78 research outputs found

    Immersive Visualization for Abnormal Detection in Heterogeneous Data for On-site Decision Making

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    The latest advances in mixed reality promote new capabilities that allow head-mounted displays, such as Microsoft HoloLens, to visualize various data and information in a real physical environment. While such new features have great potential for new generations of visualization systems, they require fundamentally different visualization and interaction techniques that have not been well explored. This paper presents an immersive visualization approach for investigating abnormal events in heterogeneous, multi-source, and time-series sensor data collections in real-time on the site of the event. Our approach explores the essential components for an analyst to visualize complex data and explore hidden connections in mixed reality; it also combines automatic event detection algorithms to identify suspicious activities. We demonstrate our prototype system by using the developer version of Microsoft HoloLens and presenting case studies that require an analyst to investigate related data on site. We also discuss the limitations of the current infrastructure and potential applications for security visualization

    Effects of aluminum diffusion on the adhesive behavior of the Ni(111)/Cr2O3(0001) interface: First principle study

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    AbstractDensity functional theory was employed to investigate the structure and properties of Ni/Cr2O3 and Ni/Al2O3/Cr2O3. The O-terminated Ni(111)/Cr2O3(0001) interface was firstly found to be the most stable configuration. Based on this construction, the effects of the Al diffusion at the Ni/Cr2O3 interface were further studied. The results of total energies indicate that Al atoms originating from Ni slab prefer to diffuse into Cr2O3 slab through the interface, resulting in the formation of alumina at the Ni/Cr2O3 interface. Due to the presence of Al atoms, there was an amazing increase in the work of adhesion, whereas the Ni/Al2O3/Cr2O3 interface showed the strongest stability. Moreover, this calculated work well agrees with the reported experimental results

    Signal-induced Brd4 release from chromatin is essential for its role transition from chromatin targeting to transcriptional regulation

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    Bromodomain-containing protein Brd4 is shown to persistently associate with chromosomes during mitosis for transmitting epigenetic memory across cell divisions. During interphase, Brd4 also plays a key role in regulating the transcription of signal-inducible genes by recruiting positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb) to promoters. How the chromatin-bound Brd4 transits into a transcriptional regulation mode in response to stimulation, however, is largely unknown. Here, by analyzing the dynamics of Brd4 during ultraviolet or hexamethylene bisacetamide treatment, we show that the signal-induced release of chromatin-bound Brd4 is essential for its functional transition. In untreated cells, almost all Brd4 is observed in association with interphase chromatin. Upon treatment, Brd4 is released from chromatin, mostly due to signal-triggered deacetylation of nucleosomal histone H4 at acetylated-lysine 5/8 (H4K5ac/K8ac). Through selective association with the transcriptional active form of P-TEFb that has been liberated from the inactive multi-subunit complex in response to treatment, the released Brd4 mediates the recruitment of this active P-TEFb to promoter, which enhances transcription at the stage of elongation. Thus, through signal-induced release from chromatin and selective association with the active form of P-TEFb, the chromatin-bound Brd4 switches its role to mediate the recruitment of P-TEFb for regulating the transcriptional elongation of signal-inducible genes.National Natural Science Foundation of China[30930046, 30670408, 81070307]; Natural Science Foundation of Fujian[C0210005, 2010J01231]; Science Planning Program of Fujian Province[2009J1010, 2010J1008]; National Foundation for fostering talents of basic science[J1030626

    Elucidating VSMC phenotypic transition mechanisms to bridge insights into cardiovascular disease implications

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide, despite advances in understanding cardiovascular health. Significant barriers still exist in effectively preventing and managing these diseases. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) are crucial for maintaining vascular integrity and can switch between contractile and synthetic functions in response to stimuli such as hypoxia and inflammation. These transformations play a pivotal role in the progression of cardiovascular diseases, facilitating vascular modifications and disease advancement. This article synthesizes the current understanding of the mechanisms and signaling pathways regulating VSMC phenotypic transitions, highlighting their potential as therapeutic targets in cardiovascular disease interventions

    Inhibition of the function of class IIa HDACs by blocking their interaction with MEF2

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    Enzymes that modify the epigenetic status of cells provide attractive targets for therapy in various diseases. The therapeutic development of epigenetic modulators, however, has been largely limited to direct targeting of catalytic active site conserved across multiple members of an enzyme family, which complicates mechanistic studies and drug development. Class IIa histone deacetylases (HDACs) are a group of epigenetic enzymes that depends on interaction with Myocyte Enhancer Factor-2 (MEF2) for their recruitment to specific genomic loci. Targeting this interaction presents an alternative approach to inhibiting this class of HDACs. We have used structural and functional approaches to identify and characterize a group of small molecules that indirectly target class IIa HDACs by blocking their interaction with MEF2 on DNA.Weused X-ray crystallography and 19F NMRto show that these compounds directly bind to MEF2. We have also shown that the small molecules blocked the recruitment of class IIa HDACs to MEF2-targeted genes to enhance the expression of those targets. These compounds can be used as tools to study MEF2 and class IIa HDACs in vivo and as leads for drug development

    Structure of p300 bound to MEF2 on DNA reveals a mechanism of enhanceosome assembly

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    Transcription co-activators CBP and p300 are recruited by sequence-specific transcription factors to specific genomic loci to control gene expression. A highly conserved domain in CBP/p300, the TAZ2 domain, mediates direct interaction with a variety of transcription factors including the myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2). Here we report the crystal structure of a ternary complex of the p300 TAZ2 domain bound to MEF2 on DNA at 2.2Å resolution. The structure reveals three MEF2:DNA complexes binding to different sites of the TAZ2 domain. Using structure-guided mutations and a mammalian two-hybrid assay, we show that all three interfaces contribute to the binding of MEF2 to p300, suggesting that p300 may use one of the three interfaces to interact with MEF2 in different cellular contexts and that one p300 can bind three MEF2:DNA complexes simultaneously. These studies, together with previously characterized TAZ2 complexes bound to different transcription factors, demonstrate the potency and versatility of TAZ2 in protein–protein interactions. Our results also support a model wherein p300 promotes the assembly of a higher-order enhanceosome by simultaneous interactions with multiple DNA-bound transcription factors

    Anxiety Specific Response and Contribution of Active Hippocampal Neural Stem Cells to Chronic Pain Through Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling in Mice

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    Chronic pain usually results in persistent anxiety, which worsens the life quality of patients and complicates the treatment of pain. Hippocampus is one of the few brain regions in many mammalians species which harbors adult neural stem cells (NSCs), and plays a key role in the development and maintenance of chronic anxiety. Recent studies have suggested a potential involvement of hippocampal neurogenesis in modulating chronic pain. Whether and how hippocampal NSCs are involved in the pain-associated anxiety remains unclear. Here, we report that mice suffering persistent neuropathic pain showed a quick reduction of active NSCs in the ventral dentate gyrus (vDG), which was followed by the decrease of neurogenesis and appearance of anxiety. Wnt/β-catenin signaling, a key pathway in sustaining the active status of NSCs was suppressed in the vDG of mice suffering chronic pain. Depleting β-catenin by inducible Nestin-Cre significantly reduced the number of active NSCs and facilitated anxiety development, while expressing stabilized β-catenin amplified active NSCs and alleviated anxiety, indicating that Wnt activated NSCs is required for anxiety development under chronic pain. Treatment with Fluoxetine, the most widely used anxiolytic in clinic, significantly increased the proliferation of active NSCs and enhanced Wnt signaling. Interestingly, both β-catenin manipulation and Fluoxetine treatment had no significant effects on the pain thresholds. Therefore, our data demonstrated an anxiety-specific response and contribution of activated NSCs to chronic pain through Wnt/β-catenin signaling, which may be targeted for treating chronic pain- or other diseases-associated anxiety

    Interactive storyboard for overall time-varying data visualization

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    Large amounts of time-varying datasets create great challenges for users to understand and explore them. This paper proposes an efficient visualization method for observing overall data contents and changes throughout an entire time-varying dataset. We develop an interactive storyboard approach by composing sample volume renderings and descriptive geometric primitives that are generated through data analysis processes. Our storyboard system integrates automatic visualization generation methods and interactive adjustment procedures to provide new tools for visualizing and exploring time-varying datasets. We also provide a flexible framework to quantify data differences and automatically select representative datasets through exploring scientific data distribution features. Since this approach reduces the visualized data amount into a more understandable size and format for users, it can be used to effectively visualize, represent, and explore a large time-varying dataset. Initial user study results show that our approach shortens the exploration time and reduces the number of datasets that users visualized individually. This visualization method is especially useful for situations that require close observance or are not capable of interactive rendering, such as documentation and demonstration