58 research outputs found

    Aids, power and local governance in the Northern Côte D’ivoire

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    This research looks at the governance in the fight against AIDS in the Northern Coast as a political field where state, and non-state actors struggle for legitimacy and positioning. In the governance of public policies, the socio-political crisis in September 2002 Contributed to Reduced functional capacity of state structures due to the closure of some structures and the departure of much of the State staff on one hand. On the other hand, the crisis led to multiple opportunities, because of the increasing funding and other resources, and encourages the emergence of non-state actors interacting with each other. The research looks at the local governance in the fight against AIDS in the Northern Côte d'Ivoire as a political field where state and non-state actors struggle for power, legitimacy and positioning. The purpose of this paper is to present the different stakeholders interacting in the arena of fight against AIDS, and analyze the power relationship existing between them

    Rethinking the Relationship between Neo?patrimonialism and Economic Development in Africa

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    Is it possible to work with the grain of neo?patrimonial politics to boost investment and growth in Africa? Current donor orthodoxy is that neo?patrimonialism is irredeemably bad for economic development, but evidence from other regions, together with a re?examination of the African record itself, suggests that this may not be true. We present evidence from case studies of Kenya, CĂŽte d'Ivoire, Malawi and Rwanda to show that provided mechanisms can be found to centralise economic rents and manage them with a view to the long term, neo?patrimonialism can be harnessed for developmental ends

    Culture, technology and local networks: towards a sociology of ‘making’ in education

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    This article is about ‘making’ in education. Often associated with software programming (as in ‘digital making’), making can also involve creating or modifying physical technological artefacts. In this paper, making is examined as a phenomenon that occurs at the intersection of culture, the economy, technology and education. The focus is not on the effects on cognitive gains or motivations, but on locating making in a social, historical and economic context. Making is also described as a form of ‘material connotation’, where connotation refers to the process through which the technical structure of artefacts is altered by culture and society. In the second part of the paper, the theoretical discussion is complemented by a case study in which making is described as a networked phenomenon where technology companies, consultants, volunteers, schools, and students were all implicated in turning a nebulous set of practices and discourses into an educational reality

    Cote d'Ivoire: La reinvention de soi dans la violence

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    The dramatic sociopolitical crisis which befell CĂŽte d'Ivoire in September 2002 gave birth to an unprecedented political zeal. Immigration, the other, ethno-nationalism, nationalism, patriotism, civil war, youth at risk - such are the words that describe the CĂŽte d'Ivoire' situation. Attempts to explain the 'crisis' in this country, known in recent past as 'relatively peaceful', mainly happen through media 'sensationalism'. This translates at the same time the almost complete control of the scoop media which renders the understanding of the situation only possible through such outlets. The ability of media professionals to coin words through which social history is reflected upon has the effect of complicating the task of social and human sciences while also appearing as stimulating at the same time. Understanding complex situations is now a crossroad of confusion between the simple and the simplified. The challenge for social and human sciences is, therefore, to resume its rightful place by presenting social and political realities in their complexity. Contributions in this book attempt to rid simple words of their excessive simplification to enable an understanding of social and political ills as well as the sense of history. This book is to be taken as a look from within. The challenge here is to take a step back and disconnect the real from the surprising which prevents a deep analysis of realities emanating from a historical process that is relatively long. At the heart of that process resides the paradoxical re-invention of the self through violence, though in the name of democracy. The 2010 post-electoral crisis and the intensity of the violence which characterized it are once again a demonstration of the relevance of the violence-democracy paradox and the on-going exercise of objectivity

    Les sciences sociales et la modernité en Afrique subsaharienne

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    Igue John, Soule, Bio G. - L' État-entrepĂŽt au BĂ©nin. Commerce informel ou solution Ă  la crise ?

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    Akindes Françis A. Igue John, Soule, Bio G. - L' État-entrepĂŽt au BĂ©nin. Commerce informel ou solution Ă  la crise ?. In: Cahiers d'Ă©tudes africaines, vol. 33, n°132, 1993. pp. 669-672

    Epidemiologische Analyse von Ursachen der chronischen Niereninsuffizienz und des Verlaufs der Glomerulonephritis bei dialysepflichtigen Kindern als Fragestellung der Communty Medicine.

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    Die Glomerulonephritis (GN) ist die hĂ€ufigste Ursache der chronischen Niereninsuffizienz (CNI) im Kindesalter. Im Zeitraum 1971-1993 wurden 312 Kinder mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz (NI) im Kinderdialysezentrum der CharitĂ© chronisch dialysiert. Die GN war bei 42% (131 Patienten) der Kinder die Ursache der NI. Wegen zum Teil fehlender Daten konnte die Analyse nur an 96 Patienten (49 MĂ€dchen, 47 Knaben) mit GN durchgefĂŒhrt werden. Die histologische Untersuchung erfolgte bei 80 Kindern. Die mesangioproliferative GN kam bei 22, die fokale segmentale Glomerulosklerose (FSGS) bei 17 Kindern vor. Der Altersmedian betrug zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnosestellung (DS) 72,5 Monate. 17 Kinder erkrankten an hĂ€molytisch urĂ€mischem Syndrom (HUS) und wurden akut dialysiert. Der Altersmedian betrug 73,0 Monate. Der Zeitraum zwischen Zeitpunkt der DS und Beginn der CNI betrug im Median 49,5 Monate. Zwischen MĂ€dchen und Knaben und zwischen Patienten mit mesangioproliferativer GN, FSGS und membranoproliferativer GN gab es keine Unterschiede. Patienten > 6 Jahre gelangten mit 20 Monaten signifikant frĂŒher in die Phase der CNI als Patienten < 6 Jahre mit 71,5 Monaten. Blutdruck, Ausmaß der Proteinurie, HĂ€maturie und HypercholesterolĂ€mie hatten keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf den Krankheitsverlauf. Eine Nierentransplantation (Tx) erfolgte bei 67 Patienten nach einer Dialysezeit von durchschnittlich 19,1 Monaten. Bei 42 Patienten (63 %) kam es nach 5,7 Monaten zu einer Rejektionskrise. Hauptursachen hierfĂŒr waren die akute bzw. chronische interstitielle Rejektion, gefolgt von einer Rekurrenz bzw. de novo Genese der GN. Es starben 26 von 96 Patienten. Die Haupttodesursachen waren zentralnervöse und kardiale Komplikationen. Die Überlebensrate der transplantierten Patienten betrug 100% nach l Jahr, 91% nach 5 Jahren und 82% nach 10 Jahren. Zusammenfassend ergab sich, dass die FrĂŒhdiagnose der GN und ihre frĂŒhzeitige Therapie wesentlich fĂŒr die Prognose ist. Bei Patienten mit terminaler NI ist die Tx die Therapie der Wahl.Glomerulonephritis (GN) is one of the most common reasons for chronic renal failure (CRF) in childhood. From 1971 until 1993 312 children suffering from terminal renal failure were treated with chronic dialysis in the centre for childrens' dialysis at the CharitĂ©. The GN was the main cause for the CRF in 42% (131 patients) of the children. Due to the lack of some data only 96 patients (49 girls and 47 boys) with GN were analysed. Histological examination was carried out in 80 cases. The mesangioproliferative GN occurred in 22 children, the focal segmental GN in 17 children. The age of the children at the time when the GN was diagnosed was 72.5 months (median). Seventeen children suffered from a haemolytic uraemic syndrome and were treated by dialysis. The median age of these patients was 73.0 months. The period of time between the diagnosis and the chronic renal insufficiency was 49.5 months. There were no differences between either girls, boys, or patients with mesangioproliferative GN. Patients older than 6 years suffered with 20,0 months significantly earlier from CRF than patients younger than 6 years with 71.5 months. Blood pressure, extent of proteinuria, hematuria and hypercholesterinamiahad no significant impact on the course of the disease. Renal transplantation was carried out in 67 patients after a period of dialysis of 19.1 month (mean value). Fourtytwo patients (= 63) suffered from a rejection crisis after 5.7 months. The main reasons were acute or chronic interstitial rejection, or recurrent or de novo GN. Twentysix out of 96 patients died. The main causes of death were cardial and centralnervous complications. The survival rate of transplanted patients was 100% after 1 year, 91% after 5 years and 82% after 10 years. To summarize the obtained data, the early diagnosis of the GN and its early therapy were essential for the further course of the disease. Renal transplantation is the optimal therapy for patients suffering from terminal renal insufficiency
