285 research outputs found

    Influence of Gamma Radiation on Optical and Dielectric Properties of Dyed Polyvinyl Alcohol Film Dosimeters

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    The influence of y-rays on the optical absorption and inelastic scattering, dielectric properties and conductivity of radiation-sensitive dyed polyvinyl alcohol (TBIPVA) film dosimeters containing chloral hydrate and acid-sensitive Thymol blue dye were evaluated for possible use as food irradiation indicators. The dyed PVA films of different concentrations of chloral hydrate were irradiated with the absorbed doses ranging up to 12 kGy using y-rays from Cobalt-60. The dehydrochlorination of chloral hydrate and radiolysis of water molecules induced by ionising radiations accelerated the formation of hydrochloric acid in the polymer matrix, which caused the change in colour of the dosimeters from yellow to red at the critical doses depending on the concentration of chloral hydrate. This radiation-induced colour change was analysed using UV-Vis spectrometer, where the absorption spectra produced two visible maximal bands, peaking at 445 nm and 554 nm. The dose response at 445 nm and 554 nm increases and decreases respectively with absorbed dose. The inelastic Raman scattering spectra of photons corresponding to the Raman frequency shifts of unirradiated and irradiated films were measured using a dispersive Raman spectrometer, which provide direct evidence of molecular structure changes induced by ionising radiation and the subsequent chemical effects. The spectral intensities of Raman shifts at 815, 1984, 2350 and 2560 cm-' bands correspond to C-CI, C=O, C=C and S-H bonds respectively were studied, which provide the dose response to the molecular vibration of the dosimeters. From dielectric and conductivity studies it is found that the dyed polymer dosimeters are ionic polymer materials. The dielectric constant (E'), dielectric loss (E") and the electrical conductivity o(o) characteristics of the dosimeters were measured at different frequencies ranging from 20 Hz to I MHz. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss increase with absorbed dose at low frequencies and are independent of dose at higher frequencies for all chloral hydrate concentration. The AC conductivity (o) increases with absorbed dose and frequency due to the formation of radiationinduced free radicals, cations and anions in the polymer matrix and due to ejected electrons in the conduction bands. Thus, the resistance derived from the impedance measurement, decreases with absorbed dose. Finally, the films were subjected to stability tests using digital densitometry method at different time intervals during post-irradiation storage. The results show the change in optical density is minimal over the period of 70 days for all irradiated samples. This suggests the dosimeters have optical absorption stability characteristics for use as alternative radiationsensitive dosimeters in irradiation facilities as long as they are shielded from sunlight or fluorescent lighting by wrapping with black plastic bag


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menungkap kesalahan berbahasa (kesalahan penggunaan ejaan, susunan kalimat, penggunaan paragraf, penggunaan tema/judul) siswa kelas V SDN Kalibata 11 pagi Jakarta Selatan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan langkah-langkah mengumpulkan data kesalahan berbahasa siswa dan melakukan analisis kesalahan berbahasa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti adalah teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tes (uraian). Hasil analisis data kesesuiaan kaidah berbahasa dalam karangan siswa kelas V SDN Kalibata 11 pagi ditemukan Analisis kaidah berbahasa bidang ejaan; persentase paling tinggi persentase kesalahan tanda baca 42,1%, Analisis kaidah berbahasa bidang kalimat; persentase paling tinggi persentase kalimat mengandung pleonasme (mubazir) 33,3%,. Analisis kaidah berbahasa bidang paragraf; persentase paling tinggi kesalahan penulisan di awal kalimat pada paragraf 62,5. Analisis kaidah berbahasa bidang tema/judul; persentase paling tinggi kesalahan penggunaan kalimat tidak logis 42,5%

    The impact of Singapore’s military development on Malaysia’s security

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    In this intense era of military and defense development in South East Asia, Singapore has emergence as the fastest country in the development of military capabilities.The rapid military development that started in 1965 has made Singapore become the strongest and finest in military and defense compared to other Southeast Asia nations. Singapore’s decision to be independent from Malaysia has forced it to be self-reliant, especially in terms of security and defense.Singapore adopted the approach to develop and strengthen its defense and military system after achieving independence in 1965.Its increasing economic development in1990 has influenced the military development process and defense system.This rapid expansion has made Singapore emergence as the strongest and most advanced in military capabilities country in the Southeast Asian region.The offensive defense doctrine practiced such as forward defense, poison shrimp, pre-emptive strike and strategic weaponry ownership had raised concerns among leaders in the Southeast Asian countries.At the same time, Malaysia has also taken action to speed up its military development, diversifying the defense doctrine including total defense, complete military with modern and sophisticated defense equipment.It is speculated as a result of the security impact that Malaysia face from Singapore’s military development.Hence, this study tries to elaborate the impact or security implications on Malaysia resulting from Singapore’s military development from the Malaysian military perspective

    The emergence of India as new military power: Threat or opportunity to Southeast Asia?

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    South Asia is a region often tinted with crisis, conflict and war.Historically, this region is undeniably a region exposed by military activities or 'use of force'.Therefore, military development has become a main agenda in South Asian countries in hope to strengthen the defense system and ensure security and national sovereignty. The need of this military development agenda has successfully made India, which obtained independence in 1947, to emerge as a new military power through certain stages to date. This military development will give some impact on Southeast Asian countries either in the form of threat or opportunity.In threat aspect, military development by India definitely will give some implications due to geopolitical issue.However, this development can be seen is more to deterrence approach.In opportunity aspect, ASEAN should take this chance to make relation with India particularly in economic cooperation as they have done with Japan and China.The cooperation measure must be taken by setting up bilateral discussion and formulating the policy in which favor to cooperate with India.Due to this cooperation, India is seen will give some balance to Japan and China influence to Southeast Asian countries

    Pembuatan Dan Pentadbiran Dasar Pekerja Asing Di Malaysia

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    Kemasukan pendatang asing khususnya pekerja asing ke Malaysia telah menyebabkan pelbagai dasar dibentuk oleh kerajaan untuk mengawalnya tetapi ia dilihat masih kurang berkesan bagi menangani masalah migrasi terutama isu kebanjiran PATI. The inflow of foreign workers into Malaysia has caused the formation of various policies to control this situation. However, they are still seen as ineffective in managing the problem of migration particularly the overflow of illegal immigrants

    A study on macroeconomic variables affecting household debt in Malaysia / Siti Norsakinah Ajis

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    This study is conducted to identify the relationship between macroeconomics variables which are House Price Index (HPI), Interest Rate (INT), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and unemployment rate (UR) towards the Household Debt (HD) in Malaysia. The quarterly data of dependent and independent variables was collected started from Q1 2008 until Q4 2018 from Thomson Reuters, National Property Information Centre (NAPIC), Tradingeconomics.Com and Bank for International Settlements. The results further our understanding regarding on the relationship between macroeconomics variables towards the Household Debt in Malaysia. In Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), the study found that Interest Rate (INT) and unemployment rate (UR) have significant negative relationship towards Household Debt (HD). On the other hand, House Price Index (HPI) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) shows significant positive relationship with Household Debt (HD)


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    The purpose of this study is to know the development of audio-visual learning media for Indonesian high-grade elementary school subjects. In this study,qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Initial data in the form of qualitative data obtained at the time of observation and interview needs analysisin schools. the results of the assessment of android-based learning media in economic lessons stage 1 by learning media experts show that for the catalogdesign aspect with a percentage of 80% the criteria are very good while in stage 2 it has increased after revision shows that for aspects based on process standards get 91% results with categories very well, it illustrates that the development of audio-visual learning media for Indonesian high-grade elementary school subjects looks very effective and efficient. ________________________ Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu Mengetahui Pengembangan media pembelajaran audio visual mata pelajaran bahasa indonesia kelas tinggi sekolah dasar, Dalampenelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data awal berupa data kualitatif yang diperoleh pada saat observasi dan wawancara analisiskebutuhan di sekolah. hasil penilaian media pembelajaran berbasis android pada pelajaran ekonomi tahap 1 oleh ahli media pembelajaran yaitu menunjukkanbahwa untuk aspek desain katalog dengan persentase 80% kriteria sangat baik sedangkan pada tahap 2 mengalami peningkatan setelah revisi menunjukkanbahwa untuk aspek berdasarkan standar proses mendapatkan hasil 91 % dengan kategori sangat baik hal tersebut menggambarkan bahwa Pengembangan media pembelajaran audio visual mata pelajaran bahasa indonesia kelas tinggi sekolah dasarl itu terlihat sangat efektif dan efisie

    Sosialisai Pemahaman Tentang Apa Itu Olahraga Rekreasi dan Apa Itu Olahraga Prestasi di Desa Padang Batu

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    ecreational sports are physical pursuits that are done for enjoyment, relaxation, and amusement rather than under pressure to meet predetermined goals or standards. Developing mental and physical well-being is the primary goal. The purpose of engaging in different activities, like hiking, cycling, or swimming, is to pass the time and interact with others. Recreational sports foster a calm and encouraging atmosphere that helps people socialize, form friendships, and enhance their general wellbeing. Meanwhile, sports performance on the other hand, refers to physical activity done primarily for the purpose of accomplishing certain goals, such as winning a game, setting a personal record, or receiving an honor. To reach a level of excellence, competitors compete at a high level and concentrate on rigorous training and skill development. Achievements in sports are frequently linked to competitiveness, prestige, and recognition. Performance sports socialization encompasses experience sharing, a sense of community, and teamwork, fostering an atmosphere that encourages athletes to reach their goals


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Implementasi Pembelajaran passing bawah pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri 54 Seluma. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan dalam peneltian ini adalah metode survei dengan  Implementasi pembelajaran pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SD Negeri 54 Seluma yang berjumlah 27 Siswa.  Implementasi pembelajaran sampling menggunakan purposive sampling, dengan kriteria yaitu (1) Siswa kelas V SD Negeri 54 Seluma , (2) bersedia menjadi sampel, dan (3) berusia maksimal 12 tahun (pemula). Berdasarkan kriteria tersebut yang memenuhi berjumlah 27 Siswa. Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Implementasi Pembelajaran passing bawah pada Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 54 Seluma berada pada kategori “sangat kurang” sebesar 11,11% (3 siswa), “kurang” sebesar 40,74% (11 siswa),“sedang” sebesar 48,15% (13 siswa), “baik” sebesar 0% (0 siswa), dan “sangat baik”sebesar 0% (0 siswa).   Kata kunci: Implementasi,passingbawah

    Tingkat Kemampuan Shooting Dalam Permainan Sepakbola Pada Club Sang Surya Fc Di Bengkulu Selatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan shooting dalam Permainan Sepakbola pada Club Sang Surya Fc di Bengkulu Selatan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 25 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Tes shooting Sepakbola. Dimana Hasil tingkat kemampuan shooting dalam Permainan Sepakbola pada Club Sang Surya Fc di Bengkulu Selatan dalam penelitian ini menunjukan pada klasifikasi “baik” hingga “kurang sekali”. Kemudian dimana hasil dari akhir Tes kemampuan shooting dalam Permainan Sepakbola pada Club Sang Surya Fc di Bengkulu Selatan, sebagai berikut: bahwa dari 25 orang pemain di Club Sang Surya Fc Selatan. Sebanyak 3 orang (12%) memiliki kategori kurang sekali. Sebanyak 5 orang (20%) memiliki kategori kurang. Sebanyak 12 orang (48%) memiliki kategori cukup. Sebanyak 4 orang (16%) memiliki kategori baik dan sebanyak 1 orang (4%) memiliki kategori baik sekali. Kemudian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Tes Kemampuan Shooting Permainan Sepakbola di Club Sang Surya Fc Selatan dalam kategori Cukup yakni sebanyak 12 Atlet atau dengan Persentase sebesar (48%)