294 research outputs found

    Residential energy demand in Australia: an application of dynamic OLS

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    This paper reports estimates of the long-run elasticities of residential demand for electricity, natural gas and other fuels for Australia. The dynamic OLS (DOLS) framework is used to estimate logarithmic demand equations with previously unpublished national-level quarterly data. Significant substitution possibilities are found between electricity and gas and between electricity and other fuels. However, the cross-price elasticity of gas with respect to the price of residual fuels is negative. Our results are similar to other Australian and North American estimates but are more theoretically consistent than previous Australian estimates. We confirm that Australian residential energy demand is much more price responsive than North American residential energy demand.

    The structure of Australian residential energy demand

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    This paper presents the first national-level econometric estimates of the residential energy demand system for Australia. We estimate an Almost Ideal (AI) demand system for electricity, gas, and other miscellaneous fuels (mainly oil and wood) using quarterly data for both the country as a whole and for a panel of the five most populous States. The national data set covers the period from 1969 Q3 to 1998 Q2, while the state level data is only available from 1984 Q3 onwards. According to the national-level data, the pairs of electricity and miscellaneous fuels and gas and miscellaneous fuels are significant substitutes, whereas electricity and gas - the two main fuels - may be complements. The panel model, in contrast, finds significant substitution possibilities between gas and miscellaneous fuels only. The cross-price elasticities between electricity and gas are positive but not significant. The gas own-price elasticity is zero in the national model and unit elastic in the panel model. A national model estimated over the same shorter time period still shows complementarity between electricity and natural gas but most results are insignificant. Both large time-series and cross-sectional dimensions are valuable in estimating elasticities. Compared to North American estimates, our results show greater own price and income elasticities for natural gas and the miscellaneous category. They also show more substitutability between natural gas and the miscellaneous category.

    Penyelenggaraan fasiliti stadium

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    Penyelenggaraan adalah kerja yang dilakukan untuk memelihara, menjaga, mengendali, memperbaiki dan mengawalselia struktur bangunan, kemudahan, kelengkapan, perkhidmatan bangunan dan persekitaran bagi memastikan bangunan sentiasa berada pada tahap piawaian yang telah ditetapkan. Selain itu, penyelenggaraan juga dapat mempertahankan utiliti dan nilai fasiliti kemudahan serta berada dalam keadaan selamat digunakan

    Biodiversity of macroalgae in Blue Lagoon, the Straits of Malacca, Malaysia and some aspects of changes in species composition

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    This research was conducted to study the biodiversity status of marine macroalgae (seaweeds) in Blue Lagoon, Port Dickson and assess the changes in species composition in the area. The sampling site is located in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, which has been regarded as one of the Malaysia’s popular beach resort destinations. This tourist spot has seen major physical changes over the last few decades. Despite habitat disturbance, our study recorded 44 species of macroalgae with Sargassum asperifolium noted as a new record for this area. Brown seaweeds (Phaeophyta) and green seaweeds (Chlorophyta) dominated the sampling areas with each division recorded 19 and 16 species, respectively. Change to species composition was evident for the common genus Sargassum (Sargassaceae, Fucales). Chlorophyta was mostly found in the upper intertidal to subtidal zones while Phaeophyta proliferated in the mid-tidal areas. The red seaweeds (Rhodophyta) were distributed and grew better in lower light intensity in the subtidal zone. This study will contribute to the seaweed database of Malaysia for future reference and this may help in the conservation of seaweeds

    Minerals Identification of Bio-Solar Gemstone From Aceh

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    Salah satu batu mulia yang terkenal di Aceh disebut Bio-Solar. Batu permata ini banyak ditemukan di Aceh, namun, informasi detail tentang batu permata ini masih sangat terbatas. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan karakterisasi batu permata Bio-Solar yang berasal dari Aceh dengan menggunakan X-Ray Florescent (XRF). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa batu permata Bio-Solar mengandung mineral-mineral CaO (59,8%), SiO2 (19,7%), Fe2O3 (11,1%), Al2O3 (7,5%), dan NiO (1,3%). Dengan membandingkan hasil ini dengan data-data penelitian sebelumnya, telah ditemukan bahwa batu permata Bio-Solar dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai jenis batu giok Vesuvianite. One of well-known gemstones in Aceh is called Bio-Solar. This gemstone is found a lot in Aceh. Nonetheless, the detail information of this gemstone is still limited. None knows if this gemstone can be classified as jade. This study has characterized this gemstone (Bio Solar) from Aceh using X-Ray Florescent (XRF). The results show that the Bio-Solar gemstone contains minerals of CaO (59.8%), SiO2 (19.7%), Fe2O3 (11.1%), Al2O3 (7.5%), and NiO (1.3%). By comparing this results to the available mineral data, we found that the Bio-Solar gemstone from Aceh can be classified as Vesuvianite jade

    Mathematics of economic processes nature and methods of modeling

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    In the article, mathematical modeling is studied as one of the important methods in the study of the economy, and the issues of choosing one of the methods of economic statistics, econometrics, optimal solutions and adapting them to the studied problem are highlighted

    Morphology of Appendicular Skeleton of the Thai Mahseer\u27s Tor Tambroides (Bleeker, 1854)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan morfologi tulang anggota gerak (ossa appendicularis) ikan keureling (Tor tambroides Bleeker, 1854). Contoh ikan diperoleh dari pedagang ikan di wilayah sungai Tangse Kabupaten Pidie dengan bobot 5 kg dan panjang 65 cm. Tahapan pembuatan preparat tulang dilakukan di Laboratorium Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Almuslim Kabupaten Bireuen, sedangkan identifikasi terminologi tulang anggota gerak ikan dilakukan di Laboratorium Terpadu Biologi, Program studi Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Univer-sitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry. Pembuatan tulang anggota gerak dilakukan secara fisik dan kimiawi. Pemotretan setiap bagian tulang dilakukan dengan menggunakan kamera Canon EOS 700D dan diolah dengan menggunakan Adobe Photoshop CS3. Penamaan setiap bagian tulang anggota gerak dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan kemiripan bentuk dan letak setiap bagian tulang anggota gerak ikan yang telah diteliti sebelumnya, baik dari famili yang sama maupun dari famili yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tulang anggota gerak (ossa appendicularis) ikan keureling terdiri atas sepasang sirip dada (pinna pectoralis), sepasang sirip Perut (pinna pelvis), sirip punggung (pinna dorsalis), sirip anal (pinna analis), dan sirip ekor (pinna caudalis). Karakteristik sirip ikan keureling relatif sama pada famili sejenis (Cyprinidae), namun terdapat perbedaan apabila dibandingkan dengan ikan dari famili lainnya (Osphronemidae, Zaproridae, dan Tetraodontidae)

    Spin-orbit induced backflow in neutron matter with auxiliary field diffusion Monte Carlo

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    The energy per particle of zero-temperature neutron matter is investigated, with particular emphasis on the role of the L⃗⋅S⃗\vec L\cdot\vec S interaction. An analysis of the importance of explicit spin--orbit correlations in the description of the system is carried out by the auxiliary field diffusion Monte Carlo method. The improved nodal structure of the guiding function, constructed by explicitly considering these correlations, lowers the energy. The proposed spin--backflow orbitals can conveniently be used also in Green's Function Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
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