30 research outputs found

    Інформаційна підготовка: стимули і перешкоди

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    (UA) У статті розглянуто еволюцію уявлень про предмет інформатики. Створено контекст, який дозволив визначити основну лінію для побудови і реалізації системи інформаційної підготовки майбутнього фахівця.(EN) In the article the evolution of pictures is considered of the article of informatics. A context which allowed to define a mainline for a construction and realization of the system of informative preparation of future specialist is created. It is shown that the term "information culture of personality" associated with the result of training information. Also associated with the preparation of the information readily meet the challenges of the information class. It was determined that a special place in the interpretation of the concept of "information culture" is informative outlook that views the human system to a world of information and man's place in it. The analysis of the merits of the preparation showed that it implies an extremely wide range of knowledge and skills to work with the information and means to facilitate this work, including bibliographic literacy, culture, reading, information literacy, computer literacy, Internet literacy, etc

    Can Bone Void Fillers Carry Load? : Behaviour of Calcium Phosphate Cements Under Different Loading Scenarios

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    Calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) are used as bone void fillers and as complements to hardware in fracture fixation. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the possibilities and limitations of the CPCs’ mechanical properties, and find out if these ceramic bone cements can carry application-specific loads, alone or as part of a construct. Recently developed experimental brushite and apatite cements were found to have a significantly higher strength in compression, tension and flexion compared to the commercially available CPCs chronOS™ Inject and Norian® SRS®. By using a high-resolution measurement technique the elastic moduli of the CPCs were determined and found to be at least twice as high compared to earlier measurements, and closer to cortical bone than trabecular bone. Using the same method, Poisson's ratio for pure CPCs was determined for the first time. A non-destructive porosity measurement method for wet brushite cements was developed, and subsequently used to study the porosity increase during in vitro degradation. The compressive strength of the experimental brushite cement was still higher than that of trabecular bone after 25 weeks of degradation, showing that the cement can carry high loads over a time span sufficiently long for a fracture to heal. This thesis also presents the first ever fatigue results for acidic CPCs, and confirms the importance of testing the materials under cyclic loading as the cements may fail at stress levels much lower than the material’s quasi-static compressive strength. A decrease in fatigue life was found for brushite cements containing higher amounts of monetite. Increasing porosity and testing in a physiological buffer solution (PBS), rather than air, also decreased the fatigue life. However, the experimental brushite cement had a high probability of surviving loads found in the spine when tested in PBS, which has previously never been accomplished for acidic CPCs. In conclusion, available brushite cements may be able to carry the load alone in scenarios where the cortical shell is intact, the loading is mainly compressive, and the expected maximum stress is below 10 MPa. Under such circumstances this CPC may be the preferred choice over less biocompatible and non-degradable materials

    Building IDS rules by means of a honeypot

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    NORSK: Dagens samfunn har blitt veldig avhengig av datasystemer for å være produktive. Det er derfor viktig at disse systemene har en høy grad av tilgjengelighet (oppetid). En faktor som har muligheten til å redusere tilgjengeligheten er datanettverks angrep (CNA). (CNA defineres som metoder hvis hensikt er å ødelegge, endre eller hindre informasjon i datamaskiner, datanettverk eller nettverket i seg selv). Dessverre er det en økning i antall angrep over internett fra år til år. Disse angrepene inkluderer blant annet innbrudd, DoS, phishing, spam og ormer. Noen av disse angrepene kan "ødelegge" et stort antall maskiner på kort tid. For å redusere denne trusselen er det ønskelig å ha et system som har muligheten til å se nye angrep og behandle disse. Denne masteroppgaven vil fokusere på hvor gode IDS regler som kan bli generert automatisk basert på informasjon hentet fra en enkel honeypot. Resultatene er basert på data samlet inn av en nettverks IDS ved navn SNORT, en lav interaksjons honeypot ved navn honeyd og en sårbarhets skanner ved navn Nessus. Resultatene våres viser at honeyd logger tilstrekkelig informasjon til å kunne generere funksjonable SNORT regler, men enkelte felter i reglene er ikke mulig å finne basert på loggene.ENGELSK: In today’s society people become more and more dependent on computer systems. It is therefore vital that such systems are up and running at all times. One factor that has the power to destroy the availability is computer network attacks (CNA). (CNA are defined as "methods aimed at destroying, altering or obstructing information in computers, computer networks or the networks themselves"). Unfortunately, the Internet show an increasing trend regarding the usage of malicious activities such as intrusion attempts, denial-of-service attacks, phishing, spamming and worms. Some automated attacks can compromise a large number of computers in a short period of time. To try to minimize this threat, it would be nice to have a security system which has the ability to detect new attacks and react on them. This thesis focuses on seeing how good IDS rules that can be generated automatically based on data logged by a simple honypot. The results are based on data collected by a network intrusion detection system named SNORT, a low-interaction honeypot named honeyd and a vulnerability scanner named Nessus. Results found in this thesis claim that honeyd logs sufficient information to make functional SNORT rules out of, but some rule options are not possible to determine

    Compressive fatigue properties of acrylic bone cement for vertebroplasty

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