190 research outputs found

    A technical and tactical profile of the judokas medalists. Case of the category (-81 kg)

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    International audienceThe objective of this study was to determine the technical and tactical modalities susceptible to optimize the performance of the Olympic medalists judokas in the category (-81 kg). Our observation relate to the video recordings of twenty-one fights medalists judokas at the 2012 Olympic Games (n=4; age 26.8±4.6 years; height 180±0.1cm) who took part in 5.3±0.5 fights of average duration 303.4±88.5 seconds. The analysis focused on the frequency of techniques used; dominant technical groups, emerging techniques, technical effectiveness, combat score, attack direction and tactical option chosen. Seoi-nage was the most used technique and Ashi-waza was the most requested group. Te-waza has distinguished itself by its great variety within the Kokusai-shiai-waza. In tactics, direct attack is the most preferred option. The determined technical and tactical profile can be considered as a crucial factor in the preparation of judokas of this weight category in improving their efficiency in competition

    Évaluation de la densité osseuse péri acétabulaire après resurfaçage versus prothèse totale de la hanche métal-métal non cimentée

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    Ce mémoire présente l’évaluation du remodelage osseux autour des composantes acétabulaires non cimentées press-fit d’une arthroplastie de resurfaçage (RH) et d’une prothèse totale de hanche (PTH) après un minimum de 21 mois d’implantation. Nous avons mesuré par l’absorptiométrie à rayons X en double énergie (DEXA) la densité minérale osseuse (DMO) supra acétabulaire chez 60 patients (44 RH, 16 PTH). Aucune différence significative de la moyenne des DMO au niveau de la zone globale et de la zone centrale de l’acétabulum n’a été trouvée entre la hanche opérée et la hanche controlatérale, dans les deux groupes de traitement. Cependant, la DMO des zones corticospongieuses médiale et latérale est plus élevée du côté opéré par rapport au côté non opéré avec la cupule en chrome cobalt de la RH; (p=0,014 et 0,031 respectivement). Alors que pour la PTH avec une cupule en titane, la différence de la DMO au niveau de ces zones n’est pas significative; (p=0,130 et 0,733). Ces données semblent démontrer qu’avec des cupules plus rigides, il y a transfert des contraintes de charges vers la périphérie corticale. C’est la première étude à évaluer le remodelage osseux péri acétabulaire avec un RH. Cela montre que la DMO est relativement préservée et que le transfert des contraintes vers la périphérie peut être favorable au maintien de la stabilité de l’implant primaire et aux éventuelles révisions de la cupule press-fit du RH.We undertook a retrospective study to evaluate bone remodeling around two uncemented press-fit acetabular components: (1. Hip resurfacing (HR) and 2. total hip replacement (THR)) at a minimum of 21 months after implantation. We measured by DEXA (Dual energy X ray absorptiometry) the bone mineral density (BMD) in the supra acetabular area in 60 patients (44 HR, 16 THR). We found no significant difference in the average BMD of the global zone and central zone of the acetabulum between the operated hip and the opposite non-operated hip in both treatment groups. However, the BMD of the medial and lateral cortico-cancellous areas on the side of surgery was significantly higher compared to non-operated side in HR group with the cobalt chrome cup; (p=0,014 and 0,031 respectively) As for THR with a titanium cup, we found no significant difference in BMD at these areas (p=0,130 and 0,733). These data show that with more rigid cups, there seems to be greater load transfer to the periphery of the acetabulum without significant stress shielding. This is the first study to assess peri-acetabular bone remodeling with HR. We showed that BMD is relatively preserved. Stress transfer to the periphery may be beneficial in maintaining the stability of the primary implant while conserving bone stock for possible revisions of the press-fit cup of the HR

    Identifiability and Stability of Boundaries in a Supercritical Free Surface Flow

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    In this paper, we have studied a problem of identifiability of boundaries and stability of the solutions for the direct and the inverse problem concerning a supercritical and irrotational ow of an inviscid uid over an obstacle which lies on the bottom of a channel. The identifiability of the solution means its uniqueness when it exists. The stability is studied in the sense that for the direct problem and the inverse one, we study the variation of the obtained geometry for a little perturbation of the bottom or of the free surface. The proofs of the theorems are based on Holmgren theorem and the mean value theorem. The stability obtained is linear

    A finite element segregated method for thermo-chemical equilibrium and nonequilibrium hypersonic flows using adapted grids

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    This dissertation concerns the development of a loosely coupled, finite element method for the numerical simulation of 2-D hypersonic, thermo-chemical equilibrium and nonequilibrium flows, with an emphasis on resolving directional flow features, such as shocks, by an anisotropic mesh adaptation procedure. Since the flow field of such problems is chemically reacting and molecular species are vibrationally excited, numerical analyses based on an ideal gas assumption result in inaccurate if not erroneous solutions. Instead, hypersonic flows must be computed by solving the gasdynamic equations in conjunction with species transport and vibrational energy equations. The number of species transport equations could be very high but is drastically reduced by neglecting the ionization, thus leaving one to represent the air by only five neutral species: O, N, NO, O\sb2 and N\sb2. This system of equations is further simplified by considering an algebraic equation for conservation of the fixed nitrogen to oxygen ratio in air. The chemical source terms are computed according to kinetic models, with reaction rate coefficients given by Park's reaction models. All molecular species are characterized by a single vibrational temperature, yielding the well-known two-temperature thermal model which requires the solution of a single conservation equation for the total vibrational energy. In this thesis, the governing equations are decoupled into three systems of PDEs--gasdynamic, chemical and vibrational systems--which are integrated by an implicit time-marching technique and discretized in space by a Galerkin-finite element method. This loosely-coupled formulation maintains the robustness of implicit techniques, while keeping the memory requirements to a manageable level. It also allows each system of PDEs to be integrated by the most appropriate algorithm to achieve the best global convergence. This particular feature makes a partially-decoupled formulation attractive for the extension of existing gasdynamic codes to hypersonic nonequilibrium flow problems, as well as for other applications having stiff source terms. The hypersonic shocks are resolved in a cost-effective manner by coupling the flow solver to a directionally mesh adaptive scheme using an edge-based error estimate and an efficient mesh movement strategy. The accuracy of the numerical solution is continuously evaluated using a bound available from finite element theory. The Hessian (matrix of second derivatives) of a selected variable is numerically computed and then modified by taking the absolute value of its eigenvalues to finally produce a Riemannian metric. Using elementary differential geometry, the edge-based error estimate is thus defined as the length of the element edges in this Riemannian metric. This error is then equidistributed over the mesh edges by applying a mesh movement scheme made efficient by removing the usual constraints on grid orthogonality. The construction of an anisotropic mesh may thus be interpreted as seeking a uniform mesh in the defined metric. The overall methodology is validated on various relevant benchmarks, ranging from supersonic frozen flows to hypersonic thermo-chemical nonequilibrium flows, and the results are compared against experimental data and, when not possible, to other computational approaches

    Analyse de l’activité offensive des judokas médaillés aux Jeux Olympiques 2004-2016.

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    International audienceIntroduction : Le médaillé olympique en judo reste encore un athlète complexe à tout point de vue en dépit d’un nombre élevé de recherches dédiées à la compréhension et au décryptage de ses performances. Objectif : S’inscrivant dans le cadre d’une approche technologique, la présente analyse a pour visée de déterminer l’impact des techniques du Nage-waza sur la dynamique offensive des médaillés olympiques des sept catégories de poids durant les Jeux Olympiques 2004 - 2016. Matériel et méthode : L’observation en différé est la méthode appropriée pour apprécier les variables quantitatives régissant la performance en judo. L'analyse porte sur les enregistrements vidéo de 575 combats des 112 médaillés hommes couronnés dans les 7 catégories de poids lors des Jeux Olympiques d’Athènes 2004, Pékin 2008, Londres 2012 et Rio de Janeiro 2016. L’analyse de variance à un facteur ainsi que le test de Tukey pour la comparaison multiple apprécient l’effet du volume offensif, de l’efficacité et de la fréquence des attaques des catégories de poids. Résultats : La catégorie (-81 kg) est la plus engagée offensivement avec (7,7±1,2 attaques/combat). L’efficacité est identique malgré sa variation de (11,5±4,6 %) pour la catégorie (-73 kg) à (16,8±3,9%) pour la catégorie (-100 kg). La catégorie (-60 kg) développe la plus grande fréquence d’attaques (2,0±0,3 attaques/mn). Conclusion : Une grande activité offensive n’est pas un gage d’une performance assurée puisque la présente analyse a permis de confirmer que les médaillés Olympiques les plus actifs ne sont pas pour autant les plus efficaces. La performance symbolise leur maîtrise des divers savoirs, lesquels concrétisent son efficacité en compétition. La prise de risque des catégories légères est la réponse adéquate à l’attentisme caractérisant les catégories lourdes

    Les stèles gravées à inscriptions libyques de la Berbérie orientale (Est d’Algérie)

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    Le libyque, écriture des anciens berbères, tire son nom de Libye, terme par lequel les grecs désignaient l’Afrique du Nord. Il couvre une superficie allant des Iles Canaries jusqu’en Libye et de la Méditerranée jusqu’au Niger. Au Maghreb, les inscriptions libyques se répartissent entre le Maroc, l’Algérie, la Tunisie et la Libye. Notre travail consiste à réunir, autant que possible, toutes les stèles de la Berbérie orientale portant les inscriptions libyques déjà connues, ainsi que les inédites pour en faire une étude descriptive, qui comprendrait l’analyse de leurs formes et de leurs fréquences. L’objet de cette recherche est l’étude des particularités de ces inscriptions afin de faire ressortir l’alphabet utilisé par la Berbérie orientale (est de l’Algérie) et le comparer avec ceux de la Berbérie centrale (ouest et centre de l’Algérie) et occidentale (Maroc)

    Linseed intake associated with mediterranean diet improves hyperglycemia and blood pressure in west algerian patients with metabolic syndrome

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    Introduction. Linseed grains are vegetable molecules with strong antioxidant effect, whith reduced risk for developing high blood pressure (HBP) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Moreover, by their richness in alpha-linoleic acid, the precursor of Omega-3, linseed grains allow a low level in plasma total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG). Objective. To evaluate the effect of daily consumption of linseed grains associated with the Mediterranean diet (MD) on hyperglycemia and hypertension in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS). Population and Methods. Thirty six patients with MS and 18 witnesses were recruited. Patients followed the MD for 3 months with linseed supplementation. Anthropometric parameters, blood pressure and glucose homeostasis were determined before and after 3 months of the study. Results. Patients presented obesity and altered anthropometric profile, hypertension, increased glucose, insulin, HbA1c, insulin resistance and hypertriglyceridemia, compared to controls. After 3 months follow-up, a reduction in total energy intake, carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates, animal proteins, saturated fatty acids (SFA), polyunsaturated FA, cholesterol, 6/3 ratio and increase in proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, monounsaturated FA (MUFA) 3 fats and fibers, were noted. Moreover, weight loss, improvement of anthropometric parameters, reduction of hypertension, glucose (36%), insulin (22%), HbA1c (32%), increase in HOMA-IR (31%) and insulin were observed, compared to baseline. In parallel, a reduction of TC (28%) and triglycerides (28%) was noted. Conclusion. Linseed grains, in association with MD, induces antihypertensive and hypoglycemic effects in MS patients

    The Effectiveness of Financial Inclusion in Promoting Economic Diversification in Algeria – A record study during the period 1986-2019-

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى قياس وتحليل أثر فعالية الشمول المالي في تعزيز التنويع الاقتصادي في الجزائر خلال الفترة 1986-2019، وقد تم الاعتماد على مؤشر (إجمالي القروض المصرفية) كمتغير مستقل يعبر عن الشمول المالي، و(مؤشر  هيرفندال هيرشمان) كمتغير تابع يعبر عن التنويع الاقتصادي، وذلك من خلال تقدير نموذج أشعة الانحدار الذاتي .varتوصلت الدراسة إلى عدم وجود علاقة توازنية طويلة الأجل بين مؤشر الشمول المالي والتنويع الاقتصادي، ووجود علاقة طردية بين معامل هيرشمان هيرفندال الحالي وبين فترة الإبطاء بفترة واحدة للمتغير نفسه، بالإضافة إلى وجود علاقة عكسية بين الشمول المالي والتنويع الاقتصادي، فضلا عن ذلك وجود علاقة قصيرة الأجل بين متغيرات الدراسة، كما بينت نتائج تحليل واقع الشمول المالي أن الجزائر تنحصر ضمن الدول ذات المستويات المتوسطة في مؤشر الشمول المالي العالمي.  The study aimed to measure and analyze the impact of the effectiveness of financial inclusion in promoting economic diversification in Algeria during the period 1986-2019, the indicator (total bank loans) was relied on as an independent change that expresses financial inclusion, and (Herfindal-Hirschman) indicator as a dependent variable that expresses economic diversification, by estimating the autoregressive vector model var. The study concluded that there is no long term equilibrium relationship between the index of financial inclusion and economic diversification, and the existence of a direct relationship between the current Hireschman-Herfindal coefficient and the period of slowing down by one period for the same variable, in addition inclusion financial and economic diversification, in addition  to the existence of a short term relationship Among the variables of the study, the results reality of financial inclusion showed that Algeria is limited to countries with medium levels in the global financial inclusion index

    Serial mediation of perceived usefulness and EWOM adoption in virtual communities and the moderating effect of gender

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    Purpose– This study analyzes the adoption behavior of eWOM information from the consumer\u27s perspective. In virtual communities, this study examines the serial mediation of perceived usefulness and adoption of eWOM between eWOM characteristics (credibility, quality, and vivacity) and the intention to visit a tourist destination and gender as a moderator. This study makes a significant theoretical and practical contribution by the purpose of an integrative model, according to the ELM model, and by examining the moderating effect of gender. Design/Methodology/Approach – This study tests the hypothesis using an experimental scenario simulation method. Signals embedded in various components of the eWOM (stimuli/scenarios) were used, such as interactivity with the message (Like number, comment, sharing) or the content of the message (Text, Visual, Video). The new model (based on the ELM model) was validated by PLS-SEM based on an online survey of 548 members of the virtual consumption communities where content shared is about tourism and hospitality, tourism experiences, and recommendations of Algerian tourist destinations. Findings – The results confirm that perceived usefulness and adoption are two serial mediators between the relationship between eWOM characteristics and visit intention. Finally, gender moderates the indirect effect between eWOM quality and the intention to visit. Originality of the research – This study proposes to develop an integrative model by testing the serial mediating effects of perceived usefulness and information adoption for the first time regarding the influence of the three eWOM characteristics on behavioral intention and investigates the role of gender as a moderator