411 research outputs found

    Previous Second Trimester Abortion: A risk factor for third trimester uterine rupture in three subsequent pregnancies. Report of three cases

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    The authors report on three cases of uterine rupture. The first two cases occurred spontaneously and the third occurred in labour. All the patients refused voluntary termination of pregnancy before surgery. The true story was only re-constituted after surgery. Literature on spontaneous rupture of the uterus is scanty but cases occurring after hysteroscopic metroplasty,resectroscopy for AshermanÂŽs syndrome, hysteroscopic fundal perforation, and voluntary termination of pregnancy and in a primiparous woman are reported. Spontaneous uterine rupture though rare should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of a woman who presents with severe pain in the later half of pregnancy, with foetal loss, anaemia, with a stable orunstable hemodynamic status and a past history of unsafe termination of a second trimester pregnancy. Though rare, this possibility should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a prolonged third stage of labour. Thorough clinical history and physical examination of patients remains the cornerstone for accurate diagnosis of uterine rupture

    Impact of Indigenous Methods of Preparation and Cooking on the Proximate, Mineral, Vitamins, Amino and Fatty Acids Compositions of Groundnut Soups Prepared in Cross River State, Nigeria

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    Impact of variable standard preparation methods on the proximate, vitamins, fatty acids, minerals and amino acids compositions of groundnut soups were assessed using standard methods. Toasted groundnut soups (TGS) and raw groundnut soups (RGS) were rich in arginine (2.19 ± 0.00 % and 3.57 ±0.00 %) and leucine (1.37 ± 0.00 % and 2.80 ±0.00 %) respectively. TGS had significantly (p<0.05) higher Phosphorus 51±0.12; Potassium 186 ±0.41; Magnesium 18 ±4.10; Calcium 45 ±1.21 and Sodium. Cupper, iron and Zinc were comparable in both soups. The soups were rich in fatty acids, oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids. The protein content of RGS (10.9 ±0.08 %) and TGS (10.1 ±0.04 %) were not comparable (P>0.05). The soups were rich in dietary fibre, fats and energy. RGS had higher α-carotenoids, ÎČ-carotenoids, ÎČ-cryptoxanthin and vitamin A contents. The soups have variable but rich nutrients needed for optimal body function. Keywords: Groundnuts, soups, amino acid, fatty acid, proximate mineral DOI: 10.7176/FSQM/102-05 Publication date: November 30th 202

    The Effect of Adding Fish Oil sunflower seed oil in the produce of yogurt from skim milk on Cholesterol Level of Mice (Mus musculus)

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    This study aims to look at the effect of adding fish oil and sunflower seed oil in the produce of yogurt from skim milk as unsaturated fatty acids that can lower blood cholesterol levels are tested on mice (Mus musculus). Materials research is skim milk, lamuru fish oil, sunflower seed oil, starter plain yogurt Lb.delbrueckii subps. bulgaricus, penoptalin 1%, NaOH 0.1 N and experimental animals. Experimental animals used were 27 mice (Mus musculus) which 2-3 month old male and weighing 25-30 gr. This study used a complete randomized design (CRD) factorial 3 x 3 x 3 with the first factor is the percentage of fish oil (0%, 1%, 2%), and the second is the percentage of sunflower seed oil (0%, 1%, 2%). The results showed that the addition of fish oil and sunflower seed oil does not affect percentage of yogurt lactic acid, but very real effect on cholesterol of mice. Reduction of cholesterol levels of mice that is best mice given yogurt with the addition of 2% and 2% fish oil sunflower seed oil

    Testing the impact of robotic lawn mowers on european hedgehogs (erinaceus europaeus) and designing a safety test

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    Previous research has established that some models of robotic lawn mowers are potentially harmful to hedgehogs. As the market for robotic lawn mowers is expanding rapidly and the populations of European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) are in decline, it is important to investigate this risk further to understand the potential threat which some robotic lawn mowers may pose to hedgehogs. We tested 19 models of robotic lawn mowers in collision with hedgehog cadavers to measure their effect on hedgehogs. Our results showed that some models of robotic lawn mowers may injure hedgehogs, whereas others are not harmful to them. Apart from one single incidence, all robotic lawn mowers had to physically touch the hedgehog carcasses to detect them. Larger hedgehog cadavers were less likely to be “injured”, with height being the most influential measure of size. The firmness of the tested hedgehog cadavers (frozen or thawed) did not influence the outcome of the collision tests. Neither the position of the hedgehog cadavers nor the selected technical features of the lawn mowers affected the probability of injury. Based on the results, we designed a standardised safety test to measure the effect of a specific model of robotic lawn mower on hedgehogs

    The Use of Okra as a Coagulant and Coagulant Aids in the Removal of Heavy Metals of Solid Waste Leachates

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    Coagulation-Flocculation processes play an important role in the treatment of waterand wastewater. Aluminum sulfate (alum) and polyelectrolyte (polymer) are thecommon chemical coagulants which are used in this process. The produced leachate inwaste disposal places is considered to be one of the highly contaminated resourcesfrom the physical, chemical, and biological point of view.In Sulaimaniah, Tanjaro was found to be one of those solid waste landfill areas.Okra is used for the treatment of raw leachate samples that obtained directly fromSulaimaniah – Iraq solid waste sanitary landfill area. Fresh solid waste samples of theleachates were taken and tested for their heavy metals concentrations contents. It wasfound that the leachate contains a high amount of heavy metals of cadmium,chromium, copper, nickel, and zinc. By using conventional coagulants of alum,polymer and natural indigenous okra (as a primary coagulant or in combination withthe other two primary coagulants) and by the jar testing, the best concentrations and pHvalues of the coagulants were determined. Analyzing the results, it was found that theoptimal pH values were 6.65, 9.00 and 7.00 for alum, polymer and okra, respectively.In addition, the best dose of alum was1400 mg/L in which a removal of heavy metalsyielded 45-80 %, while the best dose of polymer was 500 mg/L in which a removal of70-95% was achieved. For okra, the best dose was 500 mg/L in which a removal ofheavy metals yielded 20-100%. It was found that okra has an efficient coagulationpower with respect to alum and polymer in removing heavy metals elements in solidwaste leachates

    Assisted Self-Assembly to Target Heterometallic Mn-Nd and Mn-Sm SMMs: Synthesis and Magnetic Characterisation of [Mn7_{7}Ln3_{3}(O)4_{4}(OH)4_{4}(mdea)3_{3}(piv)9_{9}(NO3_{3})3_{3}] (Ln=Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd)**

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    Assisted self-assembly by using a preformed [Mn6_{6}O2_{2}(piv)10_{10}(4-Me-py)2_{2}(pivH)2_{2}] (1) (pivH=pivalic acid) cluster leads to 3 different outcomes of the reaction with Ln(NO3_{3})3_{3} ⋅ xH2_{2}O (Ln=Pr−Ho and Y): Mn7_{7}Ln3_{3} and in some cases the inverse butterfly Mn2_{2}Ln2_{2} for Ln=Pr−Eu, Mn5_{5}Ln4_{4} for Ln=Tb-Ho and in the special case of Gd all three possibilities can form. Whilst the magnetic properties for the Mn5_{5}Ln4_{4} systems show the expected known SMM properties, for Mn7_{7}Ln3_{3} two new examples of Nd- and Sm-containing SMMs have been discovered. in an assisted self-assembly approach starting from the [Mn6_{6}O2_{2}(piv)10_{10}(4-Me-py)2_{2}(pivH)2_{2}] cluster a family of Mn−Ln compounds (Ln=Pr−Yb) was synthesised. The reaction of [Mn6_{6}O2_{2}(piv)10_{10}(4-Me-py)2_{2}(pivH)2_{2}] (1) with N-methyldiethanolamine (mdeaH2_{2}) and Ln(NO3_{3})3_{3} ⋅ 6H2_{2}O in MeCN generally yields two main structure types: for Ln=Tb−Yb a previously reported Mn5_{5}Ln4_{4} motif is obtained, whereas for Ln=Pr−Eu a series of Mn7_{7}Ln3_{3} clusters is obtained. Within this series the GdIII^{III} analogue represents a special case because it shows both structural types as well as a third Mn2_{2}Ln2_{2} inverse butterfly motif. Variation in reaction conditions allows access to different structure types across the whole series. This prompts further studies into the reaction mechanism of this cluster assisted self-assembly approach. For the Mn7_{7}Ln3_{3} analogues reported here variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements suggest that antiferromagnetic interactions between the spin carriers are dominant. Compounds incorporating Ln=NdIII^{III}(2), SmIII^{III}(3) and GdIII^{III} (5) display SMM behaviour. The slow relaxation of the magnetisation for these compounds was confirmed by ac measurements above 1.8 K

    Early mortality during initial treatment of tuberculosis in patients co-infected with HIV at the Yaoundé Central Hospital, Cameroon : an 8-year retrospective cohort study (2006-2013)

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding contributors to mortality during the initial phase of tuberculosis (TB) treatment in patients co-infected with HIV would guide targeted interventions to improve survival. The aim of this study was to ascertain the incidence of death during the initial 2 months (new cases) and 3 months (retreatment cases) of TB treatment and to assess correlates of mortality in HIV co-infected patients. METHODS: We conducted a hospital-based retrospective cohort study from January 2006 to December 2013 at Yaoundé Central Hospital, Cameroon. We reviewed medical records to identify co-infected TB/HIV inpatients aged 15 years and older who died during TB treatment. Death was defined as any death occurring during TB treatment, as per World Health Organization recommendations. We collected socio-demographic, clinical and laboratory data. We conducted multivariable logistic binary regression analysis to identify factors associated with death during the intensive phase of TB treatment. Magnitudes of associations were expressed by adjusted odds ratio (a OR ) with 95% confidence interval. A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: The 99 patients enrolled had a mean age of 39.5 (standard deviation 10.9) years and 53% were male. Patients were followed for 276.3 person-months of observation (PMO). Forty nine patients were died during intensive phase of TB treatment. Death incidence during the intensive phase of TB treatment was 32.2 per 100 PMO. Having a non-AIDS comorbidity (a OR 2.47, 95%CI 1.22-5.02, p = 0.012), having extra-pulmonary TB (a OR 1.89, 95%CI 1.05-3.43, p = 0.035), and one year increase in duration of known HIV infection (aOR 1.23, 95%CI 1.004-1.49) were independently associated with death during the intensive phase of TB treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Mortality incidence during intensive phase of TB treatment was high among TB/HIV co-infected patients during TB treatment; and strongly associated with extra pulmonary TB suggesting advanced stage of immunosuppression and non-AIDS comorbidities. Early HIV diagnosis and care and good management of non-comorbidities can reduce this incidence

    Classical Analysis of Phenomenological Potentials for Metallic Clusters

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    The classical trajectories of single particle motion in a Wodds-Saxon and a modified Nilsson potential are studied for axial quadrupole deformation. Both cases give rise to chaotic behaviour when the deformation in the Woods-Saxon and the l**2 term in the modified Nilsson potential are turned on. Important similarities, in particular with regard to the shortest periodic orbits, have been found.Comment: 9 pages LaTex + 4 figures available via e-mail requests from the authors, to appear in Phys.Rev.Let

    Tetranuclear Zn/4f coordination clusters as highly efficient catalysts for Friedel-Crafts alkylation

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    A series of custom-designed, high yield, isoskeletal tetranuclear Zn/4f coordination clusters showing high efficiency as catalysts with low catalytic loadings in Friedel-Crafts alkylation are described for the first time. The possibility of altering the 4f centers in these catalysts without altering the core topology allows us to further confirm their stability via EPR and NMR, as well to gain insights into the plausible reaction mechanism, showcasing the usefulness of these bimetallic systems as catalysts
