261 research outputs found

    Loss of identity in T.S. Eliot's poems selected poems

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    T. S. Eliot is often regarded as one of the best writers of the 20th century. The realities and pain of modern civilization after war are embodied in his creative works dealing with the aftermath of war and loss of identity, which earn him the Nobel prize in literature. There are several poems by this author that capture the experience of the contemporary man. There are three parts to this paper. The first part of this essay discusses the life and work of T. S. Eliot, the critical acclaim that his works have received, and the prestigious literary award that he has won. In the second part, we look at what makes contemporary poetry distinct. How T. S. Eliot enhances the characteristics that current poets employ to produce their poetry. The third section is a collection of Eliot's poems that reflect on and depict modern human life and the modern man's loss of identity, including "The Hollow Man," "The Waste Land," and "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," all of which were written after World War II. The poem "Prelude," which alludes to a musical overture to a contemporary day, is a perfect example. Eliot's poetry as a whole reflects the reality and sorrow of contemporary man's identity crisis. The study's conclusion summarizes its findings, which focused on how T.S. Eliot's poetry deals with themes of identity loss, the hardship of living, and solitude in the years after World War II

    Floral Abnormality of Bauhinia variegata Trees (Case study)

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    مقدمة: يعد الشذوذ الزهري من الظواهر الغريبة نادرة الحدوث, والتي تمنح شعبية وجاذبية لأزهار الزينة, بالرغم من أن أسبابه لازالت مصدراً لاختلاف الكثير من العلماء, لذا جاءت هذه الدراسة بهدف توثيق الشذوذ الزهري في أشجار خف الجمل Bauhinia variegate. طرق العمل: تم متابعة ومراقبة أشجار خف الجمل Bauhinia variegata لموسمي 2021-2022م في ثلاث مواقع بمدينة البيضاء- شرق ليبيا,وأرفقت بصور توضيحية في مواقع الدراسة. الاستنتاجات: بينت النتائج تسجيل نمط جديد لأزهار خف الجمل بعد حوالي 32عام من زراعتها في مدينة البيضاء-ليبيا بزيادة واضحة في عدد البتلات بلغت (6-7-8 بتلة) بشكل متراكب (مزدوج) أو متجاور بنسبة تصل إلى 20% لكل فرع, مع ظهور بتلتان مبرقشتان غالباً, ونادراً ما يختفي هذا التبرقش, كما أظهرت النتائج أيضا زيادة في عدد الأسدية, وظهور بعضها بشكل ثنائي ملتحم مع تحول أحدها إلى بتلة,  ويعتقد بأن الانخفاض الحاصل في درجات الحرارة خلال موسمي الدراسة هو السبب الكامن وراء ظهور هذا الشذوذ. Background: Floral abnormality is one of the strange and exceptional phenomena, which gives popularity and attractiveness to ornamental flowers, although its causes are still a source of disagreement among many scientists.This study was carried out with the aim of documenting floral abnormality in Bauhinia variegata trees for the first time worldwide. Materials and Methods: Bauhinia variegata trees were monitored and monitored for seasons 2021-2022 in three locations in the city of Al-Bayda - eastern Libya, and flower abnormalities were documented photographically.  Results: The results showed the registration of a new pattern of Bauhinia variegata after about 32 years of cultivation in of Al-Bayda city, libya with a clear increase in the number of petals (6-7-8 petals) superimposed (double) or contiguous, by up to 20% for each branch, with two petals often mottled, this mottled rarely disappears, the results also showed an increase in the number of stamens, and the emergence of some of them bilaterally incorporate with one of them turning into a petal. Conclusion: The cause of this abnormality is believed to be the drop in temperature during the two study seasons

    Employing the Poetic Witness in the Book of Happiness and the Ambassador of Benefit by Ilm al-Din al-Sakhawi (A Grammatical Study)

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    The study aims to collect and study the poetic evidence and clarify it according to the grammatical rule. The research discusses the employment of the poetic witness in the book of Al-Saad and the Safir Alifadah for Alm Al-Din Al-Sakhawi. Why did Al-Sakhawi employ this witness? How did he employ it? What is the purpose of this employment? How did he establish his argument in emphasizing the issue? And, how Al-Sakhawi employs the verse in a way that suits the grammatical rule. Al-Sakhawi raises the issue that is consistent with the rules of protest set by the grammarians and presented their opinions. In his views, he is close to the Baghdadi school, this school takes the opinions of scholars regardless of their sects, and the majority of the poetic verses mentioned by Al-Sakhawi, are unknown as to who said or quoted them. He returned to the grammarians of Kufa and Basra, using their books such as Al-Kisa'i, Al-Asma'i, Yunus bin Habib, and other grammarians. This research included two demands, the first requirement was the adverb and the second requirement was the herald. Keywords: the poetic witness, the travel of happiness, the ambassador of benefit, the science of religion Al-Sakhawi, the gramma


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    The chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts    of Mangifera indica seeds  were     subjected to preliminary    antimicrobial  activity against   two Gram- positive bacteria   (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus ) three Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris,  Pseudomonas aeruginosa  and two fungi, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans.The seeds chloroform and methanol extracts showed high activity   against   all organisms tested. The aqueous   extract showed high activity against both Gram-positive    organisms   and    one   Gram-negative bacteria namely Proteus vulgaris, low     activity     against Escherichia coli,  and was   inactive against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.   Therefore the active chloroform and  methanol extracts were further tested against sixty clinical ; Staphyllococcus aureus (n=15 ), Escherichia coli (n=15 ), Proteus vulgaris  (n=15 ) and  Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=15 ) and the aqueous extract was tested against thirty clinical isolates of Staphyllococcus aureus (n=15 ) and Proteus vulgaris  (n=15 ) collected randomly from  specimens from Sudanese patients.  The clinical isolates exhibited low susceptibility compared to the standard organisms. The standard organisms were tested against reference antibiotics (Ampicillin and Gentamicin). It was found that the chloroform extract of Mangifera indica seeds at 200 mg/ml was more effective than 20mg/ml Ampicillin and15ug/ml Gentamicin against the majority of the organisms tested.The methanol extract   at 200mg/ml was more effective than 40mg/ml Gentamicin against the organisms tested.The aqueous extract was more effective than 40mg/ml Ampicillin against the majority of the organisms tested. All  extracts were inactive against Aspergillus niger.Both chloroform and methanol extracts were active  against Candida albicans while the aqueous extract was inactive. Therefore C.albicans is more susceptible than A.niger.The chloroform extract inhibited C.albicans with inhibitory action between 25-50mg/ml  Nystatin and the methanol extract inhibited C.albicans with inhibitory action almost similar to 10mg /ml Clotrimazole.Therefore the high activity of the plant might justify its uses in traditional medicine

    Nutrition and Quality Properties of Low-calorie Cake Made by Low-calorie Fat Formula

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    اجريت هذه الدراسة لانتاج دهن منخفض السعرات الحرارية يتميز بالمواصفات الطبيعية للدهون التجارية وبخصائص مقبولة الجودة و استخدامها في اعداد كيك منخفض السعرات كبديل لدهون التقصير. تم تحضير نماذج دهون منخفضة السعرة عن طريق خلط شمع النحل المحلي مع زيت عباد الشمس بثلاث نسب مختلفة (25:75 ، 50:50 ، 75:25) على اساس الوزن .تم تقييم الخواص الفيزيائية و الكيميائية للعينات الثلاث اضافة الى الخصائص التغذوية والسعرية والحسية للكيك المحضر ومقارنتها بعينة السيطرة. هناك ارتفاع ملحوظ في خصائص نقطة الانصهار و قيمة البيروكسيد (P≤0.05 ) للعينات الثلاث اما بالنسبة لنتائج الاحماض الدهنية الحرة و قيمة الحامض فكانت اعلى في25:75 Aو 75:25 C  مقارنة بالعينة B 50:50.على عكس ذلك فانمستوى المزج 25:75Aكان لديه اعلى نقطة دخان. لا توجد اي فروقات معنوية (p>0.05) بالنسبة للخصائص الحسية فيما يتعلق بالطعم ، النكهة، اللون،النعومة، النسجة والاحساس بالفم اضافة الى المجموع الاجمالي. المحتويات الغذائية: الرماد ، البروتين ، الكربوهيدرات، وقيمة السعرات الحرارية جميعها تأثرت معنويا(P≤0.05). اما القيم المئوية لخفض السعرات الحرارية تأثرت معنويا و بشكل ملحوظ (P≤ 0.05) بالنسبة لجميع العينات.The present study was conducted to produce a low-calorie fat (LCF) characterized by normal specification of commercial fat and acceptable quality properties, to be used in making low calorie cakes with Low-calorie fat. The low- calorie fat formulated by blending of beeswax and sunflower oil in three different ratios (25:75, 50:50, 75:25) w/w. The physiochemical properties of Low-calorie fat and nutritional, caloric and sensory properties of prepared cakes were evaluated. The properties of melting point and peroxide value are significantly increased (P≤ 0.05) for the three formulated fats. While the values of free fatty acids and acid value, their values are higher in A25:75 and C 75:25 samples as compared with B 50:50 sample. Inversely, the blending level of 25:75 had a higher smoke point score. The sensory properties of prepared cakes all are  insignificant (p>0.05) for control A, B and C samples in terms of Taste, Favor, Crumb color, Crumb softness, texture and overall score. A nutritional content sash, protein, carbohydrate, caloric value, caloric decreasing percentage values are significantly (P≤ 0.05) influenced by control, A, B and C samples. The caloric value of all cake samples is significantly (P≤ 0.05) decreased with respect to control sample

    Novel steganography scheme using Arabic text features in Holy Quran

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    With the rapid growth of the Internet and mobile devices, the need for hidden communications has significantly increased. Steganography is a technique introduced for establishing hidden communication, Most steganography techniques have been applied to audio, images, videos, and text. Many researchers used steganography in Arabic texts to take advantage of adding, editing or changing letters or diacritics, but lead to notable and suspicious text. In this paper, we propose two novel steganography algorithms for Arabic text using the Holy Quran as cover text. The fact that it is forbidden to add, edit or change any letter or diacritics in the Holy Quran provides the valuable feature of its robustness and difficulty as a cover in steganography. The algorithms hide secret messages elements within Arabic letters benefiting from the existence of sun letters (Arabic: ḥurūf shamsīyah) and moon letters (ḥurūf qamarīyah). Also, we consider the existence of some Arabic language characteristics represented as small vowel letters (Arabic Diacritics). Our experiments using the proposed two algorithms demonstrate high capacity for text files. The proposed algorithms are robust against attack since the changes in the cover text are imperceptible, so our contribution offers a more secure algorithm that provides good capacity

    Rare presentation of chronic ileocecal intussusception secondary to Burkitt’s lymphoma in three years Sudanese boy: a case report and literature review

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    A case report of chronic ileocecal intussusceptions in 3-years old Sudanese boy diagnosed as abdominal Burkett's lymphoma as leading point, who presented to his local hospital severely wasted with prolonged abdominal symptoms. Ultra sound and computed tomographic scan of his abdomen and pelvis with oral contrast confirmed intussusception. He was referred to pediatric surgical department and underwent laparotomy confirming ileocecal intussusception with resection of gangrenous part of his large and small bowel with end-to-end anastomosis. Histopathology of resected part showed infiltration of small bowel with cells of Burkett's lymphoma. This case highlights the importance of considering chronic intussusception, though rare, as a cause of faltering growth in young children with prolonged abdominal symptoms. The multidisplinary approach was highly appreciated and the outcome was satisfactory

    Enhancing performance for three-phase induction motor by changing the magnetic flux density and core material using COMSOL

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    This paper presents a proposed design and analysis of a three-phase squirrel cage induction motor when changing of internal characteristic design for the three-phase induction motor. Two situations have been applied to enhancing the performance of the three-phase induction motor. The first situation has been implemented by changing the magnetic flux density (MFD) via the build of the six-phase for the same induction motor. The second situation has been implemented by changing core materials of the rotor part of the induction motor, like aluminum (AL) and cast iron (CI). The finite element method (FEM) has been used to analyze the rotor part, also to obtain the representation and simulation of the realty cylindrical rotor part of motor. The frequency domain (FD) analysis using to obtain the results within the environment of the COMSOL multiphysics 5.5 version

    Expression of E-cadherin, N-cadherin, and Cytokeratin 18 and 19 in Placentas of Women with Severe Preeclampsia

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    BACKGROUND: Although the exact mechanism leading to preeclampsia is not fully understood, abnormal trophoblast invasion contributes to its pathogenesis. Keratins and cadherin are known to play roles in the regulation of trophoblast proliferation. However, studies describing the association between keratins, cadherin, and preeclampsia are limited. AIM: The current study was conducted to investigate the association of these proteins with severe preeclampsia in Sudanese women. METHODS: A case–control study was conducted at Madani Maternity Hospital, Sudan. The cases included women with severe preeclampsia (n = 56) and healthy pregnant women as controls (n = 56). The assessment of keratin and cadherin was performed using immunohistochemical staining. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the two groups in their mean age or parity. We found no significant differences in the expression of the markers E-cadherin, N-cadherin, or cytokeratin 18 and 19 in the placentas from individuals with preeclampsia versus controls. The number of placentas with severe preeclampsia versus controls expressing the E-cadherin, N-cadherin, cytokeratin 18, and cytokeratin 19 markers was 46 (82.1%) versus 46 (82.1%) (p = 0.988), 54 (96.4%) versus 48 (85.7%) (p = 0.121), 4 (7.1%) versus 0 (0%) (p = 0.126), and 11 (19.6%) versus 11 (19.6%) (p = 0.532), respectively. There was also no significant difference in the intensity of staining of these four markers (Ecadherin, N-cadherin, and cytokeratin 18 and 19) between severe preeclampsia and control placentas. CONCLUSION: Together, these results indicate that in this setting, the expression of E-cadherin, N-cadherin, CK18, and CK19 is not associated with severe preeclampsia

    Concrete Beams Strengthened with Jute Fibers

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    Nowadays, the reinforcement of concrete with natural fibers can consider being an effectual scheme to achieve the global demand for sustainable development. Due to sustainability, bio degradability, and environmental friendly, natural fibers are preferred as compared to synthetic fibers. The present study investigated the effect of width and thickness of jute fiber strips on the mechanical properties of reinforced concrete beams (RC beams). The experimental program consisted testing of twenty-four RC beams (150*150*1000 mm) comprised of four groups. The first group consisted of three reference RC beams, the second group consisted of three RC beams strengthened longitudinally with carbon fiber strip (CFRP) of 15 cm width, the third group included nine RC beams strengthened longitudinally with one layer of jute fiber strips (JFRP) having variable width, 5, 10, and 15 cm, and lastly the fourth group which was same as the third group except using double layer of jute fiber strips. Generally, the results showed that toughness, ultimate flexural strength, and load carrying capacity of RC beams strengthened with JFRP were increased with the increase of the strip width and thickness. On the other hand, ductility and stiffness were decreased with the increase of the strip width. Test results showed that load carrying capacity was improved by 5.56 and 11.1% for one layer of jute fiber strips of 5 and 15 cm width respectively as compared with the reference specimens. On the other hand, the load carrying capacity was improved by 3.95 and 8.75 % for two layers of jute fiber strips of 10 and 15 cm width respectively as compared with the one layer strengthened specimens. Concerning the CFRP strengthening, the load carrying capacity was improved by 77.76% as compared with the reference specimens.