451 research outputs found

    The Restructuring of the Quartier De La Marine in Algiers: An Urban Opportunity

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    As many other historic centres which underwent profound changes the old Algiers had to accommodate contemporary socio-economic, cultural and technological activities. The Casbah, old town of Algiers has been subjected to these regrettable and irreversible changes and is left today with a physically and functionally damaged urban fabric. This thesis is concerned with the coexistence and reconciliation of the old core with the present and future urban fabric in order to ensure that its links with the modern urban development are maintained. This is therefore a study on the old core of Algiers which explores its historical growth and urban structure, underlying the conflict between old and new parts. It establishes at the end a general framework for its future development

    Application of the EXtrapolated Efficiency Method (EXEM) to infer the gamma-cascade detection efficiency in the actinide region

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    The study of transfer-induced gamma-decay probabilities is very useful for understanding the surrogate-reaction method and, more generally, for constraining statistical-model calculations. One of the main difficulties in the measurement of gamma-decay probabilities is the determination of the gamma-cascade detection efficiency. In [Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 700, 59 (2013)] we developed the Extrapolated Efficiency Method (EXEM), a new method to measure this quantity. In this work, we have applied, for the first time, the EXEM to infer the gamma-cascade detection efficiency in the actinide region. In particular, we have considered the 238U(d,p)239U and 238U(3He,d)239Np reactions. We have performed Hauser-Feshbach calculations to interpret our results and to verify the hypothesis on which the EXEM is based. The determination of fission and gamma-decay probabilities of 239Np below the neutron separation energy allowed us to validate the EXEM

    Chance-constrained programming with fuzzy stochastic coefficients

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    International audienceWe consider fuzzy stochastic programming problems with a crisp objective function and linear constraints whose coefficients are fuzzy random variables, in particular of type L-R. To solve this type of problems, we formulate deterministic counterparts of chance-constrained programming with fuzzy stochastic coefficients, by combining constraints on probability of satisfying constraints, as well as their possibility and necessity. We discuss the possible indices for comparing fuzzy quantities by putting together interval orders and statistical preference. We study the convexity of the set of feasible solutions under various assumptions. We also consider the case where fuzzy intervals are viewed as consonant random intervals. The particular cases of type L-R fuzzy Gaussian and discrete random variables are detailed

    The Problem of Generalization in Psychological and Educational Research (An Evaluation Study of University Thesis at the Universite of Oran)

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     التعميم هو القدرة على تطبيق نتائج من دراسة أو تجربة على نطاق أوسع من المجتمع المستهدف. في هذا المقال، قمنا بمناقشة إشكالية التعميم في البحوث النفسية؛ حيث تطرقنا إلى تعريف التعميم ومنطقه، وتعرضنا إلى أنواع التعميم في كل من البحوث الكمية والكيفية، أين تم مناقشة ثلاثة نماذج من التعميم على النحو الذي اقترحه فايرستون وهي: التعميم الإحصائي، التعميم التحليلي، وكذا الانتقال من حالة لحالة  "قابلية التحول"؛ وفي الأخير قمنا باستعراض بعض الانتقادات الموجهة للتعميم، والتي كانت تصب في مجملها  حول عدم كفاية الحجج الاستقرائية (بوبر، 1959) أو بسبب طبيعة علم النفس وعدم ثبات ظواهره. وفي الشق الميداني قمنا بتحليل طريقة المعاينة ومدى ملائمتها لمعايير التعميم للرسائل المنشورة على مستوى جامعة وهران بين سنتي 2012- 2015، توصلنا إلى أن هناك أخطاء في طرق المعاينة تتمحور أساسا حول اختيار العينة بطريقة الصدفة وتسميتها بالعشوائية، كما أنه لم يتم اتباع الخطوات اللازمة في تحديد العينة مما يجعل من الصعب اعتبارها ممثلة للمجتمع الأصلي وبالتالي عدم إمكانية تعميم هذه النتائج.Generalisation is the ability to apply the results from a study or experiment to the wider target population. In this article, I open a debate about the generalization  problematic in psychological research.  We have addressed  the definition of generalization and its logic, and we reviewed the types of generalization in both quantitative and qualitative research. Three models of generalization, as proposed by Firestone, are discussed in this paper: classic sample-to-population (statistical) generalization, analytic generalization, and case-to-case transfer (transferability) At last we presented some criticism of generalization, which was flowing in its entirety on  the insufficiency of inductive arguments (POPPER, 1959), or because of the nature of psychology and the instability of its phenomena.  We analyzed the thesis published on level of the University of Oran between the years 2012-2015 in terms of Sampling mode and appropriateness for a set of standards relating to the generalization. We found that there are errors in sampling methods is mainly centered on the selection of the Accidental Sample and call it random Sample. It also is not followed steps required to identify the sample, which makes it difficult to be considered representative of the population original and therefore not possible to generalised results

    The Hennebique agency and the figures of modernity in Algiers

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    Towards the end of the 1920s, the Hennebique agency benefitted from the unprecedented expansion of the construction sector in Algeria. The exemption of land from tax, the end of the moratorium on rents, and a decrease in the value of securities allowed significant capital to be directed towards construction. According to René Lespès, this explains why “the construction of the largest and most expensive buildings was undertaken precisely between 1927 and 1930.” Moreover, the large number of bu..

    Seismic Risk and Urbanization: The Notion of Prevention. Case of the City of Algiers

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    AbstractSeismic risk is among the major risks that threaten our country. Algiers is considered the most vulnerable city of the country. Not only, it bears witness to terrible seismic disasters but it is based on six seismic faults that can move at any time. Added to this phenomenon, Algiers is facing extreme urban mutation and the urbanization process since independence has not taken seriously into account the seismic risk factor. The present communication has not the pretention to explore the whole question of the seismic risk of the city of Algiers, but debates the question of the risk under the angle of prevention

    Pyme 2.0: el impacto de la web 2.0 sobre las empresas

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    Dado el interés que tengo por Internet y las implicaciones que ha supuesto su desarrollo sobre nuestra realidad en el último lustro, planteo la realización de un estudio sobre las posibilidades que ofrece la Web al mundo de los negocios, con enfoque sobre las PYMES en la Comunidad Valenciana. Aplicando como es natural, los diferentes conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de mi formación en el seno de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. El proyecto investiga el impacto de lo que se conoce en la actualidad como la Web 2.0 sobre las empresas y como los diferentes servicios y tecnologías que caracterizan a la Web 2.0 han participado en la transformación de las empresas y sus negocios y procesos.Aiche, Z. (2012). Pyme 2.0: el impacto de la web 2.0 sobre las empresas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18305.Archivo delegad

    Preliminary results on the 233U capture cross section and alpha ratio measured at n_TOF (CERN) with the fission tagging technique

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    233U is of key importance among the fissile nuclei in the Th-U fuel cycle. A particularity of 233U is its small neutron capture cross-section, which is on average about one order of magnitude lower than the fission cross-section.The accuracy in the measurement of the 233U capture cross-section depends crucially onan efficient capture-fission discrimination, thus a combined set-up of fission and ¿-detectors is needed. A measurement of the 233U capture cross-section and capture-to-fissionratio was performed at the CERN n_TOF facility. The Total Absorption Calorimeter (TAC) of n_TOF was employed as ¿-detector coupled with a novel compact ionization chamber as fission detector. A brief description of the experimental set-up will be given, and essential parts of the analysis procedure as well as the preliminary response of the set-up to capture are presented and discussedPostprint (published version