59 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK), Inflasi, dan BI-Rate secara parsial dan simultan terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Syariah Sektor Kesehatan Periode 2016-2020. Penelitian ini diolah meng­gunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif serta menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan analisis uji linier berganda. Secara simultan, Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK),  Inflasi, dan BI-Rate tidak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Syariah Sektor Kesehatan Hal ini dibuktikan dengan perban­dingan antara nilai Fhitung dan nilai Ftabel sebesar 1.697 0.05. Secara parsial, Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK) tidak berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Syariah Sektor Kesehatan. Inflasi tidak berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Syariah Sektor Kesehatan dan BI-Rate tidak berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Syariah Sektor Kesehatan. Besaran pengaruh Total Assets Turn Over (IHK), Inflasi, dan BI-Rate adalah 9.6%. Sedangkan, untuk 90.4% tingkat Indeks Harga Saham Syariah Sektor Kesehatan dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian.

    Services of Radio Pakistan in the Promotion of Urdu Language & Literature

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    Radio is one of the most amazing and effective inventions of the last century. Radio Pakistan came into being with the independence of Pakistan in 1947. From the very beginning, Radio Pakistan made many efforts for the promotion and development of Urdu language, consciously and unconsciously. Urdu programs were started from Radio Pakistan to acquaint people with Urdu language. Later, Urdu experts were hired to correct the accent and pronunciation of Urdu language. The services of Radio Pakistan are very important in popularizing Urdu poetry through music. Drama is an important genre of literature and radio played an important role in bringing and popularizing Urdu drama to the masses. Many radio dramas of Radio Pakistan were later published in book form and proved to be an important addition to Urdu literature. Another important service of Radio Pakistan in relation to the promotion of Urdu language and literature is the publication of the Urdu radio magazine "Ahang". "Ahang" is the only Urdu magazine of Pakistan which has been continuously published since 1948. In short, services of Radio Pakistan for the promotion of Urdu language and literature have been assessed thoroughly


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    Franz Kafka was a prominent literary figure in the 20th-century of European literature. Franz Kafka has been called everything from a modernist to an existentialist, a fantasy writer to a realist. His work almost stands alone as its own subgenre, and the adjective ‘Kafkaesque’ – whose meaning, like the meaning of Kafka’s work, is hard to pin down, has become well-known even to people who have never read a word of Kafka’s writing. Perhaps inevitably, he is often misinterpreted as being a gloomy and humorless writer about nightmarish scenarios, when this at best conveys only part of what he is about. He was brought up in a middle-class German family. He wrote many novels on different themes. “The trial” is one of them. It was written in 1914 and was published posthumously in 1925 in the German language. It was translated into English by Willa and Edwin Muir in 1937. It is his best-known work. It is the story of Joseph K, a respectable bank officer, who is arrested by an inaccessible authority although he has done nothing wrong. One year later, two warders again come for K. they take him to a quarry outside of town and kill him in the name of the law. Through the struggle of that specific character, he criticized the modern bureaucracy. It is also described as an existentialist novel because it represents the absurdity of the world and the nightmare of intersubjectivity. In this article above mentioned themes are discussed with proper references

    ANALISIS RISIKO INVESTASI SAHAM MENGGUNAKAN MODEL VALUE AT RISK-HOLT WINTER (VaR-HoltWinter) (Studi kasus: Indeks harga saham JII periode April 2013 sampai - November 2016)

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    Analisis resiko adalah potensi terjadinya bahaya kerugian, akibat atau konsekuensi yang dapat terjadi pada sebuah keadaan yang sedang berlangsung atau kejadian yang akan datang. hasil dari analisi resiko dengan menggunkan model Value at Risk Holt-Winter (VaR-HoltWinter) dimana model Holt-Winter bisa menganalisis data yang memuat trend dan musiman. Model Holt-Winter sendiri mempunyai dua metode yakni metode Holt-Winter Multiplicative Seasonal sebagai perkalian musiman dan Additive Seasonal sebagai pertambahan musiman. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penutupan harga saham bulanan Jakarta Islamic Indeks (JII) periode April 2013 sampai dengan November 2016. Model VaR-HoltWinter yang dipilih sebagai model analisis resiko Model terbaik yang digunakan untuk peramalan VaR-HoltWinter adalah model Holt- Winter Multiplicative Seasonal dengan parameter optimal MSE sebesar 0,00166 dan Holt-Winter Additive Seasonal sebesar 0,0037 hasil dari perhitungan Value at Risk VaR-HoltWinter multiplicative seasonal dimisalkan investasi awal adalah Rp 10.000.000,- maka diperoleh model valid adalah 1 bulan , 3 bulan 6 bulan, 9 bulan, dan 12 bulan kedepan berturut-turut Rp 28.204-, Rp 48.851-, Rp 69.086-, Rp 84.613.- , Rp 97.703-,. VaR-HoltWinter Additive Seasonal berturut-turut Rp 160.043-, Rp 277.202-, Rp 392.023-, Rp 480.129.- , Rp 554.405-, Selanjutnya dari pengujian uji Likelihood Ratio dimisalkan investasi awal adalah Rp 10.000.000,- maka diperoleh model valid adalah 1 bulan , 3 bulan 6 bulan, 9 bulan, dan 12 bulan kedepan berturut-turut Rp 160.043-, Rp 277.202-, Rp 392.023-, Rp 480.129.- , Rp 554.405-, Kata Kunci : Risiko, jakarta islamic indeks (JII), Holt-Winter, Value at Risk (VaR


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    Unit Pertambangan (UP) Parno merupakan perusahaan tambang perseorangan yang bergerak di bidang penambangan batugamping yang terletak di Desa Karangasem, Kecamatan Ponjong, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya pada kegiatan penambangan, melakukan penilaian potensi risiko pada tahapan penambangan, dan melakukan upaya pencegahan risiko agar kecelakaan kerja pada tahap penambangan dapat dihindarkan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini melalui beberapa tahap yaitu melakukan studi literatur, penyelidikan lapangan, pengambilan data primer dan sekunder, dan pengolahan data. Identifikasi risiko dilaksanakan guna menganalisis dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan dan bagaimana cara mencegah hal tersebut agar tidak terjadi kecelakan kerja. Setelah dilakukan identifikasi risiko, semua langkah kerja yang terdapat di UP Parno dinilai tingkat bahayanya. Dari hasil penilaian potensi risiko didapatkan tingkat risiko pada tahap pembongkaran sebesar 58,33% risiko rendah, 41,67% risiko sedang. Pada tahap pemuatan didapatkan nilai tingkat risiko sebesar 70,59% risiko rendah, dan 29,41% risiko sedang. Pada tahap pengangkutan didapatkan nilai sebesar 55,54% risiko rendah, 27,27% risiko sedang, 9,09% risiko tinggi, dan 9,09% risiko ekstrim. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, diperlukan adanya evaluasi program keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja lebih detail agar pekerja dapat melaksanakan kerja sesuai dengan SOP yang benar, dan dapat meminimalisir akan terjadinya kecelakan kerja dan sakit akibat kerja

    Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of virulent Newcastle disease virus isolates from Pakistan during 2009–2013 reveals circulation of new sub genotype

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    AbstractDespite observing the standard bio-security measures at commercial poultry farms and extensive use of Newcastle disease vaccines, a new genotype VII-f of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) got introduced in Pakistan during 2011. In this regard 300 ND outbreaks recorded so far have resulted into huge losses of approximately USD 200 million during 2011–2013. A total of 33 NDV isolates recovered during 2009–2013 throughout Pakistan were characterized biologically and phylogenetically. The phylogenetic analysis revealed a new velogenic sub genotype VII-f circulating in commercial and domestic poultry along with the earlier reported sub genotype VII-b. Partial sequencing of Fusion gene revealed two types of cleavage site motifs; lentogenic 112GRQGRL117 and velogenic 112RRQKRF117 along with some point mutations indicative of genetic diversity. We report here a new sub genotype of virulent NDV circulating in commercial and backyard poultry in Pakistan and provide evidence for the possible genetic diversity which may be causing new NDV out breaks


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    The village of Baku Bakulu, located in Palolo Subdistrict, Sigi Regency, is one of the target villages for the implementation of government programs in the implementation of the candlenut management program. The achievement of these targets is interesting to be examined through the role of the community in the management of candlenut plants. Candlenut plant management program has been implemented since 2017 by the government as one of the solutions to the implementation of the candlenut plant management program. The role of the community in the management of candlenut plants in the village of Baku Bakulu, Sigi Regency is interesting to be investigated because community involvement in managing candlenut plants must continue to be monitored so that in the future implementation will improve every year. The method used is a descriptive qualitative method aimed at examining the condition of natural objects, related to situations, attitudes, views that occur in society. The results of research regarding problems with the unit under study. The role of the community of Baku Bakulu Village in the management of candlenut trees in planning, land preparation, planting, maintenance, harvesting, and processing of candlenut plants is categorized as high, while in nursery activities the community's role is categorized as being because the community does not get candlenut seeds from the procurement of seedlings from the village government, but they obtain or procure seedlings individually or take seeds from other fellow candlenut farmers.Keywords: Community Role, Candlenut Plant Managemen

    Surgical Outcome of Renal Cell Carcinoma with Tumor Thrombus Extension into Inferior Vena Cava and Right Atrium (Beating Heart Removal of Level 4 Thrombus): A Challenging Scenario

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    Aim: “To evaluate oncological and surgical outcomes of different levels of tumor thrombus and tumor characteristics secondary to renal cell carcinoma (RCC)”. Materials and Methods: Retrospective review from 2013 to 2020 of 34 patients who underwent radical nephrectomy with thrombectomy for RCC with tumor thrombus extending into the inferior vena cava (IVC) and right atrium (RA) at our center. Level I and most level II tumors were removed using straight forward occluding maneuvers with control of the contralateral renal vein. None of the patients had level III tumor extensions in our study group. For level IV thrombus, a beating heart surgery using a simplified cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) technique was used for retrieval of thrombus from the right atrium. Results: “Of the 34 patients with thrombus”, 19 patients had level I, 12 patients had level II, none had level III, and three patients had level IV thrombus. Two patients required simplified CPB. Another patient with level IV thrombus CPB, was not attempted in view of refractory hypotension intraoperatively. Pathological evaluation showed clear-cell carcinoma in 67.64%, papillary carcinoma in 17.64%, chromophobe in 5.8%, and squamous cell carcinoma in 8.8% of cases. Left side thrombectomy was difficult surgically, whereas right side thrombectomy did not have any survival advantage. Mean blood loss during the procedure was 325 mL, ranging from 200 to 1000 mL, and mean operative time was 185 min, ranging from 215 to 345 min. The immediate postoperative mortality was 2.9%. Level I thrombus had better survival compared to level II thrombus. Conclusion: Radical nephrectomy with tumor thrombectomy remains the mainstay of treatment in RCC with inferior venacaval extension. The surgical approach and outcome depends on primary tumor size, location, level of thrombus, local invasion of IVC, any hepato-renal dysfunction or any associated comorbidities. The higher the level of thrombus, the greater is the need for prior optimization and the adoption of a multidisciplinary approach for a successful surgical outcome

    Genomic characterization of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli isolated from domestic chickens in Pakistan

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    Poultry husbandry is important for the economic health of Pakistan, but the Pakistani poultry industry is negatively impacted by infections fro

    The fertility status of soils at rehabilitated degraded land in Universiti Putra Malaysia planted with pinus caribaea and Swietenia macrophylla

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    Soil fertility (both physical and chemical) is one of the important factors limiting plant growth. So, the fertility of the soils should be determined before growing crops and after the establishment of forest rehabilitation. A study was conducted to determine the fertility status of soils at rehabilitated degraded land in Universiti Putra Malaysia. The main objective was to compare the fertility of soils planted forest and pasture. Three sites studied were pines plantation (Pinus caribaea), mahogany plantation (Swietenia macrophylla) and pasture area. At each site, three squares of 20×20 m were selected and two depths of soil sample were collected, topsoil (0-20 cm) and subsoil (20-40 cm), from six points within the squares. The physical properties of the soils analyzed were bulk density, soil texture and moisture content, while the chemical properties were pH, total C and N, cation exchangeable capacity and exchangeable cations (Al, Ca, Mg, K and Na). The mean annual increment of height, diameter and volume of planted forest were also taken. The increment of height, diameter at breast height and volume of P. caribaea and S. macrophylla did not show any comparative difference for the cause of the similarity in the increment of patterns catalysed at the same location and climatic condition. P. caribaea showed higher SFI value compared to the other study plots, especially for the topsoil. In contrast, pasture plot had higher SEF, followed by P. caribaea and S. macrophylla plantation plots. P. caribaea showed the highest SFI value, while pasture plot had highest SEF, followed by P. caribaea and S. macrophylla plantation plots. Further study on bigger forest plantation having different types of plant species and land topography needs to be conducted to allow individuals and bodies in the field of forest plantation to gain the opportunity and implement the right approaches to establish forest plantation with good planting establishment practices