473 research outputs found

    Statistik, Polling, Dan Pemahaman Metodologi Pada Teknik Penelitian Survai Ekonomi Islam

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    Statistics is a tool of survai research. There is polling in survai research. In survai research methodology, statistical techniques are used to design the sampling. In survai research, the precision factor that must always be considered is sampling error and nonsampling error. Survai is also used for economic research, including the Islamic economy. As a research tool, the statistics should always be considered carefully, how statistics used in polls and survais. As a science that emphasizes the scientific aspects, Islamic economics also use survai research to see whether Islamic economics has been able to provide a positive impact on the community of scienceDOI

    Pelatihan Pembelajaran Berbasis Portofolio Bagi Guru-guru Mi Muhammadiyah Pasirmuncang

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    Pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran di MIMuhammdiyah Pasirmuncang bertujuan untuk membantu mengembangkan kemampuan guru-guru di MI Muhammdiyah Pasirmuncang dalam pelaksanan proses pembelajaran dikelas. Guru-guru MI Muhammdiyah Pasirmuncang masih banyak belummenerapakan/menggunakan pembelajran yang menarik pada proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas berlangsung. Hal ini disebabkan mereka belum mendapatkan suatu pelatihan atau worksop tentang pelatihan pembelajaran berbasis portofolio di MI Muhammdiyah Pasirmuncang yang menarik dan bermakna.Pelatihan dilaksanakandi MI Muhammadiyah Pasirmuncang, Kecamatan Purwokerto Barat, Kabupaten Banyumas.Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada hari Kamistanggal 14 Januarai 2016. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pelatihan pelatihan pembelajarn berbasis portofolioadalah ceramah, diskusi, simulasi dan pembimbingan. Makalah tentang media pembelajaran disampaikam melalui LCD setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan tanya jawab dengan materi: pelatihanpembelajarn berbasis portofolio. Pelatihan ini berhasil, kepala sekolah dan guru menjadi lebih paham tentanng pelatihan pembelajaran berbasis portofolio, namun demikian mereka masih memerlukan bimbingan secara terus menerus

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Pkn Model Cooperative Tipe Tgt Berbasis Atong Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan karakteristik perangkat pembelajaran PKn model cooperative tipe TGT berabasis ATONG. Kompetensi dasar yang digunakan dalam pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran PKn menggunakan model cooperative tipe TGT berbasis ATONG yaitu menjelaskan pengertian dan pentingnya peraturan Perundang-undangan tingkat pusat dan daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D Thiagarajan, yang terdiri dari Define, Design, Develop, dan Desseminate. Jenis perangkat yang dikembangkan Silabus, RPP, LKS dan Media Pembelajaran. Uji kevalidan dilakukan oleh tiga pakar yang berkompeten untuk menilai kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran PKn. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil validasi pakar.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perangkat pembelajaran PKn model cooperative tipe TGT berbasis ATONG yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid oleh validator, dengan skor rata-rata 93,33 untuk silabus, 95,23 untuk RPP, 100 untuk LKS, dan 97,62 untuk media pembelajaran. Hal ini berarti perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan secara umum dinyatakan valid oleh pakar dan dapat digunakan

    Analisa Pengaruh Brand Identity Terhadap Brand Awareness Dan Brand Satisfaction Brotherwood Decoration Surabaya

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    Industri kreatif di Indonesia,terutama di kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta, Bandung, dan saat ini Surabaya. Dimana anak-anak muda menumpahkan kreatifitasnya dan menjadikan karya yang bisa menumbuhkan pereekonomian bangsa. Di dalam hal ini Brotherwood Decoration adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa dekorasi dan seni kayu. Dimana kebutuhan untuk dekorasi pop up booth semakin meningkat di Surabaya untuk menunjang industry kreatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah brand identity berpengaruh terhadap brand awareness dan brand satisfaction pada Bortherwood Decoration di Surabaya. Ada 80 responden dalam penelitian ini yang meliputi responden berusia 17 tahun ke atas dan sudah menjadi pelanggan dari Brotherwood Decoration di Surabaya. Dari data dan analisa peniliti Pengaruh Brand Identity terhadap Brand Awareness dan Brand Satisfaction berpengaruh positif dan significant

    A Tablet Screen Cast Receiver for Classroom with Low End Android Devices

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    Salah satu aktivitas menggunakan tablet adalah presentasi. Saat ini, kebanyakan aktivitas presentasi dilakukan menggunakan adapter VGA untuk bisa tersambung dengan LCD Proyektor. Konfigurasi ini memungkin presentasi berbasis kabel. Dan ini adalah hal yang menyulitkan penggunaannya untuk perangkat tablet yang memiliki sifat mobilitas tinggi. Beruntung, sudah ada banyak vendor yang menyediakan sistem presentasi yang bersahabat dengan membuatnya menjadi nirkabel. Tapi sistem tersebut hanya mendukung perangkat tablet high end. Pada makalah ini, kami mengajukan sebuah penerima tablet screen cast untuk perangkat tablet android low end. Yang memiliki potensi untuk diimplementasikan di kelas. Dari eksperimen, kami memperoleh hasil 9 FPS dengan delay sebesar 2 detik

    Field-effect mobility enhanced by tuning the Fermi level into the band gap of Bi2Se3

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    By eliminating normal fabrication processes, we preserve the bulk insulating state of calcium-doped Bi2Se3 single crystals in suspended nanodevices, as indicated by the activated temperature dependence of the resistivity at low temperatures. We perform low-energy electron beam irradiation (<16 keV) and electrostatic gating to control the carrier density and therefore the Fermi level position in the nanodevices. In slightly p-doped Bi2-xCaxSe3 devices, continuous tuning of the Fermi level from the bulk valence band to the band-gap reveals dramatic enhancement (> a factor of 10) in the field-effect mobility, which suggests suppressed backscattering expected for the Dirac fermion surface states in the gap of topological insulators

    Model Kecelakaan Sepeda Motor Pada Suatu Ruas Jalan

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    Recently, motorcycle population in Indonesia is increasing rapidly. Meanwhile, the number of accidents involving motorcycles is higher than that of other motor vehicles. Based on the problem, it is important to find out a solution so that the road transportation safety can be created. The objective of this study is to model motorcycle accidents on the road. The dependent variable, as a response variable, is the number of motorcycle accidents and the independent variables are traffic volume, speed, lane width, lane number, and shoulder. The road accident data were collected from 18 roads in four areas, including Surabaya City, Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City. Modeling analysis employed a Generalized Linear Modeling (GLM) method. The results indicated that the model can be used to describe the actual condition of the road accidents. Moreover, it is also showed that the motorcycle accidents are significantly influenced by volume, speed, lane width, lane number, and shoulder variables. High volume and speed will increase accident risks, but the increase in lane width, lane number, and shoulder will decrease accident risks

    Peningkatan Minat Dan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Pgsd Pada Mata Kuliah Media Pembelajaran Pkn Melalui Teknik Brainstorming Menggunkaan Media Tiga Dimensi (3d)

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    This study aimed to improve students\u27 learning interest and achievement in the subject of Civics Education Learning Media through Brainstorming Techniques using three-dimensional media. This research was classified as a classroom action research consisting of 2 cycles. The object was fourth semester students (class A), Department of Elementary School Teacher Education, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. The students\u27 number was 45 persons. For analyzing students\u27 learning interest, the instruments used in the data collection process were questionnaire sheet, the data analysis was done using descriptive qualitative. The indicator was improvement of students\u27 learning interest and achievement. The research results showed it could improve the students\u27 learning interest and achievement in the subject. It could be proven by the improvement of students\u27 learning interest and achievement. In the first cycle, students\u27 learning interest was 65.36%. It was 77.44% in the second cycle. So, the average score of students\u27 learning interest was excellent. In addition, it could also improve students\u27 learning achievement. In the first cycle, the improvement was 71.43%. It was 91.43% in the second cycle. Keywords : Interest, Achievement, Learning Media of Civics Education, Brainstorming Technique and Three Dimensional Media

    Spin Seebeck effect from antiferromagnetic magnons and critical spin fluctuations in epitaxial FeF2 films

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    We report a longitudinal spin Seebeck effect (SSE) study in epitaxially grown FeF2(110) antiferromagnetic (AFM) thin films with strong uniaxial anisotropy over the temperature range of 3.8 - 250 K. Both the magnetic field- and temperature-dependent SSE signals below the N\'eel temperature (TN=70 K) of the FeF2 films are consistent with a theoretical model based on the excitations of AFM magnons without any net induced static magnetic moment. In addition to the characteristic low-temperature SSE peak associated with the AFM magnons, there is another SSE peak at TN which extends well into the paramagnetic phase. All the SSE data taken at different magnetic fields up to 12 T near and above the critical point TN follow the critical scaling law very well with the critical exponents for magnetic susceptibility of 3D Ising systems, which suggests that the AFM spin correlation is responsible for the observed SSE near TN
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