17,748 research outputs found

    A comparative study of optical/ultraviolet variability of narrow-line Seyfert 1 and broad-line Seyfert 1 active galactic nuclei

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    The ensemble optical/ultraviolet variability of narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) type active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is investigated, based on a sample selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe-82 region with multi-epoch photometric scanning data. As a comparison a control sample of broad-line Seyfert 1 (BLS1) type AGNs is also incorporated. To quantify properly the intrinsic variation amplitudes and their uncertainties, a novel method of parametric maximum-likelihood is introduced, that has, as we argued, certain virtues over previously used methods. The majority of NLS1-type AGNs exhibit significant variability on timescales from about ten days to a few years with, however, on average smaller amplitudes compared to BLS1-type AGNs. About 20 NLS1- type AGNs showing relatively large variations are presented, that may deserve future monitoring observations, for instance, reverberation mapping. The averaged structure functions of variability, constructed using the same maximumlikelihood method, show remarkable similarity in shape for the two types of AGNs on timescales longer than about 10 days, which can be approximated by a power-law or an exponential function. This, along with other similar properties, such as the wavelength-dependent variability, are indicative of a common dominant mechanism responsible for the long-term optical/UV variability of both NLS1- and BLS1-type AGNs. Towards the short timescales, however, there is tentative evidence that the structure function of NLS1-type AGNs continues declining, whereas that of BLS1-type AGNs flattens with some residual variability on timescales of days. If this can be confirmed, it may suggest that an alternative mechanism, such as X-ray reprocessing, starts to become dominating in BLS1-type AGNs, but not in NLS1-, on such timescales.Comment: 53 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for pulication in A

    Chiral model for dense, hot and strange hadronic matter

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    An extended chiral SU(3) model is applied to the description of dense, hot and strange hadronic matter. The degrees of freedom are the baryon octet and decuplet and the spin-0 and spin-1 meson multiplets. The parameters of the model are fitted to the hadron masses in vacumm, infinite nuclear matter properties and soft pion theorems. At high densities the appearance of density isomers cannot be ruled out and extrapolation to finite temperature exhibits a first order phase transition at T≈150MeVT \approx 150 MeV. The predicted dropping baryon masses lead to drastically changed particle ratios compared to ideal gas calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of the 15th Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC 99), Uppsala, Sweden, June 10-16, 199

    An Unobscured type II quasar candidate: SDSS J012032.19-005501.9

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    We report the finding of an unobscured type II Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) candidate, SDSS J012032.19-005501.9 at a relatively high redshift of 0.601,which shows a number of unusual properties. It varies significantly on timescales of years as typical type I AGNs and marginally on timescales of weeks. The color-magnitude relation and the structure function are also consistent with that of type I AGNs, which imply that its variability likely originates from the black hole accretion system .However, no broad emission line is detected in the SDSS spectrum, and the upper limit of the equivalent width of the Hβ\rm \beta broad emission line is much less than that of type I AGNs. These properties suggest that SDSS J012032.19-005501.9 may be an unobscured quasar without broad emission lines intrinsically, namely an unobscured type II AGN or "true" type II AGN. Furthermore, its continuum luminosity is at least one order of magnitude fainter than the average value of thepast century expected from the [OIII] emission line. It indicates that SDSS J012032.19-005501.9 may be switching off. Additional possible scenarios to explain this intriguing source are also discussed. Future deep observations at multi-wavelengths are needed to reveal the nature of this peculiar and intriguing AGN.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Ground-State Fidelity and Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Transition for Spin 1/2 Heisenberg Chain with Next-to-the-Nearest-Neighbor Interaction

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    The Kosterlitz-Thouless transition for the spin 1/2 Heisenberg chain with the next-to-the-nearest-neighbor interaction is investigated in the context of an infinite matrix product state algorithm, which is a generalization of the infinite time-evolving block decimation algorithm [G. Vidal, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{98}, 070201 (2007)] to accommodate both the next-to-the-nearest-neighbor interaction and spontaneous dimerization. It is found that, in the critical regime, the algorithm automatically leads to infinite degenerate ground-state wave functions, due to the finiteness of the truncation dimension. This results in \textit{pseudo} symmetry spontaneous breakdown, as reflected in a bifurcation in the ground-state fidelity per lattice site. In addition, this allows to introduce a pseudo-order parameter to characterize the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hamiltonian type Lie bialgebras

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    We first prove that, for any generalized Hamiltonian type Lie algebra LL, the first cohomology group H1(L,L⊗L)H^1(L,L \otimes L) is trivial. We then show that all Lie bialgebra structures on LL are triangular.Comment: LaTeX, 16 page

    Higgs for Graviton: Simple and Elegant Solution

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    A Higgs mechanism for gravity is presented, where four scalars with global Lorentz symmetry are employed. We show that in the broken symmetry phase a graviton absorbs all scalars and become massive spin 2 particle with five degrees of freedom. The resulting theory is unitary and free of ghosts.Comment: 8 pages, References added. The decoupling of ghost state is analyzed in detail

    Density Dependent Hadron Field Theory

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    A fully covariant approach to a density dependent hadron field theory is presented. The relation between in--medium NN interactions and field--theoretical meson--nucleon vertices is discussed. The medium dependence of nuclear interactions is described by a functional dependence of the meson--nucleon vertices on the baryon field operators. As a consequence, the Euler--Lagrange equations lead to baryon rearrangement self--energies which are not obtained when only a parametric dependence of the vertices on the density is assumed. It is shown that the approach is energy--momentum conserving and thermodynamically consistent. Solutions of the field equations are studied in the mean--field approximation. Descriptions of the medium dependence in terms of the baryon scalar and vector density are investigated. Applications to infinite nuclear matter and finite nuclei are discussed. Density dependent coupling constants obtained from Dirac--Brueckner calculations with the Bonn NN-potentials are used. Results from Hartree calculations for energy spectra, binding energies and charge density distributions of 16O^{16}O, 40,48Ca^{40,48}Ca and 208Pb^{208}Pb are presented. Comparisons to data strongly support the importance of rearrangement in a relativistic density dependent field theory. Most striking is the simultanuous improvement of charge radii, charge densities and binding energies. The results indicate the appearance of a new "Coester line" in the nuclear matter equation of state.Comment: 48 LateX pages, 12 Figures, figures and full paper are available as postscript files by anonymous ftp at ftp://theorie.physik.uni-giessen.de/dd
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