151 research outputs found


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    FAROQ AL ANBARI 2015ABSTRAKMOTIVASI MANTAN KEUCHIK MENCALONKAN DIRI MENJADI ANGGOTA LEGISLATIF TAHUN 2014 Di KABUPATEN BIREUENFakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Syiah Kuala (xii, 60), pp., bibl., app. (Dr. Syarifuddin Hasyim, SH, M.Hum. dan Dr. Effendi Hasan, MA.)Pemilu Legislatif 2014 di Kabupaten Bireuen terdapat 17 orang mantan keuchik mencalonkan diri menjadi anggota legislatif. 6 orang di antaranya terpilih menjadi anggota parlemen Bireuen. fenomena ini berlangsung dan menarik untuk ditelusuri lebih lanjut terkait motivasi mantan keuchik mencalonkan diri menjadi anggota legislatif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui motivasi mantan keuchik mencalonkan diri menjadi anggota legislatif Kabupaten Bireuen, dan alasan yang melatar belakangi masyarakat untuk memilih mantan keuchik yang terpilih menjadi anggota legislatif. Data yang diperlukan dalam penulisan skripsi ini diperoleh melalui penelitian kualitatif yang didapatkan melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan lapangan. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara membaca buku teks, serta bacaan yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini, sedangkan penelitian lapangan diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara dengan beberapa informan yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi mantan keuchik mencalonkan diri menjadi anggota legislatif adalah memperjuangkan aspirasi masyarakat, memperjuangkan aspirasi keuchik, memperbaiki sistem dan terakhir dikarenakan pengalaman berpartisipasi serta ajakan dari partai pengusung. Kemudian, alasan masyarakat memilih mantan keuchik yang terpilih menjadi anggota legislatif adalah: kedekatan emosional, fanatisme terhadap partai, faktor kinerja yang memuaskan dan adanya kesepakatan serta money politic. Disarankan kepada para mantan keuchik yang terpilih agar motivasi mereka tersebut harus direalisasikan yaitu dengan beberapa program pro rakyat yang dapat mereka aspirasikan nantinya, dan kepada pemilih harus lebih cerdas dalam memilih seorang kandidat dalam pemilu legislatif. hal ini juga otomatis akan menekan terjadinya politik uang dalam pemilu, dimana hal tersebut dapat mencederai prinsip-prinsip pemilu.Kata Kunci : Motivasi, Mantan Keuchik, Anggota Legislatif

    The Concept of Freedom in Islam ‎and the Foundations of Social ‎Upbringing

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    The freedom in Islam is considered as a fundamental aspect which can determines the social ‎char-acteristics and according to the Islam law, the social treating can make a man in a sage ‎side and put him in a good society. Before Islam, a lot of social relations couldn\u27t fulfil an ideal ‎society in whit an individual couldn\u27t find himself. In third society a lot of noble and ‎fundamental aspects where absent, therefore the new believe concentrated on the most ‎correct open minded equalization and giving the right to the science and education fields. Also, ‎this new society confirmed the labor and cooperation. So, in order to make human beings treat ‎and communicate in - such society, the need freedom. Finally, the freedom in Islam fixed and ‎established the base of the relationships between the authority and people depending on what ‎our prophet Mohammed (God bless him) confirms the principle of consultatio

    Mit Potenzialanalysen die richtigen Verwaltungsdienstleistungen digitalisieren

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    Bei der „Potenzialanalyse zur Digitalisierung von Verwaltungsdiensten nach außen“ werden alle Dienstleistungen der Behörde für Umwelt und Energie (BUE) und der Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen (BSW), die beide aus der ehemaligen Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt (BSU) hervorgingen, mit und ohne verwaltungsrechtlicher Außenwirkung, deren Eignung für eine prozessoptimierte Nutzbarkeit von E-Government-Angeboten gegeben ist, erfasst und ausgewertet. Dies soll unter Beachtung von Bundes- und Landesrecht sowie dem sogenannten Leistungskatalog der öffentlichen Verwaltung (LeiKa) erfolgen, der vom Bund in Zusammenarbeit mit den Ländern erstellt wird. Geprüft werden sollen jeweils eine mögliche Nutzung bestehender Infrastrukturlösungen der FHH oder eigens dafür bereitgestellter technischer Lösungen der eigenen oder anderer Fachbehörden, des Bundes, anderer Länder oder öffentlicher Einrichtungen. Das Ziel der Potenzialanalyse besteht darin • Verwaltungsdienste zu ermitteln, welche sich für die Steigerung der Attraktivität von Online-Diensten und der Anzahl von medienbruchfreien Serviceprozessen eignen, um zunehmend mehr Bürgerinnen und Bürger für diese Art der Kommunikation mit der Verwaltung zu gewinnen • die Entwicklung und Bereitstellung von Online-Dienstleistungen zu professionalisieren. Dabei sollen die Prozesse zukünftig zur Arbeitsentlastung in den Fachbereichen und somit zur Kostensenkungen führen. Im Fokus stehen eine höhere Servicequalität und ein effizienterer Ressourcenverbrauch • potenzielle Online-Verfahren zu identifizieren, kritisch zu analysieren, zu dokumentieren und auf eine Neustrukturierung der Abläufe bei Nutzung einer digitalen Lösung zu überprüfen. Identifizierte Verwaltungsdienste sind nach Priorität, Kosten/Nutzen und möglicher technischer Lösung zu katalogisierten. Dabei sind möglichst viele Dienstleistungen in unterschiedlichen „Unterstützungsgraden“ für den Bürger und die Wirtschaft zu erfassen. Es ist nicht zwingend notwendig, komplette Lösungen z.B. im Sinne einer vollständigen Integration in ein bestehendes Fachverfahren mit automatischer abschließender Bearbeitung von Fällen zu konzipieren. Das Lösungsspektrum kann von der Bereitstellung eines Formulars bis hin zu einer Kommunikation zwischen Bürger und Verwaltung mit abschließender Bearbeitung reichen Bei der Identifizierung der Prozesse soll jede Option denkbar sein, von der Nutzung des sog. „Antrags- und Fallmanagements“, über die Einführung von bereits bestehenden Lösungen, bis hin zur Eigenentwicklung. Unter Berücksichtigung relevanter Qualitäts- und Kostenaspekte soll die günstigste Lösung für die Umsetzung und den Betrieb vorgeschlagen werden

    Role of betahistine in glycemic control of obese subjects: a placebo- controlled clinical trial

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    Background: Poor glycemic control, insulin resistance and abnormal beta cell function are of the most important complications that associated with obesity, targeting of such complications with pharmacological agents depending on the already existing central mechanism may decrease the incidence of morbidity and mortality among obese subjects. Betahistine is an anti-vertigo drug, commonly prescribed to patients with balance disorders or to improve vertigo symptoms associated with Meniere's disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of betahistine on glycemic status, insulin resistance and pancreatic function in obese subjects.Methods: A randomized, placebo controlled trial was carried out on 72 obese subjecta of both sexes with age range of 18-50 years who allocated into two groups: Group A: 48 patients treated with 144mg /day in three divided every eight hours for twelve weeks. Group B: 24 patients treated with placebo for twelve weeks to serve as control. For each group, demographic data, liver and renal function tests beside the studied parameters were investigated at baseline and after 12 weeks.Results: Administration of betahistine to obese subjects resulted in improvement in fasting blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, insulin resistance and beta cell percent values after twelve weeks compared to baseline values and placebo treated group.Conclusions: Administration of betahistine in a dose of 144mg /day for twelve weeks to obese subjects effectively improve glycemic control, insulin resistance and beta cell functions in these subjects, indicating the beneficial effect of betahistine in slowing or reversing the long term progress of obesity complications without incidence of any serious adverse effects, indicating its efficacy and safety

    Risk assessment for safety and health algorithm for building construction in Oman

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    Building construction is extremely hazardous. Numerous fatal and non-fatal vocational injuries occur due to the unique nature of the building construction workplace. The swift expansion of the Omani economy has led to the extensive expansion of infrastructure and resources in the construction sector. Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) is a structured approach for identifying, evaluating and controlling hazards in the work place. Risk assessment matrices are widely used to evaluate risks related to such hazards. Existing risk matrices are designed based on brainstorming sessions, which may make these matrices risky to use because such sessions are based mainly on experience and knowledge about the decision at hand. The general objective of this study is to carry out a Risk Assessment for Safety and Health (RASH) algorithm for building construction in Oman and to develop a calculation methodology to evaluate safety and health. The RASH algorithm is defined by overall risk, which is equivalent to the sum of Risk Safety Safety, Risk Safety Health, Risk Health Safety, and Risk Health Health. By implementing definitions of safety and health on the identified extreme and high-risk levels, the key risks in this study have been classified into safety risks and health risks. Then, the safety risks have been categorized into 11 factors, and the health risks have been categorized into 8 factors. Using these two categories of risk, four scenarios reflecting the four zones of the occupational safety and health risk matrix were designed. Then, 40 safety and health specialists were involved in carrying out a risk assessment using the existing method of risk analysis (RA) and the new proposed method of RASH. The Wilcockson Ranked Test was applied to evaluate the differences between these two methods. It was found that there were differences between the percentages of correct answers found by the two methods, as follows: 75% of RASH answers were correct, and 40% of RA answers were correct. The results revealed that the two methods are significantly different (z=0.357, p > 0.01). It was also found that RA respondents tend to overestimate risk, even when conditions were very safe. This common mistake has cost and time implications in construction activities. It was found that 60% of evaluations using RA might be estimated mistakenly. From the analysed results, it is recommended that organizations refrain from relying on the RA to prepare risk assessments and mitigation plans. Instead, it is suggested that results be verified with an alternative method of assessing risk, such as RASH. In conclusion, RASH is an alternative and effective method for the assessment of safety and health risks in building construction in Oman

    Hubungan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja dengan Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan di PT. Oleochem and Soap Industry KIM II Mabar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dengan produktivitas kerja karyawan di PT. Oleochem And Soap Industry KIM II Mabar. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah “ Ada Hubungaan yang Positif Antara Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja Dengan Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan di PT. Oleochem And Soap Industry”. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode skala, yaitu metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kumpulan pertanyaan mengenai suatu objek. Skala yang digunakan adalah skala Likert dengan 4 pilihan jawaban, yakni Sangat Setuju, Setuju, Tidak Setuju, dan Sangat Tidak Setuju. Pernyataan disusun berdasarkan bentuk favourable dan unfavourable. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini ialah random sampling, dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 193 orang dan sampel yang diambil sebanyak 5% dari total populasi yaitu 97 orang. Hasil analisis dengan metode analisis korelasi r Product Moment, diketahui bahwa ada hubungan positif antara kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dengan produktivitas kerja, dimana rxy = 0.485 dengan signifikan p = 0.000 < 0,050. Artinya hipotesis yang diajukan, semakin baik pelaksanaan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja maka semakin tinggi produktivitas kerja dinyatakan diterima. Koefisien determinan (r2) dari hubungan antara variabel bebas X dengan variabel terikat Y adalah sebesar r2 = 0,235. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja berkontribusi atau memberikan sumbangan efektif terhadap produktivitas kerja sebesar 23.5%.This study aims to determine the relationship of health and work safety with employee productivity at PT. Oleochem And Soap Industry KIM II Mabar. The hypothesis proposed in this study is "There is a Positive Between Health And Work Safety With Work Productivity Employees at PT. Oleochem And Soap Industry ". This research uses quantitative research method. Data collection method used is scale method, that is data collecting method by using question set about an object. The scale used is Likert scale with 4 choices of answers, namely Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. The statements are arranged by favorable and unfavorable forms. Sampling technique in this research is random sampling, with population counted 193 people and samples taken as much as 5% from total population that is 97 people. The result of analysis with correlation analysis method r Product Moment, it is known that there is a positive relationship between health and work safety with work productivity, where rxy = 0.485 with significant p = 0.000 <0,050. This means that the hypothesis proposed, the better the implementation of health and safety work the higher the productivity of work otherwise accepted. The determinant coefficient (r2) of the relationship between the independent variable X and the dependent variable Y is r2 = 0.235. This shows that occupational health and safety contribute to or contribute effectively to work productivity of 23.5%

    Realtime human face tracking and recognition system on uncontrolled environment

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    Recently, one of the most important biometrics is that automatically recognized human faces are based on dynamic facial images with different rotations and backgrounds. This paper presents a real-time system for human face tracking and recognition with various expressions of the face, poses, and rotations in an uncontrolled environment (dynamic background). Many steps are achieved in this paper to enhance, detect, and recognize the faces from the image frame taken by web-camera. The system has three steps: the first is to detect the face, Viola-Jones algorithm is used to achieve this purpose for frontal and profile face detection. In the second step, the color space algorithm is used to track the detected face from the previous step. The third step, principal component analysis (eigenfaces) algorithm is used to recognize faces. The result shows the effectiveness and robustness depending on the training and testing results. The real-time system result is compared with the results of the previous papers and gives a success, effectiveness, and robustness recognition rate of 91.12% with a low execution time. However, the execution time is not fixed due depending on the frame background and specification of the web camera and computer

    Description Anatomical study of Dodonaea viscosa in Iraq

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    Dodonaea viscosa Linn. is a woody species from Sapindaceae, used as antibacterial, pain relieving antiviral, calming, antiulcer and cancer prevention agent in folk medicine. This study has aimed to contribute to the anatomical identification the anatomy of leaves also identification the important compositions in the cell of plant parts. The results shown the stomata shape in Dodonaea viscosa was anomocytic type and the mesophyll type is bifacial, also the vascular bundle is large and concentric. The xylem and phloem appeared in a ring shape so can see the druses crystals and the oil cavities was very clear in the epidermis of leaf, the petioles have a special shape look like the bird with long wing from the one side and small wing from the other side in the transverse section. Keywords: Anatomy Dodonaea, , Sapindaceae, Dodonaea viscosa

    Studying the Effect of Ambient Temperature on Wastewater Degradation in Simulated Self-Purification Aerated Sewer System

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    Designing and operating a simulated gravity sewer system had been accomplished in the current research. The design had been provided with aeration system in order to deliver oxygen to microorganisms presented in sewage water. The system had been used in three different seasons in order to investigate the ambient temperature effect on treating wastewater. The results revealed that ambient temperature had a significant role in organic waste degradation powered by the presence of air into sewage pipes and level tanks. Maximum degradation measured in terms of chemical oxygen demand removal (RCOD) was recorded to be 14.28 under 30 OC ambient temperature and 8 hr of treating time. The results recorded from the current system seemed to be promising in terms of self-purification ability of the transporting sewer system