80 research outputs found

    Managing Multiple Projects in Uncertain Contexts: A Case Study on the Application of a New Approach Based on the Critical Chain Method

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    Uncertainty and change are two features of modern project management. They strongly influence the project management needs to operate in such contexts. This is the case when a complete and accurate definition of the scope of a project is not available. Those situations require a project management approach capable of dealing with the special conditions that characterise said contexts. This study focuses on the application of the progressive elaboration approach and the Critical Chain method. We analysed the implementation process of the new procedure in a company that produces capital goods for the automotive industry. The work’s main focus is on the e ect of this change from the multi-project perspective. We found that the change had a larger impact than was expected by the company. Firstly, we found that the new approach provided an opportunity to improve the performance of the company. Besides, the new approach uncovered significant problems that previously were ignored, as well as problems and obstacles to the change. Based on the results and findings of this work, we conclude that shifting to this kind of approach requires a global managerial perspective, and strong support from the management

    Zor gorrotagarria XXI. mendean. Pasa den mendeko ideietatik gaur egungo ekintzetara

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    [EU]1927an Alexander Sack-ek zor-gorrotagarriaren kontzeptua definitu zuen.. Gaur egun, zenbait legelari eta gizarte-mugimenduek, doktrinaren ideia beregain hartu eta mahai gainera ekarri dute. Doktrina finkatzen duen arautegia baina, gatazka eremu zabala da kanpo-zorraren arloko jurista eta ekonomista askorentzat. Horrez gain, gizartearen zati handi batek ere ez du doktrinaren ideia antzinako kontu bezala geratzerik nahi eta doktrinaren gaurkotasun, adostasun eta aplikazioaren aldeko jarrerak erakusten dituzte. Pasaden hamarkadan eman ziren nolabaiteko emaitza bertsuak izan zituzten pare bat kasu. Bata Iraken eta bestea Ekuadorren. Testuingurua, prozesuak eta aplikazioak baina, zeharo ezberdinak izan ziren bi kasu horietan. Hori gutxi balitz, oraindik badago doktrina honen aplikazio prozesu bat eman daiteken herrialderik; Argenina adibidez. Lan honek, zor-gorrotagarriaren doktrina aztertzen du, batez ere, arautegiari eta Hegoaldeko herrialdetako aplikaziora bideratuta, analisiaren bitartez ondorioetara iristeko. Lanaren ondorioek, kontzeptu juridiko zein sozialak batuz eta hiru benetako kasuez baliatuz, XXI. mendean kanpo-zor bat zor-gorrotagarria dela erakustea posible, eta baliteke beharrezkoa ere, dela erakutsiko dute

    Demand Driven MRP – The need to standardise an implementation process

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    Since the creation of the demand-driven material requirement planning (DDMRP) model, numerous studies have analysed the methodology’s significant impact on different organisations. Several successful cases and research studies into DDMRP have demonstrated that the methodology is beneficial to organisations because it increases their service level and stock adjustments; however, there is a dearth of literature regarding the steps necessary to implement this model successfully. This document delivers a systematic review of the literature based on the work done by Kitchenham (2004) with the aim of analysing studies that investigate the standardization of the process of implementing the model. Once the lack of research has been demonstrated, a possible line of future research can be outlined to standardise the implementation process of the DDMRP model to achieve its full potential

    Modern Project Management Approaches in Uncertainty Environments: A Comparative Study Based on Action Research

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    Change and high uncertainty levels are the main characteristics of current project contexts. Years ago, the traditional project management faced problems when operating in these environments. Thus, at the end of the 20th century, new project management approaches were conceived to provide a more effective answer to such contexts. These methods propose a different approach, aimed at promoting the project flow by focusing on the short term. However, their adoption involves certain adjustments from a managerial perspective. The influence on the way resources are used is of special interest, as it may cause unexpected behaviors and reactions. The literature vastly analyzes the features and benefits of these methods. Nevertheless, there is a lack of empirical evidence about both the practical implications of the transition process toward them and their superior performance. Thus, this research aims to contribute to filling this gap by providing real-world based evidence related to the change process from a traditional project management approach to a flow-driven one. With this objective in mind, we analyzed the transition processes experienced by two design departments from companies of different industries. The results of the study confirm that the adoption of this type of approach can improve an organization’s performance and simplify its project management system. Therefore, we consider that our findings are useful for anybody interested in these methodologies. From the academic perspective, the evidence obtained in this study contributes to supporting the research works suggested by the literature. Furthermore, it can be helpful to guide further research and extend current knowledge. Additionally, they can assist companies in the improvement of their current project management approaches

    Research on operating conditions at the catalytic reactor for the combined removal of NOx and PCDD/PCDFs from MWI plants

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    The management of municipal solid waste (MSW), particularly the role of incineration, is currently a subject of public debate. Incineration shows to be a good alternative of reducing the volume of waste and eliminating certain infectious components. Moreover, Municipal Waste Incinerators (MWI), are reported to be highly hygienic and apart from that MWIs are immediately effective in terms of transport (incinerators can be built close to the waste sources) and incineration's nature. Nevertheless, the emissions of many hazardous substances make the Municipal Waste Incineration (MWI) plants to be unpopular. Metals (especially lead, manganese, cadmium, chromium and mercury) are concentrated in fly and bottom ashes. Furthermore, incomplete combustion produces a wide variety of potentially hazardous organic compounds, such as aldehydes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), chlorinated hydrocarbons including polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF), and even acid gases, including NOx. Many of these hazardous substances are carcinogenic and some have direct systemic toxicity

    Desarrollo de la competencia científica mediante el aprendizaje basado en proyectos y TIC en Educación Primaria

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    En la presente investigación se analiza la integración del método de aprendizaje basado en proyectos, a través de las TIC como método emergente con impacto significativo en el aprendizaje. Se implementan dos unidades didácticas de la higiene de las manos a través de un método tradicional y un método de aprendizaje basado en proyectos y TIC como recurso educativo. Mediante un diseño cuasi experimental se analizan los datos de 39 alumnos de 2º de primaria, aplicando el test U de Mann Whitney, un cuestionario y la observación participante. Se resalta que el trabajo e integración de la metodología de aprendizaje basado en proyectos, a través de las TIC no mejora significativamente en el rendimiento académico. Sin embargo, se subrayan mejoras estadísticamente significativas en el reconocimiento de los contenidos, la participación activa, la colaboración, satisfacción y la motivación en los procesos de aprendizaje. A través de este método de aprendizaje y la utilización de las TIC, los estudiantes investigan de primera mano y reflexionan sobre el tema, realizando un aprendizaje significativo

    Zor gorrotagarria XXI. mendean. Pasa den mendeko ideietatik gaur egungo ekintzetara

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    [EU]1927an Alexander Sack-ek zor-gorrotagarriaren kontzeptua definitu zuen.. Gaur egun, zenbait legelari eta gizarte-mugimenduek, doktrinaren ideia beregain hartu eta mahai gainera ekarri dute. Doktrina finkatzen duen arautegia baina, gatazka eremu zabala da kanpo-zorraren arloko jurista eta ekonomista askorentzat. Horrez gain, gizartearen zati handi batek ere ez du doktrinaren ideia antzinako kontu bezala geratzerik nahi eta doktrinaren gaurkotasun, adostasun eta aplikazioaren aldeko jarrerak erakusten dituzte. Pasaden hamarkadan eman ziren nolabaiteko emaitza bertsuak izan zituzten pare bat kasu. Bata Iraken eta bestea Ekuadorren. Testuingurua, prozesuak eta aplikazioak baina, zeharo ezberdinak izan ziren bi kasu horietan. Hori gutxi balitz, oraindik badago doktrina honen aplikazio prozesu bat eman daiteken herrialderik; Argenina adibidez. Lan honek, zor-gorrotagarriaren doktrina aztertzen du, batez ere, arautegiari eta Hegoaldeko herrialdetako aplikaziora bideratuta, analisiaren bitartez ondorioetara iristeko. Lanaren ondorioek, kontzeptu juridiko zein sozialak batuz eta hiru benetako kasuez baliatuz, XXI. mendean kanpo-zor bat zor-gorrotagarria dela erakustea posible, eta baliteke beharrezkoa ere, dela erakutsiko dute

    A Strategic Approach for Bottleneck Identification in Make-To-Order Environments: A Drum-Buffer-Rope Action Research Based Case Study

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    Purpose: This study focused on providing a strategic perspective for the selection and exploitation of bottlenecks in make-to-order production systems, a largely unexplored field in the literature. The researchers developed a systematic decision-making process that operationalized the first two stages of Goldratt’s drum-buffer-rope methodology. This process was derived from the seminal work of Goldratt, who introduced key insights from the resource-based view and practice-based view strategic perspectives. The process also included original contributions from the authors to understand which purpose should be fulfilled, what decisions should be made and how the process should be applied in an operative way. Design/methodology/approach: Given the practical nature of the research project, action research was an appropriate methodological approach, since this approach aims to contribute to academic research while solving real-world problems. Additionally, the research process complied with necessary criteria to assure the research quality required for action research. Findings: The systematic process was successfully tested by means of a case study on a make-to-order company. This case study answered the research question regarding systematically selecting and exploiting a bottleneck to enhance competitive advantage/firm performance. Originality/value: The key contributions focused on the make-to-order environment and were as it follows: (1) four specific criteria to select the bottleneck, far beyond a load versus capacity perspective (i.e., a strategic perspective inspired by the main concepts of the resource-based view regarding the contribution of strategic resources to sustain competitive advantage). A first case study presenting a partial version of this contribution has been discussed on a previous publication of the authors (Lizarralde, Apaolaza, & Mediavilla, 2019b), which describes the case of production plant of a company dedicated to producing steel tubes by extrusion; (2) a detailed discussion on how to exploit the bottleneck aligned with the practice-based view, which recognised that practices could provide superior performance to organisations; and (3) an overarching systematic process that enables an operative deployment in the specific steps to select strategically the bottleneck and exploit this constraint according to some of Goldratt’s seminal proposals

    Material management without forecasting: From MRP to demand driven MRP

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    Purpose: Efficient Operations and Supply Chain Management is key to building sustainable competitive edge for companies. However, the achievement of this goal is becoming challenging in the present dynamic production environment, as traditional Manufacturing Planning and Control systems were not developed to work in this context. The Demand-Driven Material Requirement Planning (DDMRP) methodology was developed with the aim of addressing this need and deal efficiently with material management. The present work therefore, analyzes the implemented changes and the subsequent qualitative and quantitative results of a company after converting from MRP to DDMRP. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve an in depth understanding of the case study a qualitative approach was taken. Data was collected from semi-structured interviews, documents and archival records enabling triangulation. The results from before and after the implementation of DDMRP were compared, and the evolution of the performance of the company was evaluated. Findings: The results clearly show that using DDMRP the company increased visibility in the supply chain. In addition, the inventory level was reduced by 52.53% while material consumption was increased by 8.7%. These results were achieved while maintaining the high service level. Originality/value: DDMRP is a relatively new methodology and for this reason there is little published data in this field. In addition the few studies found in the literature analyze the performance of DDMRP in simulated environments. The present work aims to go one step further and analyzes the implementation of DDMRP in a real company
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