115 research outputs found


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    The Bulo-Bulo Kingdom in Sinjai Regency is part of an alliance of three kingdoms called Tellu Limpoe including the Tondong, Lamatti and Bulo-Bulo Kingdoms. Archaeological remains of the Bulo-Bulo Kingdom are stone wells, mortars, dakon stones, pottery fragments, as well as porcelain and stoneware fragments, those can be found at the Bulo-Bulo Site, in the Area of Benteng, Alewanuae District, Sinjai Regency. This study aims to describe the history and the spatial arrangement of settlements, and also the factors that support the formation of residential areas in Situ Bulo-Bulo. Based on the results of surveys, interviews, literature studies and the approach of ecological and historical determinants used, it is known that the factors that influence the formation of settlements in Bulo-Bulo are the carrying capacity of the environment, religious, and political factors. The Bulo-Bulo site can be divided into several activity spaces: residential, religious, and agricultural.     Kerajaan Bulo-Bulo di Kabupaten Sinjai merupakan bagian dari persekutuan tiga kerajaan yang di sebut Tellu Limpoe meliputi Kerajaan Tondong, Lamatti dan Bulo-Bulo. Peninggalan arkeologis dari Kerajaan Bulo-Bulo berupa sebaran sumur batu, lumpang, batu dakon, fragmen tembikar, serta fragmen porselin dan stoneware, dapat kita temukan di Situs Bulo-Bulo, lingkungan Benteng, Kecamatan Alewanuae, Kabupaten Sinjai. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan latar historis, pengaturan ruang pemukiman beserta faktor- faktor yang mendukung terbentuknya wilayah pemukiman di Situ Bulo-Bulo. Berdasarkan hasil survei, wawancara, studi literatur serta pendekatan determinan ekologi dan historis yang digunakan diketahui bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terbentuknya pemukiman di Bulo-Bulo yaitu adanya daya dukung lingkungan, faktor religi dan politik. Situs Bulo-Bulo dapat dibagi ke dalam beberapa ruang aktivitas yaitu ruang hunian, ruang religi, dan ruang pertanian.The Bulo-Bulo Kingdom in Sinjai Regency is part of an alliance of three kingdoms called Tellu Limpoe including the Tondong, Lamatti and Bulo-Bulo Kingdoms. Archaeological remains of the Bulo-Bulo Kingdom are stone wells, mortars, dakon stones, pottery fragments, as well as porcelain and stoneware fragments, those can be found at the Bulo-Bulo Site, in the Area of Benteng, Alewanuae District, Sinjai Regency. This study aims to describe the history and the spatial arrangement of settlements, and also the factors that support the formation of residential areas in Situ Bulo-Bulo. Based on the results of surveys, interviews, literature studies and the approach of ecological and historical determinants used, it is known that the factors that influence the formation of settlements in Bulo-Bulo are the carrying capacity of the environment, religious, and political factors. The Bulo-Bulo site can be divided into several activity spaces: residential, religious, and agricultural.     Kerajaan Bulo-Bulo di Kabupaten Sinjai merupakan bagian dari persekutuan tiga kerajaan yang di sebut Tellu Limpoe meliputi Kerajaan Tondong, Lamatti dan Bulo-Bulo. Peninggalan arkeologis dari Kerajaan Bulo-Bulo berupa sebaran sumur batu, lumpang, batu dakon, fragmen tembikar, serta fragmen porselin dan stoneware, dapat kita temukan di Situs Bulo-Bulo, lingkungan Benteng, Kecamatan Alewanuae, Kabupaten Sinjai. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan latar historis, pengaturan ruang pemukiman beserta faktor- faktor yang mendukung terbentuknya wilayah pemukiman di Situ Bulo-Bulo. Berdasarkan hasil survei, wawancara, studi literatur serta pendekatan determinan ekologi dan historis yang digunakan diketahui bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terbentuknya pemukiman di Bulo-Bulo yaitu adanya daya dukung lingkungan, faktor religi dan politik. Situs Bulo-Bulo dapat dibagi ke dalam beberapa ruang aktivitas yaitu ruang hunian, ruang religi, dan ruang pertanian

    Keanekaragaman dan Distribusi Gastropoda Air Tawar di Sungai Ciapus, Jawa Barat, Indonesia: Diversity and Distribution of Freshwater Gastropods in Ciapus River, West Java, Indonesia

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    Despite being part of food web and bioindicator in freshwater ecosystems, gastropods are globally jeopardized. Therefore, the occurence of freshwater gastropods need to be assessed. This research aimed to examine diversity and distribution of freshwater gastropods along the Ciapus River in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. The research was conducted from February to May 2020. Sampling was carried out within limited 15 minutes time period using five 1 × 1 m plots established at each of four survey stations. Gastropods were collected from the bottom of river, rock surface and riverbanks within 15-100 cm of water depth. Environmental parameters were recorded. Data was analyzed using biodiversity index parameters and diversity t-test. The survey collected a total 587 individuals from 7 species of freshwater gastropods. The abundance, species richness and diversity of gastropods in the Ciapus river were different between upstream and downstream, location with high altitude tend to have low number of species. Glyptophysa stagnalis became the only species recorded from upstream area. Meanwhile, there were 4 species, which were collected in other three stations and 2 species that recorded from two stations.  In three stations, Tarebia granifera was the most dominant species

    Pemanfaatan Pekarangan dan Sampah Organik di Kelurahan Pejarakan Karya

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    One of the health problems in Indonesia today which is also a global pandemic is the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 cases. The Indonesian government through Presidential Decree No.11 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Public Health Emergencies for Corona Virus Disease 2019 has stated that COVID-19 is a public health emergency that is prevention efforts must be made. The fairly dense population living in this area can cause the spread of the COVID-19 virus to accelerate if comprehensive prevention efforts are not made. Every individual needs to make efforts to prevent the development and spread of the COVID-19 virus. Actions that can be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Pejarakan Karya Village are by consuming healthy and nutritious food which is realized by creating a Sustainable Home Yard Socialization (P2L) program and to support the Sustainable Home Yard program a P2L pilot area and fertilizer manufacturing plant have been created. organic liquid made from household waste that can be used by the surrounding community. Keywords: Penjarakan Karya, COVID-19 prevention, yard, liquid organic fertilize

    Perancangan Alat Disinfects UV dengan Metode Quality Function Deployment

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    Penyebaran virus covid-19 terbukti tidak hanya melalui kontak langsung antar manusia, tetapi juga melalui barang-barang kiriman atau delivery package. Disisi lain, selama masa pandemi aktivitas pengiriman barang mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan usaha untuk meminimalisir penyebaran virus Covid-19 melalui media kemas­an pengiriman barang tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan perancangan alat Disinfects UV dengan metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Tahapan pertama penelitian adalah melaku­kan penentuan atribut kebutuhan peran­cangan, pengumpulan dan pengolahan data respon­den melalui voice of customer, serta uji validitas dan reliabilitas hingga sampai ke tahap akhir berupa analisis dan implementasi. Hasil dari perhitungan tingkat kepen­tingan keinginan customer sebelum perancangan House of Quality (HoQ) didapatkan urutan terpenting dari atribut kebutuhan secara ber­turut-turut, yaitu mesin tidak bising; kemudahan pengoperasian; fungsi utama desinfeksi barang; kapasitas alat; dimensi; perawatan; rangka atau dudukan alat; motor penggerak; bahan konveyor; serta mobilitas alat atau mudah dipindah­kan. Penelitian menghasilkan alat Disinfects UV dengan dimensi 150x60x75 cm dengan ukuran box UV 60x76x60 cm. Perancangan alat ini diharapkan dapat membantu penyedia jasa layan­an pengiriman barang ataupun instansi lain untuk menekan penyebaran virus covid-19