234 research outputs found


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    The article touches upon basic aspects of the theory of speech acts that is defined as influence exercised upon  a human being or a group of people through speech and related non-verbal means by the speaker in order to achieve definite aims, i.e. to change the listener’s behavior, his mental set, intentions, perceptions, evaluations, etc. in the course of verbal interaction

    Mitochondrial KATP Channel Function under Hypoxia

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    Hypoxic states and conditions result in complex alterations of the energetics and metabolism at the level of the whole cell and mitochondria, including the modulation of metabolic pathways and activation of transcription factors and signaling events. Common feature of the alterations of mitochondrial functions under hypoxia is the activation of mitochondrial potassium channels. Most studied of mitochondrial potassium channels, ATP-sensitive K+ channel (mKATP channel), is supposed to play important role in the adaptation to hypoxia. However, the main obstacles in the understanding of mKATP channel functions under hypoxic conditions are contradictory data on the direct bioenergetic effects of mKATP channels opening and the lack of knowledge on cell specificity of mKATP channel functioning and of cell signaling pathways triggered by mKATP channels opening. So, the aim of this review was to outline the present knowledge on mKATP channel functions under hypoxia and to discuss how alterations to mitochondrial energetics and metabolism caused by mKATP channels opening (primarily at the level of ROS production and ATP synthesis) could be involved in multiple adaptive responses of a living organism to oxygen deprivation conditions

    Imperative of state in the process of establishment of innovational economy in the globalizing world

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    The article deals with the main problems of establishment of innovational economy and possible ways of solving them by the state in view of historical and national peculiarities, as well as actual situation of state regulation and support in the sphere of science and technologies. The authors determine top-priority tasks of the state in the sphere of innovations.peer-reviewe

    Análisis comparativo de normativas, ACI 318-14 y EHE-08

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    [Resumen] El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado trata sobre cómo vemos la Durabilidad y qué métodos usamos para cumplir con una Vida útil satisfactoria. Durante todo el trabajo, como se podrá observar, se habla de los factores que más afectan a la Durabilidad, de los cuales se puede destacar la relación a/c. Si nos referimos a los mecanismos de deterioro hablamos de mecanismos de deterioro físicos y químicos. Lo más subrayado de estos mecanismos es la permeabilidad del material, la calidad del mismo en cuestión de la formación de poros, su capacidad de absorción y difusión. Esto nos lleva a la Corrosión, uno de los deterioros más común en las estructuras de hormigón armado. La Corrosión se produce por dos razones: la Carbonatación o por penetración de iones de Cloruros. Asimismo este trabajo analiza la normativa Española EHE-08 y la normativa Americana ACI 318-14 con respecto a la comprobación de Estado Límite de Durabilidad, la Corrosión. Se realizará un ejercicio en el que se podrán ver los métodos y modelos de cálculo usados por las dos normas y finalmente unas conclusiones.[Abstract] This Final Project is about how we see the Durability and what methods we use to meet a satisfactory Service Life. Throughout the work, as you can see, we talk about the factors that affect the durability, which can highlight the w/c. If we refer to the mechanisms of deterioration, we talk about mechanisms of physical and chemical deterioration. The most stressed of these mechanisms is the permeability of the material, the quality of it within pore formation, their absorption capacity and diffusion. This leads to Corrosion, one of the most common deterioration in reinforced concrete structures. Corrosion occurs for two reasons: the Carbonation or penetration of Chloride ions. This paper also analyzes the Spanish legislation EHE-08 and ACI 318-14 USA legislation regarding checking Durability Limit State, Corrosion. An exercise in which you can see the calculation methods and models used by the two standards and finally conclusions will be made. KEYTraballo fin de grao (UDC.EUAT). Arquitectura técnica. Curso 2015/2016


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    The aim of the study – assessment of the features of clinical blood in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. It showed an increase in the absolute number of lymphocytes and monocytes, platelets, neutrophils, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Significantly decreased hemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume.Целью исследования являлось изучение клинического анализа крови при ювенильном идиопатическом артрите. Было показано, что в крови у детей с ювенильным идиопатическом артритом увеличивается число лимфоцитов и моноцитов, тромбоцитов, нейтрофилов, повышается скорость оседания эритроцитов. Достоверно уменьшается содержание гемоглобина и средний объем эритроцита

    La responsabilidad patrimonial de la administración pública en el ámbito educativo

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    El presente trabajo se centra, principalmente, en la responsabilidad patrimonial de las Administraciones Públicas en el ámbito educativo. En esta línea, comienzo mi estudio sobre la responsabilidad patrimonial de las Administraciones Públicas en sentido general, resaltando su evolución, los caracteres del sistema de la responsabilidad patrimonial y el derecho de los ciudadanos a la buena administración. Posteriormente me centro en la responsabilidad patrimonial en el ámbito educativo, manifestando varios puntos de interés de la nueva sociedad y resaltando numerosa jurisprudencia en este sentido. Asimismo, destaco la importancia del acoso escolar y su nueva forma de manifestación, dado el progreso de los medios de información y comunicación, que es el ciberacoso o el ciberbullying y el poco estudio dedicado a esta figura en relación a la importancia y trascendencia que presenta en la actualida


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    The growing popularity of mobile multimedia technologies determines the need to study the question of what impact they have on our mental sphere. An overview of domestic and foreign publications on the changes in our mental functions under the influence of mobile phones (in particular smartphones) has been given in the article. The results of a study that shows changes in the properties of students’ attention under the influence of intermediate actions with a smartphone also have been presented in the article. The study was carried out in several stages. Using the survey, the features of students ‘ attachment to their gadgets were revealed. According to the results of two experimental series, the features of students ‘ attention properties in the conditions of interaction with smartphones and without them were diagnosed and compared


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    Purpose. The article is devoted to the problem of computer game dependence, which is relevant for the modern information society. The author aims to study the personal characteristics of students with the presence of this form of addiction in addition to theoretical analysis of the problem.Method and Methodology. The author relies on the principle of psychological determinism in the research. The methods of experimental research were psychodiagnostic (test for Internet addiction, the technique of «State of health. Activity. Mood», scale of anxiety Taylor; a test of character accentuation by K. Leongard – N. Smishek; Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory), methods of qualitative and quantitative data processing.Results. It was possible to identify the personal and emotional characteristics of students according to the results of the study. They are manifested in a higher level of anxiety and aggressiveness, lower values of the components of the psycho-emotional state, more pronounced in emotional coloring types of personal accentuation than students who do not have a gaming computer addiction.Practical implications. The results of the study can be used in the process of psychological and pedagogical support of students, as well as for the prevention and correction of the emotional sphere of persons with computer gaming addiction.Цель. Статья посвящена такой актуальной для современного информационного общества проблеме как компьютерная игровая зависимость. Помимо теоретического анализа проблемы, автор ставит целью изучение личностных особенностей студентов с наличием данной формы аддикции.Метод или методология проведения работы. При проведении исследования, автор опирается на принцип психологического детерминизма. В качестве методов экспериментального исследования были выбраны психодиагностический (тест на Интернет-аддикцию, методика «Самочувствие. Активность. Настроение» (САН), шкала тревожности Тейлора; тест акцентуации характера К. Леонгарда – Н. Шмишека; методика диагностики состояния агрессивности Баса-Дарки), методы качественно-количественной обработки данных.Результаты. По результатам исследования удалось выявить личностные и эмоциональные особенности студентов, проявляющиеся в более высоком уровне тревожности и агрессивности, более низких значениях составляющих психоэмоциональное состояние, более выраженных по эмоциональной расцветке типах личностных акцентуаций, чем у студентов, не имеющих игровой компьютерной зависимости.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть применены в процессе психолого-педагогического сопровождения студентов, а также в целях профилактики и коррекции эмоциональной сферы лиц с компьютерной игровой зависимостью

    Obraz rodziny w gruzińskich i polskich podręcznikach do nauki języka ojczystego : studium porównawcze

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    The undertaken studies have been aimed at reconstructing the image of family emerging from handbooks of Georgian language and literature Polish language and literature. In the theoretical part, the author refers to cognitive linguistics - the language picture of the world, the hierarchy of values in Polish and Georgian culture, the model of the Polish and Georgian family, and then to school handbooks - for their functions, structure, requirements on the part of the Polish and Georgian education system. The analytical part draws attention to the family model embedded in school handbooks, way of raising children, everyday life of the household members, relations between next of kin (husband - wife, parents - children, grandparents - grandchildren) and persons in the family circle (family - neighbours, family - guests), as well as the functions performed by the family members (economic, socialization, caring and educational). Author refers to the differences and similarities between the Georgian and Polish handbook’s family. Indicates whether the handbooks portrayal of family strengthens or transgress the existing stereotypical conceptions of family

    Marketing aspects of Russia-the European Union cooperation in the field of education

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    In the paper the authors identified the need and identified the benefits of the development of Russia-EU cooperation in the field of education in the context of globalization, marked barriers to the development of such cooperation conditions for its development. The authors also performed a comparative analysis of the state and the market model for cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the field of education in the context of globalization and the expediency of the transition to it. As perspective directions of cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the field of education in the context of globalization the authors developed and validated a complex marketing mix.peer-reviewe