143 research outputs found

    Factors affecting the spatial distribution and breeding habitat of an insular cliff-nesting raptor community

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    The specific spatial distribution and habitat association—strongly influenced by environmental factors or competitive interactions—are major issues in ecology and conservation. We located and georeferenced nesting sites of five cliff-nesting raptors (Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus [a locally extinct species], common buzzard Buteo buteo, osprey Pandion haliaetus, common kestrel Falco tinnunculus, Barbary falcon Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides), and common raven Corvus corax on one of the most biodiverse hotspot within the Canary Islands (Teno, Tenerife). We used generalized linear models to evaluate the factors affecting abundance, richness, and intra- and interspecific interactions. Raptor abundance increased with slope, shrub-covered area, and habitat diversity, and decreased with altitude, and forested and grassed areas. Richness increased with slope and decreased with altitude. Threatened species (osprey, Barbary falcon, and raven) occupied cliffs farther away from houses and roads, and more rugged areas than the non-threatened species. The models suggested that the probability of cliff occupation by buzzards, falcons, and ravens depended only on inter-specific interactions. Buzzard occupation increased with the distance to the nearest raven and kestrel nests, whereas falcons and ravens seek proximity to each other. Teno holds between 75% and 100% of the insular breeding populations of the most endangered species (osprey and raven), indicating the high conservation value of this area. Our study suggests that the preservation of rugged terrains and areas of low human pressure are key factors for raptor conservation and provide basic knowledge on the community structure and habitat associations to develop appropriated management actions for these fragile island populationsPeer reviewe

    Conservation implications of past and present nesting habitat selection of the endangered Osprey Pandion haliaetus population of the Canary Islands

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    We studied nesting habitat selection of the endangered non-migratory Osprey Pandion haliaetus population of the Canary Islands and evaluated the effect of human expansion in recent decades. Compared with randomly selected potential nest-sites, Osprey nests were more frequently found on taller, southwest-facing cliffs, char- acterized by lower human pressure and closer to Yel- low-legged Gull Larus michahellis colonies and Barbary Falcon Falco pelegrinoides breeding sites. Furthermore, changes in some breeding habitat features have been detected in recent decades. According to our predictive models, large areas of suitable habitat are available but unoccupied in the Canaries, and human activities are probably limiting the settlement and dispersion of new pairs.Peer reviewe

    Generation of raptor diversity in Europe: linking speciation with climate changes and the ability to migrate

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    Europe holds a rich community of diurnal birds of prey, and the highest proportion of transcontinental migratory raptorial species of any landmass. This study will test the hypotheses that the high diversification of the raptor assemblage in Europe is a recent event, that closely related species sharing the same trophic niches can only coexist in sympatry during the breeding period, when food availability is higher, and finally that migration is a function of size, with the smaller species in every trophic group moving further. A consensus molecular phylogeny for the 38 regular breeding species of raptors in Europe was obtained from BirdTree (www.birdtree.org). For the same species, a trophic niche cluster dendrogram was constructed. Size and migratory strategy were introduced in the resulting phylogeny, where trophic groups were also identified. Multispecific trophic groups tended to be composed of reciprocal sister species of different sizes, while monospecific groups (n = 3) were composed of highly specialized species. Many speciation events took place recently, during the glacial cycles of the Quaternary, and size divergence among competing species may be due to character displacement. Nowadays, the smaller species in every trophic group migrate to sub-Saharan Africa. This investigation illustrates how the rich assemblage of diurnal birds of prey in Europe, more diverse and more migratory than, for instance, the North American assemblage at equivalent latitudes, has emerged recently due to the multiplication of look-alike species with similar trophic ecologies, possibly in climate refugia during cold periods

    Planificación anual de una enfermera escolar.

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    La enfermería escolar es una disciplina que tiene un amplio recorrido en el tiempo y que se ha consolidado en varios países del mundo. En España todavía no se ha afianzado con fuerza esta figura, e incluso, muchas Comunidades Autónomas aún no tienen personal de enfermería en los colegios. Sin embargo, implantar esta figura es prioritario para introducir nuevas estrategias de Educación para la Salud desde las edades más tempranas y lograr así una mejora en la salud tanto a nivel individual como comunitario. El proyecto consiste en el diseño de una programación de Enfermería Escolar en Canarias, incluyendo los contenidos curriculares a desarrollar durante el curso académico, entendiendo que son necesarios para conseguir un mejor desarrollo de las intervenciones enfermeras y prestar una asistencia óptima en los centros escolares a los alumnos, docentes y familias y unificando así los conceptos entre las enfermeras de nuestra Comunidad Autónoma. Se establecieron tres grandes bloques de contenidos, dividiéndose en varios módulos organizados en función de su naturaleza. De estos módulos se desarrollaron con detalle solamente tres, añadiendo ejemplos de talleres o actividades que puede llevar a cabo la profesional de enfermería en esos ámbitos.School Nursing has come a long way since it began a long ago and it is today a well-established practice in many countries around the world. In Spain it has not been consolidated yet and in fact, in many Autonomous Communities schools do not have nurses. However, implementing school nursing is a critical issue to introduce new strategies for Health Education among children from early age and improve health not only of every individual student, but also of the community as a whole. This project consists of a School Nursing Program designed for schools in the Canary Islands, including the curriculum contents that are going to be developed during the school year. Those contents are instrumental to achieve a better implementation of nursing intervention and to provide high quality care within the school to students, teachers and families. In addition, it would help standardizing the criteria to be followed by all school nurses in our region. Three large areas have been established according to their contents and each one has been divided into several modules on the basis of the topics they are related to. Only three of these modules have been thoroughly elaborated and include examples of workshops and activities that school nurses could carry out to work in each of them

    Conducta prosocial y neuroticismo en crisis por COVID-19

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    Este estudio comienza a principios de marzo, en un periodo donde las medidas para protegerse del Covid-19 empezaban a tomar mayor relevancia y empiezan a surgir muchas cuestiones sobre cómo se ha de actuar para minimizar el impacto en la salud pública. Se escogió como objeto de estudio la variable Conducta Prosocial, que tal vez podía predecir en la población una mayor tasa de conductas de ayuda destinadas a prevenir y mejorar la crisis de manera colectiva. Debido a la situación de aislamiento obligatorio y la inestabilidad que causaba la crisis al país, se enfocó el estudio de Conducta Prosocial en relación a las personas que podían sufrir más en esta situación, el rasgo de Neuroticismo y el malestar subjetivo nos ponían de manifiesto a estas personas, y así podíamos comprobar si la personas con mayor puntuación en conducta Prosocial, eran las que llevaban mejor la crisis. La literatura previa respaldaba la relación negativa entre Conducta Prosocial y Neuroticismo, planteando así, las bases para que este estudio fuera una revisión del debate en una situación de Crisis por Covid-19. Se utilizó un cuestionario online para recopilar datos, y se hicieron los análisis correspondientes. No se encontró correlación significativa entre Conducta Prosocial, neuroticismo y malestar, por lo que no se puede afirmar que la hipótesis inicial fuera cierta.This study commenced at the beginning of March 2020, when the measures introduced to protect ourselves from Covid-19 raised many unresolved questions about how steps were taken to minimise the impact on public health. I have chosen to focus on prosocial behaviour among other many influential factors during the pandemic. The Prosocial Behaviour variable was chosen as the object of study, which could perhaps predict a higher rate of helping behaviours in the population aimed at preventing and improving the crisis collectively. Due to the situation of obligatory isolation and the instability that the crisis caused to the country, the Prosocial Behaviour study was focused on the people who could suffer the most in this situation, the trait of Neuroticism and the subjective discomfort showed us these people, and thus we could check if the people with higher score in Prosocial Behaviour, were the ones who handled the crisis better. Previous literature supported the negative relationship between Prosocial Behavior and Neuroticism, thus laying the groundwork for this study to be a review of the debate in a Covid-19 Crisis situation. An online questionnaire was used to collect data, and the corresponding analyses were made. No significant correlation was found between Prosocial Behavior, neuroticism and malaise, so it cannot be said that the initial hypothesis was true

    Tecnoestrés y su relación con el uso de las TIC en la comunicación interna de la empresa

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    Este estudio pretende demostrar la relación entre el Tecnoestrés, y la comunicación interna en las empresas. Dado el auge del uso de Tecnologías de la información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) en las empresas por las medidas sanitarias ocasionados por la COVID-19, ambas variables han ganado relevancia con el fin de desarrollar programas de evaluación e intervención orientados a la promoción del bienestar personal y el logro de los objetivos organizacionales. Se elaboró un cuestionario ad hoc para medir las variables Tecnoestrés y Satisfacción con la Comunicación Interna. La captación de la muestra y la recogida de datos se realizaron en las redes sociales. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que ambas variables correlacionan positiva y significativamente, en contra de la hipótesis inicial. Asimismo, los resultados muestran que las mujeres puntuaron significativamente más que los hombres en Tecnoestrés.This study aims to demonstrate the relationship between Technostress and internal communication in companies. Given the boom in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in companies due to the health measures caused by COVID-19, both variables have gained relevance in order to develop evaluation and intervention programs oriented to the promotion of personal well-being and the achievement of organizational objectives. An ad hoc questionnaire was developed to measure the variables Technostress and Satisfaction with Internal Communication. Sample recruitment and data collection were carried out in social networks. The results obtained indicated that both variables correlate positively and significantly, contrary to the initial hypothesis. Likewise, the results show that women scored significantly higher than men in Technostress

    Generation of raptor diversity in Europe: Linking speciation with climate changes and the ability to migrate

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    Europe holds a rich community of diurnal birds of prey, and the highest proportion of transcontinental migratory raptorial species of any landmass. This study will test the hypotheses that the high diversification of the raptor assemblage in Europe is a recent event, that closely related species sharing the same trophic niches can only coexist in sympatry during the breeding period, when food availability is higher, and finally that migration is a function of size, with the smaller species in every trophic group moving further. A consensus molecular phylogeny for the 38 regular breeding species of raptors in Europe was obtained from BirdTree (www.birdtree.org). For the same species, a trophic niche cluster dendrogram was constructed. Size and migratory strategy were introduced in the resulting phylogeny, where trophic groups were also identified. Multispecific trophic groups tended to be composed of reciprocal sister species of different sizes, while monospecific groups (n = 3) were composed of highly specialized species. Many speciation events took place recently, during the glacial cycles of the Quaternary, and size divergence among competing species may be due to character displacement. Nowadays, the smaller species in every trophic group migrate to sub-Saharan Africa. This investigation illustrates how the rich assemblage of diurnal birds of prey in Europe, more diverse and more migratory than, for instance, the North American assemblage at equivalent latitudes, has emerged recently due to the multiplication of look-alike species with similar trophic ecologies, possibly in climate refugia during cold period

    La expresión musical a través del movimiento: una propuesta didáctica de aula para Educación Infantil

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    El siguiente Trabajo de Fin de Grado pretende mostrar la relevancia de la educación musical en la Etapa de la Educación Infantil, en relación con la educación corporal de manera transversal. Este documento cuenta con una propuesta de intervención que está sustentada por un marco teórico. Dicha intervención ha sido llevada a la práctica en el aula de Educación Infantil con el objetivo de potenciar de manera progresiva el desarrollo musical y corporal de los alumnos.The purpose of the following work is to reflect the importance of music in Education with respect to body education in a transversal way. This project has an intervention proposal which is based on a theoretical framework. This intervention has been accomplished in a Toddler classroom and its purpose is to achieve a musical and corporal development of the studentsDepartamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y CorporalGrado en Educación Infanti

    Factors affecting mortality of shearwaters stranded by light pollution

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    Every year and across the world, thousands of fledglings of different petrel species crash into human structures because they are disorientated by artificial lights during their first flights. As this phenomenon is rather predictable, rescue cam- paigns are organized to help birds to reach the ocean, but unfortunately, a low proportion gets hurt or dies. Despite the huge number of affected individuals, and the fact that the problem was detected a long time ago, little is known on this source of mortality. We have studied the factors (i.e. body condition, plumage development, fledging date and sex) influencing the mortality of Cory’s Shearwa- ter Calonectris diomedea fledglings stranded inland due to light pollution in Ten- erife (Canary Islands) during two consecutive breeding seasons (2009 and 2010). Late fledglings showed lower values of a body condition index than early ones. No sex biases were detected, neither considering stranded birds overall, nor for recov- ery dates or in the body condition of rescued fledglings. Our results indicate that late birds stranded by lights showing abundant down are more susceptible to fatal collisions and that the lights do not selectively kill birds with lower body condition indices. An enhancement of veterinary care should be done during the last part of the fledging period when more fatal collisions occur, especially focused on fledg- lings with abundant down. More research to determine why some individuals end up disoriented around artificial lights and others do not is urgently needed to minimize or prevent fallouts.Peer reviewe
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