271 research outputs found

    The Effect of PT Link and Waterbath Antigenic Retrieval Procedures On The Expression of Common Receptors In Breast Cancer Cases

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    Background: Antigen retrieval (AR) techniques play a major role in determining the quality and functional state of tissue proteins recovered from formalin fixed paraffin embedded blocks (FFPEB). Different techniques are used each with its merits and drawbacks.Materials and Method: FFPEB from cases diagnosed as breast cancer were examined for the expression of estrogen- receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2 by immunohistochemical techniques using two different AR methods.Results: Fifty cases, 49 were from females, the age ranged from 28–85 years were examined. The expression of ER using water bath and PT link (pretreatment system) as antigen retrieval methods was equal, both methods showed 20(40%) positive cases and 30(60%) negative cases, whereas, the expression of PR was found positive in 18 cases (36%) and negative in 32 (64%) when water bath was used, in comparison to10 positive (20%) and 40 negative (80%) when PT link was used (P value 0.312).The expression of HER2 was as follows; water bath HER2 weak positive 20 cases (40%), moderate expression 10 cases (20%), overexpression 2 cases (4%). PT link weak expression 13 cases (26%), moderate expression 15 cases (30%), overexpression 4cases (8%); yet, the total number of negative cases and positive cases was equal for both methods (p-value 0.035).Conclusion: Antigen retrieval methods were found to affect the expression of common receptors in breast cancer. The magnitude of this effect was found to be significant in PR and HER2 receptors, however, the different methods of antigen retrieval did not affect the expression of ER. The appropriate and suitable retrieval methods have to be chosen individually for each receptor.Keywords: Antigen retrieval, ER, PR, HER2 expression, PT link, waterbath

    Towards a child-centered juvenile justice system in Egypt: A situation analysis of law and practice

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    The past few decades have witnessed a growing global interest in formulating juvenile justice systems that can prevent juvenile delinquency as well as rehabilitate and reintegrate juvenile offenders. This research studies the Egyptian juvenile justice system, both in terms of its regulating law as well as its application, in light of global instruments and international requirements for the establishment of a comprehensive and rehabilitative juvenile justice system. The research is qualitative, uses observation and interviews with stakeholders involved in the administration of the juvenile justice system in Egypt. It offers a conceptual framework that builds on the internationally pronounced United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s 2007 core elements of a comprehensive policy of juvenile justice as well as a set of parameters informed by the 2006 UNICEF and UNODC measurement of the juvenile justice and the 2008 Violence Against Children in Conflict with the Law indicators. The research argues that while the Egyptian Child Law (2008) that regulates the juvenile justice system largely complies with the core elements of a sound and just juvenile justice system, its application does not necessarily reflect the same level of compliance. Indeed, while different official documents promote the establishment of a rehabilitative system, the current system is largely punitive, prioritizing public safety and youth offender accountability to human rights and youth development. The research calls for policy reform that promotes a more child centered juvenile justice system in the country

    Combined Effect of Seismic-Induced Collision and Soil Stress Irregularity on Seismic Response of Adjacent High-Rise Buildings: Evaluation and Mitigation

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    Unequal distribution of stresses in the soil underneath the foundations of adjacent buildings represents a great challenge in structural engineering, especially for buildings prone to earthquakes. Another serious problem facing earthquake-prone adjacent buildings is collision, which severely affects the behavior of the buildings and changes the distribution of the soil stresses under the foundations of the buildings. This research investigates seismic responses of adjacent High-Rise Buildings (HRBs) exposed to seismic-induced pounding and impose irregular soil stress distribution considering the Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) effect. For this purpose, numerical nonlinear dynamic analysis of three-dimensional models of adjacent four HRBs is conducted. To mitigate the exaggerated effect of seismic-induced collision and soil stress irregularity on the seismic response of the adjacent HRBs, three approaches are proposed; improving soil bearing capacity in the highly stressed zone, joining the adjacent HRBs by means of Fluid Viscous Links (FVLs), and combining the two previous approaches. Three-dimensional models of the adjacent 4HRBs group are studied under different earthquakes to examine the above-mentioned three approaches. The combination approach shows promising results in moderating the collision effects; it considerably mitigates the pounding effects between the adjacent HRBs in terms of reducing straining actions and displacements of buildings as well as controlling stresses irregularity in soil under the foundations of such buildings

    The Efficacy of Using Augmented Reality Technology to Develop Multiple Intelligences for Children in Early Childhood

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    The current study aims to measures the effectiveness of using augmented reality technology to develop multiple intelligences in children in early childhood. The semi-experimental method was used with one group (pre and post). The research was applied to (30 children) from kindergarten children. Their ages ranged between (5-6) years. The study used the following materials and tools: a program based on the use of augmented reality technology to develop multiple intelligences in children in early childhood, a measure of multiple intelligences (linguistic - social - logical-mathematical - personal - natural intelligence) among children in early childhood (prepared by the researchers), and the study reached the following results: the effectiveness of using augmented reality in the development of multiple intelligences in children in early childhood, where the experimental group in the pre-application obtained an average of (13.97), while in the post-application it got an average of (25.80). The pre-application had a general average of (2.87), while it got an average of (5.13) in the post-application. The post-test has an average of (5.27), the effectiveness of using augmented reality technology in developing social intelligence Where the experimental group in the pre-application obtained a general average of (2.73), while in the post-application it got an average of (5.20). The post application has an average of (5.07) the effectiveness of using augmented reality technology in developing natural intelligence, where the experimental group in the pre application got an average of (2.73), while in the post application it got an average of (5.13), in the light of the results of the study, the researchers presented several Recommendations for the development of multiple intelligences in children in early childhood, which are: directing those in charge of preparing kindergarten curricula to include augmented reality technology in kindergarten curricula, directing the interest of kindergarten teachers, using augmented reality technology in developing multiple intelligences in children in early childhood, directing kindergarten teachers the diversity of methods and strategies used to develop multiple intelligences in children in early childhood

    Las implicaciones sociales de la (des)cortesía en el lenguaje narrativo de los autores Nobel

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    En este trabajo se expone un análisis contrastivo a nivel pragma-lingüístico del lenguaje narrativo en dos novelas: Charla sobre el Nilo del escritor Nobel egipcio Naguib Mahfuz y Conversación de la Catedral del novelista peruano Mario Vargas Llosa. El análisis se centra en el acuerdo intuitivo notable entre estos dos autores Nobel, a pesar de la distancia cultural, lingüística y geográfica, en desviar el Principio de Cortesía de Geoffery Leech. En ambas novelas se ve claro el uso de fórmulas lingüísticas que rompen la Cortesía pragmática con el fin de lograr una profunda y concienzuda crítica social de la realidad egipcia y peruana en la época de los años cincuenta y sesenta. A través de la violación del principio pragmático, ambos autores ganadores del Nobel, objeto de este estudio, buscan exponer una dolencia mayor que afecta a la sociedad tanto egipcia como peruana, una descortesía hacia los ciudadanos que pertenecen a diversos sectores y clases sociales. En las dos novelas analizadas, los novelistas encontraron en la transgresión del Principio de Cortesía el mejor camino para presentar las inquietudes y los conflictos constantes del ser humano contra su propia sociedad. Así mismo, tanto Mahfuz como Llosa, exponen las mentalidades que sustentan la estratificación de la sociedad, con sus respectivos prejuicios, creencias e ideologías. PALABRAS CLAVE: pragmática, cortesía, literatura del Nobel, Naguib Mahfuz, Vargas Llosa. The social implications of (im)politeness in narrative language of the Nobel authors ABSTRACTIn this paper, a contrastive analysis is presented at a pragmatic linguistic level of narrative language in two novels: Talking on the Nile of the Egyptian Nobel writer Naguib Mahfuz and Conversation of the Cathedral of the Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa. The analysis focuses on the remarkable intuitive agreement between these two Nobel authors in deviating from the Geoffery Leech Politeness Principle. In both novels it is clear the use of linguistic formulas that violates the pragmatic politeness in order to achieve a deep and thorough social criticism of the Egyptian and Peruvian reality in the time of the fifties and sixties. Through the violation of the pragmatic principle, both Nobel authors, the objective of this study, seek to expose a greater ailment that affects both Egyptian and Peruvian society, an impoliteness towards citizens belonging to various sectors and social classes. In the two novels analyzed, the novelists found in the transgression of the Principle of Courtesy the best way to present the concerns and constant conflicts of the human being against his own society. Likewise, both Mahfuz and Llosa, expose the mentalities that support the stratification of society, with their respective prejudices, beliefs and ideologies. KEYWORDS: Pragmatics, politeness, Nobel`s authors, Naguib Mahfuz, Mario Vargas Llosa

    Energy Optimization Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks for Forest Fire Detection:: An Innovative Sleep Technique

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have the potential to play a significant role in forest fire detection and prevention. However, limited resources, such as short battery life pose challenges for the energy efficiency and longevity of WSN-based IoT networks. This paper focused on the energy efficiency aspect and proposed the ECP-LEACH protocol to optimize energy consumption in forest fire detection cases. The proposed protocol consists of two main components: a threshold monitoring module and a sleep scheduling module. The threshold monitoring module continuously monitors energy consumption and triggers sleep mode for nodes surpassing the predetermined threshold. The ECP-LEACH protocol offers a promising solution for improving energy efficiency in WSN-based IoT networks for forest fire detection. By optimizing sleep scheduling and duty cycles, the ECP-LEACH protocol enables significant energy savings and extended network lifetim

    Cryo-preservation of sperm and embryos in small ruminants

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    Cryo-preservation of sperm and embryos is an important biotechnology for preservation and propagation of genetics. The aim of this paper is to review established procedures and recent advances in sheep, goats and some wild small ruminants. The use of frozen-thawed semen is more common in goat than in sheep. This is primarily due to the need for laparoscopic insemination in ewes. The major difference between sheep and goat is in the behavior seminal plasma towards egg yolk protein. Recently, research focused on development of new approaches to improve freezing extenders by eliminating animal products such as egg-yolk and milk from extenders and their replacement by lecithins from vegetal origin, testing new cryo-protectant and reducing the effects of oxidative stress. The effect of these factors can be tested now more rigorously through the use of various morphological and function techniques such as fluorescent stains, hypoosmotic stress and computerized semen analysis to detect DNA stability, membrane integrity and motion parameters. Small ruminant embryos have been cryopreserved by the slow-cooling technique, which is being slowly replaced by vitrification. In sheep, morulae and early blastocyst are more suitable for freezing. Whereas in goat, expanded blastocysts and hatched blastocyst produce better results. Pregnancy rates after transfer of cryopreservation sheep and goat embryos yields acceptable results when management of recipients and transfer techniques are performed adequately

    Eliot’s Approach to Ethical Poetry as a Case Study The Love Song by J. Alfred Prufrock

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    This study aims at showing the ethical approaches in T.S. Eliot’s poetry. I argue that Eliot’s poetry is loaded with ethical approaches that characterized the era in which he lived. Also, the significance of this study arises from the fact that ethics have become buried in modern life. I, among others, feel we need it urgently these days to survive in a nice manner.In The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, readers are shocked to notice male man has become or is viewed as being less productive and lacking decision-making, exactly another copy of Hamlet. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock reflects the feelings of emasculation, not feminism, experienced by many men as they returned home from World War I to find women empowered by their new role as wage earners. Prufrock (2009), unables to make a decision, watches women wander in and out of a room, “talking of Michelangelo” (p.14), and elsewhere admires their downy, bare arms.


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to formulate and in vitro evaluate fast dissolving oral film of practically insoluble bromocriptine mesylate to enhance its solubility and to improve its oral bioavailability by avoiding first pass effect as well as to produce an immediate release action of the drug from the film for an efficient management of diabetes mellitus type II in addition to an improvement of the patient compliance to this patient-friendly dosage form.Methods: The films were prepared by the solvent casting method using hydroxypropyl methylcellulose of grades (E3, E5, E15), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), pectin and gelatin as film-forming polymers in addition to polyethene glycol 400 (PEG400), propylene glycol (PG) and glycerin were used as a plasticizer. Poloxamer 407 was used as a surfactant, sodium saccharin as a sweetening agent, citric acid as a saliva stimulating agent, vanilla as a flavouring agent and crospovidone as a super disintegrant. The prepared films then tested for physical characterization, thickness, weight uniformity, mechanical characteristics (folding endurance, tensile strength, percent elongation and Young's modulus), surface pH, in vitro disintegration time, drug content and an in vitro drug release.Results: Films were found to be satisfactory when evaluated for physical characterization, thickness, weight uniformity, mechanical tests, in vitro disintegration time, folding endurance, drug content and an in vitro drug release. The surface pH of all the films was found to be neutral or minor change. Films in vitro drug release studies were also done using USP dissolution apparatus type II (paddle type). The in vitro drug release profile in the optimized formulation F14 was gave 86.8 % of drug released at 2 min. The optimized formulation F14 was also showed satisfactory pH (6.2±0.2), drug content (99.2±0.5%), the disintegration time of 9.2±0.1 seconds and the time needed for 80% of medication to be released (T80 %) was 1.35 minute.Conclusion: The bromocriptine mesylate fast dissolving oral film was formulated. The given film disintegrates within nine seconds which release the drug rapidly and gives an action