42 research outputs found

    Medicines in health care in Finland

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    This article provides an overview of the role of medicines in Finnish health care, and the structure of pharmaceutical services. The major public health concerns will be briefly presented to give a gramework for understanding national drug consumption patterns. In this connection, the main principles of the public social insurance system covering the whole population and most of the prescription medications for chronic diseases will be discussed. The different actors in the drug distribution chain are also introduced, including community pharmacies. At the end of the article, there will be a short overview on the Finnish pharmaceutical education system that is based on two academic degreesÖ Bachelor and Master of Science in Pharmacy, both of whick have their own professional roles in health care. At the end, a short review presents the goals of drug policy by 2010, set by the ministry of Social Affairs and Health in September 2003

    Endotyping asthma related to 3 different work exposures

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    Background: Work exposures play a significant role in adult-onset asthma, but the mechanisms of work-related asthma are not fully elucidated. Objective: We aimed to reveal the molecular mechanisms of work-related asthma associated with exposure to flour (flour asthma), isocyanate (isocyanate asthma), or welding fumes (welding asthma) and identify potential biomarkers that distinguish these groups from each other. Methods: We used a combination of clinical tests, transcriptomic analysis, and associated pathway analyses to investigate the underlying disease mechanisms of the blood immune cells and the airway epithelium of 61 men. Results: Compared with the healthy controls, the welding asthma patients had more differentially expressed genes than the flour asthma and isocyanate asthma patients, both in the airway epithelia and in the blood immune cells. In the airway epithelia, active inflammation was detected only in welding asthma patients. In contrast, many differentially expressed genes were detected in blood cells in all 3 asthma groups. Disease-related immune functions in blood cells, including leukocyte migration and inflammatory responses, and decreased expression of upstream cytokines such as TNF and IFN-gamma were suppressed in all the asthma groups. In transcriptomephenotype correlations, hyperresponsiveness (R similar to vertical bar 0.6 vertical bar) had the highest clinical relevance and was associated with a set of exposure group-specific genes. Finally, biomarker subsets of only 5 genes specifically distinguished each of the asthma exposure groups. Conclusions: This study provides novel data on the molecular mechanisms underlying work-related asthma. We identified a set of 5 promising biomarkers in asthma related to flour, isocyanate, and welding fume exposure to be tested and clinically validated in future studies.Peer reviewe

    Alternating minimisation for glottal inverse filtering

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    A new method is proposed for solving the glottal inverse filtering (GIF) problem. The goal of GIF is to separate an acoustical speech signal into two parts: the glottal airflow excitation and the vocal tract filter. To recover such information one has to deal with a blind deconvolution problem. This ill-posed inverse problem is solved under a deterministic setting, considering unknowns on both sides of the underlying operator equation. A stable reconstruction is obtained using a double regularization strategy, alternating between fixing either the glottal source signal or the vocal tract filter. This enables not only splitting the nonlinear and nonconvex problem into two linear and convex problems, but also allows the use of the best parameters and constraints to recover each variable at a time. This new technique, called alternating minimization glottal inverse filtering (AM-GIF), is compared with two other approaches: Markov chain Monte Carlo glottal inverse filtering (MCMC-GIF), and iterative adaptive inverse filtering (IAIF), using synthetic speech signals. The recent MCMC-GIF has good reconstruction quality but high computational cost. The state-of-the-art IAIF method is computationally fast but its accuracy deteriorates, particularly for speech signals of high fundamental frequency (F0). The results show the competitive performance of the new method: With high F0, the reconstruction quality is better than that of IAIF and close to MCMC-GIF while reducing the computational complexity by two orders of magnitude.Peer reviewe

    Oppijankieliaineistojen annotointi – esimerkkinä ICLFI:n annotoinnin prosessit, ongelmat ja ratkaisut

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    This article illustrates the grammatical and error annotation of learner language with the help of the International Corpus of Learner Finnish (ICLFI). In particular, we will focus on issues arising from handling with at least semi-automatic methods a morphologically rich language. What makes this corpus special compared to, for example, English-language material, is the frequent variation in different forms and related errors, both due to the rich morphology of the target language. This article begins with a description of the design and implementation process of both the grammatical and error annotation, followed by a brief introduction to the material for which the annotations were designed. Finally, we outline some of the problems that have arisen during the annotation process and their solutions

    Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in secondary prevention of coronary artery disease: A review

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    Comprehensive management of coronary artery disease (CAD) includes physical exercise as a part of daily lifestyle therapy. Still CAD patients generally have low physical activity (PA) and high sedentary behaviour (SB). This review summarizes the effect of exercise training and habitual PA and SB on physical fitness and quality of life (QoL) as well as on rehospitalizations and mortality in patients with stable CAD, recent acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or recent revascularization. A literature review of the influence of exercise, and PA and SB profiles in secondary prevention of CAD was performed using PubMed. All articles published between January 2001 and April 2019, meeting the inclusion criteria were considered. A total of 25 cross-sectional or prospective studies or randomized controlled trials (RCT) were included to this review. Exercise training was found to improve maximal oxygen consumption, QoL, and to reduce rehospitalizations and mortality among patients with established CAD. Remote PA interventions have not been as effective as the supervised exercise sessions in reducing the clinical endpoints. High SB, especially when combined to low PA, is associated with poor cardiorespiratory fitness and worse long-term prognosis among patients with ACS. In conclusion, exercise training and high PA are beneficial for patients with stable CAD, recent ACS or recent revascularization. High SB is associated with poor cardiopulmonary fitness and increased mortality in ACS patients. Novel tools using online applications and smart devices are promising means to offer remote guidance for PA among patients unable to participate in regular exercise sessions

    Evaluation of Antimicrobial Therapy of Blood Culture Positive Healthcare-Associated Infections in Children

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    Aim Knowledge of the quality of antimicrobial therapy (AMT) used for invasive healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in paediatrics is scarce. Influence of the final information about the isolated pathogen on the subsequent targeted AMT was investigated in our study. Methods Data on 149 children (0-17 years) with blood culture positive HAIs were collected. The causative microbes under investigation were Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, streptococci, Gram negative rods, and mixed infections were likewise included. For adjusting the antimicrobial regimen, an expert panel evaluated the quality of the targeted AMT and the delay of 72 hours after final microbiology results. AMT was regarded as inappropriate if the pathogen was totally resistant to the used antimicrobials (i) or if the chosen therapy was of not optimal efficacy against the pathogen (ii). Results 17% of the patients received inappropriate AMT. Half of these infections 13/26 (50%) were treated with an antimicrobial to which the isolate was resistant. Three (3/13, 23%) of these patients received antimicrobials which were totally ineffective according to in vitro data. Suboptimal or too broad spectrum AMT was administered to 13/26 (50%) patients. The most common causes of inappropriate use were the use of beta-lactams in oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis infections and vancomycin given in oxacillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus infections. Conclusion Approximately 17% of the selected cohort received inappropriate AMT. More attention should be paid to the appropriate use of antimicrobials, and training of prescribers should be urgently provided.Peer reviewe

    KP-LAB Knowledge Practices Laboratory -- External release of end-user applications

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    deliverablesThis deliverable describes the M24 release of the End user applications for knowledge practices software v2.0.0. The deliverable includes the technical development performed until M24 (January 2008) within WP6 according to Description of Work 2.1 and D6.4 M21 specification of end-user applications. The current release is comprised of two set of tools: 1. Shared Space Tool The shared space and the accompanying support material can be found on the Internet at: http://2d.mobile.evtek.fi:8080/shared-space 2. Map-It. The installer program for Map-It v2.0.0 is available at: http://www.kp-lab.org/intranet/testable-tools/kp-lab-tools/map-it/map-it-2-0.0 Please consult the "Getting Started" Note before installing and using Map-It: http://www.kp-lab.org/intranet/testable-tools/kp-lab-tools/map-it/getting-started-with-map-it 3. Change Laboratory tools The release targeted for the end users participating in the trials planned to be conducted in the CL Working Knot can be accessed via the following link: http://2d.mobile.evtek.fi:8080/shared-space/cl.html Anyone who wishes to try the software out but is not participating in the Change Laboratory trials should use the development deployment on: http://mielikki.mobile.evtek.fi/shared-space/cl.html The M24 release of Semantic Multimedia Annotation tools is still delayed. The release of CASS Memo Client has been postponed to be included in the M28 release in DoW3

    Ilmastonmuutoksen ja sään ääri-ilmiöiden vaikutukset luontoon ja luonnonvaratalouteen : Synteesiraportti

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    Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset koskevat kaikkia luonnonvarataloutemme sektoreita. Suomen ilmasto on lämmennyt merkittävästi tunnetun mittaushistorian aikana. Lämpenemisellä on merkittäviä vaikutuksia luontoon ja siitä riippuvaan talouteen. Merkittäviä tapahtuneita muutoksia ovat mm. kasvillisuusvyöhykkeiden siirtyminen pohjoisemmaksi, kasvukauden pidentyminen, vuosittaisen lämpösummakertymän kasvaminen sekä jää- ja lumipeitteisen ja routaisen ajan lyhentyminen. Lämpenemisen lisäksi ilmastonmuutos lisää sään ääri-ilmiöitä kuten kuivuus- ja sadejaksoja. Kuivuus vaikuttaa negatiivisesti mm. puiden kasvuun, lisää niiden alttiutta hyönteistuhoille ja sienitaudeille sekä kasvattaa metsäpalojen riskiä. Samalla se heikentää satotasoja pelloilla merkittävästi ja lisää kastelupainetta mm. vihannestuotannossa. Metsissä kuivuuden lisäksi vaikuttaa mm. roudattoman ja lumettoman ajan lisääntyminen. Puunkorjuu roudattomaan aikaan ei onnistu märillä kohteilla. Lumeton aika lisää metsäkoneiden aiheuttamia korjuuvaurioita, jotka toimivat tartunta-alustoina sienitaudeille. Roudattomassa maassa puut myös kaatuvat helpommin talven aikana. Lämpötilojen kohoaminen kasvattaa tuhohyönteiskantoja ja vie tuhoriskiä aiempaa pohjoisemmaksi. Puutavaran varastointi vaatii enemmän aktiivisuutta ja tarkkuutta, sillä puutavarapinot toimivat kesäaikaan tuhohyönteisten lisääntymisalustoina. Kuivuus kasvattaa tautipainetta myös taimitarhoilla sekä lisää tarvetta kastelulle. Maltillinen lämpeneminen ja pidentyvä kasvukausi kuitenkin lisäävät puuston kasvua ja edesauttavat jalojen lehtipuiden leviämistä pohjoisemmaksi. Vesistöissä lisääntyvät hellejaksot yhdistettynä rehevöitymisen aiheuttamaan hapen vähyyteen ovat riski luonnon kalakannoille ja kasvatettaville kaloille. Lisääntyvä sateisuus ja valunta aiheuttavat haitallisia vaikutuksia kutualueilla. Niitä voidaan vähentää kiinnittämällä huomiota valuma-alueiden kunnostamiseen, joka parantaa ravinteiden ja humuksen pidätyskykyä. Jääpeitteisyyden muutokset aiheuttavat vaikeuksia perinteiselle jäältä tapahtuvalle talvikalastukselle. Entistä tarkempi kalastuskauden aikainen säätely voi tulla tarpeeseen hellejaksojen aikana. Kalankasvatuksen teknologiset ratkaisut voivat auttaa ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumisessa. Peltoviljely on altis vallitseville säille, joiden haitoilta suojautuminen edellyttää monipuolisten sopeutumistoimien käyttöönottoa. Kylvöt ovat aikaistuneet parilla viikolla, mikä ei kuitenkaan ole heijastunut korjuuaikoihin. Kasvukauden pidentyminen on mahdollistanut viljelykasvivalikoiman monipuolistamisen kuten myöhäisempien ja satoisampien lajikkeiden käyttöönoton. Ennusteet kasvukauden aikaisista sademäärän muutoksista vaihtelevat lisääntyvästä vähenevään sadantaan. Äärisäiden, erityisesti kuivuuden, haittoja voidaan kuitenkin vähentää ennakoivin ja pitkäjänteisyyttä edellyttävin viljelytoimin. Tällaisia toimia ovat muun muassa monipuolistuva ja alueellisesti laajeneva viljelykasvilajisto sekä maanpeite- ja välikasvien käyttö. Puutarhatuotannossa kasvien menestyminen Suomen talvessa paranee, sillä monivuotisten kasvien pakkasvaurioiden riski pienenee. Monivuotisten puutarhakasvien lajikkeiden menestymisvyöhykkeet siirtyvät pohjoisemmaksi. Samalla Suomessa menestyvien lajikkeiden määrä lisääntyy. Tuhohyönteisten, rikkakasvien, vieraslajien ja kasvitautien määrät voivat kasvaa. Kuivuusjaksot voivat lisätä kastelun tarvetta mm. avomaan vihannestuotannossa. Riista- ja metsälajistoon vaikuttavat mm. lumen määrään ja lumisen ajan pituus, routa, sateisuus, talvien ankaruus, jäiden sulamisajankohta sekä veden laatu. Valkoiseen suojaväriin vaihtavat lajit kärsivät lumen puutteesta, koska se tekee niistä helppoja ja näkyviä saaliseläimiä. Norpat ja hylkeet kärsivät huonoista jääolosuhteista, sillä niille olisi optimaalisinta synnyttää poikasensa jäälle. Yleisesti lajien välinen kilpailu voi lisääntyä, sillä eteläiset lajit, tulokaslajit ja vieraslajit lisääntyvät ja leviävät pohjoisemmaksi. Tämä raportti tiivistää tutkitun tiedon pohjalta tunnettuja ilmastonmuutoksen ja sään ääri-ilmiöiden vaikutuksia luontoomme ja luonnonvaratalouteemme. Tavoite on avata ilmiöitä ja niiden vaikutuksia helposti ymmärrettävässä muodossa, samalla tarjoten runsaasti taustalla olevaa tutkimuskirjallisuutta. Asiasanat: ilmastonmuutos, sopeutuminen, metsät, riista, vesiviljely, kalakannat, kuivuus, maatalous, puutarhatuotanto, sään ääri-ilmiöt, valintajalostu