418 research outputs found

    Multi-Scale Deformable Alignment and Content-Adaptive Inference for Flexible-Rate Bi-Directional Video Compression

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    The lack of ability to adapt the motion compensation model to video content is an important limitation of current end-to-end learned video compression models. This paper advances the state-of-the-art by proposing an adaptive motion-compensation model for end-to-end rate-distortion optimized hierarchical bi-directional video compression. In particular, we propose two novelties: i) a multi-scale deformable alignment scheme at the feature level combined with multi-scale conditional coding, ii) motion-content adaptive inference. In addition, we employ a gain unit, which enables a single model to operate at multiple rate-distortion operating points. We also exploit the gain unit to control bit allocation among intra-coded vs. bi-directionally coded frames by fine tuning corresponding models for truly flexible-rate learned video coding. Experimental results demonstrate state-of-the-art rate-distortion performance exceeding those of all prior art in learned video coding.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 202

    The Twentieth Symposium of Finance

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    Abstract. In this study, the evaluation of the twentieth Symposium of Finance held on 19 – 22 October in Trabzon will be mentioned.Keywords. Financial reforms, Banking, Financial performance, BIST, Bank loans, Symposium of finance.JEL. G10, G15, G20, G28, G30

    Fabrication of polymer nanofiber-conducting polymer fabric and noncontact motion sensing platform

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    10th Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting, Multifunctional and Nano Materials, JAPMED’10 2017; Izmir; Turkey; 4 July 2017 through 8 July 2017Conductive polymer-electrospun polymer nanofiber network was combined to host iron oxide nanoparticles providing micrometer thick sensing interface. The sensor has fabricated as freestanding fabric exhibiting 10 to 100 KOhm base resistivity upon bias applied. The moving object has been sensed through the electrostatic interactions between fibers and object. The sensing range has been found to be 1-5 cm above the surface of fabric. By the controlled combination of conductive polymers electrospun polymer nanofibers effective device miniaturization has been provided without loss of performance. The noncontact motion sensor platform has unique flexibility and light weight holding a potential for wearable sensor technology

    Dört Kefeli Cebir Terazisi Somut Materyali Yardımı ile Tamsayılar Konusunun Öğretimi

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    İlköğretim Matematik Dersi Öğretim Programı’nda matematik araçlarının kullanılmasının gerekliliği üzerinde durulmaktadır (MEB, 2009). Bu çalışmanın amacı matematiğin somut materyallerle öğretilmesine yönelik olarak dört kefeli cebir terazisi yardımıyla tam sayılar konusunun öğretimi için alternatif bir yöntem sunmak ve öğretmenlere de sınıflarında kullanacakları etkinlikler için dört kefeli cebir terazisini tanıtmaktır. Bu bağlamda tamsayılar konusunun öğretiminde dört kefeli cebir terazisi somut materyalini kullanarak buluş yoluyla öğrenme yöntemine örnek oluşturarak tamsayıları karşılaştırır ve sıralar, bir tamsayının toplama işlemine göre tersini bulur, eşitliğin durumunu modelle gösterir kazanımları amaçlanmıştır. Matematik derslerinde matematiksel kavramların öğretiminde ya da öğrenilen kavramların kalıcılığını sağlamada somut materyal olarak dört kefeli cebir terazisinin kullanımı uygundur

    Utjecaj različitih koncentracija askorbinske kiseline i glukoza oksidaze na preživljavanje probiotičkih bakterija i na fizikalna i senzorska svojstva u simbiotičkom sladoledu

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    In this study, the effects of addition of different amounts of ascorbic acid and glucose oxidase on the properties of symbiotic ice cream were investigated. Ice-cream containing inulin (2 % (w/w)) was produced by mixing fortified milk fermented with probiotic strains with the ice-cream mixes containing different ascorbic acid and glucose oxidase concentrations (0.025, 0.05, 0.1 (w/w)). The cultures were grown (37 °C, 12 h) in UHT skimmed milk. The fermented milk was added to the ice-cream mix up to a level of 10 % w/w. Increasing the concentration of ascorbic acid stimulated the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 (L. acidophilus) and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 (Bifidobacterium BB-12). On contrary, increasing the concentration of glucose oxidase negatively affected the growth of L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium BB-12. However, both, ascorbic acid and glucose oxidase concentration had no effect on physical and sensory properties of ice cream. The results suggested that the addition of ascorbic acid stimulated the growth of L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium BB-12 and could be recommended for ice cream production.U ovom je istraživanju ispitivan utjecaj dodatka različitih količina askorbinske kiseline i glukoza oksidaze na svojstva simbiotičkog sladoleda. Sladoled koji je sadržavao inulin (2 % (w/w)) proizveden je miješanjem obogaćenog mlijeka fermentiranog probiotičkim sojevima s mješavinom sladoleda koja je sadržavala askorbinsku kiselinu i različite koncentracije glukoza oksidaze (0,025, 0,05, 0,1 (w/w)). Kulture su uzgajane (37 °C, 12 h) u obranom mlijeku obrađenom UHT sterilizacijom. Fermentirano mlijeko dodavano je u sladolednu smjesu u količini od 10 % w/w. Povećanje koncentracije askorbinske kiseline stimuliralo je rast sojeva Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 (L. acidophilus) i Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 (Bifidobacterium BB-12), dok je povećanje koncentracije glukoza oksidaze negativno utjecalo na rast istih sojeva. Međutim, ni askorbinska kiselina niti glukoza oskidaza nisu utjecale na fizikalna i senzorska svojstva sladoleda. Rezultati su pokazali da dodatak askorbinske kiseline stimulira rast L. acidophilus i Bifidobacterium BB-12 te se stoga može preporučiti kao dodatak u proizvodnji sladoleda

    Retrospectively Analysis of Clinical/Pathological and Prognostic Features of Subtypes of Breast Cancer

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    DergiPark: 379007tmsjAims: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among all women across the world, with an incidence of 25.2%. Of all the cancer cases, breast cancer comes second in line after lung cancer. By 6.4% it marks fifth place as the reason for cancer-related-deaths. Therefore new studies on breast cancer are required. We aimed to retrospectively analyze clinical, pathological and prognostic features of cases that were divided into four subgroups based on their hormone receptor and HER-2 conditions. Method: Records of GATA-Oncology Clinic patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer within years of 2008-2014, were inspected retrospectively. Cases were divided into four subgroups based on their hormone receptor and HER-2 conditions. Missing records were primarily gathered by electronic recording system, also still-missing-information about the patients were provided via phone calls. Collected data has been evaluated with SPSS 15,0. Results: While demographics such as family history and menopausal state were not different among 4 subgroups, triple negative patients tended to have a lower body-mass index and mean age (p=009, p=0.041, respectively). Only 12 patients had advanced disease at diagnosis. A total of 168 patients received chemotherapy. Progression occurred in 41 patients (21.9%) from early phase breast cancer cases that were taken to adjuvant chemotherapy program. Family history had a significant association with recurrence in breast cancer patients (p=0.026). Menopausal state, lymphovascular invasion, lymph node state and stage were not associated with progression. Independent prognostic factors were not obtained with multivariate analysis for disease-free survival. Advanced stage breast cancer patients had a higher tendency to metastasis. Triple negative patients had more drug resistance towards systemic treatment than other subgroups (p lt;0.001). It has been found that full response to anthracycline + taxane regime was less in triple negative patients. Conclusion: In conclusion, there were some differences within our subgroups. Patients of these subgroups should be followed up and treated with different strategies. All subgroups, especially triple negative group, were in need of new effective therapy strategies

    How high is the inter-observer reproducibility in the LIRADS reporting system?

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    Purpose: To investigate the reproducibility of LIRADS v2014 and contribute to its widespread use in clinical practice. Material and methods: This retrospective, single-centre study was conducted between January 2010 and October 2015. A total of 132 patients who had dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/computed tomography (CT) images in the Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) with liver nodule were included in the study, 37 of whom had histopathology results. Five radiologists who participated in the study, interpreted liver nodules independently on different PACS stations according to the LIRADS reporting system and its main parameters. Results: We determined that level of inter-observer agreement in the LR-1, LR-5, and LR-5V categories was higher than in the LR-2, LR-3, and LR-4 categories (κ = 0.522, 0.442, and 0.600 in the LR-1, LR-5, and LR-5V categories, respectively; κ = 0.082, 0.298, and 0.143 in the LR-2, LR-3, and LR-4 categories, respectively). The parameter that we observed to have the highest level of inter-observer agreement was venous thrombus (κ = 0.600). Conclusions: Our study showed that LIRADS achieves an acceptable inter-observer reproducibility in terms of clinical practice although it is insufficient at intermediate risk levels. We think that the prevalence of its use will be further increased with training related to the subject and the assignment of numerical values that express the probability of malignancy for each category and including the ancillary features in the algorithm according to clearer rules

    Familiarity Status of Cellists to Pieces Composed For Cello By Contemporary Turkish Composers

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    DergiPark: 810684bmsdBu araştırma Çağdaş Türk bestecilerinin viyolonsel için bestelediği konçerto, sonat, partita ve suitlerin ülkemizdeki viyolonsel sanatçıları tarafından tanınma durumlarını ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu araştırma ile Çağdaş Türk bestecilerinin viyolonsel için bestelediği konçerto, sonat, partita ve suitlerin viyolonsel sanatçıları tarafından tanınma durumlarının ortaya konulması; bundan sonra yapılacak olan bilimsel ve sanatsal başka çalışmalara ışık tutmasının yanı sıra bu eserlerin viyolonsel sanatçıları tarafından konser programlarına dâhil edilerek Çağdaş Türk bestecilerimizin ulusal ve uluslararası platformlara taşınmasının gerekliliği bakımından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışma betimsel bir araştırmadır. Araştırmanın deseni durum çalışması olarak seçilmiş nitel araştırma teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini Türkiye’deki viyolonsel sanatçıları oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini ise, Türkiye’de yer alan 6 Devlet Senfoni Orkestraları, 6 Opera Orkestraları ve profesyonel sistemle çalışan 2 belediye orkestraları olmak üzere toplamda14 orkestrada görev yapan 28 viyolonsel sanatçıları oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmadaki veriler anket yoluyla elde edilmiştir. Anketler yolu ile elde edilen bulgular frekans (f) kullanılarak çözümlenmiş, daha sonra da her eser için ayrı ayrı tablolaştırılmış ve bu tabloların altına o tablodaki eser için gerekli açıklamalar ve yorumlar yazılmıştır.Verilerin analizi sonucunda Çağdaş Türk bestecilerinin viyolonsel için bestelediği konçerto, sonat partita ve suitlerin ülkemizdeki viyolonsel sanatçıları tarafından beklenen ölçüde tanınmadığı ortaya çıkmıştır.Aim of this study is to identify the familiarity status of cellists in Turkey to concertos, sonatas, partitas, and suites which were composed for cello by contemporary Turkish composers. The study is considered significant in terms of identifying the familiarity status of cellists to concertos, sonatas, partitas, and suites which were composed for cello by contemporary Turkish composers; shedding light on future scientific and artistic studies; inclusion of these pieces in concert repertoires by cellists and therefore promoting contemporary Turkish composers on national and international platforms. This is a descriptive study. The study is based on case study pattern and includes qualitative research techniques. Population of the research is composed of cellists in Turkey. Sample of the study, on the other hand, consists of 28 cellists who perform in 14 orchestras; such as 6 State Symphony Orchestras, 6 Opera Orchestras, and 2 municipal orchestras who work with a professional system. Data of the study was obtained through surveys. The findings were analyzed by using frequency (f), tabulated separately for each piece, and then necessary explanations and comments were provided below these tables. The study concluded that the familiarity level of cellists in Turkey to concertos, sonatas, partitas, and suites which were composed for cello by contemporary Turkish composers is not sufficient

    Evaluating functional capacity, and mortality effects in the presence of atrial electromechanical conduction delay in patients with systolic heart failure

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    Objective: Atrial functions are relatively suppressed in heart failure (HF). We aimed to investigate the associations of intra- and inter-atrial electromechanical conduction delay (EMCD) with functional class and mortality over a 12-month follow-up period. Methods: The prospective study included 65 patients with systolic HF and 65 healthy subjects with normal sinus rhythm. Left ventricular (LV) systolic functions and left atrial (LA) dimensions and volumes were evaluated by transthoracic echocardiography. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) signals at the lateral border of the mitral annulus (lateral PA’), septal mitral annulus (septal PA’), and tricuspid annulus (tricuspid PA’) were measured. Intra- and inter-atrial EMCD were calculated. Results: Mitral inflow velocities were studied using pulsed-wave Doppler after placing the sample volume at the leaflets’ tips. The peak early (E wave) and late (A wave) velocities were measured. The septal annular E/E’ ratio was relatively higher and lateral, septal, and right ventricular S, E’, and A’ waves were significantly lower in the HF group than in the control group (12.49±6.03 - 7.16±1.75, pE/E’ <0.0001). Intra-atrial EMCD was detected as 117.5 ms and inter-atrial EMCD as 127.5 ms in patients with prolonged atrial EMCD. A significant increase was found in prolonged intra- and inter-atrial EMCD according to functional capacity increase (p=0.012 and p=0.031, respectively). The incidence of mortality was significantly higher in patients with prolonged atrial EMCD (p=0.025), and 5 patients in the HF group died during the study over the 12-month follow-up period. Conclusions: In this study, we found a relationship between prolonged atrial conduction time and increased functional class and mortality in patients with systolic HF. © 2016 by Turkish Society of Cardiology