530 research outputs found

    Drillstring Design in ERD Based on Torque and Drag Analysis using WellPlan

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    Directional drilling has long been considered as the backbone of most offshore drilling work. With the advancement of technology and increasingly difficult to reach reservoir, Extended Reach Drilling (ERD) has taken over as the opted solution. However, excessive torque and drag can impose critical limitations in ERD. This study aims to detail issues on DRILLSTRING DESIGN IN ERD BASED ON TORQUE AND DRAG ANALYSIS USING WELLPLANTM focusing on associated drilling problems- buckling and pipe sticking. The Landmark software which has been used for this study is developed by Halliburton and provides WELLPLANTM software that covers torque and drag analysis. The outcome of this study is further understanding on parameters governing torque and drag analysis with regards to drillstring design. This document is a dissertation report which encompasses the background of the study, a problem statement, the objectives, scope of study, the literature review, the research methodology, results, discussion, conclusion and recommendations. Keyword: Directional drilling; ERD; Torque and Drag; Drillstring Design; Landmark; Halliburton; analysis; optimizatio

    Pengaruh Negatif Stunting terhadap Perkembangan Kognitif Anak

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    Satu dari tiga anak di Indonesia mengalami stunting. Stunting dapat berdampak terhadap perkembangan motorik dan verbal, peningkatan penyakit degeneratif, kejadian kesakitan dan kematian. Selain itu, keadaan stunting akan mengakibatkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sel-sel neuron terhambat sehingga mempengaruhi perkembangan kognitif pada anak. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak stunting terhadap kemampuan kognitif pada anak. Metode yang digunakan adalah literature review yang diambil dari jurnal nasional atau internasional maupun website. Penelusuran sumber pustaka dalam artikel ini melalui database Sinta, Google Scholar dan Pubmed dalam 10 tahun terakhir. Berdasarkan hasil telaah didapatkan hasil bahwa stunting memiliki implikasi biologis terhadap perkembangan otak dan neurologis yang diterjemahkan kedalam penurunan nilai kognitif. Anak dengan stunting mengalami 7% penurunan perkembangan kognitif dan nilai matematikanya lebih rendah 2,11 dibanding anak yang tidak stunting. Dalam Tes Kosakata Gambar Peabody dan tes Penilaian Kuantitatif, anak yang stunting mendapat skor 16,1% dan 48,8% lebih rendah dari anak yang tidak stunting. Anak yang mengalami stunting pada 2 tahun pertama kehidupan berpeluang memiliki IQ non verbal < 89 dan IQ lebih rendah 4,57 kali dibandingkan IQ anak yang tidak stunting. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa stunting memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap kemampuan kognitif anak yang berdampak pada kurangnya prestasi belajar.

    Keterlibatan Orangtua Dalam Perkembangan Literasi Anak Usia Dini

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bentuk-bentuk keterlibatan orangtua dalam perekembangan literasi anak usia dini. Dalam penelitian ini keterlibatan orangtua dilihat dari penyediaan fasilitas, kualitas interaksi yang dilakukan dan kebiasaan orangtua/keluarga. Informan dari penelitian ini adalah ibu dari anak usia dini yang memiliki kemampuan literasi lebih rendah, sedang dan lebih tinggi dari anak seusianya. Metode pengambilan data dari penelitian ini adalah menggunakan wawancara langsung, observasi dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data induktif deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini data yang diperoleh merupakan data kualitatif yaitu data yang bersifat narasi deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktek pembelajaran yang bersifat monoton, rutin, dan terjadwal dengan menggunakan cara/fasilitas yang sama kurang mengembangkan minat dan keterampilan literasi anak. Di sisi lain, penyediaan fasilitas yang bervariasi, menarik, serta dapat digunakan untuk bermain dapat merangsang minat serta keterampilan literasi anak. Selain itu, kesadaran orangtua dalam mengajarkan literasi sejak dini dan kepekaan orangtua dalam menangkap ketertarikan/ketidaktertarikan anak dalam proses pembalajaran merupakan hal yang penting sebagai bekal orangtua dalam mengajarkan literasi. Cara-cara yang bersahabat seperti bermain bersama, intonasi yang lembut dan sebagainya juga merupakan hal yang dapat menjaga mood anak dalam proses pembelajaran literasi


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    Ainin Nadziroh, Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.Si Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Daerah (Jawa) Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Surabaya [email protected] Abstrak &nbsp; Kadurjanan mujudake tumindak sing bakale ngrugekake liyan, ngrusak, lan asusila. Akeh karya sastra sing diripta pengarang sing nyritakake bab kadurjanan utawa tumindak kasar. Kadurjanan minangka fenomena Psikologi Sosial mujudake gegambaran ngenani prekara-prekara sosial sajrone bebrayan. Tindak durjana utawa tindak kriminal bisa kawujud amarga anane bab-bab kang asipat psikologis. Faktor sosial kaya dene frustasi mujudake unsur dominan kang mangaribawani tumrap tindak durjana. Underane panliten iki yaiku (1) kepriye gegambaran kadurjanan sajrone novel DILK; (2) apa wae sing njalari dumadine kadurjanan sajrone novel DILK; (3) kepriye pamungkasing kadurjanan sajrone novel DILK. Tujuwan saka panliten iki yaiku (1) ngandharake gegambarane kadurjanan sajrone novel DILK; (2) ngandharake apa wae sing njalari dumadine kadurjanan sajrone novel DILK; (3) ngandharake pamungkasing&nbsp; kadurjanan sajrone novel DILK. Paedahe panliten yaiku ngrembakake panliten sastra mligine sastra Jawa modern, bisa nambahi kawruh tumrap pamaca lan bisa didadekake bahan rujukan dening panliti sabanjure. Panliten iki nggunakake teori Psikologi sastra, mligine Psikologi Sosial. Metodhe sing digunakake sajrone panliten yaiku metodhe deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber dhatane panliten arupa novel Dahuru ing Loji Kepencil lan koran-koran, sarta majalah-majalah basa Jawa kayata Jayabaya lan Panjebar Semangat. Dhatane panliten yaiku frase, tembung lan ukara sajrone novel Dahuru ing Loji Kepencil. Olehe nglumpukake dhata kasebut digunakake teknik kapustakan. Asile panliten iki bisa diperang dadi telu adhedhasar underane panliten. Sepisan, gegambaran utawa wujud kadurjanan sajrone novel ing antarane yaiku (1) merjaya, (2) nyolong, (3) ngrudapeksa, (4) nggunakake gaman/senjata, (5) nyerang. Kapindho, sing njalari dumadine kadurjanan yaiku, (1) nuju ing kebebasan, (2) frustasi, bisa diperang maneh dadi telu yaiku frustasi iku dhewe, tumindak kasar ing media, ngombe inuman mendemi, (3) faktor psikologi, bisa diperang maneh dadi loro yaiku kurange pendidikan, lan ora bisa ngendhalekake awak, (4) faktor sosial anane kadurjanan disebabake saka pangaribawane kanca


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    Abstract : Early childhood education is a coaching effort to shape children into good individuals through various educational stimuli. This is also inseparable from the importance of instilling good character. One of them is the character of love for the environment. which will have a sustainable impact considering children as a generation in life. Ensuring a healthy life by protecting the environment is one of the SDGs programs. Therefore the importance of awareness and concern for the surrounding environment that can benefit nature as a form of development. It is also based on natural phenomena such as natural disasters and environmental damage caused by various natural or non-natural and human factors. So that the urgency of the need for awareness to all elements of society must be carried out from the bottom and in a sustainable manner. Therefore, education is expected to be an approach to instilling the character of a love for the environment in children from an early age. This study uses a literature review approach to look at ideas about early childhood education in instilling environmental love characters in children to achieve the target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study argues that the importance of inculcating a love for the environment in children through early childhood education can be an approach to achieving the target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Keywords: ECE, Environmental Love Character, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Abstrak : Pendidikan anak usia dini menjadi upaya pembinaan untuk membentuk anak menjadi pribadi yang baik melalui berbagai rangsangan pendidikan. Hal tersebut juga tidak terlepas dari pentingnya menanamkan karakter yang baik. Salah satunya karakter rasa cinta lingkungan. yang akan berdampak secara berkelanjutan mengingat anak sebagai generasi dalam kehidupan. Menjamin kehidupan yang sehat dengan menjaga lingkungan adalah salah satu program SDGs. Karena itu pentingnya kesadaran dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan sekitar yang dapat memberi manfaat pada alam sebagai bentuk pembangunan. Hal tersebut juga didasari pada fenomena alam seperti bencana alam dan kerusakan lingkungan yang disebabkan berbagai faktor alam atau non alam dan manusia. Sehingga urgensi perlunya penyadaran kepada seluruh elemen masyarakat harus dilakukan dari dasar dan secara berkelanjutan. Maka itu melalui pendidikan diharapkan menjadi pendekatan untuk menanamkan karakter rasa cinta lingkungan pada anak sejak dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan literature riview untuk melihat pemikiran tentang pendidikan anak usia dini dalam penanamkan karakter cinta lingkungan pada anak ntuk mencapai target Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Studi ini berpendapat bahwa pentingnya penanaman karakter rasa cinta lingkungan pada anak melalui pendidikan anak usia dini dapat menjadi pendekatan untuk mencapai target Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Kata Kunci : PAUD, Karakter Cinta Lingkungan, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs

    Challenges in Applying Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment in the Teaching of Arabic in Indonesia

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    One of the teachers’ responsibilities in the teaching and learning process is to conduct assessments. The main purpose of assessment is to understand students’ learning outcomes. Based on the outcomes, teachers can give feedback to improve the planning and the implementation of the teaching process and to determine the quality of the assessment instrument. The Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)-based assessment is urgently needed in schools to produce competitive graduates who have the critical thinking, communicative, collaborative, and creative skills. However, there are some challenges in the implementation of HOTS-based assessment, such as students’ low motivation and Arabic competence, ambiguous definitions of basic competencies in the curriculum, and lack of HOTS materials in textbooks. These challenges can be solved by making an acquisition-based learning of Arabic, reconstructing the descriptions of basic competence, and adapting HOTS-based assessment which is in line with the students’ ability. Keywords: challenges, HOTS, Arabic teaching, solution


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    Pentingnya pembelajaran sains pada anak salah satunya melatih anak untuk menghargai dan menjaga alam dimana mereka hidup, memupuk dan membekali pemahaman dan minat. Oleh karena itu literasi sains merupakan hal penting yang harus dikuasai guru TK dalam proses pembelajaran sains disatuan PAUD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman guru TK pada literasi sains dalam pembelajaran anak usia dini. Jenis metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Responden penelitian ini adalah 121 guru TK di Kecamatan Diwek Kota Jombang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument tes berbentuk kuisioner dengan penilaian skala Guttman. Data dianalisis dengan uji statistik tendensi sentral dan teknik persentase melalui SPSS dan Ms Excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemahaman guru TK pada literasi sains secara simultan diperoleh skor tertinggi sebanyak 46 guru dengan tingkat kategori tinggi, 54 guru kategori sedang dan 21 guru kategori rendah. Kemudian Hasil secara spesifik pada 3 aspek pemahaman yang dinilai ssyaitu (1). Ilmu Hakikat, (2). Literasi sains, dan (3). Perencanaan pembelajaran sains diperoleh rata-rata tingkat pemahaman guru berada dalam kategori sedang. Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan hasil data secara keseluruhan untuk tingkat pemahaman guru TK literasi sains memiliki pemahaman yang sedang atau cukup baik.The importance of learning science in children, one of which is to train children to appreciate and protect the nature in which they live, to cultivate and provide understanding and interest. Therefore, scientific literacy is an important thing that kindergarten teachers must master in the science learning process in the PAUD unit. This study aims determine to the level understanding of kindergarten teachers in scientific literacy in early childhood learning. The type of research method used is quantitative with a survey approach. The respondents of this study were 121 kindergarten teachers in Diwek District, Jombang City. The collection data technique used a test instrument from questionnaire with a Guttman scale rating. Data were analyzed by statistical test of central tendency and percentage technique through SPSS and Ms Excel. Data study have a results that showed the level understanding of kindergarten teachers on scientific literacy simultaneously obtained the highest score of 46 teachers with a high level of understanding, 54 teachers in the medium category and 21 teachers in the low category. Then the results specifically on 3 aspects of the assessment, namely (1). Understanding the nature of science, (2). Understanding scientific literacy, and (3). Understanding of science learning planning obtained the average level of understanding of teachers is in the medium category. Thus, it can be stated that the overall data results for the level of understanding of kindergarten teachers on scientific literacy have a moderate or good enough understanding. In addition, the results of this survey research can be used as the initial baseline data to determine the next step in conducting research on this topic which continues on improving the quality of teachers in scientific literacy skills and continues with the hope that it will have implications for sians learning in PAUD units

    Drillstring Design in ERD Based on Torque and Drag Analysis using WellPlan

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    Directional drilling has long been considered as the backbone of most offshore drilling work. With the advancement of technology and increasingly difficult to reach reservoir, Extended Reach Drilling (ERD) has taken over as the opted solution. However, excessive torque and drag can impose critical limitations in ERD. This study aims to detail issues on DRILLSTRING DESIGN IN ERD BASED ON TORQUE AND DRAG ANALYSIS USING WELLPLANTM focusing on associated drilling problems- buckling and pipe sticking. The Landmark software which has been used for this study is developed by Halliburton and provides WELLPLANTM software that covers torque and drag analysis. The outcome of this study is further understanding on parameters governing torque and drag analysis with regards to drillstring design. This document is a dissertation report which encompasses the background of the study, a problem statement, the objectives, scope of study, the literature review, the research methodology, results, discussion, conclusion and recommendations. Keyword: Directional drilling; ERD; Torque and Drag; Drillstring Design; Landmark; Halliburton; analysis; optimizatio

    Optimisation of phenolic compounds extraction from misai kucing using RSM

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    Misai kucing or the scientific name is Orthosiphon stamineus contains lots of phenolic compounds such as phenolic acid, flavanoids and antioxidants. These compounds have various benefits likes antifungal, antimicrobial, antitumor and antibacterial. Besides that, people also used it as remedy to treat the diseases. In order to get components from plant materials, normally they used extraction method. The yield of phenolic compounds extraction is dependent on the size of particles, solvent used, extraction method, power irradiation and condition. The method used for this work is microwave assisted extraction was studied by using response surface methodology (RSM) design for optimization. The 2 level factorial and Box behnken design have been used to determine the optimum extraction and to develop a quadratic polynomial. The highest peak for rosmarinic acid from the extraction of misai kucing is 2.203 at 2.00 to 2.30 minutes while the standard peak of rosmarinic acid is at 2.215 at 2.00 o 2.30 minutes. The highest yield of rosmarinic acid (RA) of 24.7971 mg RA/g DW was obtained at 66.6% of aqueous ethanol concentration with 112W microwave power for 3.75 minutes. The yield for total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) are 48.51 mg GAE/g DW and 233.243 mg QE/gDW respectively. The optimum yields were obtained at 54.68% of ethanol at 170W of microwave power for 4.34 minutes. The lower total solid (TS) was produced higher rosmarinic acid per DW of material but higher TS contain more rosmarinic acid and hence it is affect by reduced its solubility in solvent and lower extraction yield. Longer extraction time increased rosmarinic acid extraction yield at lower TS (0.1 g/ml) because longer time needed for rosmarinic acid to diffuse in the solvent. Since solvent is not saturated at lower TS so the extraction process continues and become higher at longer time. The microwave assisted extraction provides rapid extraction of phenolic compounds without significantly compromising the extraction yield
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