103 research outputs found

    The Development of Student Worksheet in Colligative Properties of Solution to Train Creative Thinking Skills

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    The study aims to produce student worksheet in colligative properties of solution that are valid, practical, and effective. The method of student worksheet development uses R&D method but only reached the limited trial of development stage. The developed student worksheet were tested on limited trial to twelve 12th grade students who had recieved colligative properties of solution material. Based on the results of the research, the percentage of validity in content criteria is 80.22%, language criteria is 80.67%, presentation criteria is 80.00%, and graphics criteria is 83,33%. The percentage of practicality in content criteria is 93.33%, language criteria is 91.67%, presentation criteria is 91.67%, and graphics criteria is 97.92%.The effectiveness of student worksheet based on knowledge has an average score of 85 and based on creative thinking skills, it has average percentage of characteristic of creative thinking on fluency is 82.64%, flexibility is 84.45%, elaboration is 88.89%, and originality is 90.28%. Thus the results of this research indicate that the developed student worksheet is valid, practical, and effective. Keywords: Student worksheet, creative thinking, validity, practicality, effectivenes

    A Systematic Review: Issues in Implementation of Integrated STEM Education

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    The current trends require STEM education to integrate the four disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) into a mega discipline. However, implementing integrated STEM education is not an easy task as many issues arise following its implementation. Therefore, a systematic review was conducted to gather evidence from the latest empirical studies to discover the core issues related to integrated STEM education. PRISMA guideline was used to trace the relevant article from the year 2010 until the year 2019 using databases of Wiley, Scopus and Google Scholar. Hence, a total of 17 articles were identified. Findings showed that teacher is the core issue. It implies that the teacher is the most important element in the pursuit of integrated STEM education

    Wacana Kesabaran dalam Film Pendek Legit Karya Komunitas Free Film Production: Analisis wacana kritis model Teun A. Van Dijk

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    Media adalah suatu alat yang dapat menjadi penghubung antara sumber dan penerima yang sifatnya terbuka, dimana orang dapat melihat, membaca, dan mendengarnya. Salah satu media modern dalam komunikasi massa adalah film. Film merupakan bentuk seni yang tengah mencuat menjadi fenomena di masyarakat saat ini. Adapun contoh film pendek adalah film yang ditayangkan dalam channel youtube KPI TV, dengan judul Legit.Pada dasarnya banyak film -film yang mengandung nilai positif. Tetapi film “Legit” dalam channel Youtube KPI TV memiliki nilai tersendiri hingga menarik untuk diteliti. Visual dan penyajian cerita yang ringan namun tersirat akan makna menjadi point tambahan dalam memilih film ini. Perumpamaan yang dijadikan sebuah filosofi dodol dalam film ini juga menjadi suatu nilai jual. Tujuan dari adanya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui wacana kesabaran dalam film pendek Legit dilihat dari level teks, konteks sosial, dan kognisi sosial. Pada penelitian ini, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis wacana kritis model Teun A. Van Dijk. Metode analisis wacana kritis yang bersifat kualitatif, sehingga menggunakan penafsiran peneliti terhadap teks. Teori yang dipakai peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah teori wacana kritis Teun A. Van Dijk.Teori analisis wacana kritis yang dikembangkan oleh Teun A. Van Dijk adalah studi tentang struktur pesan yang terdapat dalam komunikasi. Satu kesatuan analisis itu sendiri terdiri atas level teks, konteks sosial, dan kognisi sosial. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam analisis wacana kritis model Teun. A. Van Dijk pada film Legit, ada tiga elemen pembahasan yang menjadi inti dari penjelasan penelitian ini. Elemen tersebut terbagi atas pertama, dimensi teks, konteks sosial dan kognisi sosial. Dimensi teks membahas mengenai tiga struktur teks yaitu struktur makro (tematik), superstruktur (skematik), dan struktur mikro (semantik, sintaksis, stilistik, dan retoris). Dalam dimensi teks tersebut, hal-hal terkait struktur mengenai wacana kesabaran dalam cerita film Legit di bahas. Kedua, konteks sosial yang membahas produser dan tema festival menjadi pengaruhi konstruksi penulis dalam menyusun cerita pada film Legit. Ketiga, kognisi sosial yang melibatkan pemahaman bagaimana pikiran dan persepsi penulis dalam mempengaruhi produksi sebuah teks cerita. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh peristiwa dan keresahan yang dilalui oleh penulis cerita film Legit terbuat

    The ARIMA-GARCH Method in Case Study Forecasting the Daily Stock Price Index of PT. Jasa Marga (Persero)

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    PT Jasa Marga is a large company in Indonesia that develop and operation the toll roads and is known as one of the blue chip companies with LQ45 shares. However, share prices have high volatility or rise and fall quickly so their value is always changing. Therefore, forecasting is needed to predict the share price of PT Jasa Marga in the future in order to know the movement of its share price. The Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) method is a method that can predict data with high volatility, but has the disadvantage of residuals containing heteroscedasticity. So, the addition of the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model was carried out to overcome the heteroscedasticity problem that was initially caused by the ARIMA model so it could predict data with high volatility more optimally. Therefore, this research applies the ARIMA-GARCH method to find the best model for forecasting the daily share price index of PT Jasa Marga. The data used comes from the daily closing stock price index of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) for the period January 2015 to May 2023. The measurement of forecasting accuracy uses the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The forecasting results show that the best model uses ARIMA (2,1,1) - GARCH (1,3) with a MAPE value of 6.825728%, which indicates very good forecasting results because the MAPE value is <10%.PT Jasa Marga merupakan perusahaan besar di Indonesia yang berperan dalam pengembangan dan pengoperasian jalan tol yang dikenal sebagai salah satu perusahaan blue chip dengan saham LQ45. Namun, harga sahamnya memiliki volatilitas tinggi atau naik dan turun dengan cepat sehingga nilainya selalu berubah-ubah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya peramalan guna memprediksi harga saham PT Jasa Marga di masa yang akan datang guna mengetahui pergerakan harga sahamnya. Metode Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat meramalkan data dengan volatilitas tinggi, namun memiliki kekurangan pada residual yang mengandung heteroskedastisitas. Sehingga, dilakukan penambahan model Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) guna mengatasi masalah heteroskedastisitas yang awalnya, ditimbulkan model ARIMA sehingga dapat meramalkan data dengan volatilitas tinggi secara lebih optimal. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menerapkan metode ARIMA-GARCH guna menemukan model terbaik untuk meramalkan indeks harga saham harian PT Jasa Marga. Data yang digunakan berasal dari indeks penutupan harga saham harian PT Jasa Marga (Persero) periode Januari 2015 hingga Mei 2023. Pengukuran ketepatan peramalan menggunakan Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). Hasil peramalan menunjukkan model terbaik menggunakan ARIMA (2,1,1) - GARCH (1,3) dengan nilai MAPE sebesar 6,825728% yang mengindikasikan hasil peramalan sangat baik karena nilai MAPE < 10%


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    The aim of the study is to test the effect of the Diagnostic Assessment For Basic Competencies Mastery synthesizing the State Institution Authority  according to the Constitution of Indonesia Year 1945. The population of this study were students from X class of  SMA Batik 1 Surakarta. The sample were  X MIPA 4 class as the experiment class which use the Diagnostic Assessmentand X MIPA 3 class which use the conventional assessment through cluster random sampling technique. This research used experimental method with true-experimental design. The data collection was conducted by using test techniques to measure the basic competencies mastery, observations in the Diagnostic Assessment and document analysis techniques to gather the data on the PPKn RPP to complete the data. The data analysis using two differentation in T-test sample, while requirement test analysis using  normality test and homogeneity test. The results of this research is there are differences in basic competencies mastery of students in the experimental class in the X MIPA 4 class with a basic competencies mastery of students in the control class in the X MIPA 3 class. The score of basic competencies mastery obtained from the average grade of 84.15 in experimental class and 72.35 in control class. It can be shown in the calculation of t_hitung amounted to 5,558. T_tabel then compared with the significance level of 5% amounting to 1,992 and obtained t_hitung > t_tabel, namely 5.558 > 1.992. in conclusion  t_hitung > t_tabel, so H_0  rejected and H_a accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that there are significant differences in the influence of the Diagnostic Assessment to the basic competencies mastery on synthesizing the State Institution Authority according to the  Constitution of Indonesia Year 1945

    Doxycycline degradation by the oxidative Fenton process

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    Doxycycline is a broad-spectrum tetracycline occurring in domestic, industrial and rural effluents, whose main drawback is the increasing emergence of resistant bacteria. This antibiotic could be degraded by the so-called Fenton process, consisting in the oxidation of organic pollutants by oxygen peroxide (H2O2) in the presence of Fe2+. Experiments were performed according to an experimental Rotational Central Composite Design to investigate the influence of temperature (0 \u2013 40.0\ub0C), H2O2 concentration (100 \u2013 900 mg/L) and Fe2+ concentration (5 \u2013 120 mg/L) on residual doxycycline and total organic carbon concentrations. Whereas the final residual doxycycline concentration ranged from 0 to 55.8 mg/L, the oxidation process proved unable to reduce the total organic carbon by more than 30%. The best operating conditions were concentrations of H2O2 and Fe2+ of 611 and 25 mg/L, respectively, and temperature of 35.0\ub0C, but the analysis of variance revealed that only the first variable exerted a statistically-significant effect on the residual doxycycline concentration. These results suggest possible application of this process in the treatment of doxycycline-containing effluents and may be used as starting basis to treat tetracycline-contaminated effluents

    Production of bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances (BLIS) by Bifidobacterium lactis using whey as a substrate

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the production of bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances (BLIS) by Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis in whey supplemented with yeast extract, inulin, Tween 80 or L-cysteine. Cell growth, acidification, glucose and lactose consumption as well as BLIS production were measured during fermentations carried out in shake flasks. The best additive for both cell growth and BLIS production was shown to be yeast extract, which gave the highest concentrations of biomass (9.9 log CFU/mL) and BLIS (800 AU/mL). In a bench-scale fermenter, B. lactis growth and BLIS production were between 6 and 25 % higher than in flasks depending on the conditions assayed

    Cabaran dalam pelaksanaan program pembangunan modal insan (PMI) di Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM)

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    Modal insan merupakan aset penting bagi kelangsungan organisasi. Modal insan yang lemah tidak mampu menyumbang secara efektif kepada organisasi. Oleh itu, modal insan perlu dibangunkan melalui program-program bersesuaian agar potensi mereka dapat dikembangkan ke tahap maksimum. Antara institusi Islam yang memainkan peranan penting di Malaysia ialah Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) yang menguruskan Hal Ehwal Islam di Malaysia. Institusi tersebut memerlukan modal insan yang cekap untuk memastikan kualiti perkhidmatan yang disediakan mampu memenuhi kehendak pelanggan. Namun begitu, terdapat cabaran dalam melaksanakan program pembangunan modal insan (PMI) di institusi ini. Sorotan literatur menunjukkan kajian empirikal mengenai program PMI di institusi ini masih kurang dijalankan. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk melihat cabaran pelaksanaan program PMI yang dilaksanakan di JAKIM. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif dengan menggunakan JAKIM sebagai kajian kes. Seramai 15 orang informan telah ditemu bual dalam kajian ini. Data telah dianalisis menggunakan kaedah analisis tema dengan bantuan perisian ATLAS-Ti. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat enam cabaran pelaksanaan program PMI yang dilaksanakan di JAKIM iaitu kandungan latihan tidak menarik, kurang komitmen terhadap program pengajian, kelemahan pengurusan sumber manusia (PSM), kualiti kerja yang kurang strategik, keengganan pegawai menghadiri kursus dan cabaran-cabaran lain. Program PMI mampu membawa pelbagai faedah positif kepada organisasi. Oleh itu, para pengurus hendaklah berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk menjayakan program tersebut di organisasi masing-masing

    Thermal treatment of Himalayan balsam: Tar and biochar analysis

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    The practicality of Himalayan balsam as an alternative biomass material was considered throughout this investigation. However, due to the materials high-water content, thermal efficiency during pyrolysis was compromised as extra energy was required to remove free and bound water. A simple solution which involved drying at ambient temperature in air, significantly lowered the moisture content, (65% reduction) this resulted in an increase in the bulk density of the material and lowering the thermal energy input of the process. The thermal decomposition process at 300–400 °C generated petroleum like compound; a mixture of volatile aromatic, linear and branched alkanes, and therefore a possible source for replenishment of hydrocarbon-based fuel. The solid remaining carbon generated (~35% mass of dry material) termed biochar showed adsorption properties to rhodamine B dye. The level of activity was increased upon activation using phosphoric acid. The activated biochar could be a promising adsorbent used to remove aqueous organic compounds. The thermal treatment of Himalayan balsam has potential in generating useful products such as bio-fuels and biochar

    Pelayanan Baca Tulis Al-Qur’an Untuk Taman Pendidika Al-Qur’an (TPA) At-Taqwa Muhammadiyah Enrekang Untuk Meningkatkan Pendidikan Karakter Bagi Anak (TPA) At-Taqwa Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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    Artikel ini mendeskripsikan untuk memberikan pelayanan kepada Santri Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPA) At-Taqwa Muhammadiyah Enrekang dalam menumbuhkan karakter sejak dini dengan tujuan agar mampu memahami dan mengamalkan Al-Qur’an serta memiliki akhlakul karimah. Metode pelayanan yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini dengan metode Behavior. Peneliti melakukan kajian dengan bersentuhan langsung dengan santriwan/santriwati yang ada di TPA At-Taqwa Muhammadiyah Enrekang. Hasil dari pelatihan ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 6 peran TPA sudah bisa dikatakan berperan baik dalam pendidikan karakter yang dicanangkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional yaitu (1) Peran TPA dalam membantu santri mengagumi dan mncintai Al-Qur’an sebagai bacaan yang istimewa (religius), (2) Peran TPA dalam membimbing santri membaca al- qur’an dengan baik dan benar (gemar membaca), (3) Peran TPA dalam mengajarkan sholat 5 waktu dengan tata cara yang benar (disiplin), (4) Peran TPA dalam membina santri menguasai hafalan sejumlah surat pendek atau ayat pilihan dan do’a sehari-hari (mandiri), (5) Peran TPA dalam mengarahkan berakhlak sosial yang baik sesuai dengan tuntunan Islam (peduli sosial), (6) Peran TPA dalam membantu santri menulis huruf Arab dengan baik dan benar (kreatif)
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