44 research outputs found

    Le(s) lieu(x) du hip-hop au Brésil

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    Depuis le début des années 2000, le hip-hop au Brésil apparaît comme une culture musicale spécifique aux quartiers dits « sensibles » ou encore « vulnérables » de la périphérie des grands centres urbains. Une analyse de cette pratique musicale dans une approche comparative (avec par exemple, la France ou les Etats-Unis) nous conduit inévitablement à penser le hip-hop comme une esthétique essentiellement marginale ou subversive et spécifique à une certaine population. Toutefois cette approche mériterait d’être enrichie d’une perspective historique afin de comprendre le hip-hop brésilien, non pas comme la transposition in terra brasilis d’un modèle, mais plutôt comme une construction aux multiples références sociales et identitaires. C’est l’enjeu de cet article qui s’intéresse aux processus qui tendent à fixer le hip-hop au cœur des quartiers « périphériques » des villes brésiliennes. Le périphérique, en tant que lieu du hip-hop, revêt plus d’une construction historique et sociale que d’une transposition à l’identique d’une culture des ghettos nord-américains

    How to Extend the Abstraction Refinement Model for Systems with Emergent Behavior ?

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    The Abstraction Refinement Model has been widely adopted since it was firstly proposed many decades ago. This powerful model of software evolution process brings important properties into the system under development, properties such as the guarantee that no extra behavior (specifically harmful behaviors) will be observed once the system is deployed. However, perfect systems with such a guarantee are not a common thing to find in real world cases, anomalies and unspecified behaviors will always find a way to manifest in our systems, behaviors that are addressed in this paper with the name "emergent behavior". In this paper, we extend the Abstract Refinement Model to include the concept of the emergent behavior. Eventually, this should enable system developers to: (i) Concretely define what an emergent behavior is, (ii) help reason about the potential sources of the emergent behavior along the development process, which in return will help in controlling the emergent behavior at early steps of the development process

    Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oil of Citrus aurantium L. Growing in Eastern Algeria

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    Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange) is a Rutaceae known for its extremely bitter and sour taste. Its leaves are rich in essential oil (EO). The purpose of this study was to extract, analyse and evaluate the antibacterial activity of this EO in vitro, against 10 bacterial strains responsible for nosocomial infections (05 Escherichia coli, 03 Staphylococcus aureus and 02 Klebsiella ssp). The extraction of the essential oil was carried out on fresh leaves harvested in Annaba (Eastern Algeria) using a Clevenger type device. The analysis was performed by GC%252FMS and it was tested on 10 bacterial strains by the dilution method in agar medium. The results showed that the EO is composed mainly of linalool (44.52%25). Among the ten strains tested, eight were sensitive to this EO with inhibition diameters ranging from 12.1 mm to 21.45 mm and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) between 0.1%25 and 1%25, however, both Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli ATCC strains were resistant. The antibacterial activity of Bitter Orange EO seems to be largely due to the major component linalool

    Anatomical Study of Atriplex halimus L. (Guettaf) Growing under the Climatic Conditions of Biskra - Algeria

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    Atriplex halimus L. Known as Guettaf (Amaranthaceae) is used in traditional medicine in Algeria to treat several diseases among them rheumatism and fever. The aim of this work was to study the anatomy of the Atriplex halimus L., growing under the climatic conditions of Biskra (north-east of Algeria). Atriplex halimus L., stem, leaf and root were harvested during the month of January (2019). Microscopic observation of the different organs revealed that the anatomy of this plant contains many more characters of xerophytism as the presence of thick cuticle, trichomes, perivascular sheath and much more hydrophilic cellulosic tissues (parenchyma and collenchymas) than hydrophobic lignified tissues, We can deduce that Atriplex halimus L., requires a high humidity which explains the great growth of this species under the climatic conditions of the region of Biskra

    Anatomical Study of Garden Nasturtium (Tropaeolum Majus L.) Growing under the Climatic Conditions of Annaba (Eastern Algeria)

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    TropaeolummajusL. (garden nasturtium) is a fast growing climbing annual plant characterized by its leaf venation. It is known for its medicinal, ornamental and culinary utility. The aim of this work was to study the anatomy of the garden nasturtium growing under the climatic conditions of Annaba (eastern Algeria). Garden nasturtium stem, petiole, leaf and root were harvested during the month of November (2016). Microscopic observation of the different organs revealed that the anatomy of this plant contains much more hydrophilic cellulosic tissues (parenchyma and collenchymas) than hydrophobic lignified tissues. We can deduce that garden nasturtium requires a high humidity which explains the great growth of this species under the climatic conditions of the region of Annaba, characterized by Mediterranean climate (high rainfall, high atmospheric humidity and mild temperature)

    Saberes relacionados ao autocuidado entre mulheres da área rural do sul do brasil

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo conhecer as ações de autocuidado de um grupo de mulheres rurais do município de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com 11 mulheres, residentes na área rural do município. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre maio e junho de 2010, através de entrevista semiestruturada. Foi realizada a análise de conteúdo por temas. As informantes mais antigas participam do grupo na comunidade há 12 anos, realizando trabalhos manuais e trocas de saberes sobre o uso das plantas medicinais. O autocuidado faz parte das ações dessas mulheres, o qual é executado das mais diversas formas, abrangendo o contexto familiar, a transmissão de crenças e dos hábitos através das gerações. Espera-se, contribuir para a valorização da mulher rural, conscientizando os profissionais de saúde, quanto à realização de práticas em saúde que atendam as reais necessidades da comunidade assistida, resgatando a cultura relacionada ao cuidar-se

    Vivências da maternidade durante a graduação: uma revisão sistemática

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    ResumoO objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender os desafios e que tipo de apoio social estudantes universitárias têm no seu dia a dia para conseguir concluir a graduação, tendo que conciliar a maternidade e a vida universitária. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática, sendo o corpus artigos científicos identificados no Banco de Dados da Capes, utilizando-se os descritores gravidez AND estudante universitária; mães AND universitárias, sendo selecionados cinco artigos publicados entre os anos de 2009 a 2018. O auxílio da família, juntamente com a existência de creches universitárias, são alternativas de apoio emocional e estrutural para que as mães-acadêmicas consigam concluir a graduação. Conclui-se que as mulheres que se tornam mães durante a graduação estão mais propensas à desistência do curso.Palavras-chave: Mães-universitárias. Apoio social. Evasão. Maternity leads during graduation: a systematic review AbstractThe objective of this research was to understand the challenges and what kind of social support university students have in their daily life to achieve graduation, having to reconcile motherhood and university life. It is a systematic review, being the corpus scientific articles identified in the Capes Database, using the descriptors pregnancy AND university student; mothers AND university students, five articles published between the years 2009 and 2018 were selected. Family support, together with the existence of university day care centers, are alternatives for emotional and structural support for the academic mothers to complete graduation. It is concluded that women who become mothers during graduation are more likely to drop out of school.Keywords: University mothers. Social support. Evasion.

    Peso materno em gestantes de baixo risco na atenção pré-natal

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    Objectives: To evaluate the nutritional status of low-risk pregnant women during prenatal, characterize the sociodemographic profile and quantify the patients with inadequate weight. Methods: Observational, prospective in low-risk pregnant women in Aracaju health centers, Sergipe, from March to June 2014. The evaluation followed the nutritional standards recommended by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and was conducted in three consultations consecutive, where the body mass index (BMI) was calculated by the researcher. Socioeconomic and gestational data of the patients were placed on a special form. Statistical analysis was performed using the EPI-INFO software, made distribution tables of frequencies and performed association testing variables. Results: 188 pregnant women were selected, of these 150 were eligible. The average age was 26 years, with standard deviation of 6.53. The average pre-pregnancy weight was 56.3 kg (± 20.8), average weights in the first, second and third reviews were 65.17 kg (± 12.8), 67.56 kg (± 12.9 ) and 69.97 kg (± 12.6), respectively. The pregnant woman’s card filling was incomplete in 63% of cases. In the pre-pregnancy period, 14% were malnourished and 14% obese. A significant association between BMI identified in the consultations and the inadequacy of pre-pregnancy BMI (p <0.01). Conclusions: Most of the women had BMI changed during the evaluations. Prenatal card filling proved inadequate, but there was no association with BMI during pregnancy. The factor related to pregnancy BMI change was the pre-pregnancy BMI inappropriate

    Ecological characterization of the natural habitat of Sulla (Fabaceae) in Northeastern Algeria

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    As part of the evaluation and enhancement of plant genetic resources of fodder and pastoral interest in Algeria, a study of the ecological characterization of the natural habitat of Sulla coronaria (L.) Medik. (Syn. Hedysarum coronarium L., Fabaceae) was carried out in Northeastern Algeria. Following a collecting mission, 36 sites of Sulla were randomly selected. In each site, three soil samples were randomly collected. Sixteen soil parameters (soil pH, electrical conductivity, total limestone, total nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, carbon, organic matter, the C/N ratio and particle composition) were analysed. Two factors related to topography (altitude) and climate (rainfall) of the natural habitat of S. coronaria were also considered. Variance analyses (univariate and multivariate) showed a high variation of the physical and chemical characteristics between the different sites. The pH varies between 8.1 and 8.94. In most cases, soils were characterized by a clayey texture, but the species may also adapt to other types of texture (clayey loam, silty clay loam, silty clay, silty). Cluster analysis highlighted five groups of sites. The altitude and rainfall seem to play a prominent part in the formation of these groups. Relations have also been found between certain characteristics of the soil and between altitude and rainfall in the natural habitat of the species. The effect of altitude seems to be more pronounced. This study will contribute to valorize and develop S. coronaria in the marginal, isolated and deprived areas where fertilizers are not economically advisableDans le cadre de l'évaluation et de la valorisation des ressources phytogénétiques d'intérêt fourrager et pastoral en Algérie, une étude portant sur la caractérisation écologique de l'habitat naturel de Sulla coronaria (L.) Medik. (Syn. Hedysarum coronarium L., Fabaceae) à été réalisée. Suite à une mission de prospection et de collecte menée dans le Nord-Est de l'Algérie, 36 sites spontanés de Sulla ont été choisis au hasard. Pour chaque site, trois échantillons de sol ont été prélevés de façon aléatoire. Seize paramètres ont été analysés (pH du sol, conductivité électrique, calcaire total, azote total, potassium, phosphore, carbone, matière organique, rapport C/N, composition de la texture du sol). Deux facteurs liés à la topographie (altitude) et au climat (pluviométrie) de l'habitat naturel de l'espèce ont également été considérés. Les analyses de variance, appliquées aux caractéristiques physiques et chimiques du sol, ont indiqué une importante variation entre les différents sites. Le pH du sol varie entre 8,1 et 8,94. Dans la majorité des cas, les sols sont caractérisés par une texture argileuse, mais l'espèce semble s'adapter à d'autre types de texture (argileux franc, argilo-limoneux franc, argilo-limoneux, limoneux). L'analyse hiérarchique à mis en relief cinq groupes de sites. L'altitude et la pluviométrie semblent jouer un rôle prépondérant dans la formation de ces groupes. Des relations ont également été établies entre certaines caractéristiques du sol, d'une part et entre l'altitude et la pluviométrie de l'habitat naturel de l'espèce d'autre part. L'effet de l'altitude semble cependant plus prononcé. Cette étude contribuera à la valorisation et au développement de S. coronaria dans les régions marginales, isolées et déshéritées du pays ou l'apport d'engrais n'est pas économiquement recommandable