738 research outputs found

    Kontrastive Gesprächsanalyse aufgrund der phonetischen Untersuchung des Schweigens

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    International audienceDie phonetisch-statistische Untersuchung ueber das Schweigen in der interaktiven Struktur der BITTEN-ABLEHNEN-Sequenz kommt zu folgendem Ergebnis: a. Bezüglich der Dauer der silent pause" sind sprachspezifische Tendenzen zu beobachten. b. Die Laenge der Pausen haengt von Geschlecht und Rolle ab. c. Pausen bei Sprecherwechsels sind je nach Sprache sehr unterschiedlich lang.This paper presents an analysis of the phonetic correlates of silent pauses in German, Korean and Japanese. Thirty six pairs of speakers of the same gender participated to the experiment. Results reveal three significant findings: pause frequency and duration seem to be language specific; their use is role dependent; and the distribution of pause durations shows the existence of three different categories of functions which confirms the highly significant weight of pauses in conversational strategies

    Pauses silencieuses dans le dialogue en allemand, coréen et japonais

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    Autorisation No.3178 : TIPA est la revue du Laboratoire Parole et LangageThe present study analyses the phonetic correlates of silent pauses in German, Korean and Japanese. Altogether, 36 pairs of the same gender pairs participated to the experiment. Subjects interacted in role-play dialogues of the 'request-refusal' type. A subject in each pair was instructed to play the role of a student asking for an appointment to the other, a professor, who was to refuse it. The corpus totaled a duration of 95 minutes. The durations of the silent pauses and of the utterances were measured for the acoustic analysis using signal editors. Analyses of variance and other related statistics have been carried out on the measured data converted in log values, using the following factors: language, gender, role, occurrence of pause and utterance. Results reveal three significant findings: (1) the use of pauses, particularly as far as their frequency and duration, seems to be language specific; (2) their use is role dependant; (3) the distribution of their duration reveal three different categories of functions thus confirming the highly significant weight of the expression of pauses within conversational strategies.Nous présentons dans cette étude les résultats sur l'analyse phonétique des paramètres relatifs à la pause silencieuse observée dans des dialogues en 3 langues : allemand, coréen, japonais. Au total, 36 paires de locuteurs adultes ont participé à l'enregistrement du corpus. Ils ont conversé en simulant un dialogue de type 'requête-refus'. L'un des deux, jouant le rôle d'un étudiant, doit demander un rendez-vous à l'autre, professeur, qui doit le refuser. Le corpus enregistré comprend 95 minutes de parole. Nous avons effectué les analyses de variance sur les données mesurées par l'éditeur de signal et converties en valeur logarithmique avec les facteurs suivants : langue, sexe, rôle, fréquence de pause et d'énoncé. Trois phénomènes sont à noter: (1) chaque langue a sa façon d'utiliser les pauses, (2) qui diffèrent suivant le rôle à jouer dans chaque langue. (3) Selon la distribution des données, les pauses se répartissent en 3 catégories de fonctionnalité distincte. Nous avons ainsi montré que la pause représente un poids hautement important dans la gestion de dialogue

    Reforma do sistema preescolar japonês: Estudo de caso e implementação de políticas

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    This is an ethnographic study of how two Japanese kindergartens are implementing the yōhoichigenka policy aimed at reforming the Japanese early childhood education system. The cases of these two kindergartens demonstrate what happens when a top-down mandate reaches the level of individual programs. The programs creatively find ways of responding to the reform mandate and to social change while maintaining what their administrators view as their pedagogical traditions. This paper also argues for the value of ethnographic methods to show how local programs are creative, resistant, and pragmatic in how they deal with top down pressures and directives. Este es un estudio etnográfico de cómo dos escuelas de pre-escolar japonesas están implementando la política yōhoichigenka para reformar el sistema de educación infantil japonesa. Los casos de dos escuelas de pre-escolar muestran lo que sucede cuando un mandato de las autoridades llega al nivel de los programas individuales. Estos programas creativamente encuentran sus propias maneras de responder al mandato de reformar y de cambios sociales mientras mantienen sus tradiciones pedagógicas. Este artículo también discute el valor de la etnografía para mostrar cómo los programas locales son creativos, resistentes y pragmáticos en cómo responden las presiones y directivas de las autoridades.Este é um estudo enográfico de como as escolas de pré-escolar estão a implementar a política yōhoichigenka para reformar o sistema de educação pré-escolar japonesa. Os casos de duas escolas de pré-escolar mostram que se sucede quando o governo exige uma reforma e esta chega ao nível dos programas individuais. Estes programas criam as suas próprias funções de resposta ao mandato de reformas e de mudanças sociais e mantem as suas tradições pedagógicas. Este artigo também discute o valor da etnografia para mostrar como os programas locais são criativos, resistentes e pragmáticos para responder as exigências e diretivas das autoridades

    A potential diagnostic biomarker: Proteasome LMP2/b1i-differential expression in human uterus neoplasm

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    Uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS) develops more often in the muscle tissue layer of the uterine body than in the uterine cervix. The development of gynecologic tumors is often correlated with female hormone secretion; however, the development of uterine ULMS is not substantially correlated with hormonal conditions, and the risk factors are not yet known. Importantly, a diagnostic-biomarker which distinguishes malignant ULMS from benign tumor leiomyoma (LMA) is yet to be established. Accordingly, it is necessary to analyze risk factors associated with uterine ULMS, to establish a treatment method. Proteasome low-molecular mass polypeptide 2(LMP2)/b1i-deficient mice spontaneously develop uterine LMS, with a disease prevalence of ~40% by 14 months of age. We found LMP2/b1i expression to be absent in human LMS, but present in human LMA. Therefore, defective-LMP2/b1i expression may be one of the risk factors for ULMS. LMP2/b1i is a potential diagnostic-biomarker for uterine ULMS, and may be a targeted-molecule for a new therapeutic approach

    Prosodische Variationen der gleichen Ausdrücke und ihre Interpretation

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    International audienceFür die Realisierung von Sprechhandlungen spielen lexikalische Informationen eine entscheidende Rolle. Jedoch darf die prosodische Seite der Ausdrücke nicht gering geachtet werden, denn die gleichen Ausdrücke können je nach Aussprache unterschiedliche konnotative Bedeutungen haben. Im Japanischen wird häufig darauf hingewiesen, dass die Intonation insbesondere am Ende der Äußerungen die Absicht bzw. Haltung des Sprechers wiederspiegelt. Um sie richtig zu verstehen, wird von den Japanischlernenden gefordert, bestimmte physikalische Veränderungen, wie z.B. Tonhöhe oder Dauer, richtig wahrzunehmen und dem gegebenen Kontext entsprechend zu interpretieren. Im Bereich des Japanischen als Fremdsprache wird die Intonation im Unterricht teilweise intuitiv" behandelt, ohne die genaue Wahrnehmungstendenz der Lernenden zu berücksichtigen, weil sie auch in der Forschung noch ungeklärt ist. In Bezug auf die Wahrnehmung des Wortakzents wurde die Tendenz der Interferenz von der Muttersprache bereits aufgrund empirischer Untersuchungen festgestellt und ausführlich beschrieben (Ayusawa & Nishinuma 1997 u.a.) *.Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags wird die Interferenz der Muttersprache bei Wahrnehmung der Intonation und des Rhythmus der Äußerungen behandelt. Analysiert werden hier die Daten von insgesamt 90 deutschen und japanischen Muttersprachlern. Jeder Teilnehmer antwortete auf 320 Fragen nach der Prosodie, nämlich die Tonhöhe und die Dauer. Die Daten werden statistisch analysiert und unter kontrastiven Gesichtspunkten diskutiert. Dabei werden auch die Ergebnisse von Umfragen berücksichtigt, die anschließend an die Untersuchungen durchgeführt wurde. Es wurde von den japanischen Muttersprachlern erwähnt, dass akustische Variationen der gleichen Ausdrücke bei ihnen unterschiedliche Eindrücke hervorriefen, womit sie auf die zusätzlichen Konnotationen verwiesen.This study which supports the claim of a prosodic interference between L1 and L2, examines the perception of Japanese rhythm and intonation by German students. Four sentences recorded by 10 female Japanese speakers were presented 4 times through headsets to 45 Japanese and to 42 German students. Listeners were asked to determine whether the last syllable (1) had a rising or a falling intonation and (2) was short or long. Variance analysis reveals (1) a significant difference between the Germman and Japanese subjects in the perception of melodic and rhythm variations ; (2) that some infra-liminal F0 variations were judged differently by the German subjects, possibly due to interactions between sentence types and speech sounds

    Decreased postnatal neurogenesis in the hippocampus combined with stress experience during adolescence is accompanied by an enhanced incidence of behavioral pathologies in adult mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adolescence is a vulnerable period in that stress experienced during this time can affect the incidence of psychiatric disorders later, during adulthood. Neurogenesis is known to be involved in the postnatal development of the brain, but its role in determining an individual's biological vulnerability to the onset of psychiatric disorders has not been addressed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We examined the role of postnatal neurogenesis during adolescence, a period between 3 to 8 weeks of age in rodents. Mice were X-irradiated at 4 weeks of age, to inhibit postnatal neurogenesis in the sub-granule cell layer of the hippocampus. Electrical footshock stress (FSS) was administered at 8 weeks old, the time at which neurons being recruited to granule cell layer were those that had begun their differentiation at 4 weeks of age, during X-irradiation. X-irradiated mice subjected to FSS during adolescence exhibited decreased locomotor activity in the novel open field, and showed prepulse inhibition deficits in adulthood. X-irradiation or FSS alone exerted no effects on these behaviors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that mice with decreased postnatal neurogenesis during adolescence exhibit vulnerability to stress, and that persistence of this condition may result in decreased activity, and cognitive deficits in adulthood.</p

    Stressors and Coping in Hemodialysis Patients

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    本研究の目的は,血液透析患者のストレッサ-と対処について明らかにすることである。対象者は岡山市内の二カ所の病院において,研究参加に同意が得られた外来透析患者65名であり,透析ストレッサ一,対処,人口統計学的や医学的な情報などについて質問紙法による調査を行った。その結果,以下のようなことが明らかになった。(1)透析ストレッサ-は「将来への不安」が最も高く,そして「治療時間の長さ」や「身体的活動の制限」などの精神的ストレッサ-が続いていた。(2)対処は,消極的回避的および積極的前向き対処が問題解決的対処よりも上位を占めていた。今日、医学や透析機器などの改良で透析治療は 進歩を遂げてきているが,透析患者は将来への不安や時間の拘束などの制約や負担を抱えている。しかしながら,そのようなストレスフルな状況に対して,運命として引き受けるという感情を持ちながらもその思いをマイナスとしてだけに捉えるのではなく,前向きに対処をしていることが伺えた。The purpose of this study is to clarify stressors and coping in hemodialysis patients, The subjects were sixty five hemodialysis outpatients who agreed to participate in this study. The data was collected by questionnaires that consisted of dialysis stressor, coping and demographic and medical characteristics, from two hospitals in Okayama city. The results were as follows: (1) "uncertainty concerning the future" has the highest scores among the dialysis stressors, and was followed by psychosocial stressors such as "length of treatment" and "limitation of physical activities". (2) In emotional control negative emotional coping to evade problems and positive emotional coping to face problems are much higher scores than cognitive coping to solve problems. In spite of the improved hemodialysis treatment of today, patients are still under high stresses. it was found that hemodialysis patients strove to cope well with stressful situations such as uncertainty concerning the future and restrictions on time