122 research outputs found

    Physical properties of synthetic bedding materials for free-stall dairy cow

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    Rest is a prerequisite for the well-being of cows and they spend 40–50% of the time lying down. In this study the basic physical properties, the friction coefficient, heat flux as a function of time and softness of the bedding materials were measured. The heat flux to the bedding was shown to be large enough to affect the cow’s heat balance. The friction coefficients of most of the tested materials were not within the recommended 0.3–0.5. However, the friction values are only indicative, as the material and the shape of the arti- ficial hoof were not identical to natural hooves. There were also differences of almost an order of magnitude in the softness (Young’s modulus) of the mats. Demands for softness vary according to the type of building and cow’s physical condition, for instance a cow with an injured leg needs softer bedding. The properties of mats and beds varied considerably and the various properties did not correlate with each other. More information is needed concerning these values to animal welfare and health in order to be able to make recommendations of different physical material characteristics in different climate and housing conditions

    Pyörätraktorit 1981

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    Erip.: Koneviesti ; 1981, 4

    Field bioenergy in Finland, possibilities and challenges

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    Challenges for field bioenergy research: analysis methods, decrease of fossil energy consumption, if energy plants are used, 'waste' utilization, cultivation method, biofuel or biofuel raw material production on farms, changes in agricultural product prices and markets, new fuels

    Database of Agricultural Machines

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    vokMyynti MTT/VAKOLA puh. (09) 224 25

    Reduction of exhaust emissions from small utility engines

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    Julkaisu on samalla VTT:n julkaisu Mobile 210T-2vokMyynti MTT/VAKOLA puh. (09) 224 251Avgasutsläpp från småmotore

    Energiansäästö viljankuivauksessa

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    Tutkimus maataloustraktorin tärinästä ja heilunnasta

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    Tutkimus maataloustraktorin vetovoimasta

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    Traktorin vetokoukun kuormitukset ja sijainti

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    The English version of the report rev. by Pekka Olkinuora. Tutkimus liittyy pohjoismaiseen projektiin NKJ-42 [= Nordiska kontaktsorgan för jordbruksforskare]

    The effect of ground profile and plough gauge wheel on ploughing work with a mounted plough

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    Kannessa ja nimiösivulla oleva julkaisuvuosi on virheellinen (1994), kuvailulehdellä (publication data) ja takakannessa oleva vuosi on todellinen julkaisu- ja painovuosi, 1995.vokKirjastoDiss. : Espoo : Helsinki University of Technology, 199
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