35 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Gim Endless Fight "Steal My Cheese" Menggunakan Construct 3

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    Gim adalah salah satu wujud dari perkembangan teknologi di bidang hiburan dan juga industri. Jumlah pemain gim di Indonesia sangatlah besar, yang membuat Indonesia menjadi ladang subur bagi para pengembang gim untuk bersaing memasarkan gimnya di Indonesia. Namun sayangnya pasar gim di Indonesia didominasi oleh pengembang luar yang memang sudah besar dan memiliki reputasi yang bagus. Pengembang gim lokal masih belum bisa bersaing dengan pengembang luar karena memang industri pengembangan gim di Indonesia masih tergolong baru. Sebagai langkah awal, penulis belajar membuat gim sendiri yang diberi judul “Steal my Cheese” dengan Construct 3 game engine dengan harapan bisa membantu memajukan pengembangan gim di Indonesia

    Waqf, its substitution (istibdal), and selected resolutions of Islamic Fiqh Academy India : a maqasid al-shari'ah perspective

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    Waqf is a charity in which corpus is maintained and the usufruct is given to the benefisiaries. The continuity of the usufruct depends on the maintenance and management of the corpus. One of the modes used both in classical and modern times to mantain waqf-properties is substitution of one waqf-property with another known as istibdal. This paper reads into istibdal, selected resolutions of Fiqh Academy India and scrutinizes them under the shari'ah objectives of waqf and tabaeeu at ( donation ). The finding shows that modes of istibdal permitted by Islamic law realize the shari'ah objectives of waqf concomitantly. Modes which were not permitted oppose the objectives of the shari'ah. This work is a potential guide for institutions and committees involved with the development of waqf-properties using innovative financing modes

    Violations of basic rights of prisoners in conventional and Islamic law: theory and practice

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    In prisons, the convicted are most often unattended by the authority and therefore they become victim to abuses and maltreatment. Their basic rights as humans are being violated in most of the prisons. Although there have been a lot of laws and regulations upholding the rights of prisoners prevalent in the international community, it seems ineffective in protecting their rights in real life. This paper examines the problems of the prisoners in general and discloses the issue of human rights violation of prisoners. The paper particularly exposes problems in the prisons such as sexual abuse, mental and physical torturing, illegal enforcement of prison labour, overcrowding, poor education and health care initiations. With approaching the issues of the prisoners from a human rights perspective, the paper also explores the issues from an Islamic law viewpoint and attempts to provide a conceptual frame work of solutions. A critical and descriptive analytical approach is employed in this study

    Kritik Sosial dalam Lagu Merah dan Kuning Karya Efek Rumah Kaca: Kajian Sosiologi Sastra dan Relevansinya dengan Bahan Ajar Sastra di SMA

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    This study aims to describe (1) the socio-historical setting of the author; (2) structures in the song "Merah" and "Kuning" by the Greenhouse Effect; (3) social criticism in the song "Merah" and "Kuning" by the Greenhouse Effect; (4) the relevance of social criticism in the song "Merah" and "Kuning" by the Greenhouse Effect on literary learning in high school. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The data in this study include words, phrases, clauses, and sentences and discourses that contain social criticism on the song "Merah" and "Kuning" by the Greenhouse Effect. The sources of data in this study were the songs "Merah" and "Kuning" by the Greenhouse Effect, articles, journals. Data collection techniques used in this study are library techniques. Data validation techniques in this study use data triangulation techniques. Data analysis techniques in this study use dialectical methods. The results and discussion of this study are (1) the Greenhouse Effect is a music group from Jakarta that raises social and political problems in Indonesia; (2) the structure of poetry on the songs "Merah" and "Kuning" includes themes that all raise socio-political problems in the community. The assessment used is vision, hearing, motion and intellectual. Majas used are, personification, hyperbole, irony, metaphor, tautology, rhetoric and irony. The mandate to be conveyed contains about human behavior in terms of leadership and accepting differences. The tone and atmosphere that arises in the form of sad and restless atmosphere; (3) social criticism in the song "Merah" and "Kuning" in the form of humanitarian, religious and socio-political issues; (4) the results of this study are suitable to be used as literary teaching materials in high schools on Basic Competencies 3.17 and Basic Competencies 3.8 for specialization classes and in accordance with the criteria of teaching materials namely language, psychology, and cultural setting


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    Abstrak. Penggunaan komputasi Awan atau Cloud Computing semakin menjadi tren saat ini. Salah satunya adalah cloud storage. Dengan cloud storage setiap orang akan lebih mudah untuk menyimpan dan mengakses data mereka dimana saja dan kapan saja. Ada banyak vendor yang menyediakan layanan cloud storage, dari mulai gratis hingga berbayar. Bahkan ada sistem cloud storage yang memungkinkan kita untuk membuat cloud storage kita sendiri. Sebagian besar orang telah familiar dengan penggunaan cloud storage yang ditawarkan secara gratis oleh beberapa vendor seperti Google Drive dan DropBox. Disisi lain, penggunaan sistem e-learning makin digalakkan dalam dunia pendidikan. Tetapi implementasi sistem e-learning dalam suatu organisasi bukanlah hal yang murah. Tidak semua organisasi pendidikan atau sekolah memiliki dana yang memadai untuk implementasi sebuah e-learning. Sebuah sistem e-learning harus memiliki kapasitas penyimpanan yang cukup besar untuk menyimpan semua data materi pelajaran dan tugas-tugas siswa. Semakin banyak siswa dan tugas yang diberikan maka kebutuhan penyimpanan data makin besar sehingga dana yang dikeluarkan untuk penyimpanan data makin besar. Dari permasalah tersebut, penelitian ini membuat sebuah sistem e-learning sederhana yang diberi nama ‘Assign’, dimana sistem ini memanfaatkan layanan cloud storage gratis sebagai tempat penyimpanan datanya. Semua data pembelajaran akan disimpan ke dalam cloud storage masing-masing guru. Tugas sistem adalah mengelola data tersebut melalui sistem e-learning yang dibuat. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan sistem e-learning yang dibuat mampu mengelola data mata pelajaran dan berhasil melakukan manajemen data di cloud storage hingga upload tugas siswa.Kata kunci: E-learning, API, Cloud Computing, Cloud storage  DOI : https://doi.org/10.33005/scan.v14i2.148

    Program Pengembangan Bimbingan Belajar Untuk Anak Anak Desa Hambiri Tahun 2023

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    Interest in learning and lack of motivation are the main problems faced by students in Hambiri Village. It can be seen that children in Hambiri Village have a lack of awareness about education, therefore the importance of tutoring which will motivate students to be aware of the importance of education for the future. So we, KKN group 37 Stain Mandailing Natal students, aim to hold tutoring activities to increase interest in learning for elementary school age students in Hambiri Village. Tutoring is one of our work programs for the 37 Stain Mandailing Natal group, especially in the field of education. This service research focuses on students in Hambiri Village. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Based on research results, this tutoring activity has had a significant impact in terms of general and religious knowledge, such as increasing children's understanding, growing children's awareness of learning, children being more active in discussing and asking questions about material they don't understand, and increasing interest in participating in activities. the study guidance

    Positive Identification on the Skull From Colonial Era in Balai Pemuda, Surabaya

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    Dua tengkorak manusia ditemukan saat pembangunan ruang bawah tanah pada 30 November 2016 hingga 1 Desember 2016, di Balai Pemuda, Surabaya, salah satu bangunan peninggalan masa kolonial di Indonesia. Penemuan dua tengkorak menimbulkan pertanyaan, seperti identitas dan konteks keberadaannya. Kedua tengkorak tersebut diberi kode identitas tengkorak 160689 dan tengkorak 160690. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap identitas tengkorak 160689 dan tengkorak 160690 berdasarkan prosedur identifikasi positif antropologi forensik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode prosedur identifikasi antropologi forensik. Metode ini diterapkan secara berurutan, pertama umur, kedua jenis kelamin, ketiga afiliasi populasi, keempat tinggi badan, dan terakhir karakteristik individu. Menariknya, karakteristik individu tengkorak 160690 ditemukan sejumlah bukti berbeda yang menjelaskan identitasnya, yaitu, modifikasi gigi, jejak penyakit, dan bentuk kepala asimetris. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi positif pada tengkorak 160689 dan tengkorak 160690 menunjukkan bahwa kedua tengkorak tersebut berjenis kelamin perempuan dan berafiliasi dengan populasi ras Mongoloid. Terakhir, karakteristik individu dan deformasi pada daerah oksipital mengindikasikan deformasi yang tidak disengaja yang disebabkan oleh tekanan terus menerus pada sisi kiri daerah oksipital. Plagiocephaly bisa jadi akibat dari posisi tidur yang salah selama masa kanak-kanak. Two human skulls were found during basement construction from November 30th, 2016, to December 1st, 2016, in Balai Pemuda, Surabaya, one of Indonesia's colonial-era buildings. The discovery of two skulls raised questions, such as the identity and its context of existence. Both skulls were coded as skull 160689 and 160690. This research aimed to reveal the identity of skull 160689 and 160690 based on the positive identification procedure of forensic anthropology. This research applies the method of the forensic anthropology identification procedure. This method was used sequentially, firstly age, secondly gender, thirdly population affiliation, fourthly stature, and lastly, individual characteristics. Interestingly, the individual characteristics of skull 160690 have distinct evidence for explaining its identity, for instance, dental modification, disease markers, and asymmetrical head shape. Based on the positive identification results on skull 160689 and 160690 showed both skulls were female and affiliated with Mongoloid population. At last, individual characteristics and deformation on the occipital area were indicated as an unintentional deformation caused by pressure continuously on the left side of the occipital area. Plagiocephaly could be a result of incorrect sleeping position during childhood

    Steganografi pada Citra dengan Metode MLSB dan Enkripsi Triple Transposition Vigenere Cipher

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    Least Significant Bit (LSB) merupakan salah satu metode steganografi. Dari segi kapasitas, metode ini hanya mampu menampung sedikit pesan, ini karena LSB hanya menggunakan 3 bit disetiap pikselnya. Dari segi keamanan juga sangat mudah untuk diekstrak oleh steganalis, karena pesan yang disisip terdapat disetiap bit terakhir RGB di setiap piksel dari stego image tanpa adanya enkripsi terhadap pesan terlebih dahulu. Sebuah metode berprinsip sama dengan LSB dengan peningkatan keamanan dan kapasitas menggunakan metode Modified Least Significant Bit (MLSB) yang dikombinasi dengan teknik enkripsi triple transposition vigenere cipher. MLSB merupakan metode LSB yang telah dimodifikasi dengan mengubah data dari bilangan 8 bit menjadi 5 bit, kemudian disisipkan ke dalam cover image. Teknik triple transposition vigenere cipher juga merupakan modifikasi dari teknik vigenere cipher dengan melakukan proses substitusi dan transposisi sebanyak 3 kali dengan kunci yang berbeda satu sama lain. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan dan kualitas citra hasil steganografi bergantung pada berapa banyak karakter dan keacakan dari karakter yang akan diinput. Kualitas citra steganografi dengan metode ini menunjukkan kualitas yang baik, karena nilai PSNR di atas 40dB. file citra sebelum dan sesudah disisipi pesan, tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dan pesan yang diekstrak tidak mengalami perubahan

    Transformation of Myanmar Muslim community: Singapore as a role-model

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    This study looks into Myanmar and Singapore, holding the latter as the role model for the former. Even though both countries are homelands to minority Muslims, the situation of Muslims and other minority groups in Myanmar is not as contented as that of the Muslims in Singapore. Singapore has upheld the religion and Asian values despite her achievements in modern developments. Singapore’s steps towards maintaining racial harmony within the minority groups and between government and the minorities can be emulated by Myanmar. Through qualitative analysis of the historical accounts and library materials, the paper unveils that the present plight of the Muslims and the Rohingya like minorities in Myanmar only started with the coming of military junta into power in 1962. Racial and nationalist movements initiated by the military government eradicated the Muslim identity depriving them from the rights of citizenship. The findings also suggest ways on how Muslims in Myanmar can ignite their dying flame of patriotism, learn to re-integrate with others and contribute towards national pride and nation building. Adding onto this analysis, the multi-religious policies of Singapore and its founder Lee Kuan Yew are analyzed from archives and media materials in order to set an example for Myanmar policy makers

    The Potential of grxB Gene for Detection of C. sakazakii in Infant Formula Milk Using Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Cronobacter sakazakii is one of the bacteria that causes food poisoning that contaminates infant formula. This pathogen causes necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis, and meningitis in infants or neonates with reported case fatality rates ranging from 40% to 80%. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fast and accurate detection of C. sakazakii in infant formula milk. This research aims to develop a method for detecting C. sakazakii bacteria using real-time PCR with high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. A rapid detection method using real-time PCR with the target gene grxB successfully detects the presence of C. sakazakii DNA in artificially contaminated formula milk. The results of the real-time PCR test showed that C. sakazakii DNA with a concentration of 53 ng/µL could be amplified by the grxB gene primer pair with a Ct value of 12 and a Tm value of 85.8ºC. The specificity test showed that the grxB primer could differentiate between target and some non-target bacteria. The sensitivity test showed the ability of the grxB primer to detect the smallest concentration of 3,392 pg/µL with a Ct of 24,06. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the grxB primer has the potential to be used as rapid detection method for C. sakazakii bacteria in infant formula using real-time PCR