third and fourth array is the content, as well as the guru song first array with the third array and the second array is equal to the fourth array. Parikan similar to the poem in Indonesian literature. Parikan are identic with the Java language, especially the use of typical alkaline parikan Suroboyoan, has now appeared in various shows and med ia. One of the communications media of the most interesting and most widely reaching throughout society is the print media. Parikan one that appears in the print media is on the rubric Coffee parikan Giras present each year at the Jawa Pos daily. parikan that appear on the rubric is a medium for bersilahturahmi. Parikan itself usually contains advice, satire, humor, lore. In thi s study, parikan will be assessed in terms of aesthetic. By focusing on the problems of (1) the aesthetic value of the rubric C offee Giras diction in terms of accuracy, (2) the aesthetic value of the rubric Coffee Giras in terms of style. The purpose of this study was (1) to describe the aesthetic value of the rubric Coffee parikan Giras diction in terms of accuracy, (2) describe the aesthetic value of the rubric Coffee parikan Giras measured in terms of style. The data in this study in the form of aesthetic value includes the value of aesthetics in terms of precision of diction and style aesthetic value. Sources of data in this study on the rubric of parikan Jawa Pos Daily Coffee Giras August-September issue of 2012. Data collection techniques used in this study documentation. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative techniques, using qualitative descriptive technique works step is to describe an object, phenomenon terjewantah in a narrative writing. That is, data collected by the form of words rather than numbers. Large number of facts and data is stored in the form of documentation materials. Based on the analysis of data it can be concluded that the aesthetic value Parikan Lebaran on Rubric Coffee Giras Jawa Pos Daily Edition August to September 2012 to study the accuracy stilistika which includes the use of diction and style indicated the use of connotative meaning in parikan widths. Connotative meanings that exist in parikan arise as a result of social attitudes, personal attitudes and additional criteria imposed on a conceptual meaning. While the style of the language on the parikan only within the scope of rhetorical style, rhetorical style is a style that is merely a deviation from the usual construction to achieve a certain effect with use of the meaning expressed directly. Rhetorical style consists of 21 kinds of style, but the study found the use of fo rce five languages, ranging from stylistic Alliteration, assonance style, style, Asidenton, style and style Polisidenton Ellipsis. So the style that is in theory not all there in the rubric parikan Coffee Giras, while for patterns generated prosody rubric parikan on Coffee Giras varied widely used pattern and produce a beautiful sound aesthetic values heard. Then the overall aesthetic value parikan on Jawa Pos Daily is beautiful and easy to understand its contents. Key Word : Aesthetic value, parikan, diction, styl


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    Abstract Parikan is a kind of poetry that has up consists of four arrays, each array consisting of four syllables. The first and secon d array is sampiran, while the third and fourth array is the content, as well as the guru song first array with the third array and the second array is equal to the fourth array. Parikan similar to the poem in Indonesian literature. Parikan are identic with the Java language, especially the use of typical alkaline parikan Suroboyoan, has now appeared in various shows and med ia. One of the communications media of the most interesting and most widely reaching throughout society is the print media. Parikan one that appears in the print media is on the rubric Coffee parikan Giras present each year at the Jawa Pos daily. parikan that appear on the rubric is a medium for bersilahturahmi. Parikan itself usually contains advice, satire, humor, lore. In thi s study, parikan will be assessed in terms of aesthetic. By focusing on the problems of (1) the aesthetic value of the rubric C offee Giras diction in terms of accuracy, (2) the aesthetic value of the rubric Coffee Giras in terms of style. The purpose of this study was (1) to describe the aesthetic value of the rubric Coffee parikan Giras diction in terms of accuracy, (2) describe the aesthetic value of the rubric Coffee parikan Giras measured in terms of style. The data in this study in the form of aesthetic value includes the value of aesthetics in terms of precision of diction and style aesthetic value. Sources of data in this study on the rubric of parikan Jawa Pos Daily Coffee Giras August-September issue of 2012. Data collection techniques used in this study documentation. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative techniques, using qualitative descriptive technique works step is to describe an object, phenomenon terjewantah in a narrative writing. That is, data collected by the form of words rather than numbers. Large number of facts and data is stored in the form of documentation materials. Based on the analysis of data it can be concluded that the aesthetic value Parikan Lebaran on Rubric Coffee Giras Jawa Pos Daily Edition August to September 2012 to study the accuracy stilistika which includes the use of diction and style indicated the use of connotative meaning in parikan widths. Connotative meanings that exist in parikan arise as a result of social attitudes, personal attitudes and additional criteria imposed on a conceptual meaning. While the style of the language on the parikan only within the scope of rhetorical style, rhetorical style is a style that is merely a deviation from the usual construction to achieve a certain effect with use of the meaning expressed directly. Rhetorical style consists of 21 kinds of style, but the study found the use of fo rce five languages, ranging from stylistic Alliteration, assonance style, style, Asidenton, style and style Polisidenton Ellipsis. So the style that is in theory not all there in the rubric parikan Coffee Giras, while for patterns generated prosody rubric parikan on Coffee Giras varied widely used pattern and produce a beautiful sound aesthetic values heard. Then the overall aesthetic value parikan on Jawa Pos Daily is beautiful and easy to understand its contents. Key Word : Aesthetic value, parikan, diction, styl

    The Role of Attitudes toward Local Product in Green Marketing Strategy: Evidence from Muslim Consumers

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    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has increasingly aroused the awareness of companies towards environmental issues. The company began to make changes in energy utility to reduce environmental impacts, including its marketing pattern. In addition, the issue of the government's campaign to love local products has also influenced consumer purchase intention. For this reason, this study aims to examine the impact of green marketing strategy (GMS) variables, which are green advertising and green brand image, and the attitudes toward local products as the moderating role, on Muslim purchase intention. This study used the partial least square–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method. The data collected from 89 Muslim consumers in Banjarmasin, Indonesia, were processed using SmartPLS. This study uncovered that both GMS variables significantly affected the consumers’ purchase intention. However, this study also found that the attitude toward local products did not moderate the relationship between the two previous variables on purchase intention, but it significantly affected consumers’ purchase intention directly

    Pengaruh Penambahan Dynamic Stretching Pada Lower Extremity Muscles Sebelum Sprint Training Terhadap Kecepatan Lari Sprint 100 Meter Pada Siswa Sekolah Sepak Bola Di Kota Salatiga

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    Latar Belakang: Lari adalah frekuensi langkah yang dipercepat sehingga pada waktu berlari ada kecenderungan badan melayang. Lari jarak pendek (sprint) adalah lari yang menempuh jarak 60 meter sampai 400 meter. Sprint training adalah suatu latihan yang dilakukan dalam waktu singkat, dikerjakan berulangulang dengan intensitas yang relatif tinggi. Dynamic stretching adalah penguluran dengan kuat dan cepat yang dilakukan dalam kecepatan dan intensitas penguluran yang tinggi dengan karakteristik gerakan yang memantul sehingga berpengaruh pada ROM sendi. Kecepatan dalam lari jarak pendek (sprint) adalah hasil kontraksi yang kuat dan cepat dari otot-otot yang dirubah menjadi gerakan halus dan efisien dan sangat dibutuhkan bagi pelari untuk mendapatkan kecepatan yang tinggi. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui pengaruh dan beda pengaruh antara sprint training dengan penambahan dynamic stretching pada lower extremity muscles sebelum sprint training terhadap kecepatan lari jarak pendek (sprint) 100 meter pada siswa sekolah sepak bola di Kota Salatiga. Metodelogi Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi experiment dengan pre and post test two group design. Sampel berjumlah 20 orang dengan pemberian perlakuan sebanyak 2 kali dalam seminggu selama 4 minggu. Kecepatan lari jarak pendek diukur dengan menggunakan stopwatch dengan satuan detik. Hasil: Hasil uji pengaruh sprint training menunjukkan nilai p-value sebesar 0,005 < 0,05. Hasil uji pengaruh dynamic stretching dan sprint training menunjukkan nilai p-value sebesar 0,005 < 0,05. Hasil uji beda pengaruh menunjukkan nilai pvalue sebesar 0,000 < 0,05. Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh sprint training terhadap kecepatan lari jarak pendek (sprint) 100 meter. Ada pengaruh penambahan dynamic stretching pada lower extremity muscles sebelum sprint training terhadap kecepatan lari jarak pendek (sprint) 100 meter. Ada beda pengaruh antara pemberian dynamic stretching pada lower extremity muscles sebelum sprint training dengan hanya pemberian sprint training terhadap kecepatan lari jarak pendek (sprint) 100 meter

    Game Burung Rangkong Terbang Sebagai Pengenalan Satwa Liar Burung Yang Dilindungi Di Indonesia

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    Birds are one of the types of wild animals in nature whose diversity continues to grow. Based on the records of Burung Indonesia in 2017, there were 1769 bird species identified in the country, from the previous 1672 species. Apart from catch and trade, deforestation is one of the factors that greatly affects the threat status of bird populations in nature. An example of the species affected is the hornbill due to habitat destruction and forest encroachment actions that continue to occur, since 2015 the status of this bird has skyrocketed to critical until now. Apart from encroachment and conversion of forests into plantations, the hornbill has also become an international trade commodity and is massively hunted in its natural habitat. Various threats that may occur due to reduced forest and biodiversity will have an impact on the hornbill. One of the conservation efforts is to introduce the hornbill species of wildlife to the community. The Flying Hornbill Game is a 2D game with an action game genre that requires players to use reflexes, accuracy, and the right timing to complete a challenge. as a result of the player's score. This study applies the Game Design Document (GDD) method in building a flying hornbill game application as a means of introducing protected hornbill to the public

    Analyze and Record a Series of Corporate Sales Transactions On Web Based Accounting Online System

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    In the economic activities of the company can not be separated from the name of the process of sales and purchases. Especially in the company's accounting system sales process does not escape become part of the system. That's because sales become vital to prosper the company's welfare. As a financial revenue source in the company the sales process must be analyzed and recorded in real time whether wherever and whenever. As an anticipatory action to reduce the crime of financial acts such as manipulation at the company so as not to cause big losses to the company and result in bankruptcy of the company. Use of Web Based Accounting Online System or commonly known WBAOS it can all be done easily. Starting from analyzing company sales to record sales. This is considered very effective if using an accounting system that is still offline and more efficient of course

    Potential of L-fucose isolated from Brown Seaweeds as Promising Natural Emulsifier compare to Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC)

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    L-fucose has been understood as sulfated polysaccharides and it could be extracted and fractionated from brown algae. These polysaccharides contains carbohydrate, sulfate, and protein that may be used as emulsifier. This research was aimed to study the emulsification properties of L-fucose through the determination of total dissolved solids (TDS), color CIE L*a*b* and stability of oil-in-water emulsion. As much as 0.5% of high concentrated L-fucose and 0.5% of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) were used as emulsifier in a 10% (v/v) oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion. The emulsifier was added to O/W emulsions and then heated at 72°C. Result of stability emulsion and TDS showed that L-fucose was comparable to the CMC but remarkable changed the color of O/W emulsion. Heating process significantly reduced the stability O/W emulsion when L-fucose was applied. As conclusion, L-fucose might be used as natural emulsifier in O/W emulsion but in the low heat treatment of food processing. This study may provide valuable information for utilizing natural emulsifier from abundant resources from nature
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