50 research outputs found

    Self-reported practices of and attitudes toward reading among elementary-aged English language learners

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of self-reported attitudes toward and practices of at-home reading on English reading abilities in English Language Learners in 3rd through 5th grade. Students\u27 English reading abilities were measured in terms of fluency, vocabulary/background knowledge, and comprehension. Scores from the school district\u27s reading benchmarks and English language mastery test were also obtained. Attitudes toward both academic and recreational reading were assessed, and a survey was administered to obtain information regarding students\u27 self-reported at-home practices of reading and access to reading materials. Data was collected in early spring and again in late spring. Data was analyzed using correlation and comparison of means. Although hypotheses were not supported in the current research, additional potentially beneficial observations were made. In particular, these participants had more positive attitudes toward both academic and recreational reading than their same aged peers. Also notable was that participants\u27 academic reading interest was higher than their recreational reading interest. Finally, while many students reported that they enjoy taking reading tests and being asked to answer questions related to their reading by teachers, students overwhelmingly reported that they disliked having to read in front of the class. Lack of supported hypothesis was likely due to several factors including (1) small sample size, (2) lack of between-participant variability, and (3) limited elapsed time between the pre- and post-measures. Future research should expand upon the limitations of the current study

    Addressing Health Illiteracy in the Hispanic Community – A Call to Action: An Integrative Review

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    The United States Hispanic population is rapidly growing; however, existing healthcare endeavors are insufficiently accommodating this expansion. This demographic is linked to multiple serious health problems, including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac disease, cancer, and liver disease. In order to improve health outcomes within this community, interventions, such as health literacy screening, need to be further explored to identify current insufficiencies and help this population overcome these health challenges. This integrative review seeks to determine the effectiveness of current health literacy screening tools among native Spanish speakers in the U.S. This review seeks to amalgamate data from various studies to demonstrate common health problems and barriers experienced by the Hispanic community, the benefit of health literacy for positive client outcomes, and what health literacy screening tools are presently available. This review will be of benefit by further delving into the existing health literacy screening resources, determining which are successful/unsuccessful, and explaining why/why not. Dissemination of this discerned information will help to highlight the benefit of current screening and direct continued research on this topic, particularly for subsequent interventions

    Protocol Preventing Device Related Pressure Injuries

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    Background: Medical-device related pressure injuries (MDRPIs) account for more than 30% of all preventable hospital-acquired pressure injuries. Local Problem: The purpose of this project is to create a protocol for all IV lines when discharged from the Outpatient Infusion Center (OPIC). Consistent use of Curos caps has shown to decrease central line bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) but could they create a risk for an avoidable pressure injury? This project of interest will measure MDRPIs related to Curos caps on IV lumens, adherence to a protocol, and CLABSIs. The proposed outcomes of this project are to initiate an intervention preventing MDPRIs from IVs and CLABSIs. Methods: Through this quality improvement project, data will be analyzed using descriptive studies. The specific population received infusions from January 2020-April 2020 in OPIC with an IV access in place overnight. Intervention: The protocol requires wrapping the lumens with a 4x4 gauze and taping the lumens upwards then providing a stretch sleeve. Skin assessments would be performed Monday-Friday with daily Braden scale scores to identify the at-risk population. Results: Data analysis is pending during data collection. Conclusion/Implications: Results from this project would provide a cost-effective way to prevent MDPRIs from IV lumens and Curos caps. The protocol would also be applicable to the inpatient setting to (1) initiate an intervention to prevent and bring awareness to MDPRIs from IV lines (2) adherence to the protocol leading to zero MDPRI and zero CLABSIs (3) promote patient satisfaction and outcomes

    A population-based cross-sectional study of health service deficits among U.S. adults with depressive symptoms

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    BACKGROUND: Depression is a psychiatric condition that affects approximately one in five U.S. adults in their lifetime. No study that we know of has examined depressive symptoms and health service deficits in rural compared with non-rural populations. Four factors constitute the variable health service deficits: did not have health insurance, did not have a healthcare provider, deferred medical care because of cost and did not have a routine medical exam, all within the last 12 months. The aim of this study was to ascertain the prevalence of health service deficits in rural versus non-rural adults with depressive symptoms. Examining depressive symptoms by health service deficits is important because it allows us to approximate those with the condition who might not be receiving care for it. By analyzing national, population-based data, this study sought to fill in some important epidemiological gaps regarding depressive symptoms and health service deficits. METHODS: For this analysis the population of interest was U.S. adults identified as currently having depressive symptoms using the PHQ-8 criteria. Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance Survey 2006 data were used in this analysis. Health service deficits was the primary dependent variable. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to examine health service deficits experienced by adults with depression controlling for socioeconomic status, race and ethnicity and geographic locale (rural or non-rural). RESULTS: Logistic regression analysis yielded that U.S. adults currently having depressive symptoms who were of low socioeconomic status, Hispanic ethnicity, or living in a rural locale were more likely to have at least one health service deficit. CONCLUSION: Analyzing data collected by a large surveillance system such as BRFSS, allows for an analysis incorporating an array of covariates not available from clinically-based data such as electronic health records. By identifying clinically depressed U.S. adults who also have at least one health service deficit, we were able to ascertain those most likely not receiving care for this debilitating condition. We believe community pharmacists are well suited to assist in connecting depressed, vulnerable populations with appropriate and needed care. This care would be best provided by an inter-professional team led by a primary care provider

    Respecting Tribal Voices in the Development of a Gestational Diabetes risk reduction preconception counseling program for American Indian/Alaska Native adolescent females: a qualitative study

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    Background American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) are disproportionately affected by adolescent obesity, adolescent pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). GDM is associated with increased risk for perinatal death, obesity, and subsequent type 2 diabetes (T2D) for the offspring. Moreover, mothers with GDM are also at increased risk for T2D post-partum. Yet few lifestyle interventions exist to reduce GDM risk prior to pregnancy. We describe the process of adapting an existing validated preconception counseling intervention for AI/AN adolescent girls at-risk for GDM and their mothers. Perspectives and recommendations were gathered from a diverse array of stakeholders to assure the new program called Stopping GDM was culturally responsive and developed with tribal voices and perspectives represented. Methods We conducted focus groups and individual interviews with multiple AI/AN stakeholders (n = 55). Focus groups and interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using a thematic content approach to construct cross-cutting themes across the focus groups and interviews. Results Four key themes emerged reflecting issues important to planning a reproductive health intervention: 1) Limited awareness, knowledge, and health education resources about GDM; 2) The importance of acknowledging traditional AI/AN values and the diversity of traditions and culture among AI/AN tribes; 3) The need to cultivate healthy decision-making skills and empower girls to make safe and healthy choices; and 4) Lack of communication about reproductive health between AI/AN mothers and daughters and between AI/AN women and health care professionals. Conclusion Findings have been used to inform the cultural tailoring and adaptation of an existing preconception counseling program, originally designed for non-AI/AN adolescent girls with diabetes, for AI/AN adolescents at-risk for GDM in future pregnancies

    Designing physical activity environments to accrue physical and psychological effects

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    Understanding how best to accrue benefits from designing physical activity and exercise programmes is needed to tackle global health problems related to physical inactivity and poor mental health. Some studies have implicated an important role for green exercise and physical activity, but there is a lack of clarity in current research. Therefore, more work is needed to understand how to design green physical activity and exercise environments that afford (invite) physical and psychological benefits to individuals. We examined whether exercising while viewing a dynamic or static image of a scene from nature would offer different affordances (invitations for behaviours to emerge), compared to the common conditions of self-selected entertainment. For this purpose, 30 participants (18 males and 12 females; age 27.5 ± 9 yrs; mass 67.6 ± 11.1 kg; stature 173.7 ± 8.2 cm) exercised in three experimental conditions in a counterbalanced design while: (i) viewing a video of a green environment, (ii) viewing a single static image of the green environment; and (iii), when using typical self-selected entertainment without viewing images of nature. A twenty-minute treadmill run was undertaken at the participants’ own self-selected speed in a laboratory while energy expenditure and psychological states (using PANAS) were assessed. Results showed no differences in energy expenditure (p > .05) or negative affect (p > .05) between conditions. However, data revealed significant differences in positive affect when participants ran with a static image and their own entertainment compared to running with a dynamic image. Results revealed how differences in affordances designed into physical activity environments can shape psychological states that emerge during exercise. Further research is needed on affordance design in physical activity and exercise by engineers, designers, planners and psychologists to explore effects of a range of simulated environments, with different target groups, such as fit and unfit individuals, elderly and children

    Deep Learning for Automated Experimentation in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    Machine learning (ML) has become critical for post-acquisition data analysis in (scanning) transmission electron microscopy, (S)TEM, imaging and spectroscopy. An emerging trend is the transition to real-time analysis and closed-loop microscope operation. The effective use of ML in electron microscopy now requires the development of strategies for microscopy-centered experiment workflow design and optimization. Here, we discuss the associated challenges with the transition to active ML, including sequential data analysis and out-of-distribution drift effects, the requirements for the edge operation, local and cloud data storage, and theory in the loop operations. Specifically, we discuss the relative contributions of human scientists and ML agents in the ideation, orchestration, and execution of experimental workflows and the need to develop universal hyper languages that can apply across multiple platforms. These considerations will collectively inform the operationalization of ML in next-generation experimentation.Comment: Review Articl

    A Process Evaluation of an HIV/STI Intervention for Rural African American Youth

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    We evaluated the fidelity and implementation of an HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections intervention for rural African American youth. Using a community-based evaluation approach, community partners and researchers monitored four core process-evaluation components: reach, fidelity, dose delivered, and dose received. Researchers collected evaluation data through session observations, facilitator debriefing interviews, a youth focus group, and a satisfaction survey. For reach, more than half of the participants attended the 13 sessions. Participation varied between 62% and 100%. For fidelity, not all sessions were implemented as intended; multiple modifications occurred across sessions. For dose delivered, some lessons were missing materials and content was omitted; facilitators omitted content when there was insufficient time to complete a lesson. For dose received, engagement varied across lessons but youth reported high levels of satisfaction with the intervention. This formative process evaluation enabled us to identify and address multiple challenges to implementation

    PLD3 is a neuronal lysosomal phospholipase D associated with β-amyloid plaques and cognitive function in Alzheimer\u27s disease.

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    Phospholipase D3 (PLD3) is a protein of unclear function that structurally resembles other members of the phospholipase D superfamily. A coding variant in this gene confers increased risk for the development of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), although the magnitude of this effect has been controversial. Because of the potential significance of this obscure protein, we undertook a study to observe its distribution in normal human brain and AD-affected brain, determine whether PLD3 is relevant to memory and cognition in sporadic AD, and to evaluate its molecular function. In human neuropathological samples, PLD3 was primarily found within neurons and colocalized with lysosome markers (LAMP2, progranulin, and cathepsins D and B). This colocalization was also present in AD brain with prominent enrichment on lysosomal accumulations within dystrophic neurites surrounding β-amyloid plaques. This pattern of protein distribution was conserved in mouse brain in wild type and the 5xFAD mouse model of cerebral β-amyloidosis. We discovered PLD3 has phospholipase D activity in lysosomes. A coding variant in PLD3 reported to confer AD risk significantly reduced enzymatic activity compared to wild-type PLD3. PLD3 mRNA levels in the human pre-frontal cortex inversely correlated with β-amyloid pathology severity and rate of cognitive decline in 531 participants enrolled in the Religious Orders Study and Rush Memory and Aging Project. PLD3 levels across genetically diverse BXD mouse strains and strains crossed with 5xFAD mice correlated strongly with learning and memory performance in a fear conditioning task. In summary, this study identified a new functional mammalian phospholipase D isoform which is lysosomal and closely associated with both β-amyloid pathology and cognition

    Communities organizing to promote equity: engaging local communities in public health responses to health inequities exacerbated by COVID-19–protocol paper

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    BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted rural and under-resourced urban communities in Kansas. The state’s response to COVID-19 has relied on a highly decentralized and underfunded public health system, with 100 local health departments in the state, few of which had prior experience engaging local community coalitions in a coordinated response to a public health crisis.MethodsTo improve the capacity for local community-driven responses to COVID-19 and other public health needs, the University of Kansas Medical Center, in partnership with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, will launch Communities Organizing to Promote Equity (COPE) in 20 counties across Kansas. COPE will establish Local Health Equity Action Teams (LHEATs), coalitions comprised of community members and service providers, who work with COPE-hired community health workers (CHWs) recruited to represent the diversity of the communities they serve. CHWs in each county are tasked with addressing unmet social needs of residents and supporting their county’s LHEAT. LHEATs are charged with implementing strategies to improve social determinants of health in their county. Monthly, LHEATs and CHWs from all 20 counties will come together as part of a learning collaborative to share strategies, foster innovation, and engage in peer problem-solving. These efforts will be supported by a multilevel communications strategy that will increase awareness of COPE activities and resources at the local level and successes across the state. Our mixed methods evaluation design will assess the processes and impact of COPE activities as well as barriers and facilitators to implementation using aspects of both the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) and Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance (RE-AIM) models.DiscussionThis protocol is designed to expand community capacity to strategically partner with local public health and social service partners to prioritize and implement health equity efforts. COPE intentionally engages historically resilient communities and those living in underserved rural areas to inform pragmatic strategies to improve health equity