89 research outputs found

    Emergencies in a Territory of Mobility

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    UID/SOC/04647/2013The Mediterranean Sea is a historical stage of mobilities and has been a witness to important movements of people and goods since ancient times. In this liquid territory, different social processes of globalization can be observed; yet, in recent years, it has been predominantly depicted as an emergency scene, a crossing platform for those in search of refuge in Europe. This scenario becomes connected to a set of dimensions of securitization and quests for control that redirect the debates about national and European responsibilities regarding maritime territories. In this article, this issue is addressed exploring the construction and development of the social problem of refugees in the Mediterranean, departing from a frame analysis of news items thematically filtered from the digital platforms of two Italian newspapers in 2013-2015. The problem is contextualized in time and content progression, deepening the framing of some critical events, and reframing the Mediterranean as a referent/emergent territory of mobility.publishersversionpublishe

    Determinantes da inovação em empresas de setores diferentes e impacto na performance das empresas portuguesas

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    Atualmente, a inovação é considerada um dos principais fatores de produtividade e crescimento das empresas e da economia como um todo. O objetivo desta dissertação passa por identificar os principais determinantes da inovação e analisar o impacto da inovação na performance das empresas portuguesas, nos setores primário e utilidades, manufatura e construção e serviços. Com recurso ao CIS (Community Innovation Survey), foi utilizada uma amostra com 6431 empresas portuguesas no período de 2012 a 2014, último período de dados disponível. Com base num modelo desenvolvido por Crépon, Duguet, & Mairesse (1998) foram feitas as estimações para cada etapa do processo, através dos modelos Heckman two-step, Probit, Probit bivariado e regressões lineares. Os resultados revelam, para todos os setores em análise, uma correlação positiva entre a dimensão das empresas e a decisão de inovar e investir em I&D; um impacto positivo da inovação organizacional e de marketing na decisão de inovar; e um impacto positivo do investimento em I&D na inovação de produto e processo. A inovação de processo parece contribuir positivamente para o nível de vendas das empresas. Para além disso, foram encontradas várias diferenças no comportamento das empresas em três setores distintos.Innovation is currently considered one of the key factors for the productivity and growth of companies and the economy as a whole. The objective of this dissertation is to identify the main determinants of innovation and to analyse the impact of innovation on performance of Portuguese companies, in the primary and utilities, manufacturing and construction and services sectors. Using the Community Innovation Survey (CIS), a sample of 6431 Portuguese companies was used from 2012 to 2014, last period of available data. Based on a model developed by Crépon, Duguet, & Mairesse (1998), estimates were made for each process step, using methods like Heckman two-step, Probit, Bivariate Probit and linear regressions. The results reveal, for all sectors under analysis, a positive correlation between company size and the decision to innovate and invest in R&D; a positive impact of organizational and marketing innovation on the decision to innovate and a positive impact of R&D investment on product and process innovation. Process innovation seems to contribute positively to companies' turnover. In addition, several differences in company behaviour were found in three distinct sectors.Mestrado em Economi

    As tecnologias de informação e da comunicação como suporte à gestão através da liderança e da comunicação – estudo com professores de um agrupamento de escolas da Terra Fria Transmontana

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    Alguns estudos sobre a gestão escolar têm posto em evidência a importância das Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação (TIC) como suporte à gestão, sendo fomentadoras da melhoria da eficácia e da eficiência da organização escolar, nomeadamente, potenciando os processos de comunicação e de liderança. Quisemos inquirir a pertinência desta tese no âmbito do nosso Trabalho de Projeto para conclusão do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação – Administração Educacional. O principal objetivo da investigação foi procurar saber como melhorar os processos de liderança, de gestão e de comunicação numa organização escolar, através da rentabilização das Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação. Dada a relevância da temática para a administração escolar, a investigação remeteu-nos para teorias e estilos de liderança educacional, incluindo os processos de comunicação organizacional, suportados por Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação permitindo-nos uma perspetiva atual da escola enquanto organização. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo baseado num inquérito por questionário, tendo como ferramenta metodológica a análise quantitativa, numa amostra de 50 sujeitos, englobando a realidade escolar de uma escola EB 2,3 do interior transmontano. Os resultados são sintetizados em frequências simples, frequências acumuladas e percentagens através de tabelas e gráficos. Os principais resultados sugerem que os professores estão recetivos ao uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) mas que conhecem pouco as relativas à gestão da informação e de suporte ao processo de gestão escolar, revelando-se porém recetivos a novas formações nesta área, o que é pertinente para a proposta de melhoria que apresentamos como plano de intervenção. Do mesmo modo, os professores valorizam as TIC como meios de melhoria da comunicação e da liderança nas escolas.Some studies about school management have been putting in evidence the importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a support to management, being fomenters of the improvement of the efficacy and of the efficiency of the school organization, namely, potentiating the processes of communication and leadership. We wanted to enquiry the pertinence of this thesis in the aim of our Project Work to conclude the Master in Sciences of Education – Educational Administration. The main goal of this study was to try to know how to improve the leadership processes of management and communication in a school organization, through the rentabilization of the Information and Communication Technologies. Given the thematic relevance to the school administration, the investigation send us to theories and educational leadership styles, including the organizational and communication processes, supported by the Information and Communication Technologies allowing us an actual perspective of school as an organization. For such it was realized a study based upon an enquiry by questionnaire, having as a methodological tool the quantitative analysis, in a sample of 50 individuals (teachers) conglobating the school reality of a basic school, from the inland region of behind the mountains. The results are synthesized in simple frequencies, accumulated frequencies and percentages through tables and graphics. The principal results suggested that teachers are receptive to the use of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) but they know less the ones relative to the management of information and of support to the process of school management, revealing as well receptive to new trainings in this area, which is pertinent to the proposal of improvement that we present as an intervention plan. In the same way the teachers valorize the ICT as means of improvement of leadership and communication at schools

    Migrações e ambiente. Imigrantes ambientais no contexto europeu

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    Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de MESTRE em ECOLOGIA HUMANA E PROBLEMAS SOCIAIS CONTEMPORÂNEOS.O Trabalho de Projecto tem como objectivo central contribuir para a construção de um itinerário de investigação doutoral que conduza à clarificação e caracterização da existência e percursos de vida de imigrantes ambientais, valorizando o espaço europeu enquanto seu contexto de destino. Nesse sentido, a presente memória escrita apresenta a identificação e evolução do problema de investigação, o seu enquadramento teórico (ambiente, risco e migrações humanas) e metodológico (ecologia humana, abordagem compreensiva e socioecológica), os resultados da investigação exploratória (ao nível da vulnerabilidade humana face a alterações ambientais e da integração do fenómeno nos fluxos migratórios rumo à Europa) e, por fim, a planificação metodológica e operacional para o desenvolvimento do projecto de doutoramento. O projecto constrói-se na procura de colaborar para a valorização e reconhecimento dos imigrantes ambientais, tanto no plano científico como na dimensão política e legislativa

    Entre a seca africana e a utopia europeia. A percepção do papel do ambiente na mobilidade de refugiados e migrantes etíopes e eritreus em Itália e cabo-verdianos em Portugal

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    Ambiente e mobilidades são dois dos eixos temáticos que mais têm sido objecto de reflexão, construção política e mobilização civil no século XXI. O seu cruzamento com outros domínios importantes de construção social, particularmente ao nível do desenvolvimento e das desigualdades sociais, tem motivado um número crescente de produções científicas e de políticas públicas. Estas produções cada vez mais conduzem para uma ponderação do seu lugar de cruzamento: as migrações ambientais, designação discutível mas identificável para designar fluxos de mobilidade, em diferentes escalas temporais e espaciais, em cujos indutores podem identificar-se causas ambientais. Esta tese pretende contribuir, com o seu aporte qualitativo, para o debate e a crescente construção deste campo cruzado entre questões ambientais e mobilidades humanas. Nesse sentido, partimos de um enquadramento científico interdisciplinar em Ecologia Humana, com um quadro teórico-conceptual que reflecte sobre mobilidades e ambiente como eixo norteador da análise. Na procura de compreender como é que as questões ambientais surgem na memória dos contextos de origem de migrantes e refugiados provenientes de países sob pressão ambiental (sobretudo em problemas relacionados com a água) e residentes no sul europeu, foram realizadas entrevistas com migrantes e refugiados etíopes e eritreus em Bolonha, Itália, e migrantes cabo-verdianos em Lisboa, Portugal. Tendo em vista responder aos restantes objectivos que moveram este trabalho de doutoramento, outras opções metodológicas foram integradas (histórias de vida e de mobilidade, análise documental e de imprensa, observação participante, filme documentário). A tese organiza-se em três partes, começando por enquadrar a pesquisa e os entrevistados. Procede para a ponderação do papel do ambiente em tempo de mobilidades, procurando desconstruir e perceber o desenvolvimento científico e político que acompanhou os discursos sobre “refugiados ambientais” e migrações ambientais, e de seguida interpreta as percepções recolhidas sobre questões ambientais nos contextos de origem dos entrevistados (ambiente-natureza, ambiente-estrutura, ambiente-emergência, mudança social e reenquadramento do ambiente e das mobilidades). A terceira parte sugere conduzir a leitura da informação recolhida do ambiente de origem ao território de chegada, enquadrando perspectivas sobre mobilidades, migrações e trajectórias, ponderando os enquadramentos pós-coloniais de relação entre países de origem e de chegada, reflectindo sobre questões emergentes nos territórios considerados (em particular sobre o aumento das travessias de refugiados no Mediterrâneo) e sobre questões de integração das populações consideradas nas cidades em que se reinstalaram (Bolonha e Lisboa).Environment and mobilities are two of the main thematic axis that have been subject to reflection, political construction and civil mobilization in the 21st century. Their intersection with other important domains of social construction, particularly at the level of development and inequality, has motivated scientific development and public policies. These productions increasingly lead to a consideration of their place of intersection: environmental migrations, a questionable but identifiable label to designate mobility flows, at different temporal and spatial scales, in which mobility drivers it is possible to identify environmental causes. This thesis aims to contribute, with its qualitative contribution, to the debate and the growing construction of this cross field between environmental issues and human mobility. In this sense, we start from an interdisciplinary scientific framework in Human Ecology, with a theoretical-conceptual framework that reflects on mobility and the environment as the guiding axis of the analysis. In the quest to understand how environmental issues emerge in the memory of migrants and refugees with background contexts from countries under environmental pressure (especially on water-related issues) and that reside in Southern Europe, interviews were conducted with Ethiopian and Eritrean migrants and refugees in Bologna, Italy, and Cape Verdean migrants in Lisbon, Portugal. In order to answer the other objectives that moved this doctoral work, other methodological options were integrated (biographic and mobility narratives, documental and press analysis, participant observation, documentary film). The thesis is organized in three parts, starting by framing the research and the interviewees. It proceeds to the consideration of the role of the environment in times of mobilities, seeking to deconstruct and perceive the scientific and political development that accompanied the discourses on "environmental refugees" and environmental migrations, and then interprets the perceptions gathered on environmental issues in the contexts of origin of the interviewees (environment-nature, environment-structure, environment-emergence, social change and re-framing of environment and mobilities). The third part suggests to shift the reading from the environment of origin to the territory of arrival, framing perspectives on mobilities, migrations and trajectories, pondering the postcolonial frameworks of the relationship between countries of origin and arrival, reflecting on emerging issues (in particular on the increase in the Mediterranean crossings by refugees) and on issues of integration of the populations considered in the cities where they resettled (Bologna and Lisbon)

    Effect of short chain fructooligosaccharides (scFOS) on immunological status and gut microbiota of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) reared at two temperatures

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    The effects of dietary short chain fructooligosaccharides (scFOS) incorporation on hematology, fish immune status, gut microbiota composition, digestive enzymes activities, and gut morphology, was evaluated in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) juveniles reared at 18 °C and 25 °C. For that purpose, fish with 32 g were fed diets including 0, 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5% scFOS during 8 weeks. Overall, scFOS had only minor effects on gilthead sea bream immune status. Lymphocytes decreased in fish fed the 0.1% scFOS diet. Fish fed the 0.5% scFOS diet presented increased nitric oxide (NO) production, while total immunoglobulins (Ig) dropped in those fish, but only in the ones reared at 25 °C. Red blood cells, hemoglobin, bactericidal activity and NO were higher at 25 °C, whereas total white blood cells, circulating thrombocytes, monocytes and neutrophils were higher at 18 °C. In fish fed scFOS, lymphocytes were higher at 18 °C. Total Ig were also higher at 18 °C but only in fish fed 0.1% and 0.5% scFOS diets. No differences in gut bacterial profiles were detected by PCR-DGGE (polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) between dietary treatments. However, group's similarity was higher at 25 °C. Digestive enzymes activities were higher at 25 °C but were unaffected by prebiotics incorporation. Gut morphology was also unaffected by dietary prebiotic incorporation. Overall, gut microbiota composition, digestive enzymes activities and immunity parameters were affected by rearing temperature whereas dietary scFOS incorporation had only minor effects on these parameters. In conclusion, at the tested levels scFOS does not seem worthy of including it in gilthead sea bream juveniles diets.This research was partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE - Operational Competitiveness Programme and national funds through FCT Foundation for Science and Technology, under the projects "PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2013 and UID/Multi/04423/2013". I. Guerreiro, P. Enes, A. Couto and B. Costas were supported by grants (SFRH/BD/76139/2011; BPD/39688/2007, BD/47495/2008 and BPD/77210/2011, respectively) from FCT, Portugal. C. Serra and A. Salvador were recipient of grants within the Project AQUAIMPROV (reference NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000038) and Project BioEnv (REF. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000048), co-financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 - O Novo Norte). We would like to express our thanks to Pedro Correia for the assistance during the growth trial. Authors would also thank to Jefo Species-specific additives France, for providing the prebiotic

    Estado nutricional e hiperhidratación: ¿la bioimpedancia espectroscópica es válida en pacientes en hemodiálisis?

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    Background: Protein-energy wasting (PEW), associated with inflammation and overhydration, is common in haemodialysis (HD) patients and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Objective: Assess the relationship between nutritional status, markers of inflammation and body composition through bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) in HD patients. Methods: This observational, cross-sectional, single centre study, carried out in an HD centre in Forte da Casa (Portugal), involved 75 patients on an HD programme. In all participating patients, the following laboratory tests were conducted: haemoglobin, albumin, C-reactive protein (CRP) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 [25(OH)D3]. The body mass index of all patients was calculated and a modified version of subjective global assessment (SGA) was produced for patients on dialysis. Intracellular water (ICW) and extracellular water (ECW) were measured by BIS (Body Composition Monitor®, Fresenius Medical Care®) after the HD session. In statistical analysis, Spearman’s correlation was used for the univariate analysis and linear regression for the multivariate analysis (SPSS 14.0). A P value of <.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: PEW, inversely assessed through the ICW/body weight (BW) ratio, was positively related to age (P<.001), presence of diabetes (P=.004), BMI (P=.01) and CRP (P=.008) and negatively related to albumin (p=.006) and 25(OH)D3 (P=.007). Overhydration, assessed directly through the ECW/BW ratio, was positively related with CRP (P=.009) and SGA (P=.03), and negatively with 25(OH)D3 (P=.006) and BMI (P=.01). In multivariate analysis, PEW was associated with older age (P<.001), the presence of diabetes (P=.003), lower 25(OH)D3 (P=.008), higher CRP (P=.001) and lower albumin levels (P=.004). Over-hydration was associated with higher CRP (P=.001) and lower levels of 25(OH)D3 (P=.003). Conclusions: Taking these results into account, the ICW/BW and ECW/BW ratios, assessed with BIS, have proven to be good markers of the nutritional and inflammatory status of HD patients. BIS may be a useful tool for regularly assessing the nutritional and hydration status in these patients and may allow nutritional advice to be improved and adjusted.RESUMEN - Antecedentes: El desgaste proteico-energético (DPE asociado a inflamación e hiperhidratación, es común en pacientes en hemodiálisis (HD) y se asocia a mayor morbilidad y mortalidad. Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre el estado nutricional, los marcadores inflamatorios y la composición corporal a través de bioimpedancia espectroscópica (BIS) en pacientes en HD. Métodos: En este estudio observacional, transversal, unicéntrico, realizado en un centro de HD en Forte da Casa (Portugal), participaron 75 pacientes en programa de HD. En todos los participantes se hicieron las siguientes determinaciones analíticas: hemoglobina, albúmina, proteína C reactiva (PCR) y 25-hidroxivitamina D3 [25(OH)D3]. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC) de todos los pacientes y se aplicó una versión modificada de la valoración global subjetiva (VGS) para pacientes en diálisis. El agua intracelular (AIC) y extracelular (AEC) se midió con BIS (Body Composition Monitor®, Fresenius Medical Care®) después de la sesión de HD. En el análisis estadístico se utilizó la correlación de Spearman para el análisis univariante y la regresión lineal para el análisis multivariante (SPSS 14.0). Una p < 0,05 se consideró estadísticamente significativa. Resultados: El DPE, evaluado inversamente a través de la relación AIC/ peso corporal (PC), se relacionó positivamente con la edad (p < 0,001), la presencia de diabetes (p = 0,004), el IMC (p = 0,01) y la PCR (p = 0,008) y negativamente con la albúmina (p = 0,006) y la 25(OH)D3 (p = 0,007). La hiperhidratación, evaluada directamente a través de la relación AEC/PC, se relacionó positivamente con la PCR (p = 0,009) y con la VGS (p = 0,03), y negativamente con la 25(OH)D3 (p = 0,006) y el IMC (p = 0,01). En el análisis multivariante, el DPE se asoció a edad más elevada (p < 0,001), presencia de diabetes (p = 0,003), 25(OH)D3 más baja (p = 0,008), PCR más elevada (p = 0,001) y niveles de albúmina más bajos (p = 0,004). La hiperhidratación se asoció a PCR más elevada (p = 0,001) y niveles de 25(OH)D3 más bajos (p = 0,003). Conclusiones: Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados, las relaciones AIC/PC y AEC/PC, evaluadas con BIS, han demostrado ser buenos marcadores del estado nutricional e inflamatorio de pacientes en programa de HD. La BIS puede ser una herramienta útil para evaluar regularmente el estado nutricional y de hidratación en estos pacientes y puede permitir mejorar y adecuar el asesoramiento nutricional

    Evaluation of the seaweeds Chondrus crispus and Ulva lactuca as functional ingredients in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)

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    The effect of a dietary incorporation of the seaweedsUlva lactucaandChondrus crispusas functional ingredients was evaluatedin gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juvenile growth, feed efficiency, muscle lipid composition, intermediary metabolism,oxidative status and gut histomorphology. Fish (15 g initial body weight) were fed with isoproteic (46%) and isolipidic (18%)diets with fish meal (FM) and plant feedstuffs (PF) (27:73 protein from FM:PF) as main protein sources (control diet). Three otherdiets were formulated similar to the control but including 5%U. lactuca,5%C. crispusor 2.5% of both algae (dietsUlva,Chondrusand Mix, respectively). Dietary incorporation ofUlvadid not affect growth performance (P> 0.05) while it leads tohigher muscleΣSFA (saturated fatty acids); and liver lipid peroxidation (LPO). Moreover, lower muscleΣPUFA (polyunsatu-rated fatty acids) and plasma glucose was observed. Dietary incorporation ofChondrusleads to lower growth; whole-body drymatter and lipid content; muscleΣPUFA andω3 fatty acids; and plasma glucose. In addition, higher muscleΣMUFA (mono-unsaturated fatty acids); and liver LPO was observed. Dietary incorporation of both algae (Mix) led to lower growth; whole-bodylipid content; muscleΣPUFA andω3 fatty acids; plasma glucose; and hepatic PK (pyruvate kinase) and HOAD (3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase). Furthermore, it leads to higher muscleΣSFA andΣMUFA; and liver LPO. Overall, no beneficial effects ofincluding the tested seaweeds in the diets was observed, while oxidative status was negatively affected in all dietary treatments.This work was supported by the StructuredR&D&I Project INNOVMAR (ref. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000035)within the research line INSEAFOOD, founded by the NorthernRegional Operational Programme (NORTE2020) through the EuropeanRegional Development Fund (ERDF). The Fundação para a Ciência e aTecnologia (FCT) and the FEDER, under programme PT2020 (ProjectUID/QUI/50006/2013) are also acknowledged for the financial funding.I.G., R.M. and A.C. were supported by FCT grants (SFRH/BPD/114959/2016, SFRH/BD/115870/2016 and SFRH/BPD/101354/2014, respec-tively). F.C. was a recipient of a grant within the Project ZEBRALGRE(PTDC/CVT-WEL/5207/2014).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rapid optimization of chromatography operating conditions using a nano- liter scale column on a microfluidic chip with integrated pneumatic valves and optical sensors

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    Purification of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is traditionally achieved by chromatographic separations, which are very robust but require time-consuming optimization on a case-by-case, particularly if a non-affinity step is used. In this context, multimodal chromatography has been explored as a versatile and cost-effective alternative to the established affinity step employed for capturing mAbs. However, selective capture/polishing of a target mAb using such multimodal ligands comes with the need for extensive and time-consuming optimization, due to the multitude of interactions that can be simultaneously promoted in the ligand. In this work, we developed a novel microfluidic platform comprising multimodal chromatography beads inside micro-columns for rapid screening of operating conditions. Sequential liquid insertion in the device was achieved by using integrated pneumatic valves and the chromatographic assays were combined with a signal acquisition module for on-chip fluorescence measurements. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract