77 research outputs found

    Structure and Synthesis of Some Liverwort Metabolites

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    This thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter, which is a General Introduction, deals with (i) the nature of secondary metabolites and (ii) the terpenoids and aromatic constituents of the liverworts. Chapter 2 describes several efforts to synthesise a lunularic acid derivative which occurs in the liverwort Plagiochila spinulosa. A Wittig reaction of 2-nitroveratraldehyde and 4-methoxybenzyl phosphonium chloride afforded a mixture of stilbenes which on reduction gave 2-amino-3,4,4'-trimethoxybibenzyl. This amino-bibenzyl was subjected to a Sandmeyer reaction in the hope of producing 2-cyano-3,4,4'-trimethoxybibenzyl. Unfortunately, the desired compound was obtained only in very low yield. The major product was 3,5,6-trimethoxy- 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene, the result of a Pschorr cyclisation. A similar Wittig route was used to prepare 2- bromo-3,4,4'-trimethoxybibenzyl. Attempts at carboxylation resulted only In debromination. Chapter 3 concerns a discussion of the constituents of Plagiochila spinulosa. Five dihydrophenanthrene derivatives were isolated together with methyl 2-methyl-3,4-methylene-dioxy-6-methoxybenzoate and an unusual natural product spinuloplagin B which is a diterpenoid-bibenzyl conjugate. A synthesis of 2-hydroxy-3,7-dimethoxy-9,10,-dihydrophen-anthrene is also described. The final chapter considers the metabolites of Frullania tamarisci. In addition to the known compounds (-) frullanolide and tamariscol, a new dimeric sesquiterpenoid lactone was isolated

    Growth hormone deficiency during young adulthood and the benefits of growth hormone replacement

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    Until quite recently, the management of children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) had focussed on the use of recombinant human GH (rhGH) therapy to normalise final adult height. However, research over the past two decades that has demonstrated deficits in bone health and cardiac function, as well as impaired quality of life in adults with childhood-onset GHD (CO-GHD), has questioned this practice. Some of these studies suggested that there may be short-term benefits of rhGH in certain group of adolescents with GHD during transition, although the impact of GHD and replacement during the transition period has not been adequately investigated and its long-term benefits remain unclear. GH therapy remains expensive and well-designed long-term studies are needed to determine the cost effectiveness and clinical benefit of ongoing rhGH during transition and further into adulthood. In the absence of compelling data to justify widespread continuation of rhGH into adult life, there are several questions related to its use that remain unanswered. This paper reviews the effects of growth hormone deficiency on bone health, cardiovascular function, metabolic profile and quality of life during transition and young adulthood


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik, pola pengupahan penebangtebu dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produktivitas penebang tebu di PT. PG RajawaliII Unit PG Subang. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan pada 19 November 2013 - 14 Februari2014. Sampel yang diambil adalah 44 penebang tebu dengan tingkat eror 15 persen. Metodeanalisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda denganmenggunakan SPSS versi 20. Dari hasil analisis diketahui bahwa rata-rata pengeluaranpenebang tebu adalah Rp. 1.143.182,-per bulandengan penghasilan di luar usaha tebang tebusebesar Rp. 745.273,- per bulan.Secara rata-rata, usia penebang tebu adalah 46 tahun denganpengalaman penebang tebu 16 tahun dan tanggungan keluarga sebanyak 2 orang. Upahpenebang tebu diatur oleh mandor berdasarkan jumlah tebangan di wilayahnya masingmasing. Rata-rata pendapatan penebang per hari adalah sebesar adalah sebesar Rp. 27.416dengan rata-rata jam kerja 8,07 jam dan upah rata-rata perjam nya adalah Rp. 3.394,-.Pendapatan penebang tebu ini masih berada di bawah UMK Kabupaten Subang yaitu Rp.1.200.000. Nilai R2 dari hasil olah data adalah sebesar 0,884.Kata kunci : Produktivitas, Pola pengupahan, Penebang teb

    Assessment, Aviation Emission, International Law, Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations 2015.

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    Coping with the problem of expansion in aviation transportation with corresponding increase in volume of aviation emission and consequential environmental pollution has become a global issue. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the global body saddled with the responsibility of ensuring reduction in aviation emission created the International Standards Regulations known as Standards And Recommended Practices (ICAO SARPs) for the purpose of regulating aviation emission and achieving clean and sustainable environment. Accordingly all member states of ICAO are expected to adopt and implement the Standards Regulations in their respective states. The newly revised Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations 2015 is meant to ensure adequate reduction in aviation emission in Nigeria through effective adoption and implementation of ICAO’s International Standards Regulations on reduction of aviation emission. This paper assesses implementation of international law on reduction of aviation emission in the newly revised Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations 2015. It adopts doctrinal research method, relying on library based materials from primary and secondary sources. The paper observes that although the adoption of International Standards and Regulations on reduction of aviation emission has commenced in the Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations 2015, the process of actual implementation is yet to take good shape and become effective in Nigeria. Therefore, the paper recommends timely and effective implementation of International Standards and Regulations on reduction of aviation emission in the current Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations.Keywords: Assessment, Aviation Emission, International Law, Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations 2015

    Childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency and the transition to adulthood: current perspective

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    Childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency (CO-GHD) is an endocrine condition associated with a broad range of health issues from childhood through to adulthood, which requires particular attention during the transition period from adolescence to young adulthood. There is uncertainty in the clinical practice of the management of CO-GHD during transition regarding the clinical assessment and management of individual patients during and after transition to obtain optimal follow-up and improved health outcomes. Despite the availability of clinical guidelines providing the framework for transition of young adults with CO-GHD, there remains substantial variation in approaching transitional care among pediatric and adult services. A well-structured and coordinated transitional plan with clear communication and direct collaboration between pediatric and adult health care to ensure optimal management of adolescents with CO-GHD during transition is needed

    Contribution to the numerical modeling and simulation of multilayer heterojunction light-emitting diodes

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    Nitride-based semiconductor materials have wide energy band gap that can cover the spectrum between the deep ultraviolet and the infrared. Meaning that they can generate all the spectrum color in the visible region and they are almost universally used for making full color displays, white light (LED) and violet lasers. They emerged as the leading material in the optoelectronic technology. Their dominance have remained unchallenged until now. In this thesis, many structures of quantum wells light emitting diodes are designed, and simulated. They are a Green and violet SQW LEDs, dual color LEDs with two staked QWs using conventional structure, two vertically arranged SQW LED, and two laterally arranged SQW LED. Where, III-nitride materials are used. The structures have been numerically investigated using TCAD SILVACO-Atlas simulation software. The two last proposed structures have both three electrodes. This gives the opportunity to emit violet (410-420 nm) or green (561-562 nm) light individually. Furthermore, they can emit simultaneously mixture of both colors, and at certain mixture ratio, the white light is obtained with chromaticity coordinate close to the standard norm. In the structure, where a two (SQW) are vertically arranged, better mixture colors is obtained. In the structure, where (SQW) are laterally arranged, a reduction of the negative effect of photon absorption is obtained, which will give a good external quantum efficiency (EQE). The two last designed structures have a big importance in the application of the solid-state lighting, especially for white and multicolor light generatio

    Financial Performance of Islamic Banks in Turkey and the United Kingdom: A Comparative Study

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    Islamic banks are financial institutions just like conventional banks. However, Islamic banks do not deal with interest and are based on participation. These institutions raise funds and employ them within the scope of Islamic (Shariah) principles where the bank and the depositor share the business, thus sharing the profits and losses. This paper focuses on making a comparative between three Islamic banks in Turkey and five Islamic banks in the United Kingdom in terms of financial performance. More so, it aims to investigate whether or not Islamic banks in Turkey are more profitable, less risky, liquid, operationally efficient, and have a good management quality compared to the Islamic banks in UK. The time span used in this study is one period. The period is four years from 2013 until 2016. Our study used time series data (pooled Least Squares) (PLS) as panel regression on nine financial ratios (CAMEL) to examine the financial performance of these banks according to their profitability, Capital adequacy, Asset quality (riskiness and solvency), Management quality, Earning diversification (operationally efficient), and Liquidity. However, our results are insignificant for UK and significant in Turkey in terms of asset quality and management quality

    Community Development and Human Security Challenges of Begging in Iraq

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    الامن الانساني وجد من اجل الانسان لصون حقوقه وسعادته في مجتمع يسمو فيه العدالة الاجتماعية والتنمية المستدامة ومن دعائم الحفاظ على تماسك الاسرة لرعاية اثمارها الاطفال، وان علاقة الانسان مرتبط بمقومات التنمية المجتمعية واقتصاد البلد لانه قابل للتطور والتغير ومتاثر بالازمات لذلك لابد لنا من التركيز على مظاهر الشريد والتسول في المجتمع العراقي واسبابه ومشاركة الحكومة لوضع استراتيجية للحد من البطالة والفقر وتكوين قاعدة بيانات عن العنف الاسري لقصور التشريعات الوطنية لردع جرائم التسول والعمل على تاهيل المشردين واندماجهم في المجتمع.Human security was found for the sake of human being to protect his rights and happiness in a society in which social justice and sustainable development is elevated and is one of the pillars of preserving the family cohesion for the child welfare. Human connection is related to the foundation of social development and country’s economy because it’s progressive, changeable and affected by crises. So, we have to focus on vagrantly manifestation and poverty in Iraqi society, its causes and the government’s involvement to develop Begging in Iraqi society and its causes, and the government’s involvement to develop a strategy to reduce unemployment and poverty, and to create a database on domestic violence due to the inadequacy of national legislation to deter begging crimes, and to work to rehabilitate and integrate displaced persons into society

    Bone health and body composition of children and adolescents with growth hormone deficiency

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    Childhood onset growth hormone deficiency (CO-GHD) may contribute to low bone mass and alterations to body composition. This thesis consists of a series of studies utilising dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), peripheral quantitative computerized tomography (pQCT) and biochemical assessment of bone health and body composition of CO-GHD. In addition, metabolic profiles, glucose metabolism as well as quality of life have been studied in these subjects. Furthermore, an interventional study of weight bearing exercise (WBE) was performed to explore its role in influencing the bone health of children and adolescents with CO-GHD. Chapter 1, relevant literature reviews explore: bone structure, growth, development and strength; GH/IGF-1 system and its actions; CO-GHD and its impacts during childhood and transition; and WBE and its mechanism and impacts on bone health. Chapter 2 presents the rationale and specific aims of this thesis. Chapter 3, a retrospective multicentre review of management of young adults with CO-GHD in four paediatric centres in Scotland during transition. Medical records of 130 eligible CO-GHD adolescents (78 males), who attained final height between 2005-2013 were reviewed. Of the 130, 74/130(57%) had GH axis re-evaluation by stimulation tests /IGF-1 measurements. Of those, 61/74(82%) remained GHD with 51/74(69%) restarting adult rhGH. Predictors of persistent GHD included an organic hypothalamic-pituitary disorder and multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies (MPHD). Despite clinical guidelines, there was significant variation in the management of CO-GHD in young adulthood across Scotland. Chapter 4, a cross-sectional control study of bone DXA measurements in (n=21) subjects with CO-GHD treated with rhGH and had attained final height from 2005 to 2013 in a single tertiary paediatric centre compared to (n= 21) heights /age matched healthy controls. By applying different models of DXA adjustment, our analysis revealed lower TB-BMC for bone area in males with CO-GHD and lower LS-BMAD SDS in females with CO-GHD compared to matched controls. In addition, subjects with CO-GHD had lower LM for height and higher FM for height compared to controls, and this was more pronounced in males than females (p=0.04). The time of onset and aetiology of CO-GHD have a larger influence on accrual of bone mass in these patients. These findings indicate that adolescents with CO-GHD have a low bone mass, despite prior long term rhGH replacement therapy. In chapter 5, we investigated bone health of subjects with CO-GHD at time of initial evaluation and retesting at final height. A total of 25 children (first time assessment group) undergoing GH stimulation tests for investigation of short stature (naive GHD-15, normal-10), and 11adolescents with CO-GHD (retesting group) undergoing biochemical re-evaluation at final height after withdrawal of rhGH therapy (persistent GHD-7, GH-sufficient-4) were recruited from Royal Hospital for Children between 2012-2013. By using further bone health assessment methods in addition to DXA (including p.QCT, mechanography, bone profiles and biomarkers), the bone density and body composition did not differ when we compared GHD to matched height but normal GH at initial evaluation and retesting. However, naive GHD had lower muscle force as assessed by mechanography compared to the normal. In addition, bone resorption biomarker CTX was significantly higher in naive GHD vs. normal and that was significantly correlated to PTH levels in both first time assessment and retesting groups. Our results suggest that muscle force and serum PTH may be important determinants of bone health in subjects with CO-GHD. Chapter 6 investigates lipids, adipokines (leptin- adiponectin- resistin) and glucose homeostasis and their relationship with bone and body composition in children and adolescents with CO-GHD at times of initial evaluation and retesting at final height (same population as chapter 5). Lipid profiles, adipokines and glucose homeostasis were not different between those with GHD and those who had normal GH levels across the groups of first time assessment and retesting. In the retesting group, those who were older at the time of diagnosis of CO-GHD with a shorter duration of rhGH therapy were more likely to have higher cholesterol(r=0.9, p<0.001), leptin (r=0.8, p<0.001), and lower osteoclacin (r=-0.7, p=0.01) at final height. Leptin levels correlated positively with osteocalcin at diagnosis (r=0.51, p=0.01) but inversely at retesting (r=-0.91, p<0.01). The conclusion was that the timing and duration of childhood rhGH therapy might influence adiposity parameters and bone metabolism in subjects with CO-GHD. In chapter 7 the study participants of chapter 5 were asked to complete either Short Form-36 (SF-36) or Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency Assessment (AGHDA) quality of life (QoL) questionnaires at the time of assessment of their GH axis. Our analysis showed that the overall QoL was not altered in children with naive GHD with a total score of SF-36 [93 (77, 96) naive GHD vs. 90 (84, 93) normal, P=0.56] (higher scores reflect better QoL). However, naive GHD had less energy and vitality scores compared with normal (75 (65, 100) vs. 95 (65,100) respectively, p=0.04), when the normal scored lower in the subscale of emotional well-being compared to those with naive GHD (78 (55, 84) vs. 90 (68, 96) respectively, p<0.001). In the retesting group, those with persistent GHD scored better in the AGHDA than GH sufficient (6 points (2, 8) vs. 9 points (7, 17) respectively, though not significant (p= 0.10) (higher scores reflect poorer QoL). Unexpectedly, subscale analysis showed that GH-sufficient subjects significantly lacked energy and complained of tiredness compared to those who were confirmed to have persistent GHD (5 points (3, 6) vs. 1 point (0, 1) respectively, p= 0.03). Further studies to validate QoL specific instruments in this population are needed with greater insight to elucidate factors that modify the relationship between GH status and QoL in children and adolescents. Chapter 8 was a prospective intervention, randomised controlled study of 14 subjects among the first time assessment group (GHD-10, normal-4) and five subjects with CO-GHD among retesting group (persistent GHD-4, GH-sufficent-1). Subjects were randomised into either an exercise intervention group (EX) (25 jumps off 25 cm platform step/ three days /week for six months) or a control, in addition to rhGH being prescribed. The results of this study were limited by the small sample size and poor compliance. Therefore, there were insufficient data to recommend the use of weight bearing exercise in the absence of rhGH in children and adolescents with CO-GHD. Further studies with adequate sample size that can more rigorously exam the optimal exercise interventions are needed. Chapter 9 discusses the main findings of each chapter in this thesis and outlines potential limitations of the thesis methodology, and some important and interesting areas for future research in children and adolescents with CO-GHD

    Achieving the Housing Objective of Millennium Development Goals (MDGS): The Promise of Co-operative Housing

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    One of the targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is to achieve a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by the year 2020. Nigeria’s commitment to this Declaration has led to a plethora of economic reforms that address housing inadequacy and other development challenges. Among these is a policy shift from direct government participation to private sector participation in housing delivery. Several studies have, however, shown that, despite all these reforms, a great proportion of its population still lives in substandard and poor houses and in deplorable, unsanitary residential environments. The objective of this paper is to review some of these strategies vis-à-vis the socio-economic context of the nation’s polity with a view to finding the reasons they have not delivered as expected. The incompatibility of the market-driven reforms with the social and cultural needs and aspirations of Nigeria society was identified as a major impediment to housing delivery in the country. The paper contends that housing problem as a social good or service will remain intractable if its production is still controlled by the market forces. It then concludes by advocating cooperative approach to housing delivery and the management, maintenance and revitalization of the existing housing stocks. Keywords: Cooperative housing, Millennium Development Goals, Public Private Partnership, Slum dwellers, Social capita