1,477 research outputs found

    Modeling Molecular-Line Emission from Circumstellar Disks

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    Molecular lines hold valuable information on the physical and chemical composition of disks around young stars, the likely progenitors of planetary systems. This invited contribution discusses techniques to calculate the molecular emission (and absorption) line spectrum based on models for the physical and chemical structure of protoplanetary disks. Four examples of recent research illutrate these techniques in practice: matching resolved molecular-line emission from the disk around LkCa15 with theoertical models for the chemistry; evaluating the two-dimensional transfer of ultraviolet radiation into the disk, and the effect on the HCN/CN ratio; far-infrared CO line emission from a superheated disk surface layer; and inward motions in the disk around L1489 IRS.Comment: 6 pages, no figures. To appear in "The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies", Procs. Fourth Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt-Symposiu

    Effects of accretion flow on the chemical structure in the inner regions of protoplanetary disks

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    We have studied the dependence of the profiles of molecular abundances and line emission on the accretion flow in the hot (\ga 100K) inner region of protoplanetary disks. The gas-phase reactions initiated by evaporation of the ice mantle on dust grains are calculated along the accretion flow. We focus on methanol, a molecule that is formed predominantly through the evaporation of warm ice mantles, to show how the abundance profile and line emission depend on the accretion flow. Our results show that some evaporated molecules keep high abundances only when the accretion velocity is large enough, and that methanol could be useful as a diagnostic of the accretion flow by means of ALMA observations at the disk radius of \la 10AU.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Warm Molecular Layers in Protoplanetary Disks

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    We have investigated molecular distributions in protoplanetary disks, adopting a disk model with a temperature gradient in the vertical direction. The model produces sufficiently high abundances of gaseous CO and HCO+ to account for line observations of T Tauri stars using a sticking probability of unity and without assuming any non-thermal desorption. In regions of radius R > 10 AU, with which we are concerned, the temperature increases with increasing height from the midplane. In a warm intermediate layer, there are significant amounts of gaseous molecules owing to thermal desorption and efficient shielding of ultraviolet radiation by the flared disk. The column densities of HCN, CN, CS, H2CO, HNC and HCO+ obtained from our model are in good agreement with the observations of DM Tau, but are smaller than those of LkCa15. Molecular line profiles from our disk models are calculated using a 2-dimensional non-local-thermal-equilibrium (NLTE) molecular-line radiative transfer code for a direct comparison with observations. Deuterated species are included in our chemical model. The molecular D/H ratios in the model are in reasonable agreement with those observed in protoplanetary disks.Comment: 11 pages, Latex (aa.cls), to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Two-dimensional Distributions and Column Densities of Gaseous Molecules in Protoplanetary Disks II

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    We have investigated the two-dimensional (R,Z) distribution of deuterated molecular species in circumstellar disks around young stellar objects. The abundance ratios between singly deuterated and normal molecules (``D/H ratios'') in disks evolve in a similar way as in molecular clouds. Fractionation is caused by rapid exchange reactions that are exothermic because of energy differences between deuterated and normal species. In the midplane region, where molecules are heavily depleted onto grain surfaces, the D/H ratios of gaseous molecules are higher than at larger heights. The D/H ratios for the vertical column densities of NH3, H2O, and HCO+ are sensitive to the temperature, and decrease significantly with decreasing radial distance for R < 300 AU. The analogous D/H ratios for CH4 and H2CO, on the other hand, are not very sensitive to the temperature in the range (T=10-50 K) we are concerned with, and do not decrease with decreasing R at R > 50 AU. The D/H column-density ratios also depend on disk mass. In a disk with a larger mass, the ratios of deuterated species to normal species are higher, because of heavier depletion of molecules onto grains. In the second part of the paper, we report molecular column densities for disks embedded in ambient cloud gas. Our results suggest that CN and HCO+ can be tracers of gaseous disks, especially if the central object is a strong X-ray source. Our results also suggest that the radial distributions of CN, C2H, HCN, and H2CO may vary among disks depending on the X-ray luminosity of the central star.Comment: 13 page

    Line Emission from Gas in Optically Thick Dust Disks around Young Stars

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    We present self-consistent models of gas in optically-thick dusty disks and calculate its thermal, density and chemical structure. The models focus on an accurate treatment of the upper layers where line emission originates, and at radii ≳0.7\gtrsim 0.7 AU. We present results of disks around ∌1M⊙\sim 1{\rm M}_{\odot} stars where we have varied dust properties, X-ray luminosities and UV luminosities. We separately treat gas and dust thermal balance, and calculate line luminosities at infrared and sub-millimeter wavelengths from all transitions originating in the predominantly neutral gas that lies below the ionized surface of the disk. We find that the [ArII] 7ÎŒ\mum, [NeII] 12.8ÎŒ\mum, [FeI] 24ÎŒ\mum, [SI] 25ÎŒ\mum, [FeII] 26ÎŒ\mum, [SiII] 35 ÎŒ\mum, [OI] 63ÎŒ\mum and pure rotational lines of H2_2, H2_2O and CO can be quite strong and are good indicators of the presence and distribution of gas in disks. We apply our models to the disk around the nearby young star, TW Hya, and find good agreement between our model calculations and observations. We also predict strong emission lines from the TW Hya disk that are likely to be detected by future facilities. A comparison of CO observations with our models suggests that the gas disk around TW Hya may be truncated to ∌120\sim 120 AU, compared to its dust disk of 174 AU. We speculate that photoevaporation due to the strong stellar FUV field from TW Hya is responsible for the gas disk truncation.Comment: Accepted to Astrophysical Journa

    Cold CO Gas in Protoplanetary Disks

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    In a disk around DM Tau, previous observation of 13CO (J=2-1 and 1-0 transitions) derived the 13CO gas temperature of \sim 13-20K, which is lower than the sublimation temperature of CO (20 K). We argue that the existence of such cold CO can be explained by a vertical mixing of disk material. As the gas is transported from a warm layer to a cold layer, CO is depleted onto dust grains with a timescale of \sim 10^3 yr. Because of the steep temperature gradient in the vertical direction, an observable amount of CO is still in the gas phase when the fluid parcel reaches the layer of \sim 13 K. Apparent temperature of CO decreases as the maximum grain size increases from micron-size to mm-size.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Breakdown of `phase rigidity' and variations of the Fano effect in closed Aharonov-Bohm interferometers

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    Although the conductance of a closed Aharonov-Bohm interferometer, with a quantum dot on one branch, obeys the Onsager symmetry under magnetic field reversal, it needs not be a periodic function of this field: the conductance maxima move with both the field and the gate voltage on the dot, in an apparent breakdown of `phase rigidity'. These experimental findings are explained theoretically as resulting from multiple electronic paths around the interferometer ring. Data containing several Coulomb blockade peaks, whose shapes change with the magnetic flux, are fitted to a simple model, in which each resonant level on the dot couples to a different path around the ring
