757 research outputs found

    \u3cem\u3ePlanned Parenthood v. Rounds\u3c/em\u3e & Informed Consent

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    El agrarismo guipuzcoano y el nacionalismo vasco (1920-1933)

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    The relationship between Basque nationalism and the peasantry has yet to be thoroughly studied by historians. The two most prominent analyses of this are based on the study of ideology (Elorza, 1978) and of nationalist unionism (Ansel, 2011). These authors consider the peasantry as a subordinate class: an intermittent object of attention of political organizations or Basque nationalist newspapers. Contrary to the aforementioned perspectives, this article seeks to inquire into the genesis of Euzko Nekazarien Bazkuna (Basque Peasants’ Association), the pro-nationalist farmers’ union that broke the hegemony exerted by Catholic unionism during the first third of the twentieth century in Gipuzkoa. After outlining the situation of Gipuzkoan agriculture at that time, we will analyse a small agrarian movement that arose in Azpeitia in 1920. In this locality’s municipal elections there were candidates from the ‘baserritarras’ (farmers) that were opposed to or outside the main political forces in the area. In 1931 this group ran again in the elections, but this time coordinated its presence with the PNV (Basque Nationalist Party). Azpeitia was one of the centres of the process that led to the emergence of Euzko Nekazarien Bazkuna. The studies by Elorza and Ansel have analysed the reasons that led to its creation with the support of the PNV, the STV (Basque Workers’ Solidarity) union and the propagandist priests close to Basque nationalism, but they have not taken the peasants into account, nor considered the process that led to the formation of the union over a period of one and a half years.La relación entre el campesinado y el nacionalismo vasco ha sido estudiada escasamente por los historiadores. Los dos análisis más conocidos (Elorza, 1978; Ansel, 2011) parten, respectivamente, del estudio de la ideología y del sindicalismo nacionalista y, en la práctica, consideran al campesinado como una clase subalterna, objeto intermitente de la atención de los órganos políticos o de difusión del nacionalismo vasco. Frente a ese punto de vista, este artículo persigue concretar la génesis de Euzko Nekazarien Bazkuna (Asociación de Agrarios Vascos), el sindicato agrario filonacionalista que rompió la hegemonía que durante el primer tercio del siglo XX mantuvo en Guipúzcoa el sindicalismo católico. Tras explicar la situación del agro guipuzcoano, vamos a analizar un pequeño movimiento agrarista que se produjo en Azpeitia en 1920. Esta localidad conoció la presentación a las elecciones municipales de una candidatura de baserritarras (caseros), frente o al margen de las principales fuerzas políticas de la zona. En 1931, este grupo campesino volvió a presentarse de nuevo a las elecciones, pero concertando su presencia con la del Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV). Azpeitia fue uno de los núcleos del proceso que llevó a la aparición de Euzko Nekazarien Bazkuna. Los estudios de Elorza y Ansel han analizado las razones que llevaron al PNV, al sindicato Solidaridad de Trabajadores Vascos y a los sacerdotes propagandistas próximos al espectro jeltzale a promover su creación, pero no han tenido en cuenta ni a los propios campesinos, ni el proceso que llevó a lo largo de año y medio a la formación del sindicato

    In-depth Life Cycle Cost Analysis of a Li-ion Battery-based Hybrid Diesel-Electric Multiple Unit

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    This study analyzes the life cycle costs of railway projects involving hybrid diesel-electric multiple units, focusing on the influence of lithium-ion battery technologies and energy management strategies. Specifically, 3 lithium-ion battery technologies and 6 energy management strategies are proposed, leading to a sensitivity analysis composed of 18 cases. In addition, for each case an approach for the optimal sizing of the diesel generator and lithium-ion battery is proposed. A scenario based on a real railway line is introduced and the results are compared to a traditional diesel-electric multiple unit. Potential life cycle cost savings of 16.0% are obtained when deploying a global optimization-based energy management strategy and LTO batteries

    In-depth Life Cycle Cost Analysis of a Hydrogen Electric Multiple Unit

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    This paper analyses the life cycle costs of railway projects involving hydrogen electric multiple units. The analysis focuses on the interrelation between the selected lithium-ion battery technology, the designed energy management strategy, and the fuel cell and battery sizes. In particular, 3 lithium-ion battery technologies and 4 strategies are proposed, leading to a sensitivity analysis composed of 12 cases. For each case, an approach for the optimal sizing of the fuel cell and battery is proposed. A scenario based on a real railway line is introduced and the obtained results are compared with the performance of a traditional diesel-electric multiple unit. The results show that a reduction of the hydrogen price is required so as the hydrogen-based option becomes competitive compared to the diesel-based one. The best result of the sensitivity analysis is obtained with an off-line optimization-based strategy and LTO batteries

    Cost-effectiveness of Opportunity Charging in Non-electrified Railway Lines

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    This paper analyses the cost-effectiveness of deploying opportunity charging points in long-distance non-electrified railway lines, which are driven by battery-based hybrid diesel-electric railway vehicles. A study case based on a real railway line is presented, where potential locations for the charging points are proposed. With the aim of developing a comprehensive sensitivity analysis, for each combination of charging points locations the life cycle costs of different energy management strategies and lithium-ion battery technologies are also compared. Additionally, for each case the optimal size of the powertrain elements is calculated. In order to develop the proposed analysis, a methodology based on an optimization approach is presented. The obtained results demonstrate that deploying opportunity charging points along the route is a feasible solution, as long as appropriate strategies and battery technologies are used. In the best scenario, the life cycle cost of a base case without charging points can be reduced a 4.3%, and the cost of a traditional diesel-electric vehicle a 7.6%

    Teenagers\u27 Mode Choice To And From School And Technology Use For Transportation: Analysis Of Students From Five High Schools In Vermont And California

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    The carhops and drive-ins of the 1950s are symbolic of the freedom that the automobile has granted Americans. What the general public has gained from the automobile, however, may come at the expense of independent mobility and choices for today\u27s adolescents, particularly those not yet old enough to drive or those from lower income families. Sprawl land use development patterns and limited transportation choices in most American cities often hold teenagers and their chauffeuring parents captive to the automobile. At the same time, information and communication technology is fast evolving and changing the ways in which teenagers live, interact, and communicate with others; easier transportation coordination is one potential outcome. This study seeks to examine teenagers\u27 travel behavior for their most common destination \u27 going to and from school \u27 and how the use of technology influences this behavior. Survey data from five high schools, three in Northern California and two in Vermont, are used to identify the mode choice to and from school, socio-demographic characteristics, and technology use of the sampled teenagers. The built environment of the teenagers\u27 home surroundings is determined by data obtained from the 2010 Census. Logistic regression analysis is used to describe the most significant variables influencing both mode choice to and from school, and the factors associated with the use of technology. Those variables with a family income component, such as high family education, access to a car and smartphone ownership have a positive effect on teenagers driving more to and from school. Similarly, those teens who travel longer distances depend more on rides and choose active modes of transportation than teens living in more populated neighborhoods. When it comes to technology use for transportation among teenagers, those living farther away from school, in worse connected neighborhoods are more likely to depend more on technology for arranging transportation, whereas those teens who choose active transportation modes to school depend less on. High density development policies seem the right recommendation to ensure teenagers choose active transportation alternatives to school and depend less on their parents, family, and friends to move around. Due to the strong influence of attitudes in teenagers\u27 behavior, social education and culture adaptation programs could be suggested to encourage teens to become more confident on active transportation modes, as well as promote safe routes to school for both genders

    Organocatalytic regio-and stereoselective Michael reactions via Di- and trienolate intermediates.

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    556 p.En la presente tesis doctoral se han desarrollado dos nuevas metodologías para la funcionalizaciónorganocatalítica asimétrica de compuestos carbonílicos insaturadas empleando catalizadoresbifuncionales de tipo Base de Brønsted/dador de enlace de H, cuya acción se basa en procesos detransferencia de protón.Por un lado, se ha demostrado que los catalizadores bifuncionales de tipo amina terciaria/escuaramidapueden promover la adición de cetonas, tioésteres y ésteres ß,¿-insaturadas a nitroolefinas vía loscorrespondientes dienolatos, proceso que transcurre con muy buen enantio- y diastereocontrol, sinotambién con total regioselectividad ¿ (menos para los ésteres y tioésteres que se obtienen mezclas deaductos ¿ y ¿).Además, se ha estudiado la extensión de la metodología descrita en el párrafo anterior, pero esta vezinvolucrando trienolatos. De esta manera, hemos desarrollado una síntesis enantio- y diastereoselectivade ciclohexenos tetrasustituidos a partir de cetonas y tioésteres terminales ß, ¿- ¿, ¿-insaturados connitroolefinas, la cual es promovida por un catalizador bifuncional de tipo amina terciaria/escuaramida.Finalmente, durante una corta estancia en la Facultad de Química de la Universidad de Bristol (ReinoUnido), bajo la supervisión del profesor Jonathan Clayden, se ha desarrollado una ciclación de derivadosde aril imidazolidinonas cuaternarias. Gracias a esta metodología, se consiguen aductos derivados de las3,4- dihidroisoquinolonas con buenos rendimientos

    La cuestión vasca: Una mirada desde la Historia

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    Reseña bibliográfica de la obra "La cuestión vasca: Una mirada desde la Historia". Se comenta la mayor parte de las ponencias que se presentaron al V Simposio del Instituto de Historia Social "Valentín de Soronda", reunido en Vitoria en julio de 1999. Se trató de aportar desde el campo de las ciencias sociales y la historia concreción sobre el debate político que se estaba celebrando en ese momento y las referencias a los derechos históricos que eran constantes