296 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa antara kelas umum dengan kelas olahraga kelas VII SMP N 4 Purbalingga, kelas manakah yang lebih baik dan dari pendidikan orangtua tingkat apa. Penelitian ini merupakan desain penelitian faktorial menggunakan metode dokumentasi dengan mengetahui prestasi belajar berdasarkan nilai rapor. Subjek penelitian yang digunakan adalah siswa kelas umum sebanyak 48 anak dan kelas olahraga 36 anak. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Analisis data dengan uji ANOVA dan Independent Sampel T test pada taraf signifikasi 5%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Dari hasil uji hipotesis (Anova) diperoleh nilai F hitung (4,160) > F tabel (3,20). Dari hasil tersebut diartikan ada perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa kelas VII SMP N 4 Purbalingga kelas umum berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan orang tua. Dari hasil uji hipotesis (Anova) diperoleh nilai F hitung (4,542) > F tabel (3,30). Dari hasil tersebut diartikan ada perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa kelas VII SMP N 4 Purbalingga kelas olahraga berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan orang tua. Dari hasil uji di peroleh t hitung (2,869) > t tabel (1,664), hasil tersebut dapat diketahui ada perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa kelas VII SMP N 4 Purbalingga antara kelas umum dengan kelas olahraga. Berdasarkan perbedaan nilai mean (rata-rata) prestasi belajar kelas umum dengan olahraga diketahui kelas umum (74,39) > kelas olahraga (72,28). Jadi dapat disimpulkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas umum lebih baik dibandingkan prestasi siswa kelas olahraga untuk pendidikan orang tua tingkat dasar, menengah, dan tinggi. Kata kunci: prestasi belajar, siswa kelas umum, siswa kelas olahraga, tingkat pendidikan orang tua

    Model-based prognosis for intergranular corrosion

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    Among the advantages of Aluminium-based alloys for structural use is their corrosion resistance. However, while Aluminium alloys are highly resistant to uniform (general) corrosion, they are much more susceptible to types of localised corrosion, especially intergranular corrosion, which is a localised attack along the grain boundaries which leaves the grains themselves largely unaffected. In order to estimate the progress of such corrosion in a given sample, it is considered possible to generate a numerical model of some sort. While there has been much effort spent in the development of electrochemistry-based models, the use of grey and black-box models remains largely unexplored. One exception to this is the use of Cellular Automata (CA) models which have recently been exploited to model the progression of uniform corrosion. The object of the current paper is to apply the CA methodology to the case of intergranular corrosion. The first phase of the work has been concerned with generating appropriate CA rules which can qualitatively reproduce observed physics, and this work is reported here. A model is proposed which shows qualitative agreement with experimental data on the advance of the corrosion front

    Strain Evolution around corrosion pits under fatigue loading using digital image correlation

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    Localised corrosion plays a dominant role in the failure of components and structures exposed to the conjoint effects of corrosion and fatigue through the mechanism of corrosion fatigue. In general materials show good fatigue resistance when tested in air. However, under the synergistic effect of a corrosive environment and cyclic stress, this fatigue resistance is greatly diminished Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Poket Musafir: a guide for smart muslim travelers

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    Prayer (solat) is one of the five pillars of the Islamic faith and it has been stated in the hadeeth of Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) who said; I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say; “Between a man and shirik and kufr there stands his giving up prayer”. In other words, it is prayer that distinguished the believer from the disbeliever. Given the importance for Muslims to perform their five daily prayers even during travel, an android application, Poket Musafir was developed to guide them in performing their obligations. Poket Musafir included in its menu details on rulings regarding Jamak and Qasr (combining and shortening of prayers) during travel, calculation on distance to see whether one is eligible to perform Jamak and Qasr prayers, common Q&A faced by Muslim travellers in performing their prayers. This application also has quizzes, and can be used by school students to help them understand the topic and test their knowledge, on what they have learnt in a more dynamic way instead of static text in the textbook. Poket Musafir was developed using Android Studio, Adobe Photoshop CS6, GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) and Adobe Illustrator

    Loop mediated isothermal amplification based detection of equine respiratory pathogens using a portable, smartphone-based setup

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    New tools are needed to enable rapid detection, identification, and reporting of infectious viral and microbial pathogens in a wide variety of point-of-care applications that impact human and animal health. We report the design, construction, and characterization of a multiplexed platform for multiplexed analysis of disease-specific DNA sequences that utilizes a smartphone camera as the sensor in conjunction with a handheld “cradle” that interfaces the phone with a silicon-based microfluidic chip embedded within a credit card-sized cartridge. Utilizing specific nucleic acid sequences for four equine respiratory pathogens as representative examples, we demonstrate the ability of the system to utilize a single 15 µL droplet of test sample to perform selective positive/negative determination of target sequences, including integrated experimental controls, in approximately 30 minutes. Our approach utilizes loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) reagents pre-deposited into distinct lanes of the microfluidic chip, which, when exposed to target nucleic acid sequences from the test sample, generates fluorescent products that, when excited by appropriately selected light emitting diodes (LEDs) are visualized and automatically analyzed by a software application running on the smartphone microprocessor. The system achieves detection limits comparable to those obtained by laboratory-based methods and instruments. Assay information is combined with information from the cartridge and the patient to populate a cloud-based database for epidemiological reporting of test results

    Indoor air quality (IAQ) in preschools and its association with respiratory inflammation among pre-schoolers

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    Introduction: Children spend most of the time indoors and make them easily exposed to indoor air contaminants. Exposure to poor indoor air quality has led to various health problem especially, respiratory-related illness. This study is intended to determine the relationship between indoor air pollutants exposure and the airway inflammation among children aged 5 to 6 years old in selected preschools from mid-2015 until mid-2016. Methods: Four hours of indoor air quality assessment had been conducted at six preschools in Puchong district (urban area) and six preschools in Hulu Langat district (suburban area) of Selangor. The respiratory inflammation among 120 healthy preschool children had been assessed using non-invasive biomarker of Fractional Exhale Nitric Oxide (FeNO). Meanwhile, respiratory symptoms and information on possible residential air pollutant exposures were obtained from a standardized questionnaire. Results: The indoor air quality measurement demonstrated significant high concentration air pollutants (PM0.1, PM2.5, PM10, VOCs) at the preschools in the urban as compared to preschools in the suburban area(p < 0.05). Besides, PM2.5 was found to be significantly associated with respiratory inflammation (FeNO value) measured (p<0.05). Conclusion: The exposure of PM0.1, PM2.5, and PM10 had increased occurrences of respiratory inflammation and respiratory symptoms among susceptible populations like children


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    The research aims to determine the effect of implementing the cooperatif learning model type Think Pair  and Share.This type of research is Quasi Research Experiments. The subjects of the study were classes VII-1 and VII-2 of 40 people. Women as many as 20 men and 20 men.The object taken in this study is the use of TPS learning models in an  effect of implementing of student learning concepts on algebraic subjects.the test results against the math problem solving level students obtained an average score of experimental group = 78.35 with the criteria "medium-skilled" and the control group = 72.5 with the criteria "medium-skilled". The test normality of the experiment class pretes obtained L0 = 0.1793 2.024= ttabel With dk numerator 2 and dk denominator 38 and odds of 0.95 (α = 0.05). Then H0 was rejected and Ha accepted

    Pembelajaran Maharah Istima Di Jurusan PBA UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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    مهارة الاستماع هي إحدى المهارات اللغوية الأربع التي يدرسها الطلاب أول مرة قبل دراستهم المهارات الأخرى. كفاءة الاستماع الجيدة تفيد فهم الأفكار الأساسية تفصيليا. مادة مهارة الاستماع في قسم تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج هي مادة مفروضة تشتمل على مرحلتين هما مهارة الاستماع الأولى والثانية. عملية تعليم مهارة الاستماع الجيدة وطرق التعليم الفعال تفيد الحصول على النتيجة الكافية. لتحقيق هذه الأهداف، فكان قسم تعليم اللغة العربية إجراء عملية تعليم مهارة&nbsp; الاستماع الأولى لمرحلة واحدة، بالخلاصة أن تعليمها في قسم تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم مالانج يحتوي على أهداف التعليم، المادة، الطريقة، الوسائل والتقويم.Maharah Istima (kemampuan mendengar) adalah salah satu dari kemampuan kebahasaan empat (mendengar/istima, berbicara/kalam, membaca/qira’ah dan menulis/kitabah) yang dipelajari mahasiswa pertama kali sebelum pembelajaran kemampuan kebahasaan empat yang lain. Kemampuan mendengar yang baik sangat bermanfaat dalam memahami ide-ide pokok secara terperinci. Mata kuliah Maharah Istima di Jurusan PBA UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang adalah mata kuliah wajib jurusan yang terdiri dari 2 tingkat, yaitu maharah istima 1 dan maharah istima 2. Proses pembelajaran maharah istima yang baik serta metode-metode pembelajaran yang tepat diperlukan untuk memperoleh hasil yang maksimal. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, jurusan PBA menyelenggarakan proses Pembelajaran Maharah Istima I selama satu semester, dengan berkesimpulan bahwa Pembelajaran Maharah Istima di Jurusan PBA Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang meliputi tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, media pembelajaran dan evaluasi

    The Adhesive Strength of Epoxy/Sol-Gel Materials Modified by Various Ratio of γ-Al2O3 Nanoparticles

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    In this study, the use of sol-gel/epoxy adhesive based on the combination of organic and inorganic components within the adhesive matrix have been studied. The combination of different amounts of γ-Al2O3 nano-particles to the adhesive matrix was evaluated. Mild steel specimens were prepared for lap joints, which were cured in an oven at 200°C for 16 hours. The bond strength of the sol-gel/epoxy matrix was investigated using a universal tensile test machine. The presence of Al-OH and/or Si-OH bonds increases causing an increase in the strength of the bulk material. This process is seen through the appearance of an absorption peak shoulder which appears in the range of ~ 1088 to1100 cm-1 which corresponds to Al-O-Si or Si-O-Si. The maximum adhesive strength of composite sol-gel/epoxy adhesive recorded was 23±0.4 MPa. This was obtained when small amounts of γ-Al2O3 nano-particles (4.0 wt%), were incorporated within the matrix. However, as the level of these inorganic materials in the adhesive matrix increased further, the adhesive shear strength gradually decreased. At a high ratio of γ-Al2O3 particles, poor interfacial bonding or adhesion between the filler and the adhesive matrix is recorded. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is used to investigate the fracture surface with 4.0 wt% γ-Al2O3, the scanning shows a very small distance of cracks, suggesting the material may act as a barrier to crack propagation and thus increases the energy required for fracture

    A Design and A Development of A Web Based Purchase Information System

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    The desire to manage a company to move forward is always there and will almost certainly have become one of the planned long-term targets since founding the company. As more and more competition in the business world we need accurate information. Thus, the required information could be obtained by providing good data that will be processed in the transaction among supplier companies so that these operations are performed thoroughly, quickly and efficiently in accordance with the times. This research will be applied to CV. Barokah Abadi. Development methods used in building design of this system is waterfall method. Software to build this system is CodeIgniter, Xampp which there is PHP, MySQL as the database. This system can be used for data processing purchases of goods made by the company. So that transaction data processing is not done manually anymore. This system also uses the LAN in the processing of selling and buying. By which, it can use many separate computers perform the purchases, but the processes run from the same system so that transactions are quicker and more efficient