688 research outputs found

    Pippi - painless parsing, post-processing and plotting of posterior and likelihood samples

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    Interpreting samples from likelihood or posterior probability density functions is rarely as straightforward as it seems it should be. Producing publication-quality graphics of these distributions is often similarly painful. In this short note I describe pippi, a simple, publicly-available package for parsing and post-processing such samples, as well as generating high-quality PDF graphics of the results. Pippi is easily and extensively configurable and customisable, both in its options for parsing and post-processing samples, and in the visual aspects of the figures it produces. I illustrate some of these using an existing supersymmetric global fit, performed in the context of a gamma-ray search for dark matter. Pippi can be downloaded and followed at http://github.com/patscott/pippi .Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. v3: Updated for pippi 2.0. New features include hdf5 support, out-of-core processing, inline post-processing with arbitrary Python code in the input file, and observable-specific data cuts. Pippi can be downloaded from http://github.com/patscott/pipp

    Inflationary power asymmetry from primordial domain walls

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    We study the asymmetric primordial fluctuations in a model of inflation in which translational invariance is broken by a domain wall. We calculate the corrections to the power spectrum of curvature perturbations; they are anisotropic and contain dipole, quadrupole, and higher multipoles with non-trivial scale-dependent amplitudes. Inspired by observations of these multipole asymmetries in terms of two-point correlations and variance in real space, we demonstrate that this model can explain the observed anomalous power asymmetry of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky, including its characteristic feature that the dipole dominates over higher multipoles. We test the viability of the model and place approximate constraints on its parameters by using observational values of dipole, quadrupole, and octopole amplitudes of the asymmetry measured by a local-variance estimator. We find that a configuration of the model in which the CMB sphere does not intersect the domain wall during inflation provides a good fit to the data. We further derive analytic expressions for the corrections to the CMB temperature covariance matrix, or angular power spectra, which can be used in future statistical analysis of the model in spherical harmonic space.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. Version published in JCA

    The biomechanics of pregnancy: a systematic review

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI/link in this record.During pregnancy, a number of biomechanical and hormonal changes occur that can alter spinal curvature, balance, and gait patterns by affecting key areas of the human body. This can greatly impact quality of life (QOL) by increasing back pain and the risk of falls. These effects are likely to be the ultimate result of a number of hormonal and biomechanical changes that occur during pregnancy. Research Question and Methodology: Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, this systematic review sets out to analyse all available literature relating to the biomechanics factors caused by pregnancy and assess how this might reduce QOL. Fifty papers were deemed eligible for inclusion in this review based on the PUBMED and SCOPUS databases. Results: Angles of lordosis and kyphosis of the spine are significantly increased by pregnancy, but not consistently across all studies. Back pain is significantly increased in pregnant women, although this is not significantly correlated with spinal changes. Increased movements of centre of pressure (COP) and increased stability indexes indicate postural control is reduced in pregnancy. Trunk range of motion, hip flexion, and extension are reduced, as well as decreased stride length, decreased gait velocity, and increased step width; again, not consistently. It is likely that each woman adopts unique techniques to minimise the effects, for example increasing step width to improve balance. Further research should focus on how altered limb kinematics during gait might affect QOL by influencing the human body, as well as assessing parameters in all planes to develop a wider understanding of pregnant biomechanical alteration

    Seminatural propagation and rearing of roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus)

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    A research experiment was conducted to provide a protocol for seminatural propagation and rearing of Roach up to release size. The attempt was made to combat the declining trend in the population size and catch of the fish in the Caspian Sea. The optimum temperature for spawning brood-stocks lasts from middle March to late April when the ambient temperature range is 12-17°C. During the four months research period, brood stocks were caught in the estuary of the Gorganrood in Golestan Province, north east Iran. The stocks were released into 2 hectare earthen ponds enriched with manure and fertilizers. Artificial spawning grounds made of pine branches were placed in the ponds. Ponds were stocked with 700 female breeders with an average weight of 150 grams and around 350 male breeders weighing 100 grams on average. Spawning and fertilization of eggs occurred in the ponds of which an estimated 80-90% eyed that were observed from the fifth day onwards. The starting of hatching was observed in the 6th day and yolk sac absorption was observed in day 4 to 6. The lame were fed on natural zooplankton and artificial food. Assessment of 146 fries for ingested food indicated that the fries fed on Rotifer (Rotatoria sp. and Daphnia sp.) in the ponds. The length-weight relationship was not significantly different among the ponds and also specific growth rates (SGR) did not show any difference in the fries. The relative gut length in the fries were smaller than I (RLG<l) and fries with an average weight of 0.5 to 1 gram were released into their natural habitat

    Bimetric gravity is cosmologically viable

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    Bimetric theory describes gravitational interactions in the presence of an extra spin-2 field. Previous work has suggested that its cosmological solutions are generically plagued by instabilities. We show that by taking the Planck mass for the second metric, MfM_f, to be small, these instabilities can be pushed back to unobservably early times. In this limit, the theory approaches general relativity with an effective cosmological constant which is, remarkably, determined by the spin-2 interaction scale. This provides a late-time expansion history which is extremely close to Λ\LambdaCDM, but with a technically-natural value for the cosmological constant. We find MfM_f should be no larger than the electroweak scale in order for cosmological perturbations to be stable by big-bang nucleosynthesis. We further show that in this limit the helicity-0 mode is no longer strongly-coupled at low energy scales.Comment: 8+2 pages, 2 tables. Version published in PLB. Minor typo corrections from v

    An EF2X Allocation Protocol for Restricted Additive Valuations

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    We study the problem of fairly allocating a set of mm indivisible goods to aset of nn agents. Envy-freeness up to any good (EFX) criteria -- whichrequires that no agent prefers the bundle of another agent after removal of anysingle good -- is known to be a remarkable analogous of envy-freeness when theresource is a set of indivisible goods. In this paper, we investigate EFXnotion for the restricted additive valuations, that is, every good has somenon-negative value, and every agent is interested in only some of the goods. We introduce a natural relaxation of EFX called EFkX which requires that noagent envies another agent after removal of any kk goods. Our maincontribution is an algorithm that finds a complete (i.e., no good is discarded)EF2X allocation for the restricted additive valuations. In our algorithm wedevise new concepts, namely "configuration" and "envy-elimination" that mightbe of independent interest. We also use our new tools to find an EFX allocation for restricted additivevaluations that discards at most ⌊n/2⌋−1\lfloor n/2 \rfloor -1 goods. This improvesthe state of the art for the restricted additive valuations by a factor of 22.<br
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