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    S}afwat Al-tafa

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    Salah satu sarjana muslim yang turut berpartisipasi dalam khazanah tafsir al-Qur'an masa kini adalah Muhammad ‘Ali alSabuni.Salah satu karya monumentalnya di bidang tafsir adalahS}afwat al-Tafa>si>r. Diakui oleh al-Sabuni sendiri, bahwa ia menulistafsir tersebut dalam rangka memberikan pemahaman kepada umatdi tengah-tengah kesibukan mereka yang kesulitan untukmembuka berjilid-jilid tafsir yang ditulis ulama sebelumnya. Di dalamnya, ia merangkum beberapa intisari kitab-kitab tafsir terdahulu dan memadatkannya dalam suatu kitab tafsir. Namun, dalam posisinya sebagai seorang tokoh yang pernah mengajar di Universitas Ummul Qura dan King Abdul Aziz Universtity, dalam aktivitas menafsirkan ayat, al-Sabuni juga menuai kontra dari para ulama di Saudi, terutama terkait tafsir ayat-ayat sifat. Tulisan ini akan membahas seputar al-Sabuni dan tafsirnya Safwat al-Tafasir serta penafsirannya terhadap ayat-ayat sifat yang menuai kontroversi

    Improving Waiting Times in Hand Surgery Clinic at Rumailah Hospital, Qatar

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    Background: The quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery are key drivers that influence hospital quality as well as patient satisfaction. The patient waiting time is the period of time that passes between patients first seeking medical treatment from the healthcare system and their admittance for consultation and diagnosis. The hand surgery clinic at Rumailah Hospital (RH) in Qatar has seen that only 12% of new patients who had been referred for urgent treatment from the accident and emergency department had received an appointment within 14 days. Aim: To increase the percentage of patients with new, urgent referrals to the hand surgery clinic at Rumailah Hospital from the accident and emergency department to be seen within 14 days from the current 12% to 20% by the end of October 2019 and from 20% to 60% by the end of April 2020. Methodology: This is a Quality improvement Project used the Institute for Healthcare Improvement model for improvement, the team used the root cause analysis to identify the bottleneck in the process, the Plan- Do - Study - Act (PDSA) cycles facilitates testing the selected changes: increase capacity, triage acciedent and emergency referrals, and clear the back log. Results: After implementing the changes, we observed increase in the proportion of patients who received appointments within 14 days of the referral, from 22% in July to 26% in August and 40% in September and October, 2019. Conclusion: The project team did extensive research in understanding the complex process of OPD appointment and clinic consultation. The project team tested three change ideas that yielded to manage the percentage of patients who received appointments within 14 days. The team is planning to test the next change idea to improve the triaging process by implementing electronic triaging, which is expected to reduce the waiting time for an appointment in the clinic

    Solving Two-Points Singular Boundary Value Problem Using Hermite Interpolation

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    In this paper, we have been used the Hermite interpolation method to solve second order regular boundary value problems for singular ordinary differential equations. The suggest method applied after divided the domain into many subdomains then used Hermite interpolation on each subdomain, the solution of the equation is equal to summation of the solution in each subdomain. Finally, we gave many examples to illustrate the suggested method and its efficiency

    Effect of Auxin 2,4-D and NAA on Induction Callus and Adventitious Shoots and Roots regeneration from half Shoot Tips Culture of white ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Roscoe)

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    أجريت هذه الدراسة في مختبر زراعة الانسجة النباتية في كلية الزراعة –جامعة البصرة- العراق خلال المدة 2018-2019 بهدف دراسة تأثير تراكيز مختلفة من الاوكسين 2,4-D و  NAAفي استحثاث الكالس وتوليد الافرع والجذور العرضية من زراعة انصاف البراعم الطرفية لنبات الزنجبيل الابيضRosc.  Zingiber officinale ، تشير النتائج ان الوسط الغذائي MS المزود بالاوكسين 2,4-D بتركيز 1.0 ملغم.لتر-1 مع وجود BA بتركيز 0.5 ملغم.لتر-1 + 500 ملغم.لتر-1 PVP اعطى اعلى نسبة مئوية لاستحثاث الكالس بلغت 100% واكبر قطر ووزن طري وجاف لكتلة الكالس بلغت 2.26 سم و 1.95 و 0.12 ملغم بالتتابع، واظهرت النتائج ايضاً الى ان الوسط الغذائي MS والمزود بالاوكسين NAA بتركيز 30.0 ملغم.لتر-1 و2ip  بتركيز 3 ملغم.لتر-1 + PVP بتركيز 500 ملغم.لتر-1 قد اعطى اعلى نسبة مئوية لاستحثاث الكالس بلغت 100% في فترة قصيرة بلغت 11.33 يوم واعلى قطر ووزن طري وجاف لكتلة الكالس بلغت 2.50 سم و0.86 ملغم و0.14 ملغم بالتتابع كذلك تمت عملية توليد الجذور العرضية بيضاء اللون في جميع تراكيز NAA الا ان التركيز 10.0 ملغم.لتر-1 NAA قد اعطى اعلى معدل لعدد الجذور واطوالها بلغت 13.33 جذر/ كتلة كالس و2.83 سم بالتتابع. كذلك اوضحت النتائج عند استبدال PVP بالفحم المنشط بتركيز 500 ملغم.لتر-1 اظهرالوسط الغذائي MS المزود بالاوكسين NAA 30.0 ملغم.لتر-1 تفصص الكالس ثم ظهر نتوء اخضر صغير تميز الى فرع خضري مع ظهور جذور بيضاء اللون في نهاية فترة التحضين.This study was conducted in plant tissue culture laboratory of Agriculture College, Basrah university, Iraq during the period 2018-2019. The aims of this study were to find out the effect of different concentration of two auxin 2,4-D and NAA to induce the callus and regeneration of adventitious shoots and roots of Zingiber officinale Rosc. white via culture of half shoots tips. Results of the present study revealed that medium of MS containing 1.0 mg.l-1  2,4-D + 0.5 mg.l-1 BA + 500 mg.l-1 PVP caused primary callus formation (100%) with high diameter, fresh and dry weight of callus (2.26 cm, 1.95 mg and 0.12 mg); respectively. Results also showed that MS medium containing 30.0 mg.l-1 + 3 mg.l-1 2ip + 500 mg.l-1 PVP caused the higher primary callus formation (100%) within (11.33 days) and a higher diameter, fresh and dry weight of callus (2.50 cm , 0.86 mg and 0.14 mg); respectively. However adventitious roots were regenerated from primary callus in all concentration of NAA, whereas the medium MS containing 10.0 mg.l-1 NAA was gave the highest number and length of roots (13.33 root .callus and 2.83cm). When the activated charcoal (500 mg.l-1) was replaced by PVP in the same medium containing 30.0 mg.l-1 NAA response was found at the end of the incubation period, small green adventitious shoots and white roots were regenerated.                                                                            &nbsp

    Some Estimation Methods for the Shape Parameter and Reliability Function of Burr Type XII Distribution / Comparison Study

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    Burr type XII distribution plays an important role in reliability modeling, risk analyzing and process capability estimation. The choice of the best estimation method is one of the goals in estimating parameters of the distribution. The main aim of this paper is to obtain and compare the classical "maximum likelihood and uniformly minimum variance unbiased" estimators and the Bayesian estimators of the shape parameter, ???? and reliability function based on a complete sample when the other shape parameter, ? known. The Bayes estimators are obtained under non-informative priors "Jeffrey’s prior, modified and extension of Jeffrey’s prior" as well as under informative gamma prior based on different symmetric and asymmetric loss functions "squared error, quadratic, LINEX, precautionary and entropy". The Monte Carlo experiment was performed under a wide range of cases and sample size. The estimates of the unknown shape parameter were compared by employing the mean square errors and the estimates of reliability function were compared by employing the integrated mean squared error.   Keywords: Burr type XII distribution; Maximum likelihood estimator; Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased estimator; Bayes estimators; non-informative Prior; informative Prior; Squared error loss function; quadratic loss function; LINEX loss function; Precautionary loss function; Entropy Loss function; Mean squared error; integrated mean squared error

    AXIAL Crushing Of Thin-Walled Tube With Hole Under Quasi-Static Loading

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    Thin-walled tube is one of the energy absorbing structure utilized to dissipate energy and increase the efficiency of crashworthiness. During the accident, thin-walled tube dissipates the kinetic energy of the structure and converts it into other form of energy. Thus, this gives enough energy dissipation before hitting the human. This study examines the circular and square thin-walled tubes of mild steel subjected to axial crushing test by using Instron machine. These tubes include imperfection (round holes) located at three different locations. The theoretical results obtained from mathematical equations for the circular and square tubes crushing have been compared to the experimental results and a good agreement has been achieved between the theoretical and experimental results. The analysis of load-displacement characteristics includes the peak load, energy absorption capacity, mean crushing load, crush force efficiency (CFE), and specific energy absorption(SEA) results. The diameter, location and number of the holes were varied to investigate the effect of these parameters to the load-displacement characteristics. The location of round hole is located in 3 different level in the tube. As a result, the circular tube is capable of providing better decrease peak load and higher absorbed energy compared to the square tube.It was found that the better specimen is the circular tube with multi-hole, due to it has the excellent result in decrease the peak load reached to 16 %, it was concluded that value of the peak load is optimum in circular thin-walled tube. While the value of energy absorption slightly decreases in all specimens with holes compared with tube without hole. The location of holes in circular tube has the effect on the type of deformation. However, it does not affect the deformation in the square tube the location unaffected on the deformation. At the end, the modifications performed on the original tube shows an improvement in the load-displacement characteristics. The information obtained in this study will serve as a guide to better design the thin-walled tube in the future

    Place Energy in Urban Drama Scene (River Transport in Shatt al-Arab)

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    The city of Basra is one of the most important cities in Iraq and most of the possessions of the potential, making it the most appropriate option for the subject of research, which depends on the energy of the place as a basis for him. The Shatt Al Arab was chosen for the river represents the spiritual and material value of the population of the city but for Iraq as a whole in terms of social, This river consists of the confluence of the Tigris and the Euphrates and is an important and vital gateway to the Arabian Gulf, so the discussion deal with the relationship between place energy and dramatic situation through the presentation of the research problem, namely: (There is no clear perception of the dramatic situation of the urban scene of Shatt al-Arab and resolve the research problem has been selected research hypothesis, which states: (The construction of the dramatic situation of the urban scene of Shatt al-Arab is based on activating the concept of place energy, the Research objective (constructing the dramatic situation of the urban scene of Shatt al-Arab by activating the concept of place energy using the possibility of river transport). As determined pursuant to the theoretical framework of the research problem and hypothesis, as theoretical part discusses the definition of place (place theory and place energy), river and river transport, urban scene drama(dramatic situation and perception). The research gives number of conclusions and final recommendations the most important conclusions(There is awareness of the energies of place and material potential, but there is a neglect of the spiritual side, which is an important andvital aspect in the process of building the dramatic situation), one of the main recommendations of the research(Adopting a mechanism to study and activate river transport in the Shatt al-Arab so that people can understand the urban scene of the Shatt al-Arab and thus create memories associated with the place for the purpose of building its own dramatic situation)

    Synthesis and Characterization of New Metal Complexes of α-Aminonitriles Derived from P- Toluidine and Aromatic Aldehydes

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    New metal complexes of some transition metal ions Co(II), Cu(II) , Cd(II) and Zn(II) were prepared by their reaction with previously prepared ligands HLI= (P-methyl anilino) phenyl acetonitrile and HLII = (P-methyl anilino) –P– chloro phenyl acetonitrile . The two ligands were prepared by Strecker’s procedure which includ the reaction of p- toluidine with benzaldehyde and P- chlorobenzaldehyde respectively. Structures were proposed depending on atomic absorption , i.r. and u.v.visible spectra in addition to magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity measurements

    Toxicity of Nanomulsion of Castor Oil on the Fourth larval stage of Culex quinquefsciatus under Laboratory Conditions

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    البعوض الكيولكس مثل نوع Culex quinquefasciatus  هو الناقل الاولي للعديد من المسببات المرضية مثل الفلاريا و التهاب الدماغ الياباني و فايروس غرب النيل في العديد من الدول حول العالم . ان التطور الحاصل في الحقول العلمية مثل التقنيات النانوية قاد الى استخدام هذه التقنيات في برامج السيطرة على الحشرات ومنها البعوض، من خلال استخدام البناء الحيوي (الاخضر) للمستحلبات النانوية المستندة على المنتجات النباتية مثل زيت نبات الخروع. المستحلب النانوي لزيت الخروع اٌعد بنسب متعددة محتوياً على، زيت الخروع و الايثانول و التوين 80 والماء منزوع الايونات بواسطة جهاز الالتراسونيك . من خلال تحاليل الديناميكية الحرارية فقد تم تأكيد ان الصيغة ( 10 مل ) من زيت الخروع و ( 5 مل ) من الايثانول و (14 مل ) من التوين 80 و (71مل ) من الماء منزوع الايونات هي الاكثر استقراراً من الصيغ الاخرى . المستحلب النانوي لزيت الخروع تم تشخيصة بواسطة المجهر الالكتروني النافذ و ديناميكية الاستطارة الضوئية،فكانت قطيرات المستحلب النانوي كروية الشكل و ذات معدل حجم 93 نانوميتر. استخدمت تراكيز مختلفة من المستحلب النانوي لزيت الخروع (250, 350 ,450, 550) جزء بالمليون واختبرت فعاليتها كعوامل ابادة يرقية، و كذلك استخدمت تراكيز من المستحلب الخام لزيت الخروع (1000 , 1500, 2000, 2500) جزء بالمليون قد اختبرت ايضاً، وتمت مقارنتها. المستحلب النانوي اضهر فعالية عالية مقارنتاً بالمستحلب الخام، حيث ان الجرعة المميتة للنصف LC50 للمستحلب النانوي والمستحلب الخام كانت  21, 268 و 37,409 جزء بالمليون خلال 72 ساعة وعلى التوالي . اختبار كيميائي حيوي قد اٌجري لليرقات المعاملة لفحص تأثير المستحلب النانوي لزيت الخروع على الخصائص البايوكيميائية لليرقات، فالمزيج المتجانس لليرقات أضهر تثبيط في فعالية انزيم الكولين ايستريز .Mosquitoes like Culex quinquefasciatus are the primary vector that transmits many causes of diseases such as filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, and West Nile virus, in many countries around the world. The development in the scientific fields, such as nanotechnology, leads to use this technique in control programs of insects including mosquitoes through the use of green synthesis of nanoemulsions based on plant products such as castor oil.  Castor oil nanoemulsion was formulated in various ratios comprising of castor oil, ethanol, tween 80, and deionized water by ultrasonication. Thermodynamic assay improved that the formula of (10 ml) of castor oil, ethanol (5ml), tween 80 (14 ml) and deionized water (71ml)   was more stable than other formulas. The formulated castor oil nanoemulsion was characterized by transmitting electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering.  Nanoemulsion droplets were spherical in shape and found to have a Z-average diameter of 93 nm. A concentration of castor oil nanoemulsion (250, 350, 450, and 550 ppm) was tested as larvicidal agents and bulk emulsion (1000, 1500, 2000, and 2500 ppm) was tested also and compared against the fourth instar larvae. Our nanoemulsion showed higher activity when compared to bulk emulsion.   LC50 for castor oil nanoemulsion and castor bulk emulsion were found to be 268.21 and 409.37ppm after 72 h, respectively. The biochemical assays were carried out to examine the effect of castor oil nanoemulsion on biochemical characteristics of larvae. The treated larval homogenate showed inhibition in the activity of acetylcholinesterase