89 research outputs found


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    Nano thin films and nano coating have been applied in different fields in health care system because of their higher antiviral properties. Additionally, as the world have suffered since December 2019 from Covid-19 situation, different scientists and industrials people have tried to apply nano antiviral films and coatings in our daily life. In this short review, nano thin film coating procedure by DC sputtering technique has been reviewed, investigated, and evaluated by using different materials and device parameters in recent years. This report focuses on device factors that affect the thickness of nano-thin films for optical and optic-electric applications. These parameters including time, temperature, power, pressure, and flow rate of gases. The review provides more understanding meaning of the coating procedure by DC sputtering process

    Physical and Chemical Characterization of Drag Reducing Polymer Based on Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in Human Blood Flow

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    A new attempt to use Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as a bio-drag reducing polymer agent for human blood flow has been studied. PVP was added at 0, 500, 750 and 1000 part per million (ppm) and mixed with human blood at room temperature for 2 minutes. Then, a cone on plate rheometer was used to investigate the effectiveness of PVP agent on blood rheological properties. The results showed significant effecting of PVP on blood fluidity characteristics, where the viscosity decreased as the PVP content increased or as a shear rate increased. For a certain shear rate, the shear stress decreased as PVP content increased. These changes will lead to increased mixing efficiency within the capillaries, increased oxygen transportation, increased tissue perfusion, modified red blood cells (RBCs) distribution, reduced pressure drop gradients, enhanced turbulent flow tendency, enhanced viscoelasticity nature of the blood and its strengthened non-Newtonian pattern. Also, the results showed that the viscosity-shear stress relationships become more linear at higher PVP concentrations. PVP addition caused no shifting in UV-absorbing positions and only moderate intensity changing. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) parameters provide other indicators about the role of PVP as a drag reduction agent for blood flow, where all of the amplitude, hybrid and special parameters decreased significantly

    Traducción e introducción del texto de ‘Abd al Mun‘im Mahyūb. Kuntu musliman…da‘wa ilà al-tah. arrur min al-kahnūt al-islāmī (fui musulmán… invitación a emanciparse del clero islámico)

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    A spanish translation from Arabic of an article by the Libyan contemporary intellectual ‘Abd al a ilà al-takharrur min al-kahnūt al-islāmī”.En este artículo el pensador libio Abdul Mun‛im Ma¬joub somete las ideas derivadas de la religión islámica a la crítica y la reflexión con la pretensión, dice, de liberarlas de sus barreras. Sostiene que a finales del siglo IV de la hégira, el islam se tornó un sistema cerrado y contradictorio con respecto a la esencia del credo, dejando de ser un credo misionero para convertirse en dogma cerrado sobre sí mismo. Afirma que el islam tal como se practica hoy en día es una religión hecha por el hombre, convenida a fin de eternizar las autoridades, arraigar las raíces de la opresión y justificar la obediencia. En su opinión, de esa concepción y de esa práctica de la religión islámica  pertenecen y descienden todos los movimientos radicales y las manifestaciones de violencia política que enarbolan los eslóganes del islam

    Time and verb tenses in Arabic language

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    Traducción del árabe del apartado “al-Zaman wa-l-ŷiha” de la obra de Tamām Ḥassān al-Luga al-‘arabiyya mabnā-hā wa-ma‘nā-hā (El sentido y la sintaxis de la lengua árabe).A Spanish translation from Arabic of the chapter “al-Zaman wa-l-ŷiha” in Tammām Ḥassān’s al-Luga ʻal-arabiyya: mabnā-hā wa-maʻnā-hā (Meaning and Syntax inArabic Language)

    Tiempo y aspecto en la lengua árabe

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    A Spanish translation from Arabic of the chapter “al-Zaman wa-l-ŷiha” in Tammām Ḥassān’s al-Luga ʻal-arabiyya: mabnā-hā wa-maʻnā-hā (Meaning and Syntax inArabic Language)Traducción del árabe del apartado “al-Zaman wa-l-ŷiha” de la obra de Tamām Ḥassān al-Luga al-‘arabiyya mabnā-hā wa-ma‘nā-hā (El sentido y la sintaxis de la lengua árabe

    Bioethics of Brain Computer Interfaces

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    Nowadays, smart home devices have started to take a part in everything in our life, which mainly have been developed to consist from brain computer interface (BCI). In recent months, Neuralink BCI (1024-Electode) has been approved to be used by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA. That makes the ethical related studies have more attention to apply these devices and technologies in our daily life with more security. In this chapter, the ethical challenges of smart home systems that use BCI for personal monitoring, such as Neuralink Interfaces, have been reviewed, analyzed and discussed regarding the fundamental principles in ‘Statement of Ethical Principles for the Engineering Profession’ of the UK. Firstly, a brief introduction of Neuralink BCI technology and important applications in daily life were discussed with related ethics issues. Then, proposed solutions and recommendations for every situation have been introduced and discussed as well. The main proposed ways to address that are establishing and introducing the related laws and rules, technology development of security and safety, and educate for acceptance culture in the society

    Formulation and characterization of a multiple emulsion containing 1% L-ascorbic acid

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    The purpose of the study was to prepare a stable multiple emulsion containing a skin anti-aging agent and using paraffin oil. Vitamin C, was incorporated into the inner aqueous phase of water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) multiple emulsion at a concentration of 1%. Multiple emulsion was prepared by two step method. Stability studies were performed at different accelerated conditions, i.e. 8 oC (in refrigerator), 25 oC (in oven), 40 oC (in oven), and 40 oC at 75% RH (in stability cabin) for 28 days to predict the stability of formulations. Different parameters, namely pH, globule size, electrical conductivity and effect of centrifugation (simulating gravity) were determined during stability studies. Data obtained was evaluated statistically using ANOVA two way analyses and LSD tests. Multiple emulsion formulated was found to be stable at lower temperatures (i.e. 8 and 25 oC) for 28 days. No phase separation was observed in the samples during stability testing. It was found that there was no significant change (p > 0.05) in globule sizes in most of the samples kept at various conditions. Insignificant changes (p > 0.05) in both pH and conductivity values were determined for the samples kept at 8, 40, and 40 oC at 75% RH, throughout the study period. Further studies are needed to formulate more stable emulsions with other emulsifying agents. KEY WORDS: Multiple emulsion, Vitamin C, StabilityBull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2010, 24(1), 1-10.

    Stock market efficiency: Behavioral or traditional paradigm?Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and investors community of Pakistan

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    Traditional finance explains the investment process on rational and logical grounds based on the assumption of rationality of average investor. This paper attempts to understand why traditional finance models fail to capture stock market movements and how behavioral finance explains that failure in the context of Pakistan’s financial market. Beginning with the basics of behavioral finance, the discussion unfolds to explain any association that investor’s decision making process has with the behavioral biases like overconfidence, regret, pyramid and risk. Primary data based on questionnaire and interviews of investors trading at Karachi Stock Exchange of Pakistan was used. The study concluded that behavioral traits have significant association with investment decision. The study will also open up the doors to further analyze the deviated scenarios which cause the market to create the loss spiral for one group and unbounded gain for the other

    Effect of Date Palm Pollen Suspension on Ovarian Function and Fertility in Adult Female Rats Exposed to Lead Acetate

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           This study present the effects of Date Palm Pollen grains (DPP) (phoenix dactylifera) on ovary function and fertility in adult  female rats exposed to lead acetate. Forty adult female albino rats were divided randomly into four equal groups. The first control  group was given orally (1 ml) distal water,(T1) group given orally 150 mg / kg .B.W. DPP ( 0.5ml),(T2) group given orally  (10) mg / kg. B.W. lead acetate (1 ml) ,(T3) group given daily by oral administration of both DPP150 mg/kg B.W. and 10 mg / kg.  B.W. lead acetate .all animals treated via gavages needle for 6 weeks.At the end of experiment blood were collected to determine serum LH & FSH  level .      Treated( T1)  group showed the increase levels of LH  were on significant importance at a level of < 0.05 in comparison with zero time of the same group and in comparison with control group . To contrast to treated(T1)  group, the level on LH showed a significantly decrease levels in animals on treated (T2) group exposure lead acetate at a dose rate of  10 mg / kg. B.W daily .  The significant decrease in LH were showed in comparison the value with that at zero day of the same group and at a time on experiment 14, 28, 42 day post exposure in comparison with control group and with (T1) group exposed to DPP. Animal on  treated (T3) group exposed of both DPP at 150 mg /kg. B. W. and lead acetate 10 mg / kg. B.W. for 6 weeks didn`t show any significant changes during the experiment.      Animals on( T1) group that exposed to DPP at a dose rate on 150 mg / k. B.W. for 6 weeks showed a significant increase FSH level in serum of exposed animal in comparison with zero time of the same group and in comparison with contrl group  . While those on (T2) group which exposed to lead acetate at a dose rate of 10 mg / kg. B.W. for 6 weeks showed a significant decrease in FSH level in serum on day 14 and 42 following the exposure the decrease in FSH level in serum may significant in comparison with zero day of same group and with level on T1 group and control group. Animal on group T3 didn`t show any significant changes during the experiment.            This study conclude that DPP has obvious improvement effect on fertility hormones of Adult  female rats exposed to lead acetate

    Neurokinin 1 receptor antagonist along with dexamethasone reduces the inflammation in COVID-19 patients: a novel therapeutic approach

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    Background: Corona virus infection is a respiratory infection, compromising the normal breathing in critical patients by damaging the lungs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of Substance P receptor Neurokinin 1 antagonist in COVID-19 patients against the usual treatments as controls.Methods: It is a two-arm, open-label, randomized clinical trial that was carried out at Bahria International Hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. PCR-positive, hospitalized patients older than 18 years old, all sexes, and in the critical to life-threatening stage were included. 52 patients were placed in control group A and 67 patients were placed in intervention group B out of a total 119 patients who were randomly assigned to both arms. Before and after the intervention, lab tests were conducted in both groups. Aprepitant, a neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist, was additionally administered to the other arm while the other arm got standard therapy and care. Additionally, both groups received oral administration of the corticosteroid dexamethasone.Results: Patients in group A were on average 56.05 years old, compared to 58.1 years old in group B. There were 24 women in group A and 28 in group B, while there were 28 men and 39 women in group A. Group A had three critical cases, but group B had six. The reduction in C-reactive protein in the intervention group, improvement in platelet count in group B, and normalization of ferritin and LDH levels in group B all indicated decreased inflammation in the biochemical and haematological parameters in both groups. However, because of the reduced sample size, it wasn't very significant.Conclusion: The results of this recent trial provide a solid indication of Aprepitant's medicinal potential. Patients who got a combined therapy of dexamethasone and aprepitant had better clinical results, more favourable lab results, and lower levels of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker