793 research outputs found


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    The implementation of the sanctions policy of the United States and Western Europe in relation to the Russian Federation has been analyzed. The objectives of the USA and European Union sanctions policies have been identified. The study has been based on the principles of a three-level classification of sanctions aimed at destabilizing the economy of the Russian Federation. Sectors of the economy and companies have been identified, that, have become objects of sanctions policy and have suffered more from USA and European Union sanctions. The role of sanctions as a toolkit, which can influence the political and economic balance of power in the world, has been defined. The opinion of representatives of business of foreign countries on the formation of anti-Russian sanctions has been reflected within the article. The features of the implementation of the sanctions policy in the digital block and cyberspace have been noted

    Problems and prospects of the Russian Federation customs authorities digitalisation

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    Digital technologies are becoming an integral part of the modern society. They penetrate into all spheres of life and activity of mankind. Customs is no exception. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems and prospects for the introduction of digital technologies in the activities of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation. The methodological basis of the study is a set of measures of scientific knowledge, including general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as private scientific methods: system analysis, logical method. The study argues that customs operations are directly related to the extent to which digital technologies are developed and implemented in the activities of customs authorities. Despite all the obvious prospects for further digitalisation in the field of customs, there are certain problems. In the article, the author identifies the key issues of the Russian Federation customs authorities digitalisation. Based on the identified limitations, recommendations are made for their elimination, taking into account the current economic and geopolitical situation

    Topological phases induced by charge fluctuations in Majorana wires

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    One of the problems concerning topological phases in solid-state systems which still remains urgent is an issue of many-body effects. In this study we address it within perturbative theory framework by considering topological phase transitions related to charge correlations in the extended Kitaev chain model that belongs to the BDI symmetry class. Obtained corrections to a zero-frequency quasiparticle Green's function allow to separate the mean-field and fluctuation contributions to a total winding number. As a result, the phase transitions caused solely by the latter are unveiled. We thoroughly analyze the mechanism of such transitions in terms of fluctuation-induced nodal points and spectrum renormalization. Additionally, features of other quasiparticle properties such as effective mass and damping are discussed in the context of topological phase transitions.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Asymmetric injection of cathodic arc plasma into a macroparticle filter

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    The cathodic arc plasmas produced by cathode spots usually include macroparticles, which is undesirable for many applications. A common way of removing macroparticles is to use curved solenoid filters which guide the plasma from the source to the substrate. In this work, an arc source with relatively small cathode is used, limiting the possible locations of plasma production. The relative position of cathodic arc source and macroparticle filtered was systematically varied and the filtered plasma current was recorded. It was found that axis-symmetric plasma injection leads to maximum throughput only if an anode aperture was used, which limited the plasma to near-axis flow by scraping off plasma at larger angles to the axis. When the anode aperture was removed, more plasma could enter the filter. In this case, maximum filtered ion current was achieved when the plasma was injected off-axis, namely offset in the direction where the filter is curved. Such behavior was anticipated because the plasma column in the filter is known to be shifted by ExB and centrifugal drift as well as by non-axis-symmetric components of the magnetic field in the filter entrance and exit plane. The data have implications for plasma transport variations caused by different spot locations on cathodes that are not small compared to the filter cross section

    Feasibility of study magnetic proximity effects in bilayer "superconductor/ferromagnet" using waveguide-enhanced Polarized Neutron Reflectometry

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    A resonant enhancement of the neutron standing waves is proposed to use in order to increase the magnetic neutron scattering from a "superconductor/ferromagnet"(S/F) bilayer. The model calculations show that usage of this effect allows to increase the magnetic scattering intensity by factor of hundreds. Aspects related to the growth procedure (order of deposition, roughness of the layers etc) as well as experimental conditions (resolution, polarization of the neutron beam, background etc) are also discussed. Collected experimental data for the S/F heterostructure Cu(32nm)/V(40nm)/Fe(1nm)/MgO confirmed the presence of a resonant 60-fold amplification of the magnetic scattering.Comment: The manuscript of the article submitted to Crysstalography Reports. 23 pages, 5 figure

    Contamination due to memory effects in filtered vacuum arc plasma deposition systems

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    Thin film synthesis by filtered vacuum arc plasma deposition is a widely used technique with a number of important emerging technological applications. A characteristic feature of the method is that during the deposition process not only is the substrate coated by the plasma, but the plasma gun itself and the magnetic field coil and/or vacuum vessel section constituting the macroparticle filter are also coated to some extent. If then the plasma gun cathode is changed to a new element, there can be a contamination of the subsequent film deposition by sputtering from various parts of the system of the previous coating species. We have experimentally explored this effect and compared our results with theoretical estimates of sputtering from the SRIM (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter) code. We find film contamination of order 10-4 - 10-3, and the memory of the prior history of the deposition hardware can be relatively long-lasting

    Numerical simulation in roll pass design for bar rolling

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    The application of finite element simulation to the problem of roll pass design for round bar rolling is considered. Two roll pass sequences were developed by analytical methods and then optimized using 2.5D Finite Element Method (FEM). The first one is a classical oval-round roll pass design. The second one is a combination of flat rolls and round roll passes. Relying on the simulation data obtained by FEM, the roll gaps were adjusted to achieve the required bar shape and the uniform distribution of rolling force between the passes. Advantages and disadvantages of each roll pass design were considered.Web of Science541787

    Recovering rearranged cancer chromosomes from karyotype graphs

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    BACKGROUND: Many cancer genomes are extensively rearranged with highly aberrant chromosomal karyotypes. Structural and copy number variations in cancer genomes can be determined via abnormal mapping of sequenced reads to the reference genome. Recently it became possible to reconcile both of these types of large-scale variations into a karyotype graph representation of the rearranged cancer genomes. Such a representation, however, does not directly describe the linear and/or circular structure of the underlying rearranged cancer chromosomes, thus limiting possible analysis of cancer genomes somatic evolutionary process as well as functional genomic changes brought by the large-scale genome rearrangements. RESULTS: Here we address the aforementioned limitation by introducing a novel methodological framework for recovering rearranged cancer chromosomes from karyotype graphs. For a cancer karyotype graph we formulate an Eulerian Decomposition Problem (EDP) of finding a collection of linear and/or circular rearranged cancer chromosomes that are determined by the graph. We derive and prove computational complexities for several variations of the EDP. We then demonstrate that Eulerian decomposition of the cancer karyotype graphs is not always unique and present the Consistent Contig Covering Problem (CCCP) of recovering unambiguous cancer contigs from the cancer karyotype graph, and describe a novel algorithm CCR capable of solving CCCP in polynomial time. We apply CCR on a prostate cancer dataset and demonstrate that it is capable of consistently recovering large cancer contigs even when underlying cancer genomes are highly rearranged. CONCLUSIONS: CCR can recover rearranged cancer contigs from karyotype graphs thereby addressing existing limitation in inferring chromosomal structures of rearranged cancer genomes and advancing our understanding of both patient/cancer-specific as well as the overall genetic instability in cancer


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    The short state-of-the-art review of the published works, concerning problems of the surface protection of uranium and its alloys from corrosion, mainly, from atmospheric and hydride corrosion is given. Are considered physics and techniques of deposition of antirust coatings by condensation from metals and their alloys plasma, generated by the cathode spot of an arc in vacuum and in tenuous atmosphere of inert and chemically active gases. The analysis of protective properties of coatings of a various composition is carried out. The most effective anticorrosive types of coatings and methods of their formation are revealed