68 research outputs found

    The Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation on the Rat Brain: An Experimental Study

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    AIM: The aim of this study is to determine the structural changes of electromagnetic waves in the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum. MATERIAL and METHODS: 24 Wistar Albino adult male rats were randomly divided into four groups: group I consisted of control rats, and groups II-IV comprised electromagnetically irradiated (EMR) with 900, 1800 and 2450 MHz. The heads of the rats were exposed to 900, 1800 and 2450 MHz microwaves irradiation for 1h per day for 2 months. RESULTS: While the histopathological changes in the frontal cortex and brain stem were normal in the control group, there were severe degenerative changes, shrunken cytoplasm and extensively dark pyknotic nuclei in the EMR groups. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that the Total Antioxidative Capacity level was significantly decreased in the EMR groups and also Total Oxidative Capacity and Oxidative Stress Index levels were significantly increased in the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum. IL-1 beta level was significantly increased in the EMR groups in the brain stem. CONCLUSION: EMR causes to structural changes in the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum and impair the oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokine system. This deterioration can cause to disease including loss of these areas function and cancer development.Turkish Neurosurgery Society Scientific Research CommitteeThis study was supported by the Turkish Neurosurgery Society Scientific Research Committee. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper

    Hemiplejik serebral palsili çocukların üst ekstremitelerinin sağlam tarafı da gelişim geriliği gösterir

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda çocuklarda hemiplejik serebral palsi’nin HSP neden olduğu üst ekstremite gelişim geriliğinin antropometrik yöntemlerle incelenmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmamızda Etik Kurul onayı alınarak 5-12 yaşlarındaki 32 HSP’li çocuk ile 40 normal çocuğun üst ekstremiteleri antropometrik set ile ölçülerek karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: HSP’li çocukların sağlam taraf omuz eklemi, kol, dirsek eklemi, ön kol ve el bilek eklemi çevresi; üst ekstremite, kol, ön kol, el ve el ayası uzunluğu; dirsek eklemi, el bilek eklemi ve el genişliği değerleri HSP’li çocukların plejik tarafına göre anlamlı derecede fazlaydı. Normal çocukların omuz eklemi, kol, dirsek eklemi, ön kol ve el bilek eklemi çevresi; üst ekstremite, kol, ön kol, el ve el ayası uzunluğu; dirsek eklemi, el bilek eklemi ve el genişliği değerleri HSP’li çocukların plejik taraf ölçümlerine göre anlamlı derecede yüksekti. Normal çocukların dirsek eklemi ve ön kol çevresi; el ve el ayası uzunluğu; dirsek eklemi, el bilek eklemi ve el metakarpallerden genişliği değerleri HSP’li çocukların sağlam tarafına göre anlamlı derecede yüksekti. Sonuç: Antropometrik ölçümler HSP’li çocukların plejik taraf üst ekstremitelerinin sağlam tarafa göre, normal çocuklarla karşılaştırdığımızda ise hem plejik hem de sağlam taraflarının daha az geliştiğini göstermektedir. HSP’li çocukların az gelişmiş plejik taraflarını kullanamamaları günlük yaşam aktivitelerini de kısıtlayarak sağlam tarafta da kas ve kemik gelişim geriliğine sebep olmaktadır. Erken teşhis ve rehabilitasyon ile bu fark azaltılabili

    Aorta abdominalis ve dallari: Otopsi olgularında morfometri ve varyasyonları]

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    Aim: Knowing the morphology of abdominal aorta (AA) and its branches are important as regards to diagnosis and surgical treatment. The aims of this study were to a) make morphometric measurements of AA and its branches, b) to investigate sites of the origins of the branches and their relationships and variations, and c) to compare the results with literature.Method: Ninety-five AA which had been removed in autopsies were measured with caliper morphometrically to determine diameters of branches and distances between branches. Possible variation of the vessels were investigated and photographed.Result: It was found that diameters of celiac trunk (CT), superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) were 6.43±1.59 mm, 7.38±1.67 mm and 3.61±0.72 mm respectively. The distances between CT and aortic bifurcation (AB), CT and SMA, SMA and IMA, IMA and AB were 107.21±11.46 mm, 14.34±2.67 mm, 57.76±8.04 mm, 35.20±7.41 mm respectively. Numerous variations were observed during the study. These variations involved inferior phrenic artery (single trunk arising from CT, 4.2%), renal artery-RA (duplicated right RA 9.5%, duplicated left RA 4.2%, bilaterally duplicated 3.1%, %16.8 total multiple RA), gonadal arteries-GA (single GA, 1%), lumbar arteries-LA (3 pairs of LA 11.5%, 3rd or 4th LA arising as single trunk 3.1%) and median sacral artery (agenesis 2.1%). Conclusion: Knowledge of morphology of AA and its branches is important in regards to the diagnosis, surgical treatment and endovascular interventions of these vessels. We think our study will contribute to the medical education and clinical medicine in our country

    Harfli ifadeler ve denklemler konusunun oyun ve bulmacalarla öğrenilmesinin öğrencilerin matematik başarı düzeylerine etkisi

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    HARFLİ İFADELER VE DENKLEMLER KONUSUNUN OYUN VE BULMACALARLA ÖĞRENİLMESİNİN ÖĞRENCİLERİN MATEMATİK BAŞARI DÜZEYLERİNE ETKİSİ Bu araştırmada oyun ve bulmacalarla işlenen matematik dersinin ilköğretim 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin başarı ve kalıcılık düzeylerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, öğrencilerin matematik başarılarından ön bilgilerinin, kullanılan öğretim yönteminin, öğrencilerin matematik dersine olan tutumlarının etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın evreni, 2005 – 2006 eğitim-öğretim yılı İstanbul ili Gaziosmanpaşa ilçesi Boğazköy okulunda okuyan tüm 8. sınıf öğrencileridir. Araştırmanın örneklemini 8-A sınıfında okuyan 44 öğrenci ile 8-B sınıfında okuyan 46 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada öğrencilerin 8. sınıf matematik derslerinde harfli ifadeler ve denklemler konularında oyun ve bulmacalarla öğretim yönteminin akademik başarıya ve hatırlamaya etkisi ile oyun ve bulmacalarla öğretim yönteminin öğrencilerin matematik dersine karşı tutumunu nasıl etkilediğini ölçmek amacıyla; “Matematiksel Başarı Testi” (ön test), “Harfli İfadeler ve Denklemler Testi” (son test) ve Tutum Ölçeğinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma deneme modelinde olup, 8. sınıf “Harfli İfadeler ve Denklemler” ünitesi boyunca devam etmiştir. Uygulama başlamadan önce deney ve kontrol gruplarına ön test ve matematik tutum ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Deney grubunda dersler oyun ve bulmacalarla öğretim yöntemi, kontrol grubunda ise dersler düz anlatım yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın bitiminde her iki gruba son test ve matematik tutum ölçeği testi uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca çalışmanın bitiminden 6 hafta sonra kalıcılık testi uygulanmış ve yapılan etkinliklerin başarıya, matematik tutumuna ve kalıcılığa etkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmesinde Kolmogorov - Smirnov testi ve t-testinden faydalanılmıştır. ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF MATHEMATICS SUCCES LEVEL OF THE STUDENTS OF SUBJECT OF THE EXPLANATIONS WITH LETTER AND EQUATIONS LEARNING WITH GAMES AND WORD PUZZLE In this research the effect of the mathematics lesson that working with game and word puzzle to the primary school 8th class student succes and permanancy levels are searched. In addition, the effect of students previous acknowledgment teaching methods that are used, student’ attidudes towards the lesson are researched. The cosmos of the research is all the students of, 8th classes in Boğazköy Elemantary School in Gaziosmanpaşa / İstanbul in 2005 – 2006 education teaching year. The sample of the researh is consisted of 44 students in class 8/A and 46 students in class 8/B. In the research Mathematical succes test (pre – test ), explanations with letter and equations test (final test) and attitude test are beneffited from in order to measure the effect of game and word puzzels method by teaching, explanatinos with letter and equations, the subjects of mathematics in 8th class students, on academic succes and remembrance and how the game and word puzzels method effects attitudes of students towards mathematics. The research is of experiment model and continued during explanations with letter and equations unit. Before the application, a preliminary test and Maths Attitude Test were applicated to both experimental and control groups. The lessons in the experimental group were carried out in the learning with game and word puzzels method while the lessons fort the control group were carried out in the traditional teaching method. At the end of the study both groups are given an end test and Mathematics Attitude test. In addition, they were given a memory test 6 weeks after the study ended. In this way the effects of the activites on the succes attitudes towards Maths and memory of students were evaluated. In the statistical evaluation of the data, we have used Kolmogorov - Simirnov Test and t – test

    Hizmet işletmelerinde pazar yönlülük ve Türk bankacılık sektörü işletme uygulamalarının değerlendirilmesi: Isparta ili merkezli bir uygulama

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    Bu tezin amacı, pazar yönlülük kavramının Türkiye ve dünyadaki seyrini incelemek ve Türkiye bankacılık sektöründe pazar yönlülük kavramının algılayış ve uygulanışını belirlemektir. Araştırmada Kohli ve Jaworski'nin pazar yönlülük ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin güvenilirliği test edilmiştir. Bu amaçla Isparta merkezdeki bankalarına yönelik anket formu düzenlenmiştir. Anketler Isparta merkezde faaliyet gösteren 17 bankanın üst düzey yöneticilerine uygulanmıştır. Kohli ve Jaworski ölçeğinin pazar yönlülüğü oluşturan bileşenleri olan; pazar bilgisinin oluşumu, pazar bilgisinin yayılması ve pazara hızlı tepki bileşenleri arasında regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Yapılan regresyon analizinde ise, pazar bilgisinin yayılması ve pazara hızlı tepki bileşenlerinin, pazar bilgisinin oluşumu bileşeni tarafından yüksek oranda açıklandığı görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Pazar Yönlülük, Hizmet İşletmeleri, Müşteri Odaklılık, Bankacılık.\ud The purpose of this thesis, the concept of market orientation and Turkey, and Turkey in the world to examine the course of the banking sector, market orientation to determine the implementation of the concept of perception and. Versatility and market scale Jaworski'nin Araştırmada Kohl was used. Scale reliability was tested. For this purpose, Turkey (Isparta) questionnaire is designed for banks. Polls at the center operating in Isparta 17 is applied to the bank's senior managers. Moreover, the market scale Kohli and Jarworski of its constituent components Jaworski is, the formation of market information, market information and the spread between the market reaction to the rapid regression analysis was made. As a result of survey research has found reliable. Configure the regression analysis, and dissemination of market information and market components of rapid reaction, the formation of market information component has been described by the high percentage. Keywords: Market Orientation, Service Firms, Customer Orientation, Banking

    Sıçanda antihipertansif olarak deli bal kullanımı

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    Background: Mad honey (Deli hat in Turkish) is obtained from Rhododendron ponticum which grows extensively on the mountains of Eastern Black Sea Region in Turkey. Excessive intake of this honey causes intoxication due to its grayanotoxins, hence the name 'mad honey’. ‘Mad honey’ is used in traditional medicine by Eastern Black Sea people and is recommended for the cure of certain disease, especially hypertension. In this study, we aimed to investigate the antihypertensive effects of'mad honey’ in hypertensive rats. Methods: The blood pressure and heart rate of JV'“-nitro-L- arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) induced hypertensive rats were recorded by a data acquisition system (Powerlab 8SP®). After this, ‘mad honey’ (10 and 50 mg/kg dosage) was administered for 14 days by gavage feeding, at the end of which the measurements were repeated. Results: It was found that the 'mad honey’ treatment de-creased the blood pressure and heart rate in L-NAME in-duced hypertensive rats. Conclusion: It is speculated that the grayanotoxins of 'mad honey’ decrease the blood pressure by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. On the basis of this effect, we hypothesize that mad honey may be used as an antihypertensive agent in hypertensive patients.Background: Mad honey (Deli hal in Turkish) is obtai ned from Rhododendron ponticum which grows extensively on the mountains of Eastern Black Sea Region in Turkey. Excessive intake of this honey causes intoxic ation due to its grayanotox ins, hence the name 'mad honey'. ' Mad honey' is used in tradit ional medicine by Eastern Black Sea people and is recommended for the cure of certain disease. especia lly hyperten sion. In this study, we aimed to investigate the antihypertensive effect s of 'mad honey' in hypertensive rats. Me thods: The blood pressure and heart rate of N"-nitro-Larginin e methyl ester (L-NAM E) induced hypertensive rats were recorded by a data acquisition system (Powerlab 8SP"'). After this, 'mad honey' (10 and 50 rug/kg dosage) was admin istered for 14 days by gavage feeding, at the end of which the measurements were repeated . Results: It was fo und that the 'mad honey' treatmen t decreased the blood pressure and heart rate in L-NAM E induced hypertensive rats. Conclus ion: It is speculated that the grayanotox ins of 'mad honey' dec rease the blood pressure by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. On the basis of this effect , we hypothe size that mad honey may be used as an antihypertensive agent in hypertensive patients

    Relationship Between Psychological Attitude of Investors and Their Investment Behavior: A Case Study on ISE Investors

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    In financial circles, one of the most discussed and interested topics is the forecastability of stock prices. Many of the studies aiming at determining stock market prices rest on the fact that investors make their decisions rationally based on facts and data. In this paper, we aim to investigate the behavior of individual investors in ISE based on published literature in behavioral finance area. We have found that some psychological prejudice in fact affects the behavior of individual investors. Unlike the conventional assumptions many investors make systematic mistakes and do not utilize rational answers even though it is known. Moreover, media, friends and similar environmental factors also affect the investors’ choices, and processes that turns into herd behavior creating abnormalities in the markets which in turn causes exceptionally high or low reaction

    The Toxic Effects of Formaldehyde on the Nervous System

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