551 research outputs found
Primary School Principals’ Experiences with Smartphone Apps
Smartphones are not just pieces of hardware, they at same time also dip into software features such as communication systems. The aim of this study is to examine primary school principals’ experiences with smart phone applications. Shedding light on this subject means that this research is qualitative. Criterion sampling has been intentionally selected for use in this research. The criteria taken into consideration include that the research participants must be primary school principals, and that the participants use smart phones with Android-based communication systems and Android-based apps. Participants voluntarily used the application that was developed by the researchers over a one-month period during the 2015–2016 Spring teaching term. The vast majority of primary school principals who use smartphones found smartphone apps to be very beneficial. On one hand, primary school principals experienced a number of positive encounters with smartphone apps, including instant accessibility, quick access to information, the steer away from memorizing information, access to contemporary information, time saved in terms of decision making, as well as refrain from making errors. On the other hand, principals also experienced several negative encounters, including confronting inaccessibility, addiction, and making lazy education
Identifying regulation of CANT1 during endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced cell death
Calcium-activated nucleotidase 1 (CANT1) is a member of apyrase family of enzymes which are responsible for hydrolysis of extracellular nucleoside tri-phosphate and di-phosphate to nucleoside monophosphates. The mutation in CANT1 gene causes an autosomal recessive disorder known as Desbuquois dysplasia, revealing skeletal growth abnormalities. CANT1 is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident protein so that previous studies have suggested roles for CANT1 which are related to ER functions and mechanisms such as protein quality control or unfolded protein response. The first CANT1 expression study in cancer has emerged in prostate cancer research due to the high expression level of CANT1 in prostate tissue. In this study, we aimed to identify the regulation of CANT1 expression during ER stress-activated cell death in breast cancer cell lines MCF7, SK-BR-3, and MDA-MB-468. We induced ER stress-related cell death by Thapsigargin and investigated how the protein expression, mRNA level and subcellular localization of CANT1 change in breast cancer cell lines. Immunoblot results indicate that CANT1 protein expression was altered during ER stress while we did not observe any change in CANT1 mRNA level. Additionally, subcellular localization of CANT1 protein upon ER stress was detected by laser scanning confocal microscope and we obtained increasing colocalization of CANT1 protein with ER but not with mitochondria. Here, first time, we reported how CANT1 expression levels and its subcellular localization change in breast cancer cells upon drug-mediated ER stress-induced cell death
The new digital age
Alvin Toffler toplumların üç aşamadan geçerek son haline evirildiğini savunmaktadır. İlk dalga tarım toplumlarını, ikinci dalga sanayi devrimini, üçüncü dalga ise bilgi (enformasyon) toplumunu işaret etmektedir (Toffler, 1996). Yeni dijital çağ, Toffler’in 1996 yılında tam anlamıyla öngöremediği endüstri 4.0 ve endüstri 5.0’ı (siber fiziksel sistemler) ifade etmektedir. Endüstri 4.0 ile teknolojik inovasyonlar üssel olarak ivme kazanmış, teknolojinin lokomotifi olan çipler ve mikroişlemciler küçülmüştür. Teknolojinin uygun maliyetlerle cebe sığar hale gelmesi ile akıllı cihaz kullanımı dünya genelinde yaygınlaşmış ve bağlantılılıkta büyük bir artış gözlemlenmiştir. İnternet teknolojilerinin küreselleşmesi ile dünya McLuhan’ın ifade ettiği gibi küresel bir köye dönüşmüştür. Bu teknolojik devrim, birçok toplumsal harekete ön ayak olmuş, bir ülkede yaşanan değişim, dönüşüm ve isyan hareketleri diğer ülkelerde değişimin fitilini ateşlemiştir. Bu çalışmada Eric Schmidt ve Jared Cohen tarafından 2014 yılında kaleme alınmış olan Yeni Dijital Çağ isimli kitap incelenmiştir. Kitap endüstri 4.0 ve 5.0’a atıfta bulunan teknolojik inovasyonları ve bunların devletler, uluslar ve şirketler üzerindeki etkilerini toplumsal, siyasal, ekonomik ve askeri bağlamları ile incelemektedir.Alvin Toffler states that societies evolve into their final form by going through three stages The New Digital Age refers to industry 4.0 and industry 5.0 (cyber-physical systems), which Toffler could not fully foresee in 1996. With Industry 4.0, technological innovations have accelerated exponentially. Therefore, chips and microprocessors, which are the engines of technology, have shrunk. As a result of the technology becoming pocketable at affordable costs, the use of smart devices has become widespread around the world and a great increase in connectivity has been observed. With the globalization of internet technologies, the world has turned into a global village, as McLuhan stated. This technological revolution has pioneered many social movements, and the change, transformation and rebellion movements in one country have ignited the wick of change in other countries. In this study, the book called The New Digital Age, written by Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen in 2014, was examined. The book examines technological innovations referring to industry 4.0 and 5.0 and their impact on states, nations and companies in their social, political, economic and military contexts.Publisher's Versio
Yritysbrändi-identiteetistä viestiminen yhteiskuntavastuuraporteissa
Tiivistelmä. Nykyajan kilpailuympäristössä yhteiskuntavastuusta on tullut merkittävä strateginen keino ja pitkäaikaisen kilpailukyvyn lähde monille yrityksille. Myös sidosryhmien kiinnostus yritysten ja brändien yhteiskuntavastuualoitteita kohtaan on kasvanut. Niinpä suomalaisilla markkinoilla toimivat yritykset ovat lisänneet viestintää yhteiskuntavastuullisista aiheista sidosryhmilleen, ja monet ovat päättäneet vapaaehtoisesti laatia vastuullisuudestaan kertovia yhteiskuntavastuuraportteja.
Viestinnän kautta ulkopuoliset muodostavat käsityksen yritysbrändin imagosta, jolle taas edellytyksenä on identiteetti, joka toimii viestin lähettäjän roolissa. Markkinoinnin kirjallisuudessa yritysbrändi-identiteetin muotoutuminen nähdään vuorovaikutuksellisena prosessina, jossa yrityksen lisäksi sidosryhmät ovat mukana. Yhteiskuntavastuuraportit kuitenkin edustavat tyypillisesti yksisuuntaista viestintää. Tällöin yritysjohdon haasteena on pohtia, miten yritysbrändi-identiteettiä voidaan tuoda esille ja onko sidosryhmiä mahdollista, tai edes järkevää, ottaa osalliseksi identiteetin rakennusprosessia raporttien kautta. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on kehittää syvällisempää ymmärrystä yritysbrändi-identiteetin viestinnästä näissä raporteissa ja sen seurauksista. Niinpä tämä tutkielma pyrkii vastamaan esitettyyn tutkimuskysymykseen: Miten yritysbrändi-identiteetistä viestitään yhteiskuntavastuuraporteissa?
Tutkielma toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jonka avulla ilmiöstä pystytään ymmärtämään syvällisemmin. Tutkimusmenetelmänä toimi teoriaohjaava sisällönanalyysi, jossa teoreettinen viitekehys ohjaa analyysirungon muodostamista, mutta mahdollistaa aineiston analysoinnin aineistolähtöisesti.
Tärkeimpinä löytöinä voidaan todeta yritysbrändi-identiteetillä olevan selkeä yhteys yhteiskuntavastuuraportin sisältöön ja pääasiallinen viestintästrategia pohjautuu yksisuuntaiseen informaation antamiseen. Vuorovaikutuksellisuus näkyy tärkeimpien sidosryhmien kohdalla, mutta rajoitettuna ja lähettäjäorientoituneena. Yhteiskuntavastuuraporteilla näyttäisi olevan tehtävä viestiä positiivista kuvaa brändistä, joka on lähtöisin yhtenäisestä identiteetistä, joka vetoaa yhteiskuntavastuutekojen kautta. Tutkielma hyödyttää brändin johtajia tunnistamaan ja määrittelemään yritysbrändi-identiteettiä, tarjoaa näkemyksiä yhteiskuntavastuuviestintään sekä auttaa laatimaan yritysbrändi-identiteetin kannalta yhtenäisen yhteiskuntavastuuraportin. Tuloksien yleistettävyyteen voi vaikuttaa tutkielman laadullinen luonne ja tällöin terminä siirrettävyys olisi sopivampi. Tutkielman tuloksien siirrettävyyttä lisäävät aineiston koostuminen neljästä eri yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuuraportista, jotka kaikki toimivat kuluttajamarkkinoilla, mutta eri toimialoilla
Ameliyat Öncesi Değerlendirilen Hastaların Antikoagülan ve Antiplatelet İlaç Kullanım Farkındalığı
Objective: To determine anticoagulant and anti-platelet medication awareness of peri-operative patients
Method: A questionnaire was applied to the 208 preoperative patients taking anticoagulants (AC) or anti-platelets (AP).
The questionnaire included the questions about whether they were using any drug that thinners blood or prevents clots,
indication and duration of drug use, whether they underwent an operation while using the drug, whether they knew
that the drug should be discontinued in case of undergoing an operation and presence of a planned surgical procedure
when commencing the drug.
Results: Mean age of the study population was 63.3±12.7 years and 50.5% of the patients were male, 27.9 % of the
patients were illiterate, 39.4% of patients were not aware of using AC or AP and 12.5% of patients didn’t know duration
of AC or AP use. An operation had been planned before commencement of the drug in 9.1% of the patients. The incidence
of undergoing a surgical procedure while using AC or AP was 18.8%. While 23.1 % were urgent, 76.9% were elective
procedures. General anesthesia was applied in 41% of these patients. When the patients who were aware or unaware of
AC or AP use were compared, mean age was younger and level of education was higher among the patients who were
aware of using AC or AP (p=0,018 and p<0,001 respectively). No difference was detected between the patients who were
using old or new generation drugs with regard to awareness of drug use (p=0.113).
Conclusion: Patients who are taking AC or AP may have to undergo surgical procedures more than once while using
these drugs. However, an important proportion (39.4 %) of these patients was found to be unaware of using AC or AP
İlköğretimde Webfolyo Uygulaması: Öğretmen Ve Öğrenci Görüşleri
Bu araştırmanın amacı, ilköğretim okullarında gerçekleştirilen webfolyo uygulamasının işlevselliğini belirlemektir. Araştırma 2008-2009 öğretim yılı bahar döneminde Eskişehir ili Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı özel bir ilköğretim okulunun 4. Sınıf öğrencileri ile Fen ve Teknoloji, Matematik, Sosyal Bilgiler ve Türkçe derslerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada nitel bir araştırma yaklaşımı olan doğal inceleme yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada veriler, öğretmen ve öğrencilerle yapılan yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşmeler ile elde edilmiştir. Veriler içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda hem öğretmen hem de öğrenciler webfolyo sistemini olumlu bulmuşlardır. Öğretmen ve öğrencilerin büyük bir bölümü webfolyo sisteminin geleneksel portfolyolardan daha etkili olduğunu düşünmektedir.Anahtar Sözcükler:Web tabanlı portfolyo, webfolyo, ilköğretim, performansa dayalı değerlendirm
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