733 research outputs found

    The incidence of AGN in galaxies with different stellar population ages

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    It has been argued that recycled gas from stellar mass loss in galaxies might serve as an important fuelling source for black holes (BHs) in their centers. Utilizing spectroscopic samples of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) at z=00.35z = 0-0.35 and the Large Early Galaxy Astrophysics Census (LEGA-C) survey at z=0.61z = 0.6-1 that have X-ray coverage from XMM-Newton or Chandra, we test this stellar mass loss fuelling scenario by investigating how AGN activity and BH growth vary with the break strength at 4000 A˚\r{A}, Dn4000\rm D_{n}4000 (which is closely related to the age of stellar populations), as younger galaxies are considered to have higher stellar mass loss rates. We found that when controlling for host-galaxy properties, the fraction of log LXL_{\rm X}/MM_\star > 32 (which roughly corresponds to Eddington ratios 1\gtrsim 1%) AGN and sample-averaged black hole accretion rate (BHAR\rm \overline{BHAR}) decrease with Dn4000\rm D_{n}4000 among Dn4000\rm D_{n}4000 \lesssim 1.9 galaxies, suggesting a higher level of AGN activity among younger galaxies, which supports the stellar mass loss fuelling scenario. For the oldest and most massive galaxies at z=00.35z = 0-0.35, this decreasing trend is not present anymore. We found that, among these most massive galaxies at low redshift, the fraction of low specific-accretion-rate (31 << log LXL_{\rm X}/MM_\star << 32) AGNs increases with Dn4000\rm D_{n}4000, which may be associated with additional fuelling from hot halo gas and/or enhanced accretion capability.Comment: 24 pages, 28 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Investigating evidence for different black hole accretion modes since redshift z~1

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    Chandra data in the COSMOS, AEGIS-XD and 4Ms CDFS are combined with optical/near-IR photometry to determine the rest-frame U-V vs V-J colours of X-ray AGN hosts at mean redshifts 0.40 and 0.85. This combination of colours (UVJ) provides an efficient means of separating quiescent from star-forming, including dust reddened, galaxies. Morphological information emphasises differences between AGN split by their UVJ colours. AGN in quiescent galaxies are dominated by spheroids, while star-forming hosts are split between bulges and disks. The UVJ diagram of AGN hosts is then used to set limits on the accretion density associated with evolved and star-forming systems. Most of the black hole growth since z~1 is associated with star-forming hosts. Nevertheless, ~15-20% of the X-ray luminosity density since z~1, is taking place in the quiescent region of the UVJ diagram. For the z~0.40 subsample, there is tentative evidence (2sigma significance), that AGN split by their UVJ colours differ in Eddington ratio. AGN in star-forming hosts dominate at high Eddington ratios, while AGN in quiescent hosts become increasingly important as a fraction of the total population toward low Eddington ratios. At higher redshift, z~0.8, such differences are significant at the 2sigma level only at Eddington ratios >1e-3. These findings are consistent with scenarios in which diverse accretion modes are responsible for the build-up of SMBHs at the centres of galaxies. We compare our results with the GALFORM semi-analytic model, which postulates two black hole fuelling modes, the first linked to star-formation and the second occuring in passive galaxies. GALFORM predicts a larger fraction of black hole growth in quiescent galaxies at z<1, compared to the data. Relaxing the strong assumption of the model that passive AGN hosts have zero star-formation rate could reconcile this disagreement.Comment: MNRAS accepte

    The X-ray luminosity function of Active Galactic Nuclei in the redshift interval z=3-5

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    We combine deep X-ray survey data from the Chandra observatory and the wide-area/shallow XMM-XXL field to estimate the AGN X-ray luminosity function in the redshift range z=3-5. The sample consists of nearly 340 sources with either photometric (212) or spectroscopic (128) redshift in the above range. The combination of deep and shallow survey fields provides a luminosity baseline of three orders of magnitude, Lx(2-10keV)~1e43-1e46erg/s at z>3. We follow a Bayesian approach to determine the binned AGN space density and explore their evolution in a model-independent way. Our methodology accounts for Poisson errors in the determination of X-ray fluxes and uncertainties in photometric redshift estimates. We demonstrate that the latter is essential for unbiased measurement of space densities. We find that the AGN X-ray luminosity function evolves strongly between the redshift intervals z=3-4 and z=4-5. There is also suggestive evidence that the amplitude of this evolution is luminosity dependent. The space density of AGN with Lx<1e45erg/s drops by a factor of 5 between the redshift intervals above, while the evolution of brighter AGN appears to be milder. Comparison of our X-ray luminosity function with that of UV/optical selected QSOs at similar redshifts shows broad agreement at bright luminosities, Lx>1e45erg/s. The faint-end slope of UV/optical luminosity functions however, is steeper than for X-ray selected AGN. This implies that the type-I AGN fraction increases with decreasing luminosity at z>3, opposite to trends established at lower redshift. We also assess the significance of AGN in keeping the hydrogen ionised at high redshift. Our X-ray luminosity function yields ionising photon rate densities that are insufficient to keep the Universe ionised at redshift z>4. A source of uncertainty in this calculation is the escape fraction of UV photons for X-ray selected AGN.Comment: MNRAS accepte

    The X-ray luminosity function of AGN at z~3

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    We combine Lyman-break colour selection with ultradeep (> 200 ks) Chandra X-ray imaging over a survey area of ~0.35 deg^2 to select high redshift AGN. Applying careful corrections for both the optical and X-ray selection functions, the data allow us to make the most accurate determination to date of the faint end of the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) at z~3. Our methodology recovers a number density of X-ray sources at this redshift which is at least as high as previous surveys, demonstrating that it is an effective way of selecting high z AGN. Comparing to results at z=1, we find no evidence that the faint slope of the XLF flattens at high z, but we do find significant (factor ~3.6) negative evolution of the space density of low luminosity AGN. Combining with bright end data from very wide surveys we also see marginal evidence for continued positive evolution of the characteristic break luminosity L*. Our data therefore support models of luminosity-dependent density evolution between z=1 and z=3. A sharp upturn in the the XLF is seen at the very lowest luminosities (Lx < 10^42.5 erg s^-1), most likely due to the contribution of pure X-ray starburst galaxies at very faint fluxes.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The galaxy’s gas content regulated by the dark matter halo mass results in a superlinear M BH–M ⋆ Relation

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    Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are tightly correlated with their hosts, but the origin of such connection remains elusive. To explore the cosmic buildup of this scaling relation, we present an empirically motivated model that tracks galaxy and SMBH growth down to z = 0. Starting from a random mass seed distribution at z = 10, we assume that each galaxy evolves on the star-forming "main sequence" (MS) and each BH follows the recently derived stellar mass (M sstarf) dependent ratio between BH accretion rate and star formation rate, going as BHAR/SFRM0.73[+0.22,0.29]\mathrm{BHAR}/\mathrm{SFR}\propto {M}_{\star }^{0.73[+0.22,-0.29]}. Our simple recipe naturally describes the BH–galaxy buildup in two stages. At first, the SMBH lags behind the host that evolves along the MS. Later, as the galaxy grows in M sstarf, our M sstarf-dependent BHAR/SFR induces a superlinear BH growth, as MBHM1.7{M}_{\mathrm{BH}}\propto {M}_{\star }^{1.7}. According to this formalism, smaller BH seeds increase their relative mass faster and earlier than bigger BH seeds, at fixed M sstarf, thus setting along a gradually tighter M BH–M sstarf locus toward higher M sstarf. Assuming reasonable values of the radiative efficiency epsilon ~ 0.1, our empirical trend agrees with both high-redshift model predictions and intrinsic M BH–M sstarf relations of local BHs. We speculate that the observed nonlinear BH–galaxy buildup is reflected in a twofold behavior with dark matter halo mass (M DM), displaying a clear turnover at M DM ~ 2 × 1012 M ⊙. While supernovae-driven feedback suppresses BH growth in smaller halos (BHAR/SFRMDM1.6\mathrm{BHAR}/\mathrm{SFR}\propto {M}_{\mathrm{DM}}^{1.6}), above the M DM threshold cold gas inflows possibly fuel both BH accretion and star formation in a similar fashion (BHAR/SFRMDM0.3\mathrm{BHAR}/\mathrm{SFR}\propto {M}_{\mathrm{DM}}^{0.3})

    AEGIS-X: The Chandra Deep Survey of the Extended Groth Strip

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    We present the AEGIS-X survey, a series of deep Chandra ACIS-I observations of the Extended Groth Strip. The survey comprises pointings at 8 separate positions, each with nominal exposure 200ks, covering a total area of approximately 0.67 deg2 in a strip of length 2 degrees. We describe in detail an updated version of our data reduction and point source detection algorithms used to analyze these data. A total of 1325 band-merged sources have been found to a Poisson probability limit of 4e-6, with limiting fluxes of 5.3e-17 erg/cm2/s in the soft (0.5-2 keV) band and 3.8e-16 erg/cm2/s in the hard (2-10 keV) band. We present simulations verifying the validity of our source detection procedure and showing a very small, <1.5%, contamination rate from spurious sources. Optical/NIR counterparts have been identified from the DEEP2, CFHTLS, and Spitzer/IRAC surveys of the same region. Using a likelihood ratio method, we find optical counterparts for 76% of our sources, complete to R(AB)=24.1, and, of the 66% of the sources that have IRAC coverage, 94% have a counterpart to a limit of 0.9 microJy at 3.6 microns (m(AB)=23.8). After accounting for (small) positional offsets in the 8 Chandra fields, the astrometric accuracy of the Chandra positions is found to be 0.8 arcsec RMS, however this number depends both on the off-axis angle and the number of detected counts for a given source. All the data products described in this paper are made available via a public website.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJS. Data products are available at http://astro.imperial.ac.uk/research/aegis

    Investigating Evidence for Different Black Hole Accretion Modes since Redshift \u3cem\u3ez\u3c/em\u3e ∼ 1

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    Chandra data in the COSMOS, AEGIS-XD and 4 Ms Chandra Deep Field South are combined with multiwavelength photometry available in those fields to determine the rest-frame U − V versus V − J colours of X-ray AGN hosts in the redshift intervals 0.1 \u3c z \u3c 0.6 (mean z¯=0.40) and 0.6 \u3c z \u3c 1.2 (mean z¯=0.85). This combination of colours provides an effective and least model-dependent means of separating quiescent from star-forming, including dust reddened, galaxies. Morphological information emphasizes differences between AGN populations split by theirU − V versus V − J colours. AGN in quiescent galaxies consist almost exclusively of bulges, while star-forming hosts are equally split between early- and late-type hosts. The position of AGN hosts on the U − V versusV − J diagram is then used to set limits on the accretion density of the Universe associated with evolved and star-forming systems independent of dust induced biases. It is found that most of the black hole growth at z ≈ 0.40 and 0.85 is associated with star-forming hosts. Nevertheless, a non-negligible fraction of the X-ray luminosity density, about 15–20 per cent, at both z¯=0.40 and 0.85, is taking place in galaxies in the quiescent region of the U − V versus V − J diagram. For the low-redshift sub-sample, 0.1 \u3c z \u3c 0.6, we also find tentative evidence, significant at the 2σ level, that AGN split by their U − V and V − J colours have different Eddington ratio distributions. AGN in blue star-forming hosts dominate at relatively high Eddington ratios. In contrast, AGN in red quiescent hosts become increasingly important as a fraction of the total population towards low Eddington ratios. At higher redshift, z \u3e 0.6, such differences are significant at the 2σ level only for sources with Eddington ratios ≳ 10− 3. These findings are consistent with scenarios in which diverse accretion modes are responsible for the build-up of supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies. We compare these results with the predictions of theGALFORM semi-analytic model for the cosmological evolution of AGN and galaxies. This model postulates two black hole fuelling modes, the first is linked to star formation events and the second takes place in passive galaxies. GALFORM predicts that a substantial fraction of the black hole growth at z \u3c 1 is associated with quiescent galaxies, in apparent conflict with the observations. Relaxing the strong assumption of the model that passive AGN hosts have zero star formation rate could bring those predictions in better agreement with the data

    Detection of B-mode Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background with Data from the South Pole Telescope

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    Gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background generates a curl pattern in the observed polarization. This "B-mode" signal provides a measure of the projected mass distribution over the entire observable Universe and also acts as a contaminant for the measurement of primordial gravity-wave signals. In this Letter we present the first detection of gravitational lensing B modes, using first-season data from the polarization-sensitive receiver on the South Pole Telescope (SPTpol). We construct a template for the lensing B-mode signal by combining E-mode polarization measured by SPTpol with estimates of the lensing potential from a Herschel-SPIRE map of the cosmic infrared background. We compare this template to the B modes measured directly by SPTpol, finding a non-zero correlation at 7.7 sigma significance. The correlation has an amplitude and scale-dependence consistent with theoretical expectations, is robust with respect to analysis choices, and constitutes the first measurement of a powerful cosmological observable.Comment: Two additional null tests, matches version published in PR