286 research outputs found

    Interactive educational trail as a teaching aid

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    This article deals with the problem of educational trails and their use for teaching using digital technologies. The first section of the paper describes what the nature trail is and what its types are. It also discusses the possibilities of using the nature trail itself and how to create and use the nature trail with the help of digital technologies. An example of an interactive nature trail created in the town of Stříbro in the Czech Republic and how to include this activity in teaching

    Midwife Diplomacy. The Recruitment of a Midwife for Empress Margarita MarĂ­a Teresa de Austria (1666-1673)

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    During her stay in Vienna, from 1666-1673, empress Margarita MarĂ­a Teresa de Austria, who was of Spanish origins, gave birth four times and died when she was pregnant with a fifth child. The question of what midwife would best serve her was repeatedly discussed at the highest diplomatic level. The reputation of these midwives depended not only on their performance in the delivery room. Royal midwifery was linked to culture and language, to the intrigues of rivalling parties at court or frictions between the different branches of the Casa de Austria. Midwifery thus offers the opportunity to study from a new perspective the mechanisms of dynastic alliances and the symbolic value attributed to the body of female aristocrats

    Specifics of creating instructions for internet applications for seniors

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    This paper focus on the basic information about seniors, who is considered a senior citizen, and where seniors can continue to receive new education and further development and self-actualize in later life. You will also find out where seniors spend the most and least time online and what causes this. We will also take a look at the different specificities of senior education and the differences between seniors, which should be the focus of our guidance. And lastly, we will look at a comparison of online banking tutorials. You will learn the differences using the official instructions from the bank, and for comparison, I will show my suggestion of what a senior citizen guide should look like to be helpful and easy

    CHD3 Proteins and Polycomb Group Proteins Antagonistically Determine Cell Identity in Arabidopsis

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    Dynamic regulation of chromatin structure is of fundamental importance for modulating genomic activities in higher eukaryotes. The opposing activities of Polycomb group (PcG) and trithorax group (trxG) proteins are part of a chromatin-based cellular memory system ensuring the correct expression of specific transcriptional programs at defined developmental stages. The default silencing activity of PcG proteins is counteracted by trxG proteins that activate PcG target genes and prevent PcG mediated silencing activities. Therefore, the timely expression and regulation of PcG proteins and counteracting trxG proteins is likely to be of fundamental importance for establishing cell identity. Here, we report that the chromodomain/helicase/DNA–binding domain CHD3 proteins PICKLE (PKL) and PICKLE RELATED2 (PKR2) have trxG-like functions in plants and are required for the expression of many genes that are repressed by PcG proteins. The pkl mutant could partly suppress the leaf and flower phenotype of the PcG mutant curly leaf, supporting the idea that CHD3 proteins and PcG proteins antagonistically determine cell identity in plants. The direct targets of PKL in roots include the PcG genes SWINGER and EMBRYONIC FLOWER2 that encode subunits of Polycomb repressive complexes responsible for trimethylating histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27me3). Similar to mutants lacking PcG proteins, lack of PKL and PKR2 caused reduced H3K27me3 levels and, therefore, increased expression of a set of PcG protein target genes in roots. Thus, PKL and PKR2 are directly required for activation of PcG protein target genes and in roots are also indirectly required for repression of PcG protein target genes. Reduced PcG protein activity can lead to cell de-differentiation and callus-like tissue formation in pkl pkr2 mutants. Thus, in contrast to mammals, where PcG proteins are required to maintain pluripotency and to prevent cell differentiation, in plants PcG proteins are required to promote cell differentiation by suppressing embryonic development

    Environmental education at the first stage of primary school - ecological problems

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    The main topic of this work is how we can introduce environmental education to children in primary school, especially how to take care of our planet Earth, using modern technologies that we have at our disposal. The work contains a preface, a theoretical part, which describes what is destroying our planet and how we could prevent it. This is followed by a practical part, which will describe the activities that are focused on the consequences of human activity on our planet. The main goal of this article is to describe the theoretical part, in which the problems that threaten our planet will be described in more detail. At the same time, it is necessary to describe the connection between these problems and teaching at the first stage of primary school. Environmental education is a cross-cutting theme of the FEP in the Czech Republic and it is important to involve it in current teaching. Children today have no idea what the consequences of their behavior may be in the coming decades if they do not change it. This current issue can be introduced to students using modern technologies that should be available to every school. With the help of these technologies, they will be introduced to the consequences of their behavior and offer them a solution

    Real-world relationships as binary relations

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    This contribution deals with real-world relationships as examples of binary relations. It studies the properties of binary relations such as reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity, … These binary relations are defined with the usage of real-life surroundings (like family, games, public transport, etc.). First, this work will explain the basic theoretical concepts, which are needed to examination of properties of binary relations. And in the second part it will applies the theoretical concepts to specific examples from realworld such as “be a sibling” or “rock paper scissors”

    Photovoltaic system in education

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    For my thesis, I chose the topic Photovoltaic system, its parameters and measurements. I have chosen this topic because of its topicality, since nowadays the attention is turning mainly to renewable energy sources, which have the task of less burden on the environment. Renewable energy sources represent comparatively less dependence and more saving for the environment. There are several alternative sources on the market now, one of them is the photovoltaic system. With photovoltaics, the sun's radiation is converted into electricity

    In vitro interactions of Alternaria mycotoxins, an emerging class of food contaminants, with the gut microbiota: a bidirectional relationship

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    The human gut microbiota plays an important role in the maintenance of human health. Factors able to modify its composition might predispose the host to the development of pathologies. Among the various xenobiotics introduced through the diet, Alternaria mycotoxins are speculated to represent a threat for human health. However, limited data are currently available about the bidirectional relation between gut microbiota and Alternaria mycotoxins. In the present work, we investigated the in vitro effects of different concentrations of a complex extract of Alternaria mycotoxins (CE; containing eleven mycotoxins; e.g. 0.153 ÂµM alternariol and 2.3 ÂµM altersetin, at the maximum CE concentration tested) on human gut bacterial strains, as well as the ability of the latter to metabolize or adsorb these compounds. Results from the minimum inhibitory concentration assay showed the scarce ability of CE to inhibit the growth of the tested strains. However, the growth kinetics of most of the strains were negatively affected by exposure to the various CE concentrations, mainly at the highest dose (50 Âµg/mL). The CE was also found to antagonize the formation of biofilms, already at concentrations of 0.5 Âµg/mL. LC–MS/MS data analysis of the mycotoxin concentrations found in bacterial pellets and supernatants after 24 h incubation showed the ability of bacterial strains to adsorb some Alternaria mycotoxins, especially the key toxins alternariol, alternariol monomethyl ether, and altersetin. The tendency of these mycotoxins to accumulate within bacterial pellets, especially in those of Gram-negative strains, was found to be directly related to their lipophilicity

    The actin cytoskeleton modulates the activation of iNKT cells by segregating CD1d nanoclusters on antigen-presenting cells

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    Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells recognize endogenous and exogenous lipid antigens presented in the context of CD1d molecules. The ability of iNKT cells to recognize endogenous antigens represents a distinct immune recognition strategy, which underscores the constitutive memory phenotype of iNKT cells and their activation during inflammatory conditions. However, the mechanisms regulating such “tonic” activation of iNKT cells remain unclear. Here, we show that the spatiotemporal distribution of CD1d molecules on the surface of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) modulates activation of iNKT cells. By using superresolution microscopy, we show that CD1d molecules form nanoclusters at the cell surface of APCs, and their size and density are constrained by the actin cytoskeleton. Dual-color single-particle tracking revealed that diffusing CD1d nanoclusters are actively arrested by the actin cytoskeleton, preventing their further coalescence. Formation of larger nanoclusters occurs in the absence of interactions between CD1d cytosolic tail and the actin cytoskeleton and correlates with enhanced iNKT cell activation. Importantly and consistently with iNKT cell activation during inflammatory conditions, exposure of APCs to the Toll-like receptor 7/8 agonist R848 increases nanocluster density and iNKT cell activation. Overall, these results define a previously unidentified mechanism that modulates iNKT cell autoreactivity based on the tight control by the APC cytoskeleton of the sizes and densities of endogenous antigen-loaded CD1d nanoclusters
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