83 research outputs found

    Reabilitação protética da disfunção velofaríngea: prótese de palato e obturador faríngeo

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    The seed maturation program only occurs during late embryogenesis, and repression of the program is pivotal for seedling development. However, the mechanism through which this repression is achieved in vegetative tissues is poorly understood. Here we report a microRNA (miRNA)-mediated repression mechanism operating in leaves. To understand the repression of the embryonic program in seedlings, we have conducted a genetic screen using a seed maturation gene reporter transgenic line in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) for the isolation of mutants that ectopically express seed maturation genes in leaves. One of the mutants identified from the screen is a weak allele of ARGONAUTE1 (AGO1) that encodes an effector protein for small RNAs. We first show that it is the defect in the accumulation of miRNAs rather than other small RNAs that causes the ectopic seed gene expression in ago1. We then demonstrate that overexpression of miR166 suppresses the derepression of the seed gene reporter in ago1 and that, conversely, the specific loss of miR166 causes ectopic expression of seed maturation genes. Further, we show that ectopic expression of miR166 targets, type III homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-ZIPIII) genes PHABULOSA (PHB) and PHAVOLUTA (PHV), is sufficient to activate seed maturation genes in vegetative tissues. Lastly, we show that PHB binds the promoter of LEAFY COTYLEDON2 (LEC2), which encodes a master regulator of seed maturation. Therefore, this study establishes a core module composed of a miRNA, its target genes (PHB and PHV), and the direct target of PHB (LEC2) as an underlying mechanism that keeps the seed maturation program off during vegetative development

    Synergistic repression of the embryonic programme by SET DOMAIN GROUP 8 and EMBRYONIC FLOWER 2 in Arabidopsis seedlings

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    The seed maturation programme occurs only during the late phase of embryo development, and repression of the maturation genes is pivotal for seedling development. However, mechanisms that repress the expression of this programme in vegetative tissues are not well understood. A genetic screen was performed for mutants that express maturation genes in leaves. Here, it is shown that mutations affecting SDG8 (SET DOMAIN GROUP 8), a putative histone methyltransferase, cause ectopic expression of a subset of maturation genes in leaves. Further, to investigate the relationship between SDG8 and the Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins, which are known to repress many developmentally important genes including seed maturation genes, double mutants were made and formation of somatic embryos was observed on mutant seedlings with mutations in both SDG8 and EMF2 (EMBRYONIC FLOWER 2). Analysis of histone methylation status at the chromatin sites of a number of maturation loci revealed a synergistic effect of emf2 and sdg8 on the deposition of the active histone mark which is the trimethylation of Lys4 on histone 3 (H3K4me3). This is consistent with high expression of these genes and formation of somatic embryos in the emf2 sdg8 double mutants. Interestingly, a double mutant of sdg8 and vrn2 (vernalization2), a paralogue of EMF2, grew and developed normally to maturity. These observations demonstrate a functional cooperative interplay between SDG8 and an EMF2-containing PcG complex in maintaining vegetative cell identity by repressing seed genes to promote seedling development. The work also indicates the functional specificities of PcG complexes in Arabidopsis

    A Preliminary Study on the Mechanisms of Growth and Physiological Changes in Response to Different Temperatures in Neopyropia yezoensis (Rhodophyta)

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    As an economically valuable red seaweed, Neopyropia yezoensis (Rhodophyta) is cultivated in intertidal areas, and its growth and development are greatly influenced by environmental factors such as temperature. Although much effort has been devoted to delineating the influence, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms remain elusive. In this study, the gametophyte blades and protoplasts were cultured at different temperatures (13 °C, 17 °C, 21 °C, 25 °C). Only blades cultured at 13 °C maintained a normal growth state (the relative growth rate of thalli was positive, and the content of phycobiliprotein and pigments changed little); the survival and division rates of protoplasts were high at 13 °C, but greatly decreased with the increase in temperature, suggesting that 13 °C is suitable for the growth of N. yezoensis. In our efforts to delineate the underlying mechanism, a partial coding sequence (CDS) of Cyclin B and the complete CDS of cyclin-dependent-kinase B (CDKB) in N. yezoensis were cloned. Since Cyclin B controls G2/M phase transition by activating CDK and regulates the progression of cell division, we then analyzed how Cyclin B expression in the gametophyte blades might change with temperatures by qPCR and Western blotting. The results showed that the expression of Cyclin B first increased and then decreased after transfer from 13 °C to higher temperatures, and the downregulation of Cyclin B was more obvious with the increase in temperature. The phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) decreased with the increase in temperature, suggesting inactivation of ERK at higher temperatures; inhibition of ERK by FR180204 significantly decreased the survival and division rates of protoplasts cultured at 13 °C. These results suggest that downregulation of Cyclin B and inactivation of ERK might be involved in negatively regulating the survival and division of protoplasts and the growth of gametophyte blades of N. yezoensis at high temperatures

    Comparative proteomic analysis of human pancreatic juice:Methodological study

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    Pancreatic cancer is the most lethal of all the common malignancies. Markers for early detection of this disease are urgently needed. Here, we optimized and applied a proteome analysis of human pancreatic juice to identify biomarkers for pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic juice samples, devoid of blood or bile contamination, were collected from patients with pancreatic cancer (n = 5), benign pancreatic diseases (n = 6), or cholelithiasis (n = 3) during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). After ultramembrane centrifugation sample preparation, pancreatic juice proteins were separated by 2-DE and identified by MALDI-TOF-MS. A 2-DE dataset of pancreatic juice from patients with cholelithiasis was established, consisting of 76 protein spots representing 22 different proteins. Disease-associated obstruction of the pancreatic duct strongly effected the protein composition of pancreatic juice. Concurrently, pancreatic juice from patients with pancreatic cancer was compared to nonmalignant controls with comparable obstruction of pancreatic ducts. Seven protein spots were identified that consistently appeared at changed levels in pancreatic juice from patients with pancreatic cancer. In conclusion, comparative proteomic analysis of human pancreatic juice can be used to identify biomarkers of pancreatic cancer

    A Novel Electrolytic Plasma Spraying Preparation SiO2/SiC Coating on Carbon Fiber Fabric

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    A good quality of SiO2/SiC coating was successfully fabricated on carbon fiber fabric by a novel electrolytic plasma spraying method, where Na2SiO3·9H2O aqueous solution was used as an electrolyte. In this study, we discussed the effect of spraying distance on the coating. The microstructure and composition coating were characterized by scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectroscopy and XPS, respectively. An effective coating can be easily prepared within several tens of seconds through this approach by adjusting the spraying distance. Results show that the sample oxidation resistance temperature was up to 1000 °C while the spraying distance was 15 mm, and tensile strength increased by 73 MPa after heat treatment at 900 °C for 20 min. The study provides additional insights into the feasibility of modification of carbon fiber fabric. Meanwhile, this method can be expected to extend to the fabrication of other oxide coatings or the modification of the surfaces of other complicated and/or large-scale easily oxidized materials

    Consistency of signal intensity and T2* in frozen ex vivo heart muscle, kidney, and liver tissue

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