266 research outputs found
The Potential of Bait al-M l wa Tamwil (BMT) in Developing The Border Area of Indonesia - Malaysia
Indonesia border area (West Kalimantan, Sambas) - Malaysia (Sarawak) is a potential area. Strategic location and direct borders with other countries such as Malaysia make this area easy to interact economically with neighboring countries, either in the form of Asean Economic Community (MEA) or Brunei Indonesia Malaysia Philippines - East Asian Growth Area (BIMP - EAGA). But the reality is there are still socio-political and economic disparities. An unanticipated social and economic gap will interfere and affect the pattern of national development strategies, and affect national interests. Therefore, the border area of Indonesia (West Kalimantan, Sambas) - Malaysia (Sarawak) should be built and developed in order to eliminate the gaps that occur. This research tries to know the potential of Baitul Mal wa Tamwil (BMT) in developing border area of Indonesia - Malaysia by prioritizing welfare approach. The decision framework is structured using the ANP approach of the Benefit Opportunity Cost Risk (BOCR) network. All BOCR elements are reviewed from a community perspective and obtained through in-depth interviews with experts (academics), regulators, and practitioners. The results of this study conclude that the benefits and opportunities aspects have significantly more weight than the load and risk aspects. Alternative strategies are also proposed in this study to maximize benefits and opportunities and minimize costs and risks. An alternative strategy considered to be the first priority to be implemented according to respondents is the capital of third parties.Keywords: ANP-BOCR, BMT, Border Are
An Econometric Analysis of Investment and Poverty: A Panel-Data Analysis of Selected Asian Economies
This paper is an endeavor to explore the contribution of investment towards poverty reduction. A balanced panel of fifteen selected Asian countries was developed, covering the annual data of 25 years ranging from year 1993 to 2017. In addition to the investment, analysis was controlled through the inclusion of variables such as inflation rate, employment rate and Human Development Index (HDI). Unit root tests followed by the cointegration tests were applied that verified the existence of a long run association between investment and poverty. Furthermore, the coefficients of the variables were estimated through fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) method of panel regression. The findings tend to support the literature and validate that investment reduces poverty significantly. This alludes to the fact that policy makers may design development policies in a way that could enable the investment as conducive towards poverty reduction and development
Tujuan utama dibuat laporan ini adalah merencanakan mesin penyuir daging ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para pembuat abon dan mendapatkan hasil berupa gambar kerja serta menentukan komponen mesin penyuir daging ini. Adapun tahapan dalam perancangan mesin ini yaitu kebutuhan, analisis masalah, perancangan konsep, analisis teknik, dan pemodelan.
Mesin penyuir daging ini memiliki komponen yang terdiri dari rangka, bak penampung, poros penyuir, puli, sabuk-V, motor listrik. Dengan komponen tersebut diharapkan mesin penyuir daging bisa bekerja dengan baik.
Dari hasil perencanaan mesin penyuir daging ini didapatkan desain dan gambar mesin penyuir daging. Dimensi mesin ini adalah panjang 620mm, lebar 750 dan tinggi 875mm
PRODUKSI FILM DOKUMENTER “Sang Pewaris” (Film Dokumenter Tentang Pelestarian Seni Budaya Pedalangan dan Pertunjukan Wayang Golek di Kota Bandung)
Bandung merupakan Ibu kota Jawa Barat, yang juga menjadi pusat kebudayaan di tatar Sunda, salah satu dari sekian banyak kebudayaan tersebut adalah wayang golek. Wayang golek sebagai seni budaya adiluhung yang ada di tanah Sunda, memiliki peranan penting dalam perkembangan kebudayaan Sunda itu sendiri secara keseluruhan. Namun sekarang, seni budaya buhun ini perlahan seperti semakin kehilangan pamornya dan mulai ditinggalkan oleh masyarakatnya sendiri. Meski demikian masih ada orang-orang yang perduli terhadap seni budaya wayang golek ini, lebih istimewa lagi karena mereka adalah pemuda yang juga merupakan calon pewaris bangsa. Oleh sebab itu penulis tertarik untuk mengangkat fenomena ini kedalam sebuah film dokumenter dengan durasi 20 menit. Karya film dokumenter ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan keadaan seni budaya wayang golek saat ini secara keseluruhan, bagaimana cara pewarisannya pada generasi muda, dan alasan apa yang membuat para pemuda ini menekuni kesenian pedalangan dan wayang golek
User Interface and User Experience Design in Digital Learning Applications for Autistic Users with the Human-Centered Design Method
Currently in Indonesia there are millions of school-age children. Some of them still have difficulty in accessing education, including children with special needs. Children with special needs are part of a society that is classified as vulnerable. Some institutions state that they are 10 times more likely to be out of school. Even when they go to school, the learning they receive tends to be not optimal, especially for autistic children. Autism is a disorder of overall human development that results in barriers to socialization, communication, and behavior. With the various obstacles they have, the learning process they receive tends to be less than optimal if it is not balanced with adequate facilities and infrastructure. Therefore, in this study, researchers want to design a digital learning application for autistic users based on a website, where the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) of the learning application are tailored to the user's needs. By using the Human-Centered Design (HCD) method that focuses on humans in its manufacture. With these grounds and reasons, it is hoped that this research can produce a UI UX with a good level of usability, effectiveness, and user satisfaction
Land Management in Yogyakarta Special Region
DIY As a special autonomous region, it has the right to manage land in DIY where not everyone can directly patent land in DIY. Land management in DIY sometimes becomes polemic for the community. The research method carried out is a qualitative method. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews with relevant stakeholders such as the Department of Land and Spatial DIY and the National Land Agency of the DIY and literature study, namely data collection using various literature and legal documents governing land management in DIY. Land management which is divided into two previously mentioned, namely Keprabon Land and Non-Keprabon Land or Dede Keprabon which are found in all regions in DIY. The Sultanate and the Pakualaman of Pakualaman are legal subjects for land ownership in DIY. Besides, the Sultanate is also given the authority to be able to manage the land of Keprabon and non-Keprabon land in DIY. In this case, all forms of management, use of private land, all kinds of business, social, legal and others have been regulated through Article 33 Paragraph (4) of the Privileges Law. Special Autonomy makes this area has rights to land management where DIY has four boundaries divided into Sultan Ground (SG) land, Pakualaman Ground (PG), village land and DIY land. The granting of authority over the use of Sultanate land and Pakualaman land is carried out following applicable legal provisions, namely according to customary law
Pandangan Nadirsyah Hosen tentang Demokrasi dan Kepemimpinan
Abstract: This article discusses Nadirsyah Hosen's thoughts on democracy and leadership. This research is of the literature research type, and the data is analysed descriptively. The results of the study concluded that according to Nadirsyah Hosen, the democratic system is one way to return society to the Khilafah 'ala Minhaj an-nubuwwah (leadership based on what has been outlined by the Prophet). Regarding the requirements for leaders, Nadirsyah stated that leaders do not have to be from certain groups as long as they meet the requirements in accordance with the constitution of a country. If it is valid according to the constitution, it is also valid according to Islamic law. Nadirshah used maqashid as-shari'ah and the Intiqa'i method to determine statehood views. His opinion contributed to the reform of constitutional law in Islam.
Keywords: Democracy, leadership, Islamic law, constitution.
Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang pemikiran Nadirsyah Hosen tentang demokrasi dan kepemimpinan. Penelitian ini berjenis Penelitian Pustaka dan data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa menurut Nadirsyah Hosen sistem demokrasi merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengembalikan masyarakat kepada Khilafah ‘ala Minhaj an-nubuwwah (kepeminpinan berdasarkan apa yang telah digariskan oleh Nabi). Berkaitan dengan syarat pemimpin, Nadirsyah menyatakan bahwa pemimpin tidak harus dari golongan tertentu asalkan memenuhi syarat sesuai dengan konstitusi suatu negara. Jika sudah sah menurut konstitusi maka sah juga menurut hukum Islam. Nadirsyah menggunakan maqashid as-syari’ah dan metode Intiqa’i dalam menentukan padangannya mengenai ketatanegaraan. Pendapatnya tersebut memberikan kontribusi dalam pembaruan hukum ketatanegaraan dalam Islam.
Kata Kunci: Demokrasi, kepemimpinan, hukum Islam, ketatanegaraan.
Raj'i Talaq Law According to the Shafi'i School in Polyandry Cases (Case Study of Banda Aceh Shar'iyah Court Decision Number 383/Pdt.G/2020/MS. Bna)
Islamic law and Indonesian legislation basically emphasize that marriage can only have one partner. In the Shafi'i school, Ash-Sharbini al-Khatib says, "A man, circumcision does not marry more than one wife without clear hajat. An-nash has pointed out that the principle of marriage is monogamy, not polygamy. The wife or a woman cannot marry more than one husband at the same time (polyandry) because of the impact caused. Polyandry is clearly forbidden as has been said by Allah Almighty. in QS. An-Nisa verse 24. In decision No. 383/Pdt.G/2020/MS. The bna polyandry is one of the reasons for divorce with the dropping of talaq one raj'i. The question in this thesis is how the right of talaq possessed by a husband how to analyze the Decision of the Judge of the Shar'iyah Court of Banda Aceh, and why the case of polyandry as a background for the breakup of marriage is broken with talaq raj'i. In this study, the author uses library research methods to analyze the judge's consideration and the Shafi'i school in terms of holding talaq rights on the grounds that they are caused by polyandry. There are several factors that make the existing legal provisions and procedures different, in the Shafi'i school in terms of privacy such as talaq is very guarded because it is considered bad if there are parties outside who know the domestic affairs, in contrast to the judge's consideration, the procedures of the Shar'iyah Court, the benefit of divorce is regulated to reduce illegal divorces that are not in accordance with the existing Shari'a. Therefore, it can be concluded that the difference that we can see between the judge's consideration and the Shafi'i school is the freedom of the husband to impose talaq anywhere and anytime, and the determination of the amount of talaq based on the husband's own intentions
Community Service Activities are aimed at community groups in Desa Massamaturu, kecamatanPolombangkeng Utara, kabupaten Takalar, which has a land sugar factory of around 10.800 Ha with aproduction capacity of Takalar sugar factory of 2,450 TTH (2015). Every year there is an increase in productsof about 8%. Community activities are still using blotong waste as a pile with this activity, providing trainingfor the application of science and technology, innovation and creativity that maximizes the use of blotongwaste into organic fertilizer for self-use or sold as an additional family. The specific target to be achieved isproducing organic fertilizer made from organic raw materials to become one of the activities of a homeindustry center based on Village-Owned Enterprises. The method of activity is in the form of training anddemonstration of making organic waste from organic fertilizer that functions as plant nutrition so that it canthen form a new group of entrepreneurs in the village community
A Poster Digital Sain Media for Humanity Interaction based Interactive Augmented Reality
Interactive and innovative learning media supported by Augmented Reality (AR) is specifically used in the field of science in helping the development of student learning process at State University of Malang (UM). This media is designed to build the pillar of learning innovation strategy through IT fusion on curriculum and learning. Specifically, the main target in the development of teaching media with interaction through AR mobile media and science posters integrated with virtual communications is to improve the visual capabilities of information. Several stages to be done to realize this service are: 1)build a framework of the system in a comprehensive manner, 2)testing with a number of students as a user response, 3)making showcase and 4)demonstrating application system with multimedia content with science materials with 3D perspective (animation and interactive video). The software engineering method used in this application development is the waterfall model, while the qualitative method approach is needed to measure the effectiveness and efficacy of this AR science product on increasing the level of student understanding after using this media through a questioner. It is expected that with the development of this media will accelerate the formation of learning innovation in life-based learning in UM in the future. In broader impact, this work will be able to make UM as a learning innovation university as the competitive and superior university as well as become a reference in the technology of learning media
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